Emp Saturday?

8  2017-11-01 by Humidaxis

What's is all this talk about a supposed emp on Saturday everyone keeps talking about it I'm about to go buy candels and shit


Source? I haven’t heard anything on an EMP on Saturday.

A lot of ppl are sending the same video talking about it

What's the link to the video

You think she is legit?

Shit idk man tbh

I've heard something about a drill. Mixed feelings from everyone on it. Some say it is nothing to worry about. Some feel it is. So I guess I'm not much help.

But candles are always nice to have anyway.

Ima go buy water and food

Nothing wrong with doing that.

there is a national FEMA drill or something, that is simulating an EMP attack. but it's just a simulation.

the chatter you are hearing is the exact same chatter we hear every single time there is a major disaster simulation drill, which is that it's a smoke screen for a "happening."

spoiler alert- it never is anything but a drill.

Just wanted to make sure

no problem my dude, nothing wrong with asking questions = )

Well except that one time...

alright i gotta admit, that made me chuckle

There is a simulated EMP attack taking place nationwide that day. They (the military) will be using a radio network to test the communication in case a EMP attack ever do occur. They said they will not actually interfere with any electronics, so 99.9% wont even notice it.

Okay I just wanted to be 100% sure b4 I went out and bought a bunch of stuff lol

...You should have that stuff before the unwashed masses realize they should go buy it as well.

I dont know if you got my edits:-p

Mostly likely getting my popcorn ready.

considering with the rocket man constantly making denunciations its not a surprise why

Remember the last few 'drills' they held..

search EMP on r/conspiracy 'limit my search to r/conspiracy' checkbox, sort by new. There you go.

I am supposed to fly on Saturday. Should I not? (BTW i have no idea what EMP is, but these comments are making me nervous).

Much of California will be in the midst of our first big seasonal storm on Saturday so is someone going to claim CA is the primary target?

I've been seeing Dave Hodges talk a lot about this, and was wondering why this hadn't been brought up before now. I've been on the fence between "meh...it's just a drill" and "ZOMG AMERICA'S GONNA EDN YOU GUYZ". I say...always be prepared for anything, no matter what. Basic essentials aren't that hard to obtain (currently). If it's an EMP, then have a basic plan of action. If it's a "grid down" event (which is bad, but more manageable), your options open up a bit more (from what I know of such things, anyway).

Thanks for opening this topic up.

Both hospitals that my wife and I work at sent out text and robot calls saying there will be power outage tests this weekend. I believe it's just to either tests the power grids or emergency response times for civil servants

Ima go buy water and food

Shit idk man tbh