Google/Redroof agreement: OP's account "deleted"
34 2017-10-31 by Longtimelurker859
Just in case anyone missed it before OP's account was deleted. Here are archive links to...
The original post...
And the original image
Seems strange that OP's entire account would be removed deleted once their post on this got so much attention. Maybe there was heat being applied at work and OP had personal information that could be used to identify them in their post history.
Just to be clear, I will never willingly delete my account (u/Longtimelurker859) so if this post is removed and or my account is "deleted", then you know something is up, and should proceed to dig further into this. Regardless, someone with some computer hardware knowledge should take a trip to thier local Redroof and see if these "beacons" are anywhere to be found, and if they are, get a better look at them. Maybe even talk to some low level employees to see if anything weird has been going on.