Is something bigger coming?
23 2017-10-30 by Renegade1203
Hi everyone. I have a few things that I want to talk about and get some feedback. I’ve been on Reddit for a few years now. I’ve been a lurker on this sub for quite some time. Always appreciated most things that I’ve seen on here. When LV happened I subscribed and started really paying attention and joining in on conversations. With everything that has happened in the last month since LV (Weinstein, uranium one, jfk files etc.) I’ve had this sinking feeling that something bigger is coming. Maybe it’s just me being overwhelmed with all this new info, or maybe it’s supposed to be overwhelming and a distraction from something else. What is everyone’s opinions? Do we think it’s going to be 9/11 sized or just more smaller incidents to keep everyone on edge?
2 detcadder 2017-10-30
American politics is corrupt. Washington has been in a cold war since the election. Maybe it will go over into hot war, but probably not. In a hot war everyone loses.
1 jaydwalk 2017-10-30
It's going to be world changing...
1 Renegade1203 2017-10-30
Another war?
1 jaydwalk 2017-10-30
Not sure. But things are definitely happening more than years ago. Maybe the cabal is really starting to crumble...
1 Renegade1203 2017-10-30
Wow that’s a great point that I’ve never thought of. Maybe this is an all out ploy to try and recover what they have left. Try and throw out as much info as possible in all different directions so that they can “rebuild”?
1 KickedinTheDick 2017-10-30
Theyre trying to control the mass awakening we are about to witness. Limited hangouts, pointing fingers far away from big names, distractions, psypops, and misinfo.
1 jaydwalk 2017-10-30
The truth will rein...
1 infiniteprogress 2017-10-30
Fight the good fight!
1 CSneakingBear68 2017-10-30
We are witnessing the Collapse of Empire. As the whole thing implodes, "they" will stage more false flags, ramp up nationalism propaganda, and incite war for profit. It will not preserve the status quo, not for long. Then the walls come tumbling down.
1 LonelyIslandIsWoke 2017-10-30
If someone told you the right answer, how would you know it was the right answer?
If you want to understand what they're planning, go read their publications!
Council on Foreign Relations official reports
[Heritage Foundation](
Tavistock Institute
You will be amazed at how candid they are about their plans.
Hudson Institute
Topics discussed at Bilderberg
1 infiniteprogress 2017-10-30
Thats my guess
1 187ninjuh 2017-10-30
I hope it's aliens. Probably going to be something decidedly not-fun though.
1 Renegade1203 2017-10-30
I agree, it’s heading in the not fun direction. Alien information would be very good.
1 sons_of_many_bitches 2017-10-30
I think we're closer to aliens now than we've ever been. It doesn't seem to be some jokey subject discussed at the end of a news report anymore.
1 Renegade1203 2017-10-30
What do you think about the Tom Delong new “project”? Do you think it’s just a cash grab? Or do you think it will become compromised At some point?
1 TheBongzilla 2017-10-30
Not OP, but if they ever want to make a soft disclosure after all this years, thats how I always imagined they would (not Tom Delonge specifically lol but the way he is handling it).
1 sons_of_many_bitches 2017-10-30
In trading they always tell you to 'buy the rumour sell the news'.
This is because in general news is built up and hyped and everyone gets excited pushing the price up. Then the actual news is released, is generally underwhelming so everyone sells off.
I imagine this tomDelong thing will be 'buy the rumour sell the news'.
The real stuff comes out of the blue.
1 Dirty452 2017-10-30
I had hope for Tom Delonge's project until I saw Joe Rogan's podcast. Tom was showing very obvious hoax videos as proof of amazing technology... It was actually kinda sad. I really do hope they end up building something cool, but it will be without my investment.
1 LuketheDiggerJr 2017-10-30
I like to remind people of the Wernher von Braun threat sequence as given by Carol Rosin at the 2001 Disclosure conferences.
WvB Threat Sequence: 1. Communism 2. Terrorism 3. Rogue Nations 4. Asteroids 5. E.T.
Imo, we will have a devastating asteroid event before we see E.T.
1 sons_of_many_bitches 2017-10-30
question is will it be a 'Devastating asterioid', or a devastating 'asteroid'...
1 187ninjuh 2017-10-30
I mean, if you look at it, short of the return of Christ/aliens/benevolent super ai, humanity is pretty fucked. Dying planet, extreme concentration of wealth, geopolitical instability, poor career prospects for many.
At least for us first worlders, short of a miracle things are only going to get worse, the real question is how quickly.
1 Audigitty 2017-10-30
Just remember...
Dying planet = major media hype and political interests... the jury is still out on the planet "dying". Major, major global climate "Red Alerts" have passed without any cataclysmic repercussions.
Extreme Concentration of Wealth = NWO By Design... divide and conquer, keep the underlings helpless and bring them to heel
Geopolitical Instability = 100% NWO By Design... otherwise, no war. No war = progress and stability. Progress and stability = less extreme profiteering.
Poor Career Prospects = A thinned economy, outsourcing everything, a general lull when it comes to innovation and in-sourcing... again, likely by design. The more people they have begging for entitlement, the more control they wield.
Our miracle lies in the draining of the swamp. I'm not talking about some laws against lobbyists. I'm talking about the extreme evisceration of TPTB from the ground up... holding the $7+ trillion shadow budget to the flames, eliminating the spy rings/rat-lines, regaining national strength throughout the entire world (all nations, individually, growing on their own accord, helping each other) and a new renaissance for mankind.
They want us to feel like this requires a miracle. When in fact, it simply requires everyone to rise up and tear down the corruption. Markets will slowly settle back into a strong middle class. Taking care of the truly underprivileged will be something that everyone WANTS to do, and not a financially impossible burden.
1 coolshifts 2017-10-30
Not if the aliens have no regard for human life. Mass slaughter is not fun.
1 Potsie_Ramirez 2017-10-30
Tony Podesta will be indicted soon. Eventually, lynch, Holder, and John Podesta.
1 wh40k_Junkie 2017-10-30
Aliens are demons.
1 KittyHasABeard 2017-10-30
I think we should remain positive. The worst of TPTB want us to be scared, we know that and have known that for a long time. So I think we should not be scared. They are the ones who seem to be scared these days, and I believe that's because their time is up and good things are coming for humanity! There are good people who are 'in the know' who have been working for these evil fuckers who are now seeing a change in the public, a change in the world and are finally able to see the potential real significant earth changing problems that are arising and will arise if they continue to play goon1 goon 2 etc to these sociopaths. I think these people are starting to wake up and they have the power to make a positive difference as long as the rest of us keep pushing for the truth and keep focusing on being good to each other and don't get tangled up in all the fake partisan/race/religion etc divisions that are solely there to trap us and keep us away from solving the real issues.
1 Xaviermgk 2017-10-30
1 IanPhlegming 2017-10-30
1 Renegade1203 2017-10-30
Any significance?
1 IanPhlegming 2017-10-30
Just a feeling that I and several "in tune" friends of mine have been simultaneously feeling. But give this a read, too.
2017 is a Kali's year--a time of destruction and rebirth. November 11th is the most Kali-day of the year.
But I could be wrong. Just a feeling.
1 Renegade1203 2017-10-30
Thanks for that info I’m def going to read that! Not that this matter but do you practice Hinduism?
1 IanPhlegming 2017-10-30
I am a Christian. But I have great respect for the Eastern "religions" (in some ways they are far more than religions), and believe Jesus Christ must in some way during the long stretch of his life that is unknown, learned about them.
There is much to Buddhism an Hinduism that is true. While I will certainly defer to my Lord, my personal feeling is that God has been trying to make it easier and easier for humankind to reach Heaven.
While many of my Christian peers feel "Jesus is the only way," and that may well prove true--it is certainly true for me PERSONALLY--it also seems to me quite likely that there is a way to a transcendent afterlife through Buddhism and Hinduism but it is much harder, especially in our increasingly materialistic world.
So, as the centuries have passed, since God loves us so, he keeps trying to make it easier, and nothing is more easy than accepting a Savior who takes all of your sins upon himself in divine sacrifice. And yet people STILL fuck it up, including a lot of so-called "Christians."
But that's just personal theory. I have no idea. Jesus Christ has worked for me, saved my life, helped me kick porn (though I know I could backslide, so "kicked" might be too strong), is an active presence in my life. But I have nothing bad to say about Hinduism. Or Buddhism.
Or Kali, for that matter. Bring it, goddess. Tear this fucking house of cards down.
1 Renegade1203 2017-10-30
Thank you very much for your input and I really appreciate you saying that Jesus has worked for your and not saying that it is the only way. I am a very accepting atheist and love to have these types of conversations. I do question part of your answer about you feeling god is making it easier to make it to heaven? I’ve always had an issue with that. Why doesn’t god just let the good into heaven instead of making them work for it and suffer? Never understood how an all loving god could put people through what we go through and then people willingly say oh it’s his way of showing us he loves us? Kind of a contradiction to me. And the house of cards thing was nice especially with the Kevin spacey nonsense going on and Netflix canceling it!!!
1 IanPhlegming 2017-10-30
Not entirely sure, but my opinion is that it's got to do with a mixture of the blessing/curse of Free Will and this material plane, as opposed to the ethereal or spiritual plane(s).
Also, if we are ultimately ETERNAL beings, even a century is less than a teardrop in the ocean for the most miserable of lives. Perhaps pain and pleasure is the karmic balance that comes with a material experience, and our spirits know that's part of the deal when we choose to come here.
But I don't have all the answers, only a few hypothesis and a lot more questions. And I will only evangelize about what's worked for ME. And Jesus Christ saved me from a miserable, selfish, compulsive life. I really appreciate it.
Best of luck to you on your journey!
1 TheBongzilla 2017-10-30
I wouldn't call someone that keeps failing (since he keeps trying) a god.
1 IanPhlegming 2017-10-30
I'm sorry, but it's not clear to me who you are referring to on the god front. Can you clarify?
1 TheBongzilla 2017-10-30
I wouldn't call someone who's not even capable of doing this a god. Specially someone who has to either threaten me with hell/eternal death or "wait for the reincarnations to enlighten you".
"He killed his own son for you." I'm not impressed and I'm not thankful. An all-powerful-loving-god would never do this as a method, and I speak with a stupid human mentality and that's even obvious to me.
It's much more logical and obvious that we live in an non-designed chaotic universe, and that's fine. We, as a civilization, are actually getting better every year even if it doesn't look so (education, murder, life expectancy, you name it -- I definitely recommend watching Vsauce's video called Juvenoia).
We don't need a god to be happy/control us anymore. We don't need religion to be our purpose. We don't need religion at all, because beliefs and blind faith are not good. Just be yourself, be good and try to leave a better earth to the future, you don't need god for that and if you did he wouldn't be a god.
1 IanPhlegming 2017-10-30
I appreciate your comments and general civility. This obviously means a lot to you.
But I've got a personal relationship here, I can see genuine amazing synchronicities and other divine patterns.
Moreover "religion" is not my purpose. Religion is man-made. Faith is the divine relationship. And my purpose has been to raise healthy, well-adjusted children and try to reach other people and convince them to pursue a personal relationship with God as well.
God did not kill his own son, btw. People did. It was destined that He would be rejected however, so I suppose he was sent on a suicide mission, but He knew what He was in for. After all, He was God.
But I'm even willing to ponder the possibilities of....what if you are right? Even if you are right, I must be doing something that God has enjoyed, because he has heard my prayers and blessed me. Like I said, I won't evangelize for Jesus from anyone but me. But the fact is that Jesus has been good for me. I might suggest others try the Jesus route, but all have free will and can do as they please.
Thank you again for your civil comment.
1 TheBongzilla 2017-10-30
If you switch Jesus and for the sun, or Mohammed, or Budda or a piece of cake it's the same 50% chance of it being heard because they are irrelevant.
If a god wants something, he does. The way you believe god is, it is absurd to assume his plan is working since he has no control whatsoever. The bible's version of a god is a guy who changes his mind everytime and can't even make a civilization that won't kill his son or make a universe where his son's destiny isn't to die. It's all about a failed plan, a failed attempt at greatness. That's not how a god would work at all.
I reckon religion can be good, specially with drug addicts and general "bad people", but that's just switching from heroine or murder to prayers. If you study (and I'm not trying to be a douche, just saying) about our origins and the universe itself you'll see god is completely unneeded. If we assume god is real, then who created him? (I'm going off topic here so I'll leave it as it is).
I wish you a good life, and god won't make that happen and neither you can make sure it will because we are not the center or the reason for it. We're just part of a breed of animals who developed on earth and who learned to be aware of themselves and that freaks us out.
1 IanPhlegming 2017-10-30
I disagree, but so be it. Your civility is recognized and respected. Best wishes to you.
1 WhyIHateTheInternet 2017-10-30
My wedding anniversary.
1 Squirrelboy85 2017-10-30
Most likely yes. War drums are beating
1 Renegade1203 2017-10-30
1 iccixxi 2017-10-30
Good beat, too.
1 peyote_the_coyote 2017-10-30
You are about to see the complete and total collapse of the power structure that controls what we colloquially term "The Shadow Government".
Big players are going down, stay tuned.
1 Renegade1203 2017-10-30
Do you really think they will let it happen? And if it does happen will they just fade away and go play with their money or will they try and regroup and come back stronger?
1 Jobexi 2017-10-30
If the big players go down, it won't be because they 'let it happen'. It will be because we woke up and took our civilization back.
When we win, they won't have any money to go away and play with. They'll just go away.
1 petedacook 2017-10-30
It's a nice thought, but I just don't see that happening. This is a huge criminal syndicate we are talking about. The Gambinos and Genovese. A few people may go down, but when the all hell breaks lose and it looks like the Government might actually start working for the people, in the interest of the people, instead of the interest of TPTB, The criminals will unite and fight to hold power.
I don't know what you mean by LV, but in the years I have been in this sub, a post like this comes along about once a month or every so often.
Some politicians might go down, some charges might be levied, but outside a very few people of power doing actual time, nothing more will happen.
1 Renegade1203 2017-10-30
Las Vegas
1 petedacook 2017-10-30
Here is a conspiracy theory for you. The CIA has disrupted Governments in strategic countries. The have caused chaos and wars in many locations. These locations happen to populated by a certain majority of people.
TPTB, knowing that we need a perpetual boogie man in order to perpetuate fear and war, open the borders to many countries, allowing these uprooted, violent people that come from areas where they know nothing but violence and war.
Inevitably, these people that were allowed into these other wise peaceful countries, commit atrocities. They bomb buildings. They go on mass shooting sprees, drive into crowds of people.
The borders remain open, the CIA continues to disrupt otherwise at peace countries, and violence continues to erupt perpetuated by this particular eithnicity/race/religion that came from the disrupted country.
Viola....we hear fear, a boogie man, a perpetual wear, and a constant reason to slowly peel away individual rights.
The Govt. can;t all our rights away at one time. But if they slowly peel our rights away, the masses of sheeple will notice. Hell, American Idol is on, why should they care what bill is before the house or senate?
1 petedacook 2017-10-30
Thanks for clearing that up. If you came over after the Vegas incident, you are new to conspiracy theories.
I've got a couple "must watch" for you. Consider these primers into the world of TPTB and conspiracy theories.
Former CIA officer explains the 7 factions within the Central Intelligence Agency
This one is about 3.5 hours, but it is one helluva rabbit hole. I highly recommend watching this one. I started it and got sucked in. It is amazing how the historian connects dots for you. JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick
I responded already to your response to my LV question, I apologize for posting again, but it was an after thought that your kind of new. Let me tell you, this sub has changed A LOT since after the DNC. After the dem. convention, this sub started changing immediately.
But no, nothing major is going to happen outside of a mass shooting, bombing, or something like that. You can expect that shit to continue for years to come until we restrict the borders, and stop inciting revolt in other countries.
1 Renegade1203 2017-10-30
Thanks for the info and I appreciate the links I will def get to watching them. I am new to this sub but not new to conspiracy theories. I’ve had a very strong interest in them since 9/11 when I was a freshman in high-school and it’s snowballed since.
How has the sub changed? Has it changed for the better for worse?
1 petedacook 2017-10-30
Let me emphasize, that 3.5 hour video is the bees knees. JFK, skull & cross bones, Illuminati, free masons, and on. It pretty much touches on everything and how we got where we are.
Sorry man, but I can't explain it without being verbose. I guess it's a state of mind thing. So, excuse the length, Ill try to do TLDR
After the Dem. Convention, r/politics did a complete 180 and went from Hated Hillary to love Hillary. The Mod's also shifted and made posting anything negative so arduous, that it wasn't worth posting any truth against Hillary. And if you did get something posted, it was down voted to oblivion.
You couldn't have any critical discussion, unless it was about sucking Hillary's ass. Sure, a few days the sub turned, like 9/11 Hillary passed out and was tossed into a van and she was bashed with so much traffic the negative got thru, for about a day. Thenit was back up her ass again.
There was no place for anyone not kissing HIllary's ass or on the fence about Trump to go. /r/thedonald is so pro Trump, you can;t have real critical discussion and research there. So, r/copnspiracy had an influx of people that weren't up Trump's or Hillary's ass.
I was one of those people, but I've been a sub here for over 5 years. But I came here more for open political discussion, than to discuss conspiracies after the DNC, so I'm also guilty.
And I blame 100% that god dam bitch Hillary Clinton. She hired Correct the record to infiltrate subs, become mads, and waste our time. She really F'ed up Reddit as a whole. Anyone supporting her was a shill. Every sub was turned upside down.
TLDR: The sub became more of a place for arguing/discussing partisan politics and events than it's history as a conspiracy "whack job, tin foil hat" sub. Us folks that sub here years ago had a rep. as being tin foil hat loons. And you see partisan politics discussed and argued here now more than ever before. SOme olld timers are pretty pissed about it.
Most people would say for the worse, and I agree. Partisan politics is a divisive distraction to take your attention away fro the giant red white and blue dildo being stuck up our ass. I learned in ciminology that you have to keep inmates in prison against one another, because if they unite, they come after you...the guards. The same is true in society. If we discuss how the govt. is fucking us instead of arguing about Hillary's fucking emails or Trump's Russia connections, then we have the seeds of a united revolt against TPTB. And that is exactly what they do not want.
1 Renegade1203 2017-10-30
Thank you so much for that explanation. Without being here during those times it’s hard to understand but I do understand to a certain extent what you are talking about.
Well I know This is typical new guy stuff to say but hopefully things can change and we can get back to why made this sub great and what it’s purpose was! Thanks again for your input!
1 petedacook 2017-10-30
You are very welcome. I actually have a history of not explaining shit to people, but that is people that disagree about something; like Hillary's email was a violation.
I'm 46 years old. I've spent countless hours wasting my time arguing with people online and I have nothing to show for it. Not to mention some of these people are paid shills.
But someone that wants to pleasure.
1 Chokaholic 2017-10-30
The elite have already planned for a violent revolt and have built underground facilities to go hide in. Therefore, a violent revolution wouldn't work. We need to slowly squeeze these rats out, but that will take a majority of people waking up to help us.
1 petedacook 2017-10-30
I have a pretty active imagination, yet I cannot come to a scenario where TPTB allow an even playing field.
1 battle 2017-10-30
Whatever it is, I hope that it's so goddamn big when it gets released that it finally motivates the general population to go use the 2nd amendment...if you catch my drift.
1 Renegade1203 2017-10-30
I’m totally in favor of the 2nd and practice it every day, but do you think that it will really get us anywhere? I really think we need to evolve past that and really get the information out there and wake people up. I think threatening people with guns isn’t always going to be the best practice.
1 battle 2017-10-30
If everybody thought the way you did we'd still be flying the British flag.
1 Renegade1203 2017-10-30
So you think that Washington and the founding fathers wanted to just kill as many brits as they could and hope they would just let them be and not worry about the colonies anymore? I would venture to think that they would have loved to reduce the amount bloodshed on both sides.
1 DoEyeNoU 2017-10-30
I would hope we've made progress in 240 years. Frankly, I don't believe the next war will be won with guns but with cyber warfare.
1 iccixxi 2017-10-30
People with guns and a bad example have a hard time seeing another way.
1 Cobra-Serpentress 2017-10-30
We always think that "Something Big" is just around the Corner. It rarely ever is.
1 BrotherPancake 2017-10-30
The worst is not, so long as we can say "This is the worst." --Edgar, King Lear.
Yes, something bigger is coming. Something bigger will always be coming, at least until the Sun goes red giant and engulfs the entire solar system.
There are people in this world who want to create big, horrific events, and it is literally impossible to stop them all. There will be a much bigger Vegas. There will be a much bigger 9/11. The question isn't if, it's when.
Every time something big happens, probably millions of people scream out, "I knew it! I knew this was coming!" Yeah, right. Those folks knew the thing was coming like I know the number 666 will come up if I spend long enough staring at a random number generator.
The 24/7 news cycle provides all the material anyone needs to keep themselves worried and afraid. Everything about the human brain--everything you perceive--is a reaction to a pattern. For this reason our minds look for and find patterns even where there are none.
Remember, everyone putting out material is trying to make money. They make money when you watch/read. You watch/read more when you're worried or afraid. So they try to keep you worried and afraid. They are very good at it.
When I feel overwhelmed, I take a break from the news. Whatever is going to happen will happen whether I'm up-to-date or not. I have no control over other people's actions, and none of us is psychic. Staying glued to the news, worried about or trying to predict the future, will drive anyone mad.
1 Renegade1203 2017-10-30
So you think it’s just companies trying to capitalize on all the nonsense going on that they are just throwing out whatever they can trying to get clicks/ views to make more money. Thanks for that point it’s a really good way to look at things!!
1 BrotherPancake 2017-10-30
Yep! That is exactly what they do. "If it bleeds, it leads."
1 Renegade1203 2017-10-30
That’s a great saying. I feel that the fear based media has been happening heavily since 9/11 trying to keep us in constant fear and never trusting anything, except what they say is true which didn’t work out the way they planned and people are questioning everything instead of trusting the MSM like they wanted.
1 LonelyIslandIsWoke 2017-10-30
Why would you ask us? If you were given the correct answer, how would you know it was the correct answer?
The vast majority of conspiracy theorists spend all of their time reading mainstream news publications and trying to guess at some all-encompassing theory for everything, and listening to other people's all-encompassing theories.
If, instead, you were to focus on getting a keen grasp of history, or reading what the major think tanks are scheming about, you would be able to better understand what is going on. But, more importantly, you would be able to accurately judge if someone told you the truth about what is going to happen.
tldr Stop chasing "it's happening" theories. You have plenty of time to become a subject matter expert.
1 iccixxi 2017-10-30
wake 'em up
1 MABASHER 2017-10-30
Fear is the only god on the radio.
Fear is the mind killer.
1 lazaplaya5 2017-10-30
Honestly I've felt this way since I joined here about a year ago, truthfully I don't know. The content here has been eye opening, and I feel more alert and aware than ever. I think Trump beginning to take down the Clinton cabal will dominate the headlines for the next few months. I do have a feeling that something extraordinary will happen before the end of Trumps presidency though, good or bad i don't know.
1 Renegade1203 2017-10-30
Not a trump or hrc supporter but do you really think he is trying to take them down or do you think he is trying to make himself look at good as he can?
1 TheRisenOsiris 2017-10-30
Why not both?
1 3asybeat 2017-10-30
It does feel like a nonstop media blitz to distract us from we're not catching; I have no idea where to look.
Worst case scenario is the extermination process will be engaged soon via bioweapon, EMP, nuclear war(less likely), or dormant nanobots(probably don't exist?). People don't talk about this as much these days, but it is a major part of most prominent conspiracy t
1 Zarathasstra 2017-10-30
The ecosystem has collapsed. These circuses are just a trick to keep you from noticing the bread has been replaced with “microcrystalline cellulose” (aka sawdust).
1 Gold_Finger_ 2017-10-30
Think of world events like tectonic plates moving, the rate and magnitude of earthquakes seems to be increasing and very dramatic lately.
1 ImmortalAl 2017-10-30
You know those small ripples in the ocean that you see soon before a tsunami? Well, there are a few small ripples...
1 LupusRexVidar 2017-10-30
Probably an EMP
1 Habanero_Eyeball 2017-10-30
Something is most definitely happening. I've never seen so many news worthy events happening day after day.
I have no clue what this next "thing" will be but when you take into account all the reports of UFOs, the fires in Cali, the hurricanes, JFK and Nikola Tesla files, and all the political stuff going on.....anything is possible.
It seems like the big wigs are all just gouging the fuck out of their opponents and it seems like it's only a matter of days until something huge pops.
1 sons_of_many_bitches 2017-10-30
I think we're closer to aliens now than we've ever been. It doesn't seem to be some jokey subject discussed at the end of a news report anymore.
1 187ninjuh 2017-10-30
I mean, if you look at it, short of the return of Christ/aliens/benevolent super ai, humanity is pretty fucked. Dying planet, extreme concentration of wealth, geopolitical instability, poor career prospects for many.
At least for us first worlders, short of a miracle things are only going to get worse, the real question is how quickly.
1 coolshifts 2017-10-30
Not if the aliens have no regard for human life. Mass slaughter is not fun.
1 infiniteprogress 2017-10-30
Fight the good fight!
1 petedacook 2017-10-30
Let me emphasize, that 3.5 hour video is the bees knees. JFK, skull & cross bones, Illuminati, free masons, and on. It pretty much touches on everything and how we got where we are.
Sorry man, but I can't explain it without being verbose. I guess it's a state of mind thing. So, excuse the length, Ill try to do TLDR
After the Dem. Convention, r/politics did a complete 180 and went from Hated Hillary to love Hillary. The Mod's also shifted and made posting anything negative so arduous, that it wasn't worth posting any truth against Hillary. And if you did get something posted, it was down voted to oblivion.
You couldn't have any critical discussion, unless it was about sucking Hillary's ass. Sure, a few days the sub turned, like 9/11 Hillary passed out and was tossed into a van and she was bashed with so much traffic the negative got thru, for about a day. Thenit was back up her ass again.
There was no place for anyone not kissing HIllary's ass or on the fence about Trump to go. /r/thedonald is so pro Trump, you can;t have real critical discussion and research there. So, r/copnspiracy had an influx of people that weren't up Trump's or Hillary's ass.
I was one of those people, but I've been a sub here for over 5 years. But I came here more for open political discussion, than to discuss conspiracies after the DNC, so I'm also guilty.
And I blame 100% that god dam bitch Hillary Clinton. She hired Correct the record to infiltrate subs, become mads, and waste our time. She really F'ed up Reddit as a whole. Anyone supporting her was a shill. Every sub was turned upside down.
TLDR: The sub became more of a place for arguing/discussing partisan politics and events than it's history as a conspiracy "whack job, tin foil hat" sub. Us folks that sub here years ago had a rep. as being tin foil hat loons. And you see partisan politics discussed and argued here now more than ever before. SOme olld timers are pretty pissed about it.
Most people would say for the worse, and I agree. Partisan politics is a divisive distraction to take your attention away fro the giant red white and blue dildo being stuck up our ass. I learned in ciminology that you have to keep inmates in prison against one another, because if they unite, they come after you...the guards. The same is true in society. If we discuss how the govt. is fucking us instead of arguing about Hillary's fucking emails or Trump's Russia connections, then we have the seeds of a united revolt against TPTB. And that is exactly what they do not want.
1 Potsie_Ramirez 2017-10-30
Tony Podesta will be indicted soon. Eventually, lynch, Holder, and John Podesta.
1 sons_of_many_bitches 2017-10-30
No haha didn't know there was any stocks