November 4th

0  2017-10-30 by Ihopeitsround

Antifa is walking into a trap

Government is prepared

They plan on taking out the renegades on both sides, left and right.

This drill is serious, affects every county in the country.

I could see them blackbagging all these protesters when the lights go out.


Antifag is controlled opposition.

The sad thing is, a lot of them genuinely think they're doing something good...they have no clue that they're being used, and they choose to cognitively ignore the fact that they seek to use Nazi tactics to fight Nazi' Nietzsche said: " Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you". None of them ever like being confronted with that reality...

Reality is the enemy of the utopian mindset.

I've seen local Antifa protest Pepe the Frog...and then threaten to doxx anyone who wanted to have a rational conversation, even from the Left. They attacked anyone as a racist who said they were misguided and should direct their attention elsewhere...

Postulating the existence of race is a bourgeois deviation from Marxist praxis. Of course they would oppose such reactionary positioning. Anthropology is now a politically incorrect science.

The left is built on the principle of the critique of the established order. Now that we live in a soft left milieu You see the left begin to capitalize itself.

Antifa(g) is truly the end result of critical theory praxis.

No ANTIFA is opposition, plain and simple. They are the same communist that attempted to stop the glory of Germany in 1933, the same communist that attack people on the streets of Greece, they are openly endorsed by George Soros and obnoxious democrats, antifa is the opposition


Opposition gives them too much credit. Call them what they are, useful idiots.

Stop the glory of Germany in 1933


Germany, in case you didn't know, was able to exit the Great Depression WAY before the US. In fact Germany was one of the only countries to reach FULL employment by 1936

...And was still ran by Nazis, that persecuted Jews, slavs, homosexuals, etc. There's nothing glorious about oppressing your own people

You tell em comrade.

You don't have to be a communist to not like the Nazis wtf

But you and I know the dialectical purity of socialism will prevail over the reactionary deviation!

I don't understand? I'm not a socialist or a communist?

Wink wink comrade.

Yep, everyone that dislikes Nazis is a damn pinko commie/Antifa/secret Marxist, you sure got me

Aye and we will finally stand up to those pesky fascists.

Actual fascists are bad, yes

Here here! I'm an antifa too!



Umm, Jews had until 1935 to denounce their title which would have saved them a ticket to concentration camp (not death hoax camps).

Also Slavs were not prosecuted, it was the Bolsheviks that were, History left that out. A lot of who was prosecuted was greatly propagated

Bullllsshiitt, Hitler believed slavs to be subhuman

The leaders yeah, so?

The leaders especially. The members just useful idiots.

Guise this seems legit, I mean he said words. Huge if big!

I did say words

big if true

gay if fake

Why not both?

Big if gay

True if fake

Thank you u/AdmiralAckbar

Its a trap!

The people that show up to these fake events are the dumbest of the dumb. Let them get mowed down.

First them, then us.

If we sign up for 365 alts and post one a day, we're going to be right eventually!

good thing im spending my saturday safely at home in the middle of nowhere.

So unfortunately I have to travel 10hrs that day. Not going through any major cities but someone mentioned a power grid attack?? Anyone have anymore info on this. I want to make sure I’m prepared.. I am thinking this antifa Day is going to be a flop but I could see something else happening during this time to amplify the day of rage lol..

Its a scam. There might be a few small protests in some democratic strongholds, but the right wing propaganda sphere is making that out to be 9/11 and the Civil War all mixed up as one. In case you haven't noticed the MO of these sorts of news outlets for years has been to make shit up to terrify the more gullible parts of their audience. Don't worry, you'll be fine.

I definitely don’t doubt much anymore.

u/ihopeitsround pls read up on the beginning of OPERATION GLADIO and you may see whats going on in the U.S.

frankly, i wouldn't mind if the useless idiots of antifa got black bagged, i know its kind of dickish, but im totally okay with both extremist sides being removed from the equation.

they called it!!

You don't have to be a communist to not like the Nazis wtf