Tony Podesta has a "huge subterranean vault" beneath his house outside Washington. He also emails his brother "Still in torture chamber" as seen in Wikileaks dumps.

451  2017-11-01 by Question_History

Sources: "They are known for purchasing "awkward" works, such as video installations, that many other private collectors will not consider. "It's easy to store them, but difficult to display them," says Podesta. To get round the problem, he and his wife have excavated a huge subterranean vault beneath their house outside Washington - a white space 5m square and 4m high in which it will be possible to show "very complicated video pieces" on all four walls."

Article with picture:

Torture chamber email:



Do you have another link to the image? That one 404'd.

So fucking what?? What’s that supposed to prove? That rich people can afford extravagant means to show off their luxurious purchases??

Using metaphors should be illegal for politicians.

So should laundering sex trafficking money and raping children.

The connections are obvious and logical. No one can deny this.

Makes perfect sense.

Breitbart accused Podesta of covering up sex slaves and then mysteriously died over a year later. Clearly Podesta had him killed.

Podesta knows Alefantis who owns a pizza shop and posted a picture of a kid restrained to a table. Meanwhile a different pizza shop uses a spiral in their logo and spirals are a symbol that pedophiles used on jewelry and hand-written notes, so obviously that means Alefantis is a pedophile sex trafficker and Podesta is covering for him.

The connections are obvious and logical. No one can deny this.

Both Tony Podesta and James Alefantis were working on underground projects. Funny how Alefantis uses #killroom and Podesta mentions torture chamber. Funny how they're both into weird art featuring kids. Way too many coincidences for a group of regular guys.

I know right, it's like when you take someone's comment of "#killroom" on Alefantis' photograph and say that Alefantis said it himself and then take the phrase "torture chamber" from an unrelated e-mail from John Podesta and put them in the same sentence then the whole thing really becomes clear. Plus they like weird artwork, that proves it.

Coincidences prove it, too, because coincidences are impossible. The more coincidences you have, the more proven it becomes. That's just math.

Fuck me, I can't even tell what is sarcasm anymore.

No sarcasm, John Podesta sacrifices kids for the devil and is the most dangerous man in politics. He is literally Public Enemy Number One and it is very important that we stop at nothing to bring him down to save the country.

Hey man can you answer me this in a edgy sarcastic way as well? Why is it that you cant find a Podesta defender on here who deosnt write 200 comments a day? Comments that never deviate from defending establishment democrat talking points?

One day I wanna see an organic account with comments about sport or movies in the first 10 pages of their history pop up and say, 'Hey, paintings of toddlers in diapers being groped is ok by me!' Or 'Im a father of three, I always say im WIRED when referring to how i feel when sitting next to a random child on a plane'...

Dont think its gonna happen though...

Have you seen the cover of Nevermind?

Millions of people have a naked infant in their homes. Shock.

It's no secret that Nirvana was a government psy-op.

George Soros bankrolls an army of Internet commenters to defend John Podesta from conspiracy theories by using blatant lies like "the pizza code was made up by 4chan" when it doesn't matter where the code came from the only thing that matters is that it's 100% undeniably true!

I was vehemently against spirituality for most of my life, to me, it was magic, aka impossible. But the more ive learnt over the years, the more ive come to the realisation(of theory) that actual magic exists, as stupid as that may sound. Dont make the mistake of thinking purely in terms of greed...and acquisitions. Your 'soul' most definitely will be judged in one way or another. Be a source of good

Praise Jesus and don't eat pizza.

Never mentioned Soros and never mentioned Jesus so keep the sarcasm relevant. Ill stop wasting my time though and let you get back to work. Probably see you again in ten minutes anyways defending 'raw and uncut' photos of babies or something similar. You seem like the type

How can someone get pizza for an hour? Explain that to me. No such thing as a pizza-related map on a handkerchief.

Podesta shills on suicide watch here.

People still have a small time to repent. I doubt they will, but the time is nigh. Go to conspiracyundone sub to get away from the lunacy a bit. Cool peeps there.

Hey now, my best friend's brother's cousin refers to his gaming room as his kill room. Let's be reasonable here.

Sorry to burst your bubble but your best friend's brother's cousin is an obvious pedo.

Dude, watch how you use sarcasm, only child molesters say things they don't mean. Good wholesome people speak literally 100% of the time, except when they don't

Breitbart deserved it that fat slob fuck. Looks like a typical trumpet like Bannon. Fat ugly losers.

Do you know what Breitbart was referring to? There were other tweets where Breitbart explained what he was talking about. Did you see them?

Um yes. The ACORN scandal that was covered up by CAP president at the time Podesta.

Covered up? ACORN was put out of business.

So you know that Breitbart was criticizing Podesta because Podesta was defending Planned Parenthood and ACORN from another smear job. You know there were no actual child prostitutes, right? It was actors pretending they were pimps. And Breitbart knew this. Everybody knew it by the time the tweet was sent.

Yea, it was people pretending to prostitute underage girls. And Podesta and co. could have done much more than they did. Remember the quote:

"we don't ask for permission, we ask for forgiveness when we're caught."

And Podesta and co. could have done much more than they did.

Done more to stop actors from pretending to be pimps looking for tax help from ACORN?

I can't believe people are still talking about that. That fucker came in dressed like what he thinks a pimp looks like and was talking about underage girls, and the worker rightfully called the police because he was scared. If I remember right O'Keefe paid him after a lawsuit.

Why? This is the craziest thing I've heard in a while. Metaphors are everywhere!

Hi vault has a nice "Moppable" floor.

The kind that's good for those messy spirit cooking child sacrifice partays.

The one thing I hate having in my house are moppable floors, especially in rooms where rich drunk assholes stumble around waving glasses of wine.

Get poor friends. They drink beer.

Totally. All my rich friends will only drink in a tiled floor dungeon art expo.

Whose DNA do you think is in the paintings?

Still in torture chamber

I say the same thing to friends when I'm still working after 7pm. I'd hate to be your friend if all your correspondence involves no humor and is 100% literal.

If you were at work and said this, wouldn't it be something along the lines of...

"Still in this torture chamber, Bob's on my ass about stocks and I can't wait to get out of here"

But no, it's literally "still in torture chamber". His brother knows what he means, because they're both into ritualistic spirit cooking.

Or his brother knows what he does. And no, I'm not grammatically correct using sentences and don't go into detail about work in a casual message.

IDK if you have ever worked with older people or in large fast moving businesses, but people will use email as a simple form of IM, especially when everyone was using black berrys because email was treated as IM.

He's typing on an ipad bro. Brevity is to be expected.

The time wikileaks displays is wrong. If you look at the email source, it's actually "16:17:15 -0500" (4:17 pm Eastern time).

So nearing the end of typical work hours. Though I'm sure his business is all kinds of hours.

This email alone is not a big deal. Now, this email if put together with all the other creepy emails and circumstances around this guys.. it's very concerning.

exactly... thank u

If each detail on its own is unremarkable unless considered in the context of other details, which are also unremarkable... Then you have a collection of unremarkable details.

The only truly weird thing from pizzagate is James Alefantis's IG. And that has nothing to do with the Podesta's.

You think he seriously meant a torture chamber? You know, a lot of people refer to their workplace as a torture chamber?

Yes actually I do. This is the same guy that spirit cooks. The same guy who has portraits of infants in diapers in his house. The same guy that gets "wired" around kids. The same guy who literally has an underground chamber in his house.

This is the same guy that spirit cooks.

He went to a Spirit Cooking dinner. Another one was described on this kickstarter page:

[LIVE EVENT / THE EXERCISES: SPIRIT COOKING WITH MARINA ABRAMOVIC] A dinner night with Marina during which she will teach you and other backers at this level how to cook a series of traditional soups, which you will all enjoy together. The night will end with the making of a golden ball, a recipe given to Marina in a Tibetan monastery. Marina will bring to this dinner a Spirit Cooking memento for each backer to keep. PLUS MAI and OMA office tour, Neuroscience Exclusives, OMA / MAI Digital Design Package, Complete Abramovic Method Exclusives, access to ALL $25 live stream exercises / live events, MAI 101 Lecture and Digital Booklet, MAI Founder (CHAMBER FOUNDER), Digital MAI rewards, and The Embrace rewards.

The same guy who has portraits of infants in diapers in his house. The same guy that gets "wired" around kids.

OMG a diaper! OMG he's "wired" (whatever that means)! Are you serious?

The same guy who literally has an underground chamber in his house.

In other words, he has a basement movie theater, albeit one with four screens. One that he showed to more than one journalist and invited photographers in because it was such a secret. And when people read about it in these articles, they marched on Washington and wrote letters to the editors, demanding ... Oh, no wait, they didn't do anything. Because there's nothing at all suspicious about having a movie theater.

Sorry dude but you're being incredibly naive.

This is what spirit cooking is. Marina and all.

And it's actually a picture of a little kid being groped around the groin with a diaper or a number of panties on. I don't know about your household are preferences, but if a friend of mine had that hung up in his house I'd get major creeper vibes. Here's the pic.

Get em bruh #pizzagate is not fake news

Well, back in 1996 and 1997, there was Spirit Cooking — etchings collected in a limited edition book (from or MoMA)

And there was Spirit Cooking — the exhibit and performance art. Originally in Ghent, Belgium, but the video is from Italy.

Obviously she named the Spirit Cooking dinner after that work. But if people paid $10,000 expecting dinner and they show up only to be handed buckets of blood to paint on the walls, they're going to want their money back.

The "recipes" in the Spirit Cooking are not actually things you eat. Here's the text:

essential aphrodisiac recipes






essence drink

mix fresh breast milk
fresh sperm milk
drink on earthquake nights
look in the mirror
for as long as it is necessary
for your face to disappear
don't eat the light

with a sharp knife
cut deeply into the middle finger
of your left hand
eat the pain

fresh morning urine
sprinkle over nightmare dreams

in time of doubt
keep a small meteorite stone
in your mouth

fire food

on top of a volcano
open your mouth
wait until your tongue becomes flame
close your mouth
take a deep breath

spit inside your navel
until the lake is filled
lie motionless
listen to the heartbeat
of a dog

to be consumed on a solar eclipse

3 glasses of water
that a ruby has been soaking in for 3 days
1 pomegranate

take 13 leaves of uncut green cabbage with
13,000 grams of jealousy
steam for a long time in a deep iron pot
until all water evaporates
eat just before attack

one grain of cooked rice
one grain of fresh pollen
one spoonful of tears
grind to a paste

with the paste
fill the space under the nail
of the small finger
of your right hand

aphrodisiac recipe

7 days without eating
7 days without talking
7 days without sleeping
7 days without sexual intercourse
7 days not reading or writing
7 days not watching television
7 days not answering telephone or fax

on the 7th day
take a bath in almond oil
eat one coriander seed
one almond
one spoon of honey with royal jelly

engage in intercourse with partner
who went through the same process
for 3 days and 3 nights
drink each other's nectars
postpone climax
until the last hour before sunrise
on the third day

spin around
until you lose consciousness
try to eat
all the questions of the day

a drop of shame
mixed with a drop of water
take in a small amount
before crying

saliva of your lover
mixed with morning dew
collected from eucalyptus leaves


hold a python on your lap
while sitting on a block of ice

equal pinch
black rock salt
white rock salt
liquid gold

sitting on a copper chair
comb your hair
with a clear quartz crystal brush
until your memory is released

technical materials

spit of the artist
fingernails of the artist
fingertips of the artist

Question i asked earlier: is she a famous chef? Because why tf would u pay 10 grand for dinner with some random hippy?

Wait, I can't eat rose quartz for breakfast?

Question: why would businessmen and politicians go to a dinner hosted by this hippy weird nude artist? Whats so special about her that they went?

Because usually when a politician hangs out with naked girls its a scandal

So whats her deal? Eho tf is she that leaders of the democrat party go and eat (probably aweful) food?

Man that's desperate stuff. I bet I see a lot more fucked up shit than that in your browser history.

Lmao like what? I can show you my email if you want. You'd be surprised, it never mentions pizza!

I think he was using it to mean work but I also think it's in his vocabulary because torture chambers are a normal thing for him.

Does he actually have pictures of infants in diapers, or are you lying about that?

"Spirit cooks" hahahaha you dopes.

Care to expand on that, you asshole?:)

Marina Abramovic is an artist. I studied her work in school, as did many others. She's not a spooky occultist, she's a highly respected performance artist. Satanic Panic is not a good look for you in the 21st century my man.

You studied her work in school. Many of us studied her work on our own and came to the conclusion that what she does indicates a deeply disturbed mindset hiding under the veil of harmless nihilism. Not that she's proven to be guilty of anything, but with all the apparent shadiness these people are involved in...there should absolutely be some sort of investigation.

Meanwhile us peasants get our houses raided if they think we might be growing a fucking pot plant.

If you went into studying her artwork out of curiosity of Pizzagate, your opinion is biased.

Many of us studied her work on our own

No you didn't. You were told how to think and what to type.

So were you. I heard about her from a friend who was in art school a few years ago and thought it was interesting, but didn't get the hype. I didn't think there was anything necessarily wrong with it. Until I read the Podesta emails last year and took a second look.

It's such nonsense to base the value of one's studies on a subject on whether or not they were in school when they did their research.

It's such nonsense to base the value of one's studies on a subject on whether or not they were in school when they did their research.

Good news is I never did that.

Sorry, that was just the implication I took away.

Sorry but her spirit cooking videos on Youtube speak differently about "spirit cooking". Semen, and blood...verrry artistic. An artist can say one thing and do another. Actions speak louder than words.

Semen, and blood

Oh no! Bodily fluids! Grow up man.

Art is usually done with paint and acrylics not jizz and buckets of blood. I apologize if you get offended that I think that's fucked up.

But hey, this "Art" is pretty harmless, right guise?

Art is usually done with paint and acrylics not jizz and buckets of blood.

This comment displays a deeply lacking understanding of what constitutes art.

Sorry, let me rephrase that for you...

Drawings, such as paintings, sculptures and statues, painted with a brush are usually done with paint and acrylics not jizz and buckets of blood. I apologize if you get offended that I think that's fucked up. :)

You can continue to try and deflect the rest of my comment, man. Check out that "art" in the video.

What specifically do you have a problem with in the video aside from the fact that some (likely fake) bodily fluids are depicted? Do you know what symbolism is? Do you know what performance art is? You have a very simple-minded view of the art world. Hint: sometimes people are intentionally shocking. That doesn't make the devil real. Sorcery isn't an actual thing. Harry Potter is fiction.

Youre wasting your time on this child

Hey, I mean you can have 5 or even 50 shills upvote you and downvote the other guy, but your standards seem far beyond what the fuck I or anyone I know accept as normal.

Sometimes people just disagree with you.

Right, I mean I have been to the Metropolitan Museum of Art maybr 30-40 times and I have to say, the oil/acrylic ratio to jizz/blood is shockingly out of place.

Ignorant you are

Right, I should really be more open minded regarding spirit cooking. You convinced me m8, I'm maximum convinced right now

Nowadays literally shit and urine on a canvas can be called art. Forgive me for failing to appreciate such fine art but somethings you just gotta call out for what they are.

Some art is meant to provoke and push boundaries. Back when I first moved to New York there was a show called Shock (or something similar) that featured a photo of a crucifix soaking in the artist's urine. A lot of people were outraged. But we are lucky to live in a free society where people can express themselves in outrageous ways. And you're free to ignore it if you don't like it.

Marina is an interesting artist with a long career; she once did a show at MoMa where she sat in a chair and visitors sat in another chair opposite her. They simply looked at each other. There's a photo book of this piece; it's interesting to see the range of reactions produced by this simple concept.

Personally I don't respond to this Spirit Cooking piece so much, but if she wants to paint with blood and jizz, what's the big deal?

Some art is meant to provoke and push boundaries.

I would say that's what most good art does, in one way or another.

Cool, still dont want that freak show any degree of closeness to the white house.

Satanic Panic is not a good look for you in the 21st century my man.

This sub really is a good example of how witch burnings happened.

And you know what type of work he allegesly does right?

Well, normally I wouldn't, except we know he's involved in Spirit Cooking and also has a literal torture vault under his house so...

People who work in cubby's in desk jobs?

Everybody's so quick to come to the "sensible" explanation with these e-mails, yet completely ignore the context. Everything these people say just happens to have a double meaning, right?

According to some people, yes

They are odd people.

At the very least.

Not the people I want making decisions in the white house.

I agree. And not people that I would be friends with either.

Hey friend here you have $10000







I am very glad we don't have an odd person making decisions in the White House!

Can you honestly tell me you want Donald Trump making decisions?

When did I say that? Just because I don't like the Podestas doesn't mean I like Trump. You're deluted.

Yeah, you believe all this retarded shit while obviously seeking out zero information that might challenge your beliefs, yet I'm the delusional one.

Retarded? This is from a newspaper article. Can you challenge that he DOESN'T have a vault? That's the story at hand.

Yeah, believing that means it's a torture chamber where they rape and murder children is the retarded part bud.

No, they have PLENTY of other places for that. That's just for horrifying cinema.

Is there something wrong with "horrifying cinema", whatever the hell that means?

No, there's nothing wrong with anything. Carry on...right? Moral equivalency folks, in real time.

This fucking guy...Hey dude this is a conspiracy subreddit where people discuss potential connections of weird shit going on in the world. Get the fuck out if you don’t like it.

Yeah that's what I'm doing you moron. Not everybody has to fucking agree on everything. This isn't the_donald. It's not supposed to be a right wing echo chamber. Go fuck yourself if you can't handle opposing opinions.

Tony Podesta:

-Has paintings and art from artist who get their inspirations from child abuse.

-Has a golden statue of person with no head, exact same pose as Dahmer victim.

-Has underground chamber

-In Wikileaks dumps referencing torture chambers

-Good friends with James Alefantis (and I could go on and on about him)

See what I'm getting at? The man is extremely odd at the very least.

Now, notice how I only used one source from Wikileaks, and it didn't even mention pizza.

He has a massive art collection containing hundreds of different pieces of all different sorts, a few of which people like you like to single out and put in albums without any context of how large the collection is. You make it seem like his whole collection is weird creepy shit, when in really it's a very small percentage. His collection is publicly viewable and has been featured in magazine articles. But you probably didn't know that, and have never bothered to look at how whole collection.

That email is nonsense. People refer to their work as torture every single day. If that's the extent of your evidence, that's pretty pathetic.

Can you show me where his entire collection is publicly available? Because I know he has pictures like this, that don't help his case...

He has over 790 pieces of art, and has donated over 200 in recent years. Maybe if you actually looked for this stuff and challenged your own beliefs you would find this stuff yourself.

And what do you think that "art" is for? Laundering money. The Washington Post has removed an article in which Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s “art” collection was revealed to contain pictures of naked teenagers. The 2004 article, archived online, includes comments from former Clinton administration official Sally Katzen in which she discusses the “awkwardness” of being at the Podesta’s home. “At political events, there’s an inevitable awkwardness,” Katzen said. The article’s author goes on to mention the disturbing specifics of the Podestas’ taste in “art.” “Folks attending a house tour in the Lake Barcroft neighborhood in Falls Church earlier this year got an eyeful when they walked into a bedroom at the Podesta residence hung with multiple color pictures by Katy Grannan, a photographer known for documentary-style pictures of naked teenagers in their parents’ suburban homes.”

Hey dude, just incase you haven't seen this. Check this WaPo article they deleted from 2004 on Tony's art collection.

The Washington Post has removed an article in which Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s “art” collection was revealed to contain pictures of naked teenagers. The 2004 article, archived online, includes comments from former Clinton administration official Sally Katzen in which she discusses the “awkwardness” of being at the Podesta’s home. “At political events, there’s an inevitable awkwardness,” Katzen said. The article’s author goes on to mention the disturbing specifics of the Podestas’ taste in “art.” “Folks attending a house tour in the Lake Barcroft neighborhood in Falls Church earlier this year got an eyeful when they walked into a bedroom at the Podesta residence hung with multiple color pictures by Katy Grannan, a photographer known for documentary-style pictures of naked teenagers in their parents’ suburban homes.”

Wow how much did you earn for this comment, bruh

Lol shut the fuck up. Can't handle people having different opinions in your safe space. If you think I'm a shill, you're a true fucking idiot. Apparently requesting evidence that stands up to any scrutiny makes me a shill.

If you're not a shill, you're just a moron. Ok.

By the way, I never said you like Trump. I simply asked if you would rather have Trump making the decisions, since you stated you didn't want the Podesta's making decisions.

Haha to answer your question, hell na. Rather Trump than Hillary tho. America got the short end of the stick big time in this election

How can a stick have a short end? As if the other end is long?





You're a fucking idiot. How dare you even pretend to be on this sub.

Such passion for the president

Funny username

So by the way, if he does have a IRL torture chamber, it would not be this room. What he'd do is make this "art room" and then never ever use it for real crime. It becomes an alibi of sorts.

But, that doesn't mean his joking language and the room aren't part of cover for more nefarious events. Because, if he was engaging in them, they would be.

My instincts tell me that if Podesta and friends were involved in hurting children(or anyone else) in any way, they have cleaned up their act and have been "laying low" since the Pizzagate revelations.

These people are evil, not stupid.

To be honest, Podesta isn't very intelligent. Especially when it comes to computer technology. The guy is almost 70. His gmail was hacked by a simple phishing link. I wouldn't be surprised if they were cocky enough to email about this kind of shit.

The man is computer illiterate, like most old people, for sure. But I bet they have been doing nearly as many toddler gang-rapes and blood sacrifices since Pizzagate dropped about a year ago. Like I said, they're probably laying low.

Wouldnt schematics be publicly available?

Schematics for what?

Uh oh...had a brain malfunction like Wendy Williams. Wth does that even mean?

For the chamber I imagine

Maybe they use vhs.

Unless they're addicts.

What surprises me the most is how obvious the emails are, and how blatant they are, everything surrounding this is truly suspicious.

Blatantly obvious about what exactly?

IF I was Podesta rich I would have underground bunkers at all of my estates. This doesn't change the fact Podesta is evil scum and will rot in hell. Im willing to bet a LOT Of billionaires have underground bunkers, they are cool as shit.


"Sir, sir, what is your response to the allegations that your house has a basement?"

"Sir, could you please explain the context behind your email to your brother about a "torture chamber"?

Also, could you touch on the portrait of an infant in underwear being groped in your house?"

Easy as that. You're an asshat.

You’re entitled to your opinion but you gotta realize that ad hominem attacks do nothing for your credibility.

I want to go down in history as the journalist that thought "torture chamber" was literal. That's Pulitzer Prize material! Hard hitting stuff that would guarantee a career.

Seems that plenty of journalists want to go down in history as the one who broke the story on how many scoops of ice cream the President takes. I think asking these questions would only hurt their career because of who they would be asking them of, not the content of the question...

You do realize that people were laughing at Trump for wanting more ice cream than anybody else?

You keep saying he has a painting of toddlers in underwear... Can you actually back that up with evidence? Because im pretty positive youre lying ablut that.

Nowhere in there does it claim he owns the art that OP showed. Nowhere

Because its just a lie

You keep saying he has a painting of toddlers in underwear... Can you actually back that up with evidence? Because im pretty positive youre lying ablut that.

You asked for proof of him having a "painting of toddlers in underwear" and i provided.

I'm pretty sure the art was bought of a woman who had endured trauma.

Good to know if you support someone who makes art by buying their pieces you'll be labeled a pedo by Trump sycophants.

This satanic pedo is going down very soon.

I think the phrase "torture chamber" should be enough to warrant an investigation. Too bad the FBI's on their side too.

Why is no one talking about this?

So, just to be clear, Podesta uses a complex system of food based code words with his pedophile peers to describe how he molests kids. But "Still in torture chamber. Another question. Do you two wanna have feb 14 valentines day dinner", literally means he is in a torture chamber, but he's thinking about Valentine's dinner?

Some people call work torture.

Was he being interviewed at the time?

Doing anything hed hatw to do? Because that could be called "torture"

Aka boring meeting with boss in office. "Torture chamber"

torture chamber = torture chamber

valentine's dinner = raping the bleeding asshole of a toddler

Graphic. Accurate.

Just playing devil's advocate here: could it not be that "torture chamber" was just slang for a place they'd rather not be? most likely not the case tho hah

Maybe they are being confronted but nothing is being reported!!!

I don't understand why people feel so entitled to know everything and/or indignant when they're not informed? We complain about the MSM doling out bullshit stories yet complain when we're not reading shit on the frontpage or hearing it on the 6 o'clock news.

You guys better pick your battles because there's much hypocrisy among my patriots!

I've also heard the rumor that Judas Priest put backwards lyrics in their music! BURN THEM!


On a completely unrelated normal human talk matter, anybody seen a pizza-related map handkerchief laying around? That is also a phrase practically everyone has used in everyday correspondence, by the way. You know what, nevermind.

I would never call work torture, therefore it is very suspicious that he worded it that way. Something is not right with them!

You must not have met an extremely lazy person then. For those people, any kind of work is torture.



Critical thinking and basic logic really needs to be taught in schools. Its unbelievable that adults in this country could believe such absurd nonsense. Really goes to show how poisonous religion is. I suspect a lot of pizza gate believes grew up evangelical.

Ill feel stupid if it comes out that he was just growing copius amounts of ganja.


Because it would be embarrassing as fuck based off of the shitty evidence people keep posting...

Why does it feel like a lot of these things being pushed by people are non native English (not sure if British style uses it too) speakers?

Torture Chamber in English can mean being at or doing work that is unpleasant, having to deal with a very unpleasant/terrible person, or doing repetitive boring tasks.

Why does it feel like a lot of these things being pushed by people are non native English (not sure if British style uses it too) speakers?

They are 100% American Joes comrade.

He also lives a couple doors down from Obama's new house...

More moral panic. Pizzagate still an unproven and likely establishment-created hoax.

You can tell how worried Trump is by counting the number of "Hillary/Podesta is Satan, look at them!" posts. Looks like Mueller must be closing in.

Whats the context behind this? I have used similar terms in the past referring to classrooms in my highschool

But how do you know this “subterranean vault” is actually a “torture chamber”? I mean, who in their right mind would volunteer that he’s “still in torture chamber”?

It’s a euphemism.

Do you think Tony Podesta is in his right mind? The Washington Post has removed an article in which Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s “art” collection was revealed to contain pictures of naked teenagers. The 2004 article, archived online, includes comments from former Clinton administration official Sally Katzen in which she discusses the “awkwardness” of being at the Podesta’s home. “At political events, there’s an inevitable awkwardness,” Katzen said. The article’s author goes on to mention the disturbing specifics of the Podestas’ taste in “art.” “Folks attending a house tour in the Lake Barcroft neighborhood in Falls Church earlier this year got an eyeful when they walked into a bedroom at the Podesta residence hung with multiple color pictures by Katy Grannan, a photographer known for documentary-style pictures of naked teenagers in their parents’ suburban homes.”

Okay, I don’t approve of this kind of “art” but then again I don’t approve of music with explicit lyrics. But I’m not going to demand the head of Kanye or assume he isn’t in his “right mind”.

People are weird. Some are more fucked up than others. But if they don’t fuck with me I won’t fuck with them.

There are bigger fish to fry. All this stuff about pizzagate, etc simply obfuscates the real story which is Uranium 1, the Clinton Foundation, and Obama’s State Department. What the fuck is the story there? Plenty!! And I want to know more.

So if the people concentrating on making this stupid story the next “big deal” would exercise the same amount of energy on exploring the nuances of the Uranium 1 story that’d be more worthwhile.

The Podestas are fucking childless perverts. End of story.

The Clintons are a villainous cartel of inhuman pieces of shit, operating in the shadows of evil. They murder without a second thought and lie with impunity. They need to be exposed, shamed, prosecuted, and destroyed. Their devout followers should be humiliated and made irrelevant.

Where are the victims? Wouldnt they be speaking up now?

You have to be close to the truth. The shills are attacking this thread relentlessly. You take the most flak when you are over the Target.

Damn bro. Are you really that stupid that you’re going to default to blindly accusing people that theorize conspiracies of being trump supporters? I’m far from that and it’s actually pretty funny that’s your go to accusation when you can’t win an exchange of comments. How about bringing some logical thought put to these posts ... I think people would actually take you seriously.

Anyone have thermal imaging?

What does it mean by 'very complicated video pieces'?

And Podesta and co. could have done much more than they did.

Done more to stop actors from pretending to be pimps looking for tax help from ACORN?

Have you seen the cover of Nevermind?

Millions of people have a naked infant in their homes. Shock.

George Soros bankrolls an army of Internet commenters to defend John Podesta from conspiracy theories by using blatant lies like "the pizza code was made up by 4chan" when it doesn't matter where the code came from the only thing that matters is that it's 100% undeniably true!

I was vehemently against spirituality for most of my life, to me, it was magic, aka impossible. But the more ive learnt over the years, the more ive come to the realisation(of theory) that actual magic exists, as stupid as that may sound. Dont make the mistake of thinking purely in terms of greed...and acquisitions. Your 'soul' most definitely will be judged in one way or another. Be a source of good


Schematics for what?

Sorry, that was just the implication I took away.