I dont know about the rest of you but I dont have any strong allegiances towards Dems or Repubs & i preferred a Trump win because I wanted to see some chaos in DC for once. I am enjoying the fuck watching both sides battle to exposing the other. DC deserved Trump.

1203  2017-10-31 by NO_DREAMS_2_SPEAK_OF



you copied this word for word from /pol/

No i didnt. I wrote it on my lunch break yesterday & butchered the title.

I would just like to say, President The Donald J. Trump is what happens when you fuck Dr. Ron Paul. You brought this on yourselves.

Bull in a china shop.

You guys still don't get it if you think trumps not a puppet

Good thing you knowledge is getting us places.

You knowledge lol dude if you don't think they have some of the smartest people calling the shots then you're blind af everyone is waking up obviously they're gonna change up the formula and make it more complex

We had to live in the world Obama & Bush created. Allepo was going through shit before won. Its calmed down a bit. Im happy for them. If you're in this sub im sure your life wont be impacted like theirs was

Nathaniel Rothschild is good friends with Oleg Deripraska who gave Manafort millions in exchange for him flipping Trump toward pro Russian policy and talking points. Crap like this article is meant to warm your heart, you're being happily deceived.

Just read his AMA on the_donald. He talks about it, the opposition just doesn't do any research.

Remember anyone seeing this comment.

This is /r/conspiracy.

Born on 3rd, thinks he got a triple.

Theirs not even any circumstantial evidence that Trump is a puppet. And honestly Trump is probably our last hope no matter your opinion on whether he's a puppet or not. They held back in rigging it this election they will never hold back again. And theirs absolutely NOTHING anyone can do to the deep state without having the power of the president. It's impossible to get a civil war going either.

Woah it's almost as if an outsider took the leading position of the government and people are putting their last hope on him to crush the deep stat.

But no apparently /r/conspiracy has to be against anything government related no matter what.

Can you be more specific as to what he has changed for the worse? You’re speaking in generalities that amounts to nothing without evidence

Because she announced a no-fly zone. Not a nuclear threat. As much as we both don't like her, she knows how to use policy to avoid getting soldiers killed.

That has nothing to do with the voting system. At all.

The voting system we have results in a two party system every time, with the growth potential of minority views severely restricted. If you're not with one of the two major parties, you're nobody.

Good. If the republicans would have had the balls to call it a breathing tax, it would have been repealed years ago.

That's why it's two terms for Trump, then Kanye '24!

Snowden was a limited hangout. This is known.

Trump is part of the corruption.

As if he's not breaking the back of the GOP as we speak. They are going to be done when he leaves office. They showed the world they are swamp beasts. It's over.

If a legal deal bothers you, why aren't you screaming purple murder at our POTUS for scheming with a known enemy of the state? Then lying about it at every opportunity. Did you forget about Eric Prince, as a Trump surrogate, trying to set up a back channel of communication with Russian operatives in the Seychelle Islands for the express purpose of bypassing the US intelligence net?

Neither HRC nor Obama ever did anything like that. At the same time, if the Uranium One deal broke the law, fucking prosecute anyone involved. I don't give a shit about defending HRC. But if breaking the law is what upsets you, apply your zeal equally.

Tell me exactly how Trump has negatively effected you, as an individual American citizen.


Look up architects and engineers for 911 truth

You're a bit more optimistic than I. We shall see.

I did the same. Voted for Trump because no way could I stomach Hillary, spirit cooking, Clinton

You are literally brainwashed or being paid, keep believing CNN, they'll tell you what you need to know.

This is a collage of sound bites from Hillary. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9nt9xMNniY

Worse cause he's actively making it worse instead of actively working to make to better.

This is Trump talking about healthcare. He has no idea what he's doing. https://youtu.be/TPJfKdp3bDs

Sure I can. It seems like you swallowed the propaganda about what Germany accomplished before WW2. Harsh totalitarian policies? You mean like getting the German people out of poverty and sending them on vacations on cruise ships? The horror?

Ummm... Actually, I will research this issue as I please.

I will look.

What will happen when the power goes down?

Yes, apparently. This is after we have had a string of Presidents that only care about the New World Order.

Who gives a shit that he said that?! We all know Trump has an inartful way of speaking. I care about whether or not his actions back up the anti globalism foundation he campaigned on and they do: Trump killed the TPP and withdrew from Paris Climate Accord. Neither of these actions would have taken place with HRC, and we all know it whether or not shills attempt to gaslight this fact. So Trump's words, actions and his we-will-never-surrender-to-the-false-song-of-globalism supporters are consistently against globalism.

Do you believe that the U.S. should be replaced by a one world government?

Do you believe that the U.S. Constitution should be replaced with something else?

Who cares about an inarticulate sentence from Trump? He has an inartful way of speaking, as we all know. I care about his actions and they have been decidedly anti globalism and NWO, which is all that really matters, isn't it? Also, his supporters are fiercely against globalism and NWO, and they will hold his feet to the fire if he wasn't already taking anti globalism actions.

I phrased it like that because people tend to use different names and have different theories on how everything is really organized.

My understanding is that there are at least two factions, and they do not see thing the same way. One faction wants to continue gutting the U.S. and the other faction wants to save it. You can guess which faction supported Trump over Hillary. Hillary is a NWO globalist, and their agenda is to have a one world government. I am guessing that Carter was the last President that was not a NWO globalist, but I would have to check.

As far as policy, legislation, statistics, names, years goes, I am not sure what to give you. I am not sure what you know and do not know. Are you familiar with the Jesuits? They control Freemasonry...

Do you believe that the U.S. should be replaced by a one world government?

Hell fucking no absolutely not.

Do you believe that the U.S. Constitution should be replaced with something else?

I think the US constitution needs to be made MORE democratic. We know more since the writing of the document and I would be comfortable with there being some sort of national conversation about reforming the document. But not anytime soon, with the current leaders and the current sociopolitical climate. Like maybe in a couple decades after we've ridden out this storm.

Wait, you're in r/conspiracy and you trust that the EPA has ever cared to protect us and our environment??? Lol!!! Your entire post was basically how we need to give TPTB more power and money through regulations! I see that you really love and trust TBTB.

And, yes, it's a shame our US trans can't go fight and die in Israel's wars...such a shame. 😩😫😩😫

Where would you people be without msm spoonfeeding everything for you? So pathetic. All you people can do is link propaganda articles. You can't think or speak for yourselves. Sad.

Cheney vs Hillary in an evil contest. Damn what a match up!

Did David Duke have anything to do with ruining the Reform Party?

Sarin gas, that one seems like it would be a war crime at best. We don't acknowledge that kind of stuff as a country. I would love for the globalists to take over and make the United States adhere to that stuff. But it does not apply.

Wiping the server is not a crime since she did not actually do anything. There is no evidence that she ordered them to do anything. At best she violated code, but not criminal law.

Benghazi: you're joking right?

Child trafficking: wat?

The dying breath of the defeated and this is the best you can do. Sad!

No, I hate to travel. And like Most Americans I am too lazy to learn another language or Culture.

My friend if you knew what you are and If you knew what life is.. Well it would make more sense.

I did. Thanks. I’m gonna try to fix that.

what a boring response

I'll entertain you a little more then.

You're here. On r/conspiracy. Saying that Hillary has even a shred of honesty in her at all. When there's massive amounts of evidence posted here every single day proving you wrong.

You actually believe that one of the most brazenly corrupt politicians who has a pretty well-known reputation for being a lobbyist and banker puppet - who operates a pay-to-play scam using her charity as a slush fund cover - is being even remotely honest when she says she wants to "restrict money in politics" and "regulate banks"?

If you ignore their platforms then you're just judging based on feels

If you judge a candidate only on their platform, then you're an easily misled fool and you are honestly better off somewhere other than r/conspiracy, where you can put your limited mental faculties to better use. I look at their patterns of behavior instead, because I wasn't born yesterday and I've learned enough about the world to know that the platform a politician runs on is 95% crowd-pandering bullshit to shill for votes.

A) I'm not u/facepalmlife. I'm a completely different person who's interjecting in this conversation.

B) You're not asking for a source for any other reason than being able to reject it when it comes from somewhere you don't like or agree with.

C) Learning how to do a little independent research isn't going to kill you. Unless you're afraid of being proven wrong on a preconceived notion you hold.

There's probably a link in the video description to Corbett's website where he posts transcripts and sources, of there not in the yt link.

Rhymes with Afghanistan.

Have you considered brushing up on your reading comprehension skills? Go back and reread my comment. The source is there clear as day...ask an adult to hold your hand if necessary.

it's attacking Hillary! therefore it's fake news!

Either you're a shill or you're just not all that bright. I kind of feel bad for you.

Trump is doing all the bad stuff Clinton might've done, plus a ton of new bad stuff, and permanently degrading norms of good governance that will take decades to repair, if they ever are.


Hyperbole. Many people of this country have plenty of intellectual capacity. That's not even debatable. Also, okay, we're in a bad patch in certain ways. Sticky problems. But get out among ordinary Americans and you'll discover a bedrock of moral fiber that you should be proud to be part of. Travel abroad. Some other places have lots of decent human beings too. Yes, life is quite difficult. And tragedy and injustice and evil -- yes, I'm going on record to assert that evil is a reality -- are too common. But our society most likely isn't going to completely collapse. Yes, buckle up. But also join up...with most of us who are doing the best we can with it all.