Hey r/conspiracy, Trump ain’t the conspiracy. It’s the people foaming at the mouth going after him.

0  2017-10-30 by FeelinFlush

If you didn’t trust the MSM yesterday, then please don’t today either.


Reddit's very interesting to me. They absolutely hated the big corporations and big media prior to the election and are now their biggest fans.

The average retard reddit user believes the very carefully crafted narrative reddit programs them with.

If so many people believe the narrative, how can it be wrong? You cant argue with facts like that!


I wonder If Im the only one that was really jealous of the scientist that got "corrected"? That man was happy and peaceful.

I mean, who do I have to rape to get 10 million down votes cuz I will rape that person right now.


Reddit loves the NFL and Higher Taxes now? jeez News to me.

Definitely. I saw a lot of people on here talk about how they wanted to get into it since they stood up to Trump.

I've seen the Dems and reddit complain up and down about the taxes breaks.

Bernie obviously didn't win, but he had and still has a large following that would like to raise taxes on the rich back to the old levels like 70% a few decades ago or 90% before that.

What? Reddit never hated the NFL. They supported the Iran deal. And this place went crazy for Bernie and his policies. They hated higher taxes? Bullshit. And reddit still hates Kim jong un. No idea where you came up with this list.

Reddit never hated the NFL.

Dems do because of the concussions and because of the special tax breaks they get. Go check out John Oilver's segments on it and the support from reddit he got.

They supported the Iran deal.

There's been some pro-Iran stuff around here. Their leader calling Trump retarded got a ton of upvotes for instance. Very strange from a place that hates people who don't like gays and don't think women should be working.

They hated higher taxes? Bullshit.

They absolutely hate Trump's plan which will give money back to normal people, which is what they were calling for with $15 an hour and other movements.

And reddit still hates Kim jong un.

Oh no. He gets lots of love anytime he goes against Trump and people were debunking stuff about him in r|todayIlearned.

Players should be as protected as possible and it is lame that tax payers put up the money for new stadiums. That doesn't mean liberals hate the NFL. Conservatives are the ones who apparently hate the NFL because it just sucks when black people protest.

You can be against Iran's ideologies and still want peace with them. Reddit hates North Korea but doesn't want a nuclear war with them either.

Trumps plan gives back to the normal people? Lol. 80% of the cuts go to the top 1%. The bottom 60% get 8.7% of the cuts. Holy shit, thanks Trump!

And I'd love to see all these pro North Korea comments you speak of. All i see are posts that make fun of Kim.

Players should be as protected as possible

I think the best way for them to protect themselves would be to actually tackle + pull instead of going for big hits. People rarely ever tackle anymore. They should be wearing Rugby style helmets or no helmets, then they won't be encouraged to nail people under the guise of "the helmet will protect me".

Conservatives are the ones who apparently hate the NFL because it just sucks when black people protest.

The NFL is a workplace. I would get in trouble if I took a knee at my work. No different in the NFL.

While I do find the protests annoying, doing it during the flag is disrespectful and what really gets me. If they did it any other time, I would roll my eyes but not care as much. I also don't think that the 1% of cops who kill blacks are the problems, but the 97% of blacks who kill blacks are. Accusing mass groups of people of various things is racism at its finest.

You can be against Iran's ideologies and still want peace with them. Reddit hates North Korea but doesn't want a nuclear war with them either.

I don't think we are making peace with groups who chant "death to America" and run propaganda campaigns on TV for terroristic actions. Go check out "The Cult of the Suicide Bomber". I also don't think the ideas of the west and first world countries are compatible with the Middle East or places like China on a large scale.

NK should have been solved 25 years ago before it got to this point. Letting Un continue to make threats and praying that he doesn't actually act on his threats is being his bitch.

Trumps plan gives back to the normal people? Lol. 80% of the cuts go to the top 1%. The bottom 60% get 8.7% of the cuts. Holy shit, thanks Trump!

Cut's a cut. I'm not super knowledgeable about taxes myself.

And I'd love to see all these pro North Korea comments you speak of. All i see are posts that make fun of Kim.

Stuff like this:



Not completely obvious, but definitely a little pro-NK snuck in.

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The NFL came out and said they wouldn't penalize anyone for kneeling during the anthem. So I don't know why you guys keep running around with this argument that they shouldn't protest at work. The NFL specifically said they could.

I guess you don't really have a defense that trumps tax cut is for himself and his rich friends. Not sure why you're rooting for rich electes on a conspiracy sub, but whatever.

Those two posts about North Korea are just little factoids. Neither are pro North Korea. I've seen more defense for North Korea around this sub than I have on the rest of reddit.

The NFL specifically said they could.

The official rules say they have to stand. They are also employees and they can be fired for any reason, barring contractual stips.

I'm not really arguing that though:

"While I do find the protests annoying, doing it during the anthem is disrespectful and what really gets me. If they did it any other time, I would roll my eyes but not care as much. I also don't think that the 1% of cops who kill blacks are the problems, but the 97% of blacks who kill blacks are. Accusing mass groups of people of various things is racism at its finest."

I guess you don't really have a defense that trumps tax cut is for himself and his rich friends. Not sure why you're rooting for rich electes on a conspiracy sub, but whatever.

I don't know a lot about taxes. Not a specialty of mine. We all have area's we are better at than other area's.

Those two posts about North Korea are just little factoids. Neither are pro North Korea. I've seen more defense for North Korea around this sub than I have on the rest of reddit.

Start looking through the comments on the golf score. Lots of pro-NK stuff.

It's not even worth arguing with people who believe we "shouldn't believe the narrative!" then repeat back the narrative they want to believe (e.g. they'll repeat word for word the "tax cuts" narrative they're fed because it jives with what they WANT to believe).

I still hate Kim Jon Un.

I still think Bush was a shit president. Seems like a chill guy though.

I don't like or dislike clinton.

Indifferent towards MSM, NFL

I think Iran has a terrible government but the people I've met from there all seem pretty cool.

I think taxes should be raised for people making over 200k/year and lowered for people making less than 50k/year. I've always thought this. Incidentally my taxes wouldn't go up or down if they did this.

dont tell me what to do

But I asked politely.


Wow, judging by the voting here, this sub HAS to be overrun by government shills, trying to convince even the half-baked redpillers that Trump is evil just because of the mere fact that he got elected into the government in the first place. "He is president, therefore he is evil." You guys are a fucking disgrace. Your hatred and cynicism blinds you from the truth--that we may in fact be moving just a little bit in the right direction (or that we should at least wait and see if this is the case). You guys fail to see that the media and establishment politicians freaking out as much as they are might just be evidence that Trump is a direct threat to the status quo that you lightweights pretend to hate.

this sub HAS to be overrun by government shills

Or it could be that you're a fucking idiot.

Or it could be that I'm surrounded by 21st century beta males who think it's cool to spout their hatred from the depths of their moms' basements.

No, it just sounds like you're an idiot. Are you an incel too?

How's your meatloaf?

Removed. Rule 10.

lol well at least im not a beta male, cuck

You sound like you vape, love Bitcoin, and still live with your parents.

Good effort, but loving bitcoin and living with your parents are mutually exclusive. Take a gander at the charts, kid.

Lol, that was legitimately funny. Thank you for that!

Or it’s my brother.

Posts that attack this sub, users or mods thereof, will be removed. Accusing another user of being a troll or shill can be viewed as an attack, depending on context. First violations will usually result in a warning but bans are at the mods' discretion.

Or it could be the fluoride in your water was not correctly diluted and you ended up drinking a stronger concentration of the mixture.

Removed. Rule 10.

This is a significant day in the history of The United States of America. We are watching a disaster unfold and the only thing that we can be sure of is that it's our problem to deal with. Is this what we can expect from you in our hour of crisis?

lol more media propaganda.


I'm definitely not a gov shill, hell I'm not even in the US. I downvoted you because you come off as a bit of an idiot.

I don't know if you're right or wrong but you come off as desperate with your "BELIEVE ME IM RIGHT EVERYBODY ELSE IS WRONG" rhetoric.

I'm 100% willing to consider your point, but at least try to back it up. Offer evidence. Theories. Something. Don't just say "this is the way it is and the other people are shills."

It’s difficult, I admit, for me to get through to people on this sub who are so aware of so many more truths than the average joe but still will not even able to consider having an open mind about the possibility of there exists even a single good person inside the government. I may have been crass, but I never said this is how it is. I said “might” twice because I’m trying to get people to just accept the possibility that trump MIGHT be a good thing. I’m trying to get people to understand that our only chance at liberty is disclosure of government secrets. How our actual world is run. If people suddenly had this knowledge, we could even end world poverty tomorrow. My point is everything would be different, the people would take back the power of their own lies. And so now those very people have elected a total outsider who the mainstream media (one of their most important tools for control) have bashed him and lied about him 24/7. The people did it anyways. Even the republican side coulda chosen any other of that massive field of candidates. That tells me more people are waking up. AND, the way the establishment and the media have gone after them leads me to believe they both see him as a huge disclosure threat. Once mueller is gone and the other two thirds of trump’s picks are confirmed, THERE’S A CHANCE we might see a concerted effort for trump to bring secrets to light. Yet the very community (r/conspiracy) who knows all these secrets and wishes the rest of the world knew fails to consider that outcome even a possibility. The establishment and media are desperate right now because of trump. Can’t we all agree that’s a good thing?!?

In your title you make a direct statement and offer no evidence.

This post was only initially meant to jolt the brain a little bit into thinking even for a split second that it may not be thinking about trump correctly.

Really? People against the president are government shills?

You sound paranoid. Seek help.

They are all 'the conspiracy'. Its a false oligarchy. Just seems to be a minor internal dispute. Thats all.

I guess that explains why the MSM (the most important tool of this false oligarchy) has taken their crazy level to defcon 1 million since Trump came along?

Yes sir. It threatens their easy going, rich, rapey lives. This wouldve never happened had they made everyone a little more equal financially. They would slide by wayy easier if capitalism doesnt hang people out to dry as they profit from them. MSM is on the money side. Its soo clear, even before the election.

Just to be clear - what ("it") threatens their easy going, rich, rapey lives?

In this case I was referring to Trump's "shake down" of the MSM community. (a mixture of hollywood allegations, fake news declarations, and political investigations)

You think the MSM shouldn't be shaken down? Do you realize how much Trump could personally profit by working WITH the system? And do you realize how much the MSM would back off of him if that were the case?

Oh the whole fucking system needs it. I figure Obama took all the 'work with us' money, and if Trump was working with them for profit I think Las Vegas wouldve went way smoother than it did.

The MSM is going nuts because he's an arsehole, he also happens to be corrupt and compromised as hell.

I guess that explains why the MSM (the most important tool of this false oligarchy) has taken their crazy level to defcon 1 million since Trump came along?

It's gone to crazy level not because he "came along" but because he won. He wasn't expected to win. The MSM loved the amount of press he generated as a candidate, and he was propped up like a Pied Piper by his opponents so that he would fail, but he didn't.

That's not to say he ISN'T corrupt (hell, he used to be a friend of the Clintons). He messed up the structure for four years, and as such is a wild card.

Whether that's a GOOD or BAD wild card depends on the reader's own political leanings, and what he does in his time in office.

r/conspiracy is supposed to be about truth- not propping up the view points of a cult of personality. Trump is as corrupt and compromised as they come, if you can't see that then there's another subreddit you can go visit where no one will ever question anything he does.

Trump is as corrupt and compromised as they come,

Proof? What has he done?

You have to be willfully blind not to see it. That's not even mentioning the brazen nepotism, money laundering, mob connections, his use of populism as a means to manipulate, the constant lies about things big and small, the list is fucking endless.

So no specific examples? Just hyperbole and headline words?

There's a picture for you. Google those men. I'll wait. Do you really need a specific example for brazen Nepotism?

Zinke, whitefish. Devos pushing private schools she's invested in. Price and his jet setting. Fucking Jared needing 10 financial forms cuz he's a liar. Want me to go on?

Don't know much about Devos myself or Price, but I do know he did face repercussions for his actions. The more businesses and stuff you are involved in will make it more complicated.

This is not really proof. You gave us a picture, then essentially tell us to look into it. If you cannot explain it to a 5 year old, you don't really understand what you are saying.

I shouldn't need to explain to you how those men are or why this is a problem. If you really care about the truth you can google it. I'm not going to write out 2 pages just to have it downvoted and get "lol hillury" replies back. But you're a td poster so I shouldn't expect you to look into anything that might hurt your view of daddy. On the most basic level I shouldn't have to explain why the worst case of nepotism in the highest office of government we've ever had is a bad thing. But you'll write it off and excuse like you would never do for any other politician. sad, man. truly fucking sad.

But you're a td poster so I shouldn't expect you to look into anything that might hurt your view of daddy

Aww, you talk tough, but you can't back it up. Got it. You can't support your argument. Cool story.

On the most basic level I shouldn't have to explain why the worst case of nepotism in the highest office of government we've ever had is a bad thing.

Speaking of Nepotism, evan Obama's DOJ doesn't really see eye to eye with you.

So, maybe you should explain

Aww, you talk tough, but you can't back it up. Got it. You can't support your argument. Cool story.

Aww, you just proved me exactly right. You are literally unable to look anything up that might make you question your loyalty to the president. (I'll give you a hint atleast one of the people in the picture was just indicted by the FBI)

Speaking of Nepotism, evan Obama's DOJ doesn't really see eye to eye with you.

lol, making excuses just as predicted. you just can't help yourself. Maybe you should look up the word nepotism- it doesn't have to be illegal. But it can still be unprecedented, immoral, and unethical. I'm sure you would have no problem if Hillary had won and put Chelsea in that position. Just like i'm sure his 35 year old son-in-law is the absolutely the best and most qualified person to meet with Israeli and Palestinian heads of state.

It's really pathetic how far you go to defend someone so woefully unqualified and corrupt. Look at yourself and the mental gymnastics you are doing. You should not be so loyal to someone you can't see even his most obvious deficiencies.

I'm sure you would have no problem if Hillary had won and put Chelsea in that position.

No, you're wurpyvert.

Aww, you just proved me exactly right. You are literally unable to look anything up that might make you question your loyalty to the president. (I'll give you a hint atleast one of the people in the picture was just indicted by the FBI)

Aww, and the special counsel got info from...the White House

lol, making excuses just as predicted. you just can't help yourself. Maybe you should look up the word nepotism- it doesn't have to be illegal. But it can still be unprecedented, immoral, and unethical. I'm sure you would have no problem if Hillary had won and put Chelsea in that position. Just like i'm sure his 35 year old son-in-law is the absolutely the best and most qualified person to meet with Israeli and Palestinian heads of state.

If pointing out how you are wrong is making excuses well then...I came here to chew gum and give out excuses and I'm all out of bubble gum.

In seriousness, you don't have a legal leg to stand on no matter how much you want to soapbox the issue. I could give 2 shits who clinton appointed, enough of the "what if's" she will never be President, but nice attempt at whataboutism. You still haven't proved your point.

It's really pathetic

It's really pathetic I showed how you are not correct, and to support your argument, but you go and do this. Sad.

Look at yourself and the mental gymnastics you are doing.

This is linear thought. The DOJ does not agree with you. Period. It is you attempting the mental gymnastics trying to argue how Obama's DOJ is wrong. Sad

You should not be so loyal to someone you can't see even his most obvious deficiencies.

I know Trump is not perfect. In fact, I have yet to meet a perfect person.

Aww, and the special counsel got info from...the White House

Lol. And. That disproves absolutely nothing other then at best what a fucking terrible judge of character Trump is.

In seriousness, you don't have a legal leg to stand on no matter how much you want to soapbox the issue.

I don't need a legal leg to stand on. I'm not a lawyer nor am I contending that Kushner's appointment is illegal. I'm contending that it's unethical and unprecedented. Lol.

I could give 2 shits who clinton appointed enough of the "what if's" she will never be President

You don't have to answer the question, I know the answer. You would lose your shit. But you give Trump a pass. I know you don't want to think about that because it conflicts with your world view but you should be able to face it.

It's really pathetic I showed how you are not correct, and to support your argument,

You constructed a straw man argument and declared victory. Once again, I never said it was illegal. But hey don't let that stop you from throwing yourself a parade.

This is linear thought. The DOJ does not agree with you.

That is not the point. You really don't get it, do you? I never said the DOJ agreed with me. But I guess by your stunning logic if the DOJ didn't have a problem with things Obama or Bush or Clinton did it must be fine right? Because everything unethical is illegal! and theres no way around that! Because that's the sole way we determine what is ethical or not, right?

I don't need a legal leg to stand on. I'm not a lawyer nor am I contending that Kushner's appointment is illegal.


Once again, I never said it was illegal.

and my favorite:

That is not the point. You really don't get it, do you? I never said the DOJ agreed with me. But I guess by your stunning logic if the DOJ didn't have a problem with things Obama or Bush or Clinton did it must be fine right? Because everything unethical is illegal! and theres no way around that! Because that's the sole way we determine what is ethical or not, right?

So did you just admit Trump is not this corrupt person you claim?

Either way, you are getting easily sidetrack. You still haven't supported your argument from your original comment. Im still waiting.

So did you just admit Trump is not this corrupt person you claim?

You really need to work on your reading comprehension. That's literally the exact opposite of what I said. Unless- you literally believe that the only way something can be 'corrupt' is if the DOJ says it is. Is that what you said?

Here is the definition of corrupt:

having or showing a willingness to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain.

You're welcome to read this post I just made about how Trump pours tax payer money into his own pocket by constantly visiting his own resort.

Here is an extensive post on curious connections to the Russian government

Here is another list of curious connections to the Russian Mob.

Here is the time the DOJ (this one has to count!) riled a Civil Rights lawsuit against him.

Here are 50 tweets denying global warming- until he was able to use it as an excuse to protect his gold course

Here, here, and here are stories of Trump getting sued for refusing to pay contractors for work they did on his properties.

Is that enough for you? Or is everything you don't want to hear fake news?

not OP, but my opinion on the matter is that anyone seeking that kind of power is corrupt to the core to begin with. Any human being that wants the power to control other people is a detriment to the human race.

Trump wants power therefore Trump is corrupt.

not OP, but my opinion on the matter is that anyone seeking that kind of power is corrupt to the core to begin with.

I think there's a couple of reasons Trump may have run:

1) Wanted to make America better and hated its current direction.

2) Wanted to see if he could do it, took it as a challenge to cap off a successful life.

3) Saw the potential fame/business gains from it and went for it.

All could be true, one specific reason could be true, none could be true. No one but Trump and maybe his inner circle knows.

Trump has said #1 is the reason publicly.

Well said, then lets look no further into it. Move along everyone. We've never heard that from every politician ever.

I trust in President Trump. If you don't, that's fine.

I personally believe he probably ran for a combo of all 3 reasons.

Ironically, Trump's power is feeble compared to the likes of the fed, CIA, FBI, and NSA, all of which do not have to answer to Trump (or the people) at all. There's deeper forces at play bro.

No disagreement from me

I'd agree with your statement if America was a dictatorship but it's not. What extra power does he get by being president? He gave up a comfy billionaire lifestyle to serve the country for ungrateful people who hate him, call him every ism & ist imaginable, stab him in the back and do everything in their power to hurt his admin and remove him from office.

I don't know about you but I'd much prefer the power of being a wealthy private citizen were everyone's polite to you and kisses your ass than deal with what he's going through right now. He's constantly under the microscope and virtually powerless.

Yes, Trump is really sacrificing a lot for us. I'm sure he was just desperately concerned for the well being of the common american. There are no benefits of being president after all, he can't push legislation or executive order his way into tax breaks. He can't not divest himself of his businesses and vacation at his own clubs (after raising the prices) so that government money flows directly into his pockets. Man, he really is self-less.

You're right. He can't do those things. He has to obey the law and his power is contained by the constitution and kept in check by two other branches.

(Psst, he has done all of those things.)

I'll look up just one for you.

Mar-Largo Doubles Fees

Trump went there 25 times between inauguration and the end of April

Each visit costs taxpayers $3 million dollars

The Secret Service has spent $60,000 on golf cart rentals

I shouldn't need to tell you everything there costs money and the secret service by law has to pay. It's as much as $2000 a night for a room there In addition, he's considered at least 3 MarLargo members for ambassadorships.

That's normal i'm sure.

None of that accounting for local costs, police, coast guard, shutting down streets, etc.

He could go to Camp David, you know the place designed for Presidents to take vacations (you know the vacations he said he would never take) but here's what he said:

“Yea, Camp David is very rustic, it’s nice, you’d like it. You know how long you’d like it? For about 30 minutes.”

Ah well, I guess its fine if he thinks it's boring...


If any of that was illegal the proper authorities will address it because as I stated originally, America isn't a dictatorship.

I tend to agree, and don't deny that Trump has likely done many corrupt things to get to where he is today. But I certainly won't join the corrupt people calling for his head just to keep their own skeletons hidden in the closet.

It's definitely a Catch 22, but hopefully this presidency will get the ball rolling on exposing all of this corruption so that the average citizen starts holding these people more accountable. Our society desperately needs a reboot

We don't run on opinions. It's my opinion that mustard should be outlawed but opinions mean nothing.

All you need to do is look at his relationship with Goldman Sachs, that's just the tip of it, but it'd be enough for anyone here if it were a Democrat or Neocon politician.

I'm looking for specific allegations that President Trump is corrupt and specific evidence to support them.

If I were going to get advice on running the economy, I would probably contact bankers. And being a high profile billionaire in NYC, Trump probably does know some of the higher ups at Sachs anyway.

And a high profile billionaire in NYC that rubs shoulders with Goldman Sachs execs and gives them high positions of power is very likely corrupt. You make excuses and rationalisations for the man that you probably wouldn't make for any other person in power, surely you see that?

A true outsider and man of the people would not give Wall Street more insider power, it's simple.

And a high profile billionaire in NYC that rubs shoulders with Goldman Sachs execs and gives them high positions of power is very likely corrupt.

The most knowledgeable money people in the US are probably going to work in banks and various firms. If they aren't, they probably aren't that good.

You make excuses and rationalisations for the man that you probably wouldn't make for any other person in power, surely you see that?

I'm pretty fair.

A true outsider and man of the people would not give Wall Street more insider power, it's simple.

I can see the logic for and against.

You prob railed against Hillary for speaking to Goldman Sachs didn't you? Hahaha. Gary cohn and mnuchin are literally writing the tax code!!!! You got played son, crawl back in your hole for the next year, its gonna be a bumpy ride. If I were your dad I'd be concerned...........

You prob railed against Hillary for speaking to Goldman Sachs didn't you?

Not a bernout, but a lot of bernouts were questioning why she wouldn't release the transcipts of those speeches. I mean I don't really see the problem in releasing the transcipt of the actual speeches.

Gary cohn and mnuchin are literally writing the tax code!!!! You got played son, crawl back in your hole for the next year, its gonna be a bumpy ride. If I were your dad I'd be concerned...........

If I were going to find people to tackle the economy, I probably would start at banks and with rich people, since they deal with it a lot more than the average joe does.

You mean the banks that needed a trillion dollar bailout bc they broke our economy and bankrupted their companies? Those guys? How about ask economic professors, historians, maybe a few successful bankers. Not just rich people.

+1 for the MSM narrative^ This is what I was talking about in my OP.

keep drinking that kool-aid.

I take it you believe Nixon did nothing wrong either?

He bugged a DNC hotel room. What's the NSA do all day?

So, he did do something wrong?

And hey, it sounds like you believe the MSM narrative about Nixon! Fucking sheep...

The MSM narrative that he was an especially evil president? Absolutely not. Nothing compared to some of the beauties that have come before and after him.

Everything the MSM reports on his either dead false, or completely out of context.

Oh, so your baseless opinion, formed from over a year of fake news propaganda headlines is the "truth," and everything else is "propping up the viewpoints of a cult personality." Funny how that works.

formed from over a year of fake news propaganda headlines is the "truth,"

Yeah man, i'm sure Trump has never done anything wrong. He's perfect and only the bad bad media wants to take him down because they are evil and stuff! It's not like Trump has had a long history of shady business practices, or given his children powerful government positions, or filled out his administration with goldman sachs bankers. None of that stuff happened.

You don't need CNN to see what's right in front of your face. But hey, don't let me interrupt your circle jerk. there are other subreddits you can go to if you just want memes that reinforce things you've already decided on. if the harsh truth doesn't go down well, that is.

Who ever said Trump is perfect? I'm sure he has done things wrong before, even illegal things (honestly, who hasn't?) But if those are the worst things you can come up with, that you actually have evidence for, he is pretty damn clean.

That is why we're focusing on people who have done corrupt things of significance. So I know you want it to be about Trump, but try to stay focused on reality.

I'm sure he has done things wrong before, even illegal things (honestly, who hasn't?)

No, you're Shillin4Shekles.

This subs funny sometimes. You can easily tell when the SBlues are working.

Keep drinking that MSM kool aid.

I think he was supporting you.

Thanks, that was meant for another person.

/r/conspiracy shilling for the Federal Executive. Hilarious

You know that it is possible to hate CNN and still think Trump is as corrupt (and incompetent) as they come?

If Trump were as corrupt and incompetent as they come, CNN would be licking his toes for 8 years like they did with Obama.

This makes absolutely no sense and you're completely deluded.

If Trump colluded with Russia (he did), what would make CNN like him for that?

If Trump used his business connections to help get his friends federal contracts and positions in the government while enriching himself (he did), why would CNN like that?

If Trump refused to remove all business conflict-of-interests before taking the Presidency (he did), why would CNN be licking his toes?

Totally fucking irrational, dude. At least have your boogeymen make logical sense

"If Trump colluded with Russia (he did), what would make CNN like him for that?"

Because CNN worships the politicians that ACTUALLY DO collude with Russia: Obama, Clinton, Podesta, & Co.

"If Trump used his business connections to help get his friends federal contracts and positions in the government while enriching himself (he did), why would CNN like that?"

Because CNN is owned by the same people that are enriched by government kickbacks.

"If Trump refused to remove all business conflict-of-interests before taking the Presidency (he did), why would CNN be licking his toes?"

"If Trump colluded with Russia (he did), what would make CNN like him for that?"

Because CNN worships the politicians that ACTUALLY DO collude with Russia: Obama, Clinton, Podesta, & Co.

If Trump used his business connections to help get his friends federal contracts and positions in the government while enriching himself (he did), why would CNN like that?

Because CNN is owned by the same people that'd are enriched by government kickbacks.

Because CNN is the king of conflicts of interest, they'd welcome that with an open heart.

"I like this guy, he has conflicts of interest, just like me"

That doesn't make any sense, dude. You're not saying why CNN likes these folks, you're just claiming that they do like them so they'd like Trump if he were corrupt. That ain't logical

CNN didn't like Bush, and he was corrupt as well. Granted, they're putting in a nicer light late, in comparison to Trump.

Maybe Trump just isn't enough of a pedophile, huh?

If he had conflicts of interest and exercised them, they'd benefit the same people who own CNN. MSM has a whole loved George Bush, and still do to this day. Any opposition he faced in the media was tempered, controlled, and not batshit crazy, like you see right now. Try again.

Lmao dude, you gotta chill on drinking that fox news kool aid.

Fox news = MSM. Fox News is the exact entity I'm trying to bash.

Lmao dude, you gotta chill on drinking that fox news kool aid.

Fox news = MSM. Fox News is the exact entity I'm trying to bash.

I guess that's why Putin is defending Trump and not Obama, Hillary and al?

Have you given Mueller your evidence on Trump colluding with Russia? You know, since a huge manhunt has been in place to find it with the only outcome being the Democrats eating crow and manafort doing his thing.

Only Siths deal with absolutes.

i.e. "since he's president (and/or rich), he must be bad!"

he's literally a robber barron

No because Trump is an asshole moron who doesn't know how the job or government in general works. Media attack of him is fair.

Dude that's a major logical fallacy

Leave Trump alone guys! I love him!

This should be obvious, honestly.

Non-political-establishment person wins presidency, political establishment goes insane trying to take him down.

It really doesn't get more obvious, people.

And then the shills say "its all part of an act, Trump is corrupt and is part of the Establishment too" because what better way to delegitimize him?

Once you run an establishment, aren't you part of the establishment?

If I run a burger King, I'm part of the corporate structure of burger King, if I run the establishment of a country, that sort of makes me part of the establishment?

That's not what people mean by the "Establishment." Does it really make sense to you that someone who runs on an anti-Establishment platform would automatically become Establishment if elected?

Does it sound like you're antiesablishment if you only hire establishment people for your employees?

If I'm hired to fix corruption in a company, I'm not promoting the corrupt guys I'm supposed to fire to management...I'm firing them.

You don't add big bankers to regulate tax code if you're antiesablishment, you don't hire your family if you're antineopism, you don't hire the owner of a magazine if you're antimedia.

You can tell me you're antiesablishment until your face turns blue but if you're cutting out the middle man, that's just expediting the establishment.

You don't add big bankers to regulate tax code if you're antiesablishment, you don't hire your family if you're antineopism, you don't hire the owner of a magazine if you're antimedia.

At the same time, you need someone who knows what they are doing, don't you? You have to hire an expert. So how do you know that the people he hired are "Establishment" or not? As for being anti-nepotism and anti-media, I don't think that is necessarily his stance.

You hire an economist as an expert. You don't hire the guy who needs tax cuts to function.

You hire the guy who has studied taxes his entire life, not the dude who skirts taxes all his life.

You hire an economist as an expert.

I think people are sick policy being made by ivory tower academics who are ignorant of the practical applications of their theories.

Look at how ridiculously complex the tax code currently is, and consider how it got that way. We need a massive overhaul and simplification. I don't really care who does it, and you don't need someone who has studied taxes their whole life to do it. In fact, I'd prefer someone with real world business experience.

Or do you suggest solving our problem then?

When you fix a car, you don't replace the driver.

Don't you need someone to actually fix the car? How else does the car get fixed? Guess we could blow it up and buy a new one?

You fix the broken parts of the car.

that's how you fix a car.

If you're just replacing the driver, that doesn't fix a car.

DING DING DING good answer. Some sheeple can't be helped. Even on r/conspiracy

Trump was a fuckup YEARS before he ran for president. He's just in the spotlight now.

Ok sure, let me just go ahead and listen to the guy who is pushing a freaking WHITE HOUSE AGENDA on a conspiracy sub while saying the President of the United States is not corrupt.

Or you could just agree with CNN. That sounds better.

So are you saying that if CNN or the MSM reports on something it automatically becomes untrue? Trump's campaign manager was indicted today and more significantly his foreign policy staffer has already plead guilty to lying to the FBI about Russian contacts. That happened. There is clearly a conspiracy there. CNN reporting on it doesn't make it all suddenly false and doesn't make the conspiracy go away despite how much Trump's cockholsters want it to.

The reports themselves may or may not be true (mostly not true, or taken out of context). I was specifically referring to their narratives. the MSM is making it look like those indictments have something to do with Trump. Your comment is proof you haven't even looked beyond MSM for background to these stories and indictments.

I have read the actual charging documents for Manafort/Gates and the statement by Papas. I read those first as soon as I saw the news (which I actually saw first on this sub). I formed my opinion on the matter from reading the actual docs themselves.

Meanwhile you're attacking everyone on this sub who believes the POTUS is corrupt and you keep on parroting White House establishment talking points. Why are you even on this sub if you're pro President/White House/Establishment? Just go over to t_D.

So then you'd understand that the Manafort/Gates charges have nothing to do with Trump's campaign nor colluding with Russia?

The current Manafort/Gates charges themselves don't mention Trump's campaign. But that doesn't mean they aren't related. Financial charges are the easiest to prove because you can just "follow the money." Since these are the very first charges in the investigation into Trump's campaign, it makes perfect sense that they were brought to obtain leverage over Manafort/Gates and force them to take a deal. So it is disingenuous to say they have "nothing to do" with Trump's campaign.

Additionally, you conveniently ignored the Papas guilty plea which does mention the Trump campaign in detail (which is why I said it was "more significant"). Clearly, there is more to come in this investigation. It is extremely premature to conclude already that these charges have nothing to do with Trump's campaign. Only the White House (surprise) and right wing media seem to be pushing that narrative which you are pushing now.

You're extremely unintelligent, like all Trump supporters.

Keep drinking that MSM kool-aid. It's tasty.

you really have nothing else to say. you're like a parrot.

He didn't have anything to say, so I had nothing to say back.

I had something to say and I said it. You like all Trump supporters, are incapable of applying critical analysis to anything.

Thats an attack. Not something to say. No content, just a bash on a group of people. Pretty much just heckling.

Well it's a fact that they're extremely unintelligent. Not meant to be an attack just informing them because they deserve to know. Just like the media isn't constantly attacking Trump, they're just accurately reporting on his terrible job.

looking at your replies you never have anything to say that isn't copy and pasted from trump talking points.

I hate the MSM. I hate Trump and his blind supporters more.

Thanks shill /u/feelinflush how far down your throat is Don's cock?

Removed. Rule 10.

Why not both?

Hello deflection.



*gasp wheeze*


Every one of those fucking ruslads are going down.

And no amount of pepe memes is going to stop that.

Clintons have been doing illegal things for years. Trump must be too. Clintons were friends witg the Weinsteins who are rapists alike. Trump took a picture with the Clintons, he must be a rapist too. Clintons sold uranium to the Russians illegally, and a person who worked under Trump secretly shared secrets with the Russians, so that means Trump did too. I mean seriosuly now the more people keep digging dirt the more OTHER people are getting in trouble except Trump. Maybe because Trump didnt do a damn thing. He is immature emotionally sure. But nothing brought agaisnt him hold any water.

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Do they make banana flavored kool aid?


yeah, because anyone who can recognize the obvious corruption and ineptitude of the Trump administration must be a CNN subscriber. right? you're so incapable of recognizing the obvious you deflect it with a strawman arguments. it's like a pre-programmed response. b-b-b-b-b-libural media iz bad!!! b-b-b-b-but hillary!! as if her corruption excuses his. it's sad that you can't see it.

So then you'd understand that the Manafort/Gates charges have nothing to do with Trump's campaign nor colluding with Russia?


Who the fuck loves bitcoin and doesn't own bitcoin?
