Everything will work out

112  2017-10-31 by ColinsEgo

I love you all. There is darkness in the world that is coming to the light, no matter how much it resists. Thank you to those of you who will not stand by and watch twisted people do twisted things. They are ill and need help, they need to either die and be reborn, or be rehabilitated and accepted back into a compassionate society. Keep up the good work. We are all part of the same intelligence, we literally cannot fuck this up ;) have a wonderful time while humanity wakes itself up. We ALL deserve forgiveness and a better future. We got this.


Is that you Stalin?

Yeah, kinda got that vibe too

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Everything will be alright - The Killers

Love is the answer. Unfortunately there will be upheaval first.

Hate isn’t the opposite of love, it’s a denial of the truth of love, it’s ultimately self destructive and the power that hate temporarily turns to its end is just a fraction of the stolen power of love.


Actually the opposite of love is the absence of love...learnt that gem during my PhD from a philosophy mentor

Never heard that one before, but I totally agree with it.

You are either in love or you aren't. You either hate someone or you don't . Love and hate actually aren't on the same spectrum. Lots of ppl don't understand it

Not sure if I buy this conspiracy.

Good one.

Well... you're not allowed in the secured area.

thanks, I needed that.

The tide certainly has been turning in the right direction.

I feel optimistic about our future now that the Cabal is being dismantled. Trump is doing pretty well so far.

True, keep it up!!!

Luke 8:17

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

We know that when a child tells his father “I hate you,” it could mean “I don’t receive the love I want from you.” Hate speech often represents such veiled desires and fears.


How do you define hatred?

Each side claims their bombings are driven by a love of democracy and freedom, while claiming our opponents are driven by hatred for these same things.

Hate is that gut wrenching feeling central to any ideology which teaches us to liberate those we love despite their lack of recognition that they need rescuing.

Sorry that I don’t have a PhD so my use of technical jargon in this case may not match what you have been taught to believe.

You must be much smarter than me so I’d like it if you would explain in more detail why you think I am wrong.

What is the relevant difference between love and hate in your definition of those terms?

Why use patronizing insults when someone points out a slightly different view?

Hatred and love belong together, and they are both destructive; you can afford them only in private and, as a people, only so long as you are not free.

- Hannah Arendt