Be on the lookout for users who have long dormant accounts, and suddenly start being very active.. no posts/comments for months/years, and suddenly posting 20+ times per hour.

23  2017-10-30 by Silentbtdeadly

I've found several accounts where the users made the account 3-8 months ago, yet the were only active in the last 2 weeks. 1 that only commented on their own posts and the post of another account that's guilty of also being long dormant.

I just found the worst, an account that's over 2 years old, with no posts or comments until the last 5 hours, then posting what "we" should be worried about, comments like "I'm not a Trump guy."(edit actually had someone with an account dormant for 4 years and active a few weeks call me a shill after I posted this)

If anyone has any legit reasons that there would be an influx of suddenly active users that have accounts that have been dormant months/years, I'm seriously curious. I made this account to be dedicated to this sub, as some are aware commenting here can have negative consequences when commenting elsewhere..

Not naming names(not trying to get in trouble or doxx anyone), but it's in my comment history.. I just don't understand any reason that all these dormant accounts make sense, unless it's to undermind the sub.


There are many factions at play on r/conspiracy. It's been coming to a head for some time now. When r/politics got co-opted, when r/sanderforpresident was shut down, when Assange went dark and r/wikileaks mods changed, and when r/pizzagate was shut down, a lot of refugees found their way here. The shills from each of these subs, not content with their victories and having exiled so many real users, followed them, and it's only grown in intensity.

When engaging with someone, I check not only their account age but how they talk. Are the combative? Are they friendly? Are they partisan, and if so, are they at least open about it? The whole point of the shilling is to muddy the waters so much that it's impossible to tell who is real anymore. They are trying to destroy Free Speech on the Internet.

I literally just had someone accuse me of being a shill based on my account age versus karma.. an account that's 4+ years old and doesn't have any posts/comments until 3 months ago.

Plus, the post I commented on wouldn't be on the front page, nor could I find them commenting in conspiracy before.. literally this is moments after my post, like WTF.

Man, i never get acussed of being a shill. :(

This guy is a shill!!!!!!!

Feel better now?

slightly, yes. Thank you


But I didn't respond to what you said.. I agree. I've actually had multiple instances with people where the longer we talk, the more it seems we agree than when we first started debating or whatever..

But then I keep seeing people like "alwaysforTrump" or some such that responds to legitimate discourse with things like "snores".

I think it's people like that that I find so questionable.. low effort comments very frequently trying to keep actual conversation from going on.

Sorry to comment twice, didn't want to edit and you not see.

hello. new in this sub, can you tell me why was r/sandersforpresident shut down? Like the "official excuse" or something?

Well, it's back up now. But immediately after the Democratic Convention, mods there were contacted by Hillary subs on Reddit, and there were screen caps taken, of them asking to shut it down because the sub was anti-Hillary (which was true). The sub was shut down until January of 2017, because the user base was understandably angry and skeptical of HRC after watching her steal the nomination. r/sandersforpresident is also where I first saw CTR in action on Reddit, it was ground zero for the infestation that rapidly grew to encompass r/politics and all other political subs.

Thank you for the reply.

does CTR stands for Correct the Record ?

I tried to google it, that seems the most pertinent choise.


I have a new account so I'm sure I look suspicious so I can't expect anyone to believe me but I actually just looked at what I thought was a suspicious account by what he said and sure enough it was exactly what you are saying here.

It's uncanny really

For those curious, check this link out..

It's actually a cool way to look at the data, I checked mine and laughed.

Message sent OP

You should post this daily.

Not sure if sarcasm?

Also, interesting it says you are a librarian, socialist, and a sex worker, lol.

That's sounds about right to me.

Stuff like that should always be taken with a grain of salt. It can give meta-data but easily confuse important details of users. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if it is storing and logging every username typed into it to a database.

Oh, I'm sure it does, I searched myself when someone commented about the site.. someone apparently searched me 2 weeks ago, and at the time by worst post/comment was one of the few times I posted in any other subreddit.. refreshing it my worst comment was also my drunkest, something about we all hate Hillary, something about Trump and nuclear war.

It's worth a laugh at the least, and also showed me I need to find more productive uses of my time apparently(maybe most of us do, idk)..

r/TheseFuckingAccounts does a great job of weeding out these assholes.

Subscribed, thanks. Someone else recommended r/shill the other day.. it's honestly frustrating that we may be wasting our time on someone actually getting paid to waste our time.

I keep letting myself get annoyed by these enemies-among-us posts. It's the conspiracy subreddit... what did I expect?

yeah watch out!

I’m a lurker and now I’m active. Times have changed drastically over the past month.

I'm not talking about you, you post sporadically, I'm talking about users like u/NegitiveDeltaG who was completely inactive 2 years, then started posting/commenting like a mad person earlier today

You can't see any posts or comments because they've either deleted them all, or maybe the Reddit mods deleted the account? That's why I provide the other link that shows some of their posts, words used, how many posts, etc.

Yeah man, fuck u/NegativeDeltaG!!!

wrong user bri

So sorry babe!

don't call me that.

R u not a male¿

sorry im not gay.

Neither am I. Guess I’m just not a homophobe 🤔

good for you, bud

I have to assume they are troll farmers paid to spin on their 3 day to 3 month old accounts. The sub looks quite different with their posts ignored.

I actually had to message mods to be able to post earlier than the one week limit, because I wanted to participate so badly..

And that's what makes this so odd. Dormant accounts, from months to years of no activity.. and when they do start posting, it's like a fire storm.

You'd never know when they started posting unless you're willing to scroll back far enough.. and the issue is that the accounts tend to be 10x older or more than when they started posting.. like they planned on needing more than one voice to fuck with a topic.

That's sounds about right to me.

Stuff like that should always be taken with a grain of salt. It can give meta-data but easily confuse important details of users. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if it is storing and logging every username typed into it to a database.