Emp Saturday?
8 2017-11-01 by Humidaxis
What's is all this talk about a supposed emp on Saturday everyone keeps talking about it I'm about to go buy candels and shit
8 2017-11-01 by Humidaxis
What's is all this talk about a supposed emp on Saturday everyone keeps talking about it I'm about to go buy candels and shit
1 averagejoe918 2017-11-01
Source? I haven’t heard anything on an EMP on Saturday.
1 Humidaxis 2017-11-01
A lot of ppl are sending the same video talking about it
1 dakkangjung27 2017-11-01
What's the link to the video
1 blahhharf 2017-11-01
Who knows if it’s true or not?
1 Humidaxis 2017-11-01
1 averagejoe918 2017-11-01
You think she is legit?
1 Humidaxis 2017-11-01
Shit idk man tbh
1 DonnaGail 2017-11-01
I've heard something about a drill. Mixed feelings from everyone on it. Some say it is nothing to worry about. Some feel it is. So I guess I'm not much help.
But candles are always nice to have anyway.
1 Humidaxis 2017-11-01
Ima go buy water and food
1 DonnaGail 2017-11-01
Nothing wrong with doing that.
1 atavisticbeast 2017-11-01
there is a national FEMA drill or something, that is simulating an EMP attack. but it's just a simulation.
the chatter you are hearing is the exact same chatter we hear every single time there is a major disaster simulation drill, which is that it's a smoke screen for a "happening."
spoiler alert- it never is anything but a drill.
1 Humidaxis 2017-11-01
Just wanted to make sure
1 atavisticbeast 2017-11-01
no problem my dude, nothing wrong with asking questions = )
1 code_commando 2017-11-01
Well except that one time...
1 atavisticbeast 2017-11-01
alright i gotta admit, that made me chuckle
1 vidarheheh 2017-11-01
There is a simulated EMP attack taking place nationwide that day. They (the military) will be using a radio network to test the communication in case a EMP attack ever do occur. They said they will not actually interfere with any electronics, so 99.9% wont even notice it.
1 Humidaxis 2017-11-01
Okay I just wanted to be 100% sure b4 I went out and bought a bunch of stuff lol
1 XxJefferson-StatexX 2017-11-01
...You should have that stuff before the unwashed masses realize they should go buy it as well.
1 vidarheheh 2017-11-01
I dont know if you got my edits:-p
1 Destiny_Ocello 2017-11-01
Mostly likely getting my popcorn ready.
1 skyderper13 2017-11-01
considering with the rocket man constantly making denunciations its not a surprise why
1 evansa4 2017-11-01
Remember the last few 'drills' they held..
1 Beaver7530 2017-11-01
search EMP on r/conspiracy 'limit my search to r/conspiracy' checkbox, sort by new. There you go.
1 lab52 2017-11-01
I am supposed to fly on Saturday. Should I not? (BTW i have no idea what EMP is, but these comments are making me nervous).
1 Humidaxis 2017-11-01
check this out
1 OutragedOgre 2017-11-01
Much of California will be in the midst of our first big seasonal storm on Saturday so is someone going to claim CA is the primary target?
1 TheBasedNrd 2017-11-01
I've been seeing Dave Hodges talk a lot about this, and was wondering why this hadn't been brought up before now. I've been on the fence between "meh...it's just a drill" and "ZOMG AMERICA'S GONNA EDN YOU GUYZ". I say...always be prepared for anything, no matter what. Basic essentials aren't that hard to obtain (currently). If it's an EMP, then have a basic plan of action. If it's a "grid down" event (which is bad, but more manageable), your options open up a bit more (from what I know of such things, anyway).
Thanks for opening this topic up.
1 Squirrelboy85 2017-11-01
Both hospitals that my wife and I work at sent out text and robot calls saying there will be power outage tests this weekend. I believe it's just to either tests the power grids or emergency response times for civil servants
1 Humidaxis 2017-11-01
Ima go buy water and food
1 Humidaxis 2017-11-01
Shit idk man tbh