why don't you tell us what YOU think? this thing of asking questions then saying discuss...lame. not sure who told you that you were special to talk to people like that...but they lied to you.
Nope. I'd actually love to tell you the whole dream if you're interested. He was a VIBRANT crimson color. Probably 7 feet tall. In a business suit with a red tie. VERY built. His head looked like this. With horns similar to Darth Maul. His piercing stare was that of the Night's King
Funny enough, the Night's kind looks eerily similar to Darth Maul.
Whenever I see the Night's King, I have flashbacks of my dream.
This dream happened before I even really knew about the concept of Reptilians, aside from a couple terrible quality Youtube videos.
1 DonnaGail 2017-11-01
I don't think he is real. But I do believe in evil.
1 chiup 2017-11-01
He? What makes you think the Satan is male?
1 DonnaGail 2017-11-01
1 Max0691ftw 2017-11-01
You assumed satan's gender bigot.
1 DonnaGail 2017-11-01
Call the PC police on me! 🙂
1 munchkin_9382 2017-11-01
You said " this Satan guy" in your opening, so how is that person a bigot if you did the same?
1 Max0691ftw 2017-11-01
In perfect honesty you're making that up.
1 munchkin_9382 2017-11-01
Dude your post literally says So who's this Satan guy and what's his purpose? Any devils stories? Discuss
1 godish 2017-11-01
Greatest trick he ever played
1 DonnaGail 2017-11-01
Well, I said I believe in evil.
1 wildfireonvenus 2017-11-01
Satan means adversary to the bible/ against God.
1 DefNotJRossiter 2017-11-01
Sweet, where do I sign up?!
1 buttonsandbeans 2017-11-01
why don't you tell us what YOU think? this thing of asking questions then saying discuss...lame. not sure who told you that you were special to talk to people like that...but they lied to you.
"Discuss" - what a joke.
1 Max0691ftw 2017-11-01
Maybe he lives somewhere inside Saturn?
1 PastRelyks 2017-11-01
You leaning swords gnosticism?
1 pmichel 2017-11-01
He is a fallen angel. He is the Evil in Good vs Evil.
1 Beaver7530 2017-11-01
Lucifer is a fallen angel, Satan is evil's spirit not a fallen angel.
1 MajesticChazwazzer 2017-11-01
Satan is a Hebrew word for advisary, it could be anyone or anything.
1 XxJefferson-StatexX 2017-11-01
If i were the devil
1 HempCO719 2017-11-01
Could he be a Reptillian? Quetzalcoatl-esque
1 Th33scapist 2017-11-01
This is my answer. I believe I met him once in a dream. Terrifying.
1 HempCO719 2017-11-01
Whatd he look like?
1 Th33scapist 2017-11-01
Nope. I'd actually love to tell you the whole dream if you're interested. He was a VIBRANT crimson color. Probably 7 feet tall. In a business suit with a red tie. VERY built. His head looked like this. With horns similar to Darth Maul. His piercing stare was that of the Night's King
Funny enough, the Night's kind looks eerily similar to Darth Maul.
Whenever I see the Night's King, I have flashbacks of my dream.
This dream happened before I even really knew about the concept of Reptilians, aside from a couple terrible quality Youtube videos.
1 HempCO719 2017-11-01
I hope you didnt Astral Project. Then theyd know all about you. And who is Sophia?
1 Th33scapist 2017-11-01
Nope didn't astral project. Although I wholeheartedly believe that this was a sentient being. I think we actually met in the dream world.
Sophia is the gnostic goddess of wisdom. Believed to have created Yaldabaoth/demiurge/Sabaoth through her fall.
1 1618b 2017-11-01
killing people makes him happy, according to satanists
1 Smiley_Iris 2017-11-01
Old hippie whom I met at a party when I was 19.