So the spin doesn't confuse you: Paul Manafort and George Papadopoulos are being charged with colluding with Russia for the Democratic lobby 2 years before working with the Trump campaign.

23  2017-10-30 by SoCo_cpp

Trump Russian collusion not confirmed. The DNC Russia collusion, corruption in Ukrainian affairs, including the Uranium One bribery scandal are made even more credible, though. Yet, you know what the spin for people who can't count more than 2 years back will be...


But this doesn't satisfy my preconceived worldview that Trump is a meanie :-(


How so?

Not OP, but at least part of it is wrong. The lobby they worked for, was not in any way a democratic lobby, Podesta has many businesses and not all of them are political. Collusion with Russia is indeed all but confirmed, however we have learned certain new facts in the Papadopoulos confession, that will undoubtedly lead to a continuation of the investigation concerning possible collusion. However then, ironically you name three other conspiracies that are not in any way proven beyond reasonable doubt as of yet as being the truth.

I can tell by what you wrote about Papadopoulos that you are absolutely uninterested in facts.

I am absolutely interested in facts. Of course in their involvement in working with Russians, for the Democratic lobby, years before Trump, they also laundered money, didn't report earnings, funneled money into funky accounts, etc. I assume that is the additional information that you somehow feel invalidates the characterization of simply colluding with Russians.

Yeah, right, what?

Yes, Papadopoulos tried to setup the Trump administration on some illegal Russian stuff and they said 'NO'. That is well known. Did anything new that the Trump admin didn't refuse from Papadopoulos get brought up?

Sure. And youre not trying to confuse people when you lie about papadopoulos, heh.

An explanation of the wrongness would be super clutch.

Papadopoulos admits that he previously lied to FBI about the timing and significance of numerous contacts he had with persons connected to Russian government. He now admits they occurred after he joined the Trump campaign as policy advisor. The communications included revelations that Russia had thousands of incriminating emails on Hilary and active efforts to set up a meeting between Putin and Trump with the knowledge of more senior campaign officials.


Ah yes, good ole Bloomberg. Any type of MSM messaging/narrative, especially about Trump, can be safely ignored until you see irrefutable proof. Right now, it's their word. We already know the FBI is insanely corrupt (see: vegas shooting) and Mueller, being a former FBI director, thus has a conflict of interest in this case.

Just that article alone already has glaring falsehoods, as they claim the indictments of Manafort and Gates "show how Russians attempted to influence key Trump aides" when those indictments are for actions taken years prior, long before they worked on the Trump campaign. See the spin? Can't be trusted.

Hahaha, ok.

That's the actual officially released court documents. 14 pages, a pretty good read.

Every news agency right now. Just Google him dude.

Lol, from the guy that can't be bothered to do a search to verify his own allegations that Tony Podesta hasn't been a focus with Pizzagate until last week. The irony.

I haven't seen much talk about Tony over the past year. What I have seen is every news agency talking about Papa pleading guilty and admitting to collusion. Are you disputing this?

I've been researching Pizzagate and Tony Podesta has been a focus since the beginning.

Cool. Nice avoiding the topic of this post. Love it.

Well, you could always come back to the post we were having this discussion. I was just pointing out the irony of your comment here. A subtopic, I guess.

Still talking about random shit in this post to avoid talking about Papa Russian agent guilty Trump advisor. I dig it.

Papadopoulos was the guy who tried to setup Trump with Russia in an illegal way and the Trump campaign told him that it was probably illegal to fuck off.

Your article does not contradict my statement. Instead, your article does contain a quote that confirms that the Trump administration refused to meat with them. It does try to paint a picture, with out of context quotes, that instead, Trump may possible send some peon to do it. Yet, even without the context, it is easy to interpret that as sending a peon to tell those Russians to 'fuck off'.

Papadopolous has already been convicted and thats only one way this post is egregiously wrong.

The official court documents, 14 pages long, a pretty decent read.

At no point did the Trump campaign ever say no.

Which begs the question, how do we know Papa hasn't struck a deal with this corrupt investigation behind the scenes? Dude was already denied by the Trump campaign despite practically being baited into something that would've looked really bad later on. As the evidence stands now, this dude is a lone wolf, and there's not a shred of evidence here that suggests Trump/Russia collusion.

(Still waiting to hear what this so-called 'collusion' is even supposed to be about.)

Asking for a friend...

manafort yes, it appears that happened years ago. but im not so sure about papadopoulos..

it looks like papadopoulos' crimes are relavant to trump/russia accusations. i am curious to learn more about popa.. how did the higher-ups in trumps campaign respond to his efforts to set up a russian meeting?

but can't anyone write an article on either way i'll take it with a grain of salt, but keep an eye out for more. thanks for the info.

if he was given up by the white house, it would explain why mainstream media hasn't been all over this today. it seemed to have more merit than manafort--in terms of what theyve been looking for

This isn’t a fucking source.

already read the whole thing. great source.

The WH provided the evidence that implicates papa in a crime

that's possible; im trying to keep an open mind.

do you have a source? sorry i hate to sandbag you by asking for a source, but i'm super curious about all of this

This is antisemitic

So the spin doesn't confuse you: here's how the pro-Trump internet machine is spinning the indictment news

so the spin of the spin of the spin doesn't confuse you: here's how the people who cherrypick when to listen to the spin will spin the story, to ensure that "every single human being in government must be evil at all times because we say so".

Spin. It's fun to say.

I'm dizzy.

/u/Loffler [-29]

What's this? Some kind of scarlet letter so you can label people that disagree with you?

Reminds me of the No Spin Zone

The SJW's will just see the simple fact that Manafort worked on the campaign and declare guilt from there. Who needs to read?

You do realize that Manafort's work with the Party of Regions is one of the key pieces connecting the Trump campaign to Russia, right?

I've seen that.

the next few weeks will be interesting. I think we will see both sides of the aisle start going down before its all said and done. And good riddance.

Oh cool, nice spin bro. Papadopoulos' crimes are from his time working for the Trump campaign. And Trump hired a criminal Russian foreign agent to run his campaign. But yeah, let's try our best to pretend this is all about the Democrats. Man, it's a rough day for Trump supporters.

Dude they are running RAGGED if they think this bullshit is gonna fly 😂😂

It really isn’t tho lol that dude had like one meeting with trump. Would hardly call that a influential role in the campaign

Sure. And youre not trying to confuse people when you lie about papadopoulos, heh.