Keven Spacey is an actual pedophile, are Netflix still going to do season 6 of House of Cards, knowingly employing a pedo?

33  2017-10-30 by Yogurt__BOY


how do you know kevin spacey is an "actual pedophile"? because of one advance he made 20 years ago? have you never done something you regretted that went against your typical morals?

major companies don't care about employing shitheads – chris brown, jimmy savile, etc.

because i thought about what i impulsively posted and decided i did not stand by my words nor did i agree with my statement

wait sorry i forgot this is /r/conspiracy – after i posted it the reptillians beamed down and lizard obama and hillary scolded me and said i was risking blowing up the hollywood pedophile ring and las vegas false flag operations so i should stop attracting attention with my posts

wait sorry i forgot this is /r/conspiracy – after i posted it the reptillians beamed down and lizard obama and hillary scolded me

This is called deflection because you realize that you were trying to defend a grown man that was trying to rape a child.

Disgusting behavior in any context.

Enlighten us on how you are always able to say exactly what you mean, without possibly offending anyone. I’ll wait. Intent is a major part of interpersonal communication, and the user you are blatantly attacking already explained the intent wasn’t to protect a pedophile. But god forbid anyone not concisely form a cogent thought every single time they speak.

Jesus, they even admitted they were wrong and chose to rephrase and you continue to press the attack. Why is this, because attacking posters is all you have. Enjoy that-you miserably transparent, pedantic, and vindictive little person.

or you realized you were providing cover and defending an admitted pedophile.

yes, that's pretty much what i just said – my comment was impulsive and built on my desire to be contrarian rather than my actual stance. as i said above, i "decided i did not stand by my words nor did i agree with my statement"

You impulsively defend pedophiles? that isn't a rational thing people do, in fact, it is absolutely reprehensible disgusting behavior on your part.

true i guess i'll go turn myself in thanks for helping me see the light buddy

It's not really a laughing matter.

We have a massive problem in society where kids are getting raped and here you come, pretending that you "desire to be contrarian" which is a laughable statement because society at large does not accept pedophiles in any shape or form.

You are literally a pedophile enabler, you might not have known it, but you do now.

now i know, thanks yogurt boy for teaching me so much about myself. i'm in your debt!

It might be something you want to bring up next time you are at the doctors, mental health issues are no joke.

ok thanks i'll do that i'll let the ole doc know that yogurt boy from reddit told me i should get checked out

I feel bad for you man. You realized your mistake and tried to fix it—not knowing it was too late to stop some of the hardliners who just want to argue.

I'm convinced my company could have employed and known about someone like Jeff Dahmer yet say nothing if he was exceeding his stretch goals.

you need to be pedo to get big. there was a journalist that went upstairs in hollywood so to say. and he said the most asked question was "are you a pedophile?" "you ever had sex with a kid whilst audience is watching? no? i can bring you to places"

Interesting. I assume you have a name of this journalist or some links to them talking about this, right?

if you dont like the source(fast google) then you are free to lookup others.


Netflix is full of pedos. Just check out Bill Nye's butt stuff for 14 year olds.

why does he have to move his hands so much? It makes him look desperate for approval

The people who started this Marxist Communist plan lived a long time ago in an era when everyone pretty much bucked it up or perished. Now we're in the closing scene of their play and we're not exactly where they had planned us to be, and the inheritors of the plan grew up spoiled and ruined, really, as an effective final leg. As a result, you can feel the desperation. The cringe is high.

Can people stop posting links to the video, I don't want to lose my lunch being reminded of that horrible clip.

You really think enough people are aware of the Butt Stuff Talking Vagina Give a Stranger a Handjob Give Yourself Props song?

People here, probably. People else where, probably not.

People here, probably.


It gets linked here every once in a while, plus all the posts about it when if first came out.

You know how when you tune into some foreign TV channel, and there's a show that looks hokey and ill-produced and you have no idea what's going on and you eventually come to the conclusion that that country must be insane.

Yeah. That's exactly how I felt watching that Bill Nye clip.

The real question is who’s going to boycott and repudiate the works of these Hollywood sickos amongst their peers.

If going forward one can’t help but still enjoy a Kevin Spacey “classic”, or if you still give your time to the Weinsteins, then you’re pedofile enabler.

I think some people are able to separate the art from the artist. For example, Dr. Seuss was quite the racist, but his books are damn good.

HP Lovecraft was a huge racist - I actually think that's what makes his work good. But he's a horror writer, kinda comes with the territory that he should be fucked in the head.

Or Orson Scott Card with Ender's Game. Vile man, great book.

So you admit you're a Nazi... /s

I admit that you are retarted.

that's funny

Tell that to the world who still embraces Michael Jackson's music despite child abuse allegations and the newlyfound evidence that surfaced after his death.

Newly found evidence?

There was no evidence. It was some art books that had some pics of naked kids in them. Sold legally all around the world. He was set up. I don't believe a word of that bullshit.

he was the distraction for the actual pedos.

That's fair. I probably should've looked farther into it

What are you even talking about? You think everyone that's not a pedophile is perfect? Why do you arbitrarily draw the line there? Will you still watch movies from anyone who's ever driven drunk and killed innocent people? What about driven drunk and injured people? How about someone who abuses their child physically, but not sexually? A lot of people have done some fucked up stuff, why do you draw the line any touching young boys? Fuck off with your arbitrary moral high ground.

If he wasn't rich or famous or a Satanist, his career would be ruined.

The normalization of pedophilia is happening.

Any verifiable source on the Satanist claim? Because it sounds like horse-shit.

Though I agree with your last statement.

What do you consider verifiable?

Probably sources that can be verified, I’d guess.

I usually go with sources that cite sources.. too many people post stuff here that links to absolutely nothing, if you want to verify its true.. it takes Google-fu.

I wonder if anyone could find links to him and spirit cooking?

Last was gay marriage and transgenderism. Now its pedophilia. I can only assume bestiality and necrophilia are next.

But it's like love! Omg don't be bigoted.

Exactly. That's exactly how theyre going to downplay and normalize these atrocities. As soon as it becomes "non PC" to think otherwise, it's all over.

Gay marriage among consenting adults is not the same as normalizing pedophilia

Missed a bridge in your reaching. Gay marriage was formerly viewed by society as an abomination. Even just simply BEING a homosexual was deemed worthy of death for a long time.

Yes with a but, I think you're the one who has it backwards. What society believed or believes -- versus "is anyone getting hurt?"

Because society once believed pedophila was A-OK doesn't mean THEY were right either.

Maybe he should run for president. lol

We don't need another Bill Clinton in office.

Agreed, or another creepy orange deviant.

Just say Trump. You look like a fool talking about someone's skin color.

You think that color is natural? LOL

That would make anyone who has done any alteration to their body laughable to you. Whether its tattoo,silicone or hairdye or body modification or is this LOL only for Trump.

Sure, I'd laugh at anyone who deliberately makes themselves look completely ridiculous.

It's ok. We're laughing at you.

Cool, thanks!


In order to advance your career in the upper echelons of society you have to do things that keep you from being independent of the leadership.

That's why gays were so heavily used in politics before the 20th century. Now they need people to do more and more in order to advance.

Fucking a child is low level. Killing one is what happens at the top.

Satanic ritual child torture killing.

In so many words yes.

I have a feeling that if atudios stopped employing pedos they wouldn't have (m)any actors left.

it is a bit ironic to state

Kevin Spacey is an actual pedophile

when you clearly dont know the actual definition of pedophile.

semantics aside, no I do not believe that Netflix is going to eat that money that went into a season which is likely already done or nearly done production. Its all, always, about the money.

I'm assuming your American because that's not being ironic.

Although op hasn't got any other proof the definition of a pedo is someone who is sexually attracted to children, 14 years old is close enough for me.

Although op hasn't got any other proof the definition of a pedo is someone who is sexually attracted to children,

Children, as in pre pubescent. I'm not saying it's right to engage with a 14 yo (even though that's the age of consent here I live), but semantics matter.

14 years old is close enough for me.

Doesn't really matter what you think. You could think it's murder if you wanted to... Still wouldn't be the case

What the fuck do call someone who wants to fuck a 14 yr old then?



Hebephilia. You know, you can research stuff you're curious about.

Politically correct pedophilia? Lol, doesn't matter, put em all down.

Wikipedia says hebephile

“Hebephilia is the strong, persistent sexual interest by adults in pubescent (early adolescent) children (especially those showing Tanner stages 2-3 of development), which is typically ages 11–14. It differs from pedophilia (the primary or exclusive sexual interest in prepubescent children),[1][2][3] and from ephebophilia (the primary sexual interest in later adolescents, typically ages 15–19).[1][4]”

Now the show feels waaaay more realistic.

Bu has it been unequivocally been confirmed? Despite the staggering accusations against Bill Cosby, his shows are still syndicated on television.

Prediction: Netflix is going to work the pedophile angle into the show. Spacey's character will become embroiled in a major pedo scandal, and the season will be about him dealing with it. Free PR for everyone!

I wonder if people are more forgiving of Kevin Spacey, because he is coming out as a gay man now.

Call me a pedophile apologist and downvote me. I'm sure you will. This sub has a huge hard on for anything pedophile related. But let's at least get one thing straight. The exact definition of pedophile is the sexual preference of prepubescent children. The preference over others, but just the attraction itself. But I'm not excusing pedophiles. That's irrelevant, because even if the accusations are true Kevin Spacey is not a pedophile. Ephebophilia is the sexual preference of post pubescent adolescents. Again not just the attraction but the specific preference over other age ranges. Aside from the being illegal in some countries, certainly not all, the attraction to 14+ year old adolescents is considered psychologically normal and even the specific preference, again not just the occasional attraction, is not considered a pathology or paraphilia. In fact through literally all of human history there was no stigma associated with such behavior. Assuming the allegations are true, according to the "victim" he was not sexually assaulted, raped or anything of the like. An inebriated Spacey made a sexual advance and when it was clear the other party was not interested the encounter ended.

So what is the benefit to anyone involved to bring this up 30 years later? What is the point? Why ruin someone's career over an uncomfortable encounter that happened decades ago? And of course the she's of the internet want to scream rape and pedophilia, both of which are entirely untrue. All it does is minimize the damage of actual rape and pedophilia. A guy says something inappropriate? It's not rape. A guy makes a sexual advance and you don't like it? That's not rape. This plague of bringing literally dozens of famous people down with unprovable accusations from decades past is the real conspiracy. What is the point of this new witch hunt? Anyone who has ever had even a brief encounter with a celebrity or powerful person can now completely destroy their career and reputation with a single tweet. Is that not scary in itself?

Because they likely have other victims?

Apologist hair-splitting pedophile-defending quibbling deflecting raging much?

What the fuck does that even mean? Yea it's deflection you're right. I'm totally a pedophile. A satanic pedophile just like everyone else in the world according to you fucking faggots who ruined this God damn sub. I used to come here to talk about actual world events until literally every other fucking story on the front page is about pedophile this pedophile that. Fucking satanic child murdering pedophiles with secret dungeons under their strip mall restaurants. Give me a fucking break. You're right I'm splitting hairs by pointing out that two things are completely fucking different from each other. We wouldn't even be having this discussion if this happened in Albania, Andorra, Austria, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Montenegro, Portugal, San Marino or Serbia because the age of consent is 14. If you want to defend witch hunting and destroying people's lives and careers over things that happened decades ago because it violates your puritanical sense of morality go right the fuck ahead. I'll go right back to diddling kids while worshiping Satan. You people make me sick.

So it's "yes" then. Good luck with that hormone problem.

Where's the evidence of him being a pedohile? I've only seen him apologise for making a move on a 14 year old.

Having sex with 14 years old is not pedophillia. Stat rape is another case.

Why is everone of this sort a Democrat?

Why is everone of this sort a Democrat?

Apparently you've never heard of Donald Trump, Ted Nugent, or Dennis Hastert.

Netflix just said House of Cards will be cancelled after season 6.

Kevin Spacy is a pedophile. He's a great actor, a great liar. It doesn't matter if he's gay, or just came out. Gay people, like anyone else, have pedophiles - does it somehow get you a get-out-of-jail-free card? Hell fuck no!

His career should end. Why are people even debating this? Are we sympathizing with the gay pedophile? He fucked/molested Anthony Rapp (whom I love since RENT) when Rapp was only 14. If he did it then, you know he fucked again...another 14 year old. He thought he sat on high, untouchable. In reality, these powerful pedophiles are nothing more than cowards, always hiding in the dark, always scared of the light.

Do you not know what a pedophile is? Pedophiles are attracted to prepubescent children. Someone in their early 20s drunkenly climbing onto a 14 year old at a party does not make someone a pedophile.

It seems like you're trying to legitimize pedophilia? Wait you are. You seem to think getting a 14 year old pregnant would be perfectly normal. Same fucking analogy here, yeah. You have been blocked. Go and brainwash 14 year-olds to have sex with adults and vice versa you sick fuck.

Definition of pedophilia: Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children.

This is a sub for conspiracy theories, no need to have a meltdown when confronted with facts.

Stop quibbling.

Don't even waste your time. I'm unsubscribing from this sub. Their obsession with pedophiles has turned into something really sickening. This used to be a place to discuss government corruption and its turned into something so fucking bizarre and cultish it's scary. The fact that this literally is not the description of pedophilia doesn't compute. I'm done here. They don't even have the reading comprehension to understand that he's not even being accused of rape. Or molestation. He drunkenly came onto the kid at a cast party for a play they were in. He didn't lure the kid there. He was in his 20s. Did he show poor decision making skills? Sure whatever. Was anyone in any way harmed by his actions. No I don't think they were and the fact that this guy wants to bring this up 30 years later makes him a real piece of shit. He's not a predator, a rapist, a child molester, a pedophile. But fuck it, y'all wanna pretend everyone in the world is running around fucking kids for Satan or whatever go right the fuck ahead.

Update: House of Cards is cancelled.

yes, that's pretty much what i just said – my comment was impulsive and built on my desire to be contrarian rather than my actual stance. as i said above, i "decided i did not stand by my words nor did i agree with my statement"

I think some people are able to separate the art from the artist. For example, Dr. Seuss was quite the racist, but his books are damn good.

HP Lovecraft was a huge racist - I actually think that's what makes his work good. But he's a horror writer, kinda comes with the territory that he should be fucked in the head.

if you dont like the source(fast google) then you are free to lookup others.

So you admit you're a Nazi... /s

Tell that to the world who still embraces Michael Jackson's music despite child abuse allegations and the newlyfound evidence that surfaced after his death.

The people who started this Marxist Communist plan lived a long time ago in an era when everyone pretty much bucked it up or perished. Now we're in the closing scene of their play and we're not exactly where they had planned us to be, and the inheritors of the plan grew up spoiled and ruined, really, as an effective final leg. As a result, you can feel the desperation. The cringe is high.

What are you even talking about? You think everyone that's not a pedophile is perfect? Why do you arbitrarily draw the line there? Will you still watch movies from anyone who's ever driven drunk and killed innocent people? What about driven drunk and injured people? How about someone who abuses their child physically, but not sexually? A lot of people have done some fucked up stuff, why do you draw the line any touching young boys? Fuck off with your arbitrary moral high ground.

People here, probably.


Exactly. That's exactly how theyre going to downplay and normalize these atrocities. As soon as it becomes "non PC" to think otherwise, it's all over.

Why is everone of this sort a Democrat?

Apparently you've never heard of Donald Trump, Ted Nugent, or Dennis Hastert.

Missed a bridge in your reaching. Gay marriage was formerly viewed by society as an abomination. Even just simply BEING a homosexual was deemed worthy of death for a long time.

It's ok. We're laughing at you.