There are a lot of posts making it look like this sub is solely a right-winged republican sub; or that this is a Pro-Trump sub. Don’t be fooled, the left and right are part of the same coin and Trump is a puppet. There will always be trash to sort through, don’t fall prey to the disinformation.

191  2017-11-02 by VisionaryPrism

I’ve seen a lot of posts and comments of people saying this sub is right winged, or republican. It’s getting rather annoying.

Lets stop assuming this sub is hivemind. This is a place to discuss conspiracies.

This sub is not Pro-Trump sub, this is a not Right-Winged sub, it’s a CONSPIRACY sub.


Please leave all forms of politics out of the conspiracy sub.


You got me!!! Im confess! Im a trump shill sent to try and keep R conspiracy Pro trump!!!

Sorry to break it you but there A LOT of conspiracies involving politics. So what’s your goal? To get people to not talk about them?

No, to not promote political posts like yours

You’re delusional if you think I’m promoting any political stand point.

You're delusional if you think you know what the world delusional means

Gr8 b8 m8


I think it's cute you try to stand up for the Trump cultists.

Where did I say that? Please show me. Did you miss where I said “Trump is a puppet”?

Classic tactic. A sentence to decry Trump so you can operate in a way to defend them by showing you decried.

It's not a soley right wing sub but it's content is massively pushed by their talking points. We're conspiracy theorists. We know their talking points.

Tell me how my post stands up for Trump cultists. I said this sub has no political affiliation and your first comment accuses me of standing up for Trump Supporters. You clearly delusional or a shill.

Everyone has a political affiliation because their ideologies are different and trying to combine them works more for Trump cultists than anyone else.

You clearly delusional or a shill.

I wondered when you'd call me a shill again. You're still not banned after multiple times.

You're part of this narrative where you're trying to make them all the same and trying to make it seem like the fervent Trump support is normal.

I hunted Bush and Obama while in office. I will continue to do so for Trump.

Still haven’t told me how my post stands up for Trump Supporters.

This sub is not Pro-Trump sub, this is a not Right-Winged sub

How is that standing up for Trump Supporters? It clearly says “is not Pro-Trump”

You're trying really hard to make it not look right wing.

Have you seen the influx of posts and comments of people assuming this sub is right wing or pro trump?

Check my comment history, buddy.

So I made a post about it because ir was getting annoying telling every post that this sub is not right winged or pro trump.

Keep grabbing at straws.

Keep deflecting and protecting the right wingers who have dominated the front page for a long time now.

You're literally doing everything you can to make it look like there's no right wing political spin in a lot of the posts and trying to make both sides of two different ideologies into the exact same.

Classic tactics.

What am I deflecting exactly?

If you think I’m protecting right wingers please provide evidence for you claims.

You looks to me like you’re doing everything you can to attack me. You still haven’t answer my initial question on how my post stands up Trump Supporters.

I’m don’t consider myself left or right winged because the two party political system is full of shit.

But please continue on how you know how I think because you look ridiculous.

I have answered you. Also read your own post. It's literally defending right wing narratives by saying it isn't real.

Literally? No where in my post do I defends right wing narratives. Please show me where.

I already quoted it and you chose to play dumb. Instead of focusing on Trump being this puppet you make posts that right wingers aren't real.

It's obvious.

Where in my post does it say right wingers aren’t real? You’re trying really desperate, eh?

You mean the part where I say “The left and right are part of the same coin”? I don’t think that says right wingers don’t exist.

I think it you who are playing dumb, and you’re doing a very good job of doing so.


Relevant username.

He is literally doing the opposite. He is saying do not get disheartened by what appears in this sub lately to make it look like it is right wing, there are and always will be left leaning here like myself

By your own arguments it appears you are either a Russian bot, influenced by them or are one of the people who have been pulling this sub to the right and by attacking the OP in this manner you continue the narrative

Rule 10

You're a joke

Notice the number of votes and the time? Classic bot behavior. Yes this sub, like all others, has been invaded by bots. Why don't u/spez fix the damn bot flaws? People are going to get fed up with being manipulated

Rule 10

It’s funny how the comments on here are attacking me. Coincidence? I must’ve struck a nerve.

Couple reasons. The Trump supporters here don't like you calling him a puppet. And they don't want to admit the bias on the sub so they aren't going to like your post.

You are absolutely correct in your OP

I know, and this one dude on arguing with me is really grasping at straws.

OP is correct... Fuck the BOTS!!!

We will find you and we will unplug you.

Kill kill kill.

Plot twist - all the above comments are actually Russian Bots.

No, you fired up the bots

They will never win here.

"Anytime someone disagrees with me it must be shills or bots."

What the hell are this comments? Fuck.

Right? I’m apparent a Trump supporter trying to covertly make this sub pro trump.

People clearly can’t read and/or lack reading comprehension skills.

they don't wanna read, just say some catchy phrase insulting and shifting focus from whatever matters.

Now apparently my post is defending right wing narratives. You’re spot on about your comment.

You guys are cute, but the front page tells the story of this place. Anyone with half a brain sees it.

No no don't use your eyes and think for yourself be a good little sheep and think how people tell you to think

Not defending it but you are clearly trying to downplay them. Why? What's your agenda?

My agenda? Lol. I’m just sick of seeing people associate this sub right wingers. I understand most of the page has right wing topics, but this sub isn’t solely a right wing sub. It’s a conspiracy sub, and it’d be nice to see it stay as neutral as possible.

This sub is right winged. Why can't people stop lying about that? It's majorly right winged with very few neutral/ left wing topics. Not that hard to figure out

Bongzilla! Haven't heard that band in a while. Nice.

Ma man!

Don't be silly. The upvotes and downvotes tell the story. This is a useful tool for Trumpers and Putinistas.

This sub aspires to be about conspiracies. But often it fails. Your denial doesn't change that.

Wow, post something saying not everything here is all right leaning and all the Russian bots come out in force.

Most of the people saying that are paid accounts, you can tell very easily and they log into their alts to upvote their own posts.

I agree. There is more of a r/politics vibe from this sub, at least to me anyway.

The front page on any given day would tell the complete opposite story.

Most people that post here don't live in reality unfortunatly...

Feels like a constant brigade

From TD? Yes, it does.

It's not just td

The entire front page of this sub is anti left.

In that case, I'll stick around.

This place isn't supposed to be about your team sport.

Where I choose to spend my time is my decision. Not yours, dear.

One of the greatest conspiracies of all time is unfolding before our eyes in the Mueller investigation, and not a single front page story about it. Instead top at the moment I'm writing this is about Hillary rigging the DNC. Yeah, this sub is totally just a democratic talking piece /s

It's a conspiracy sub that is used as a propaganda tool to get us to follow a specific political direction.

And what direction is that?

Whatever helps to install autocratic (like) governments all around the world. Extremism is a very helpful tool.

Rule 10

Government bad, big business good. The rich are taxed too much, and the real threat to America is whiney college kids wanting weird gender pronouns. Only Trump can drain the swamp MAGA.

This is roughly what the theme is

Sooo.... Did the trumpers upvote this? Or has this sub turned into a battleground of propaganda?

There's a minority of us that are sick of the MAGAtards

That doesn't make any fucking sense. How would your comment get to + 17 if the view you expressed is a minority position in this subreddit?

The opposite is clearly true. Yes, we have Trump supporters here. Why not? He is the first conspiracy theorist president in modern times. You are free to have your opinion about what Trump is actually doing, but let's stop pretending that the presence of Trump supporters here is some big mystery. And let's stop pretending that the non-supporter crowd is a minority. Well, in fact that may still be true, but that would automatically imply systematic vote manipulation across the subreddit, because comments like yours are almost always upvoted.

I have many negatives to prove you wrong lol.

I think it has to do with what thread you post in. So are rah-rah go Trump posts, some are fuck Trump posts, and some become political battlefields.

Unless there is bot manipulation, which I think is overblown and not as common as everyone here thinks, I think this sub leans pretty heavily right. The right wing seems to attract conspiracy theorist, and the president certainly is one. I'm politically moderate, although I really hate Trump and what he's done to the GOP and the country. I'm also a pretty skeptical conspiracy theorist. I enjoy reading about theories, but I find that most of them ignore facts that don't support a narrative.

I do believe in the ancient history stuff though, like the pyramids being much older than experts think, and that civilisation is far older that we think. Not ancient aliens or prehistoric astronaut type stuff, but bronze age/iron age type societies existing long before what's accepted.

Instead I come here and read these obviously paid for comments and notice trends and end up learning more about this 'machine' every day. They continue to expose their positions and tactics , very few which ever seem to stick. Burning through money.

Let them continue to try, spend more money, develop more programs and groups and doctrines to attempt to hide the truth.

When Trump won, we saw an influx from the left. It could be paid accounts or it could be the fact that whoever is president drives the opposite party members into /r/conspiracy. :)

Interesting. Is that why there are cross posts from r/the_donald on this sub oftan but I've never seen one from politics on the front page? Anything anti Trump here doesn't get upvotes unless it's something big like the manafort inditements. Nothing on this sub about Trump undermining the judicial branch hmmm

Seriously. Biggest conspiracy in American history unfolding before our eyes, where the president and maybe large parts of the GOP are complicit, but all I see is posts about how evil Hillary is. Sure look into the DNC and Hillary, there's plenty there, but that is not the main story that's going on right now. It's crazy that so many in this sub are so brainwashed by right wing propaganda.

They don't care. They're actively involved in a cover-up. It's every single conspiracy site on the planet. Very sad, and blatant to anyone with a brain.

Biggest conspiracy in American history unfolding before our eyes

As soon as Donald demolishes three of his towers with two planes that could actually become true.

It would be, if it could without a doubt be proven and was being officially investigated. Theres alot of weird stuff with 9/11, and it wouldn't shock me at all if there was more to it, but my feeling towards it is that the attacks themselves happened as reported. The conspiracy is how the country responded after. Most of the hijackers were Saudi, as was Bin Laden and it seems like there were certainly people in the Saudi government/royal family who knew about it and possibly funded it. Yet, we invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. Just like Bill Kristol and the project for the new American century, a think tank that helped form the "bush doctrine" had planned on doing for almost a decade.

But the Trump thing is even more obvious. There's so much we all ready know, and what this investigation is still finding by the hour is blowing this thing way open, in a way thats much more public and likely to end up with arrests.

The attacks happened as reported?! Care to explain what happened to make building 7 collapse? Or why it was reported to have collapsed long before it actually did? Or even how the buildings cane down like that? Come on, this is kids stuff!

Building 7 for me used to be the biggest proof, but then I saw videos from other angles that changed my mind. This video does a pretty good job of showing what I'm talking about.

But the main reason I don't think 9/11 was an inside job is that I'm in the government, and there's no way people could keep their mouth shut, and theres' no way they wouldn't have fucked this up. Military commanders know that complex plans like a staged 9/11 have a very high percentage fail rate and would never had greenlighted something like this because the blowback from failure would be astronomical. It's easy to lie about stuff like the gulf of Tonkin, or single assassinations, but something like this has way too many moving parts, way too many witnesses, and would take too many people to pull off. The more people, the risk of a leak grows exponentially.

The wind has blown this sub to the right a bit. You can easily tell who they are. Pro trump, anti muslim, defending corporations, asking for increased security, etc... You never seen so many people defending official narratives before. It's certainly changed.

It's sooo easy

Murdoch's bot army

You never seen so many people defending official narratives before. It's certainly changed.

Outsiders who seem to have mass support of upvotes all the while speaking as if they were making a parody of the sub. Whatever they are doing, they are doing it halfasses, or targeted to the lowest common denominator.

This is a sub full of critical thinkers that take very few things at face value. They are wasting their time trying to manipulate us here. But let's just observer their expensive efforts fail over and over again.

Well said.

I don't think it's a waste of time. It's clearly working whatever it is they're doing. Just look at what topics are upvoted and downvoted. They're even attacking far out conspiracies, on this sub everyone should feel they can post whatever they want without extreme criticism as you would from a regular sub.

Alex Jones is a gatekeeper who activated this last political season and dumped much of his viewers back into the political dialectic under Trump. Jones is a higher level gatekeeper so there are lots of new conspiracy theorists who follow that narrative splashing around at kiddy pool levels.

Well said. Here's a few links links I've compiled about Alex Jones for those who are unaware. In addition to the highlighted comment, there is more information in the comments that follow it as well.

Stupid americans making everything political. Corruption is universal, it doesnt fucking matter if you are republican or a democrat. Critisism towards republicansdoesnt mean you support democrats. Somehow the elite have manage to turn this simple 50/50 debate into the single biggest talking point in america, which just makes people easier to control. The less options you have, the easier you are to control.

Start thinking for yourself and stop politicising every single thing that happens in your life

I’m not American, and it’s not just Americans involved in politics lmao

i'm not a puppet you're a puppet

That is your opinion.

My opinion is that the_donald and conspiracy is leaning to the right and r/politics are leaning to the left.

That some people are middle or don't care about tribalism doesn't make it a fact.

Fact is, if you critize the sitting government on the Donald or here you are a Hillary shill...

It used to be a positive thing to question the government, especially if they have full control over all houses and seats. Now it's not.

The left and the right are the same shit. Tribalistic nutcases.

The Donald is not right leaning. They have took over the Republican party and there is no Right movement anymore. The former Right has been morphed into something completely different

Please tell me how the donald isn't right leaning?

They have taken over the "right" and redefined or are redefining it. It has been being redefined since Nixon to be more and more preverted, but with Trump I believe that segment is so far from the core of the "right" it should no longer be considered the right.

Look at what their main tenets have become. Not what they state, but what they do.

Larger government

Larger deficit

Against immigration

Against Healthcare reform

Anti hispsnic

These are diametrically opposed to long standing principles held by the right and while some of them have been fallacies, especially in the last 17 years, they have not been do overt as they have green as with the Trump supporters.

There really needs to be another term for them aside from right or conservative since they are neither. I think they're is about to be a major split, but I do not know where. The middle is no longer represented.

While the sub isn't pro one way or another as a whole, compared to the rest of reddit, right-wing (and Trump supporters in particular) are a much higher % of the user base (both the active posters/commenters and the silent voters) than if you were to look at reddit as a whole (a mostly liberal/left leaning site). So of course average redditors look into /conspiracy and see a right-leaning sub.

So what does this mean for /conspiracy though? Well lot more right leaning topics get faster and stronger exposure and sit on the front page longer than left leaning topics.

Day to day (excluding big topics that get outside votes), could you argue this is a problem in terms of left-leaning topics not getting proper representation? Sure. Is it that much of a problem though? I don't think so, it's not like it's that much harder for them and there's regularly left-leaning topics on the front page. There could definitely be better left-leaning user representation in the comments in the day to day lower traffic topics, but that's just a product of having a conspiracy sub on a left-leaning site more than anything else. Left-leaners will generally go to other subs and see their opinions validated there, so they won't come here unless something big is happening, whereas right-learners will have a harder time to find representation outside of a few subs. But left-leaning users aren't exactly non-existent here either and there are a decent chunk of users that are more conspiracy focused than politicalconspiracy focused that balances out the left/right imbalance.

tl;dr. No it's not solely a right-wing sub, but right-leaning topics do get more representation than left (this is what outsiders see when they look in, hence the general view it's a right-leaning sub), it could do with being magically fixed with the wave of a wand (I don't see many other ways to really fix it than with magic), but it's not much of a problem to begin with anyway.

It's not that it is right leaning. That is part of the problem. The posts pushing the Murdoch narrative are not right leaning. They are mindless, scripted repeats of the narrative of the day. That is what do chilling. This is supposed to be a conspiracy sub and here you have a giant media empire being run world wide, influencing elections, pushing narratives, controlling large sections of countries through their media and most of the posts here are in lock step with that giant machine.

You want a conspiracy? Look no further than the largest propaganda campaign ever run and it is very active here in this sub

Left? Right? Those terms do not even matter any more. Now it is libtard, alt-right, Russian bots, Soros, trumps tears, etc. When was the last time there was an actual discussion about left/right ideologies? The powers that be do not want that. They want you at war with each other.

The problem is we have a hostile country that saw what was going on and said, this looks like KGB style campaign. We can do this better. So now you have KGG psyops mixed in with Murdoch's propaganda campaign and they are battling for control. Except one side just want to sow discord and distract us even further so they can do as they please.

Two conspiracies butting heads and we are all in between them. The fallout is going to be ugly if it does not get under control

Hard to tell if OP is also a shill. There's a repeat of this post over and over again every day...

This is my very first time making a post about it. You can check my comment/post history if you think I’m a shill.

Rule 10

Yea I just came here recently for the JFK, seems like this place is being influenced which is a good reason to stop checking.

Russian bot here.

I personally just feel compelled to defend trump against false attacks.

I think both parties suck, and it's clear that the whole system is rigged to exclude more reasonable third parties.

I'm sure people consider me pro trump because I defend him often, but I certainly don't agree with all of his policies or the more extreme supporters he have that want to deport everybody.

How is Trump a puppet though? He's making changes that benefit the people, clearly taking flak from the establishment for it. Seems kinda non-corrupt to me.

What changes has he made that benefit people? I don't mean the 1% either.

Tax cuts for the middle class, limiting illegal immigration, tackling the opiod crisis, exposing the lying MSM/deep state, actually doing something about the very real problem at the mexican border, bringing jobs back from abroad, bringing an end to the disgusting PC-culture that has taken a hold of our political stage under Obama, he has his citizens interest in mind instead of lobbyists... The list goes on.

First off his tax cuts benefit the wealthy, its standard trickle down bs. He has done nothing about the opioid crisis besides mention it in a tweet. He is part of the deep state, their is already proof his campaign was working with Russia. No proof he directly worked with them but who know what we’ll find out. I don’t see how he has our interest in mind. The man filled his cabinet with big business cronies and family members. How do you feel he handled Puerto Rico? What about his taxes that were never released? His numerous golfing trips with no record of who he spoke with? This has been one of the least transparent administrations.

Talking points given to you by the MSM, controlled by the deep state. How can you not see this?

How is President Trump tackling the opioid crisis?

I guess we'll have to wait and see

How is he bringing jobs back from abroad?

I bet he gives the DEA more power and we create more private prisons and do absolutely nothing to help addicts. Continuing the failed policies of the Republican Party.

No shit, right? The writing is on the wall. Crazy how badly damaged these folks have become. That's what 30+ years of right wing radio, fox news narratives, and never admitting you're wrong will do.

It also comes down to our terrible education system. People need to be taught how to think critically, how to tell if a study or article is real or fake. Unfortunately this sounds like propaganda to the right wing.

100% agree with this. That was the plan though. Sew the seeds of not being able to trust the gov, slash all education funding, expand religious teachings and build an army of rejects who question everything except their own ideology.

Don't know! But I'm excited to see.

deep state

You're an Alex Jones follower, I take it?

No, not really. I'm more into watching reality unfold before my eyes and draw conclusions from that.

My man.

You actually believe that these things have happened in the real world?

A communist, shit you need to be executed

This sub has been right leaning for years then it was flooded with libs and their bot armies during the election campaign.

Now the lib admins have let the sub suffer a leftist coup because they don't want the right to have a voice that is exposed to the masses.

its not a right-winged sub, but the left glorifies nonsense. and since we are strongly anti-nonsense, the left calls us right-winged. which is, of course, nonsense.

This post is non sense. You show your bias.

which part?

its not a right-winged sub, but the left glorifies nonsense. and since we are strongly anti-nonsense, the left calls us right-winged. which is, of course, nonsense.

ah, so the whole part. Can you elaborate what you mean?

You only point out that the left glorifies non-sense. The right says that Hillary rapes and eats babies.

This sub had an attempted coup by right wing mods.

and since we are strongly anti-nonsense

You, or anyone trying to speak for the sub as a whole is non-sense. There are right wingers here, left wingers here, and people that look at the left and right as two sides of the same coin.

I could go on and on but it is pointless

I could go on and on but it is pointless

here we agree.

care to address the other points I brought up?

You, or anyone trying to speak for the sub as a whole is non-sense

I didn't think I was. I have observed that this sub strives for rationality. I have observed that the Left does not. I don't think that makes us automatically Right wing, but I think that the Left would call us so, because we don't hold Leftist values.

I have observed that this sub strives for rationality. I have observed that the Left does not

Again, it wasn't lefties on this sub saying Hillary Clinton rapes and eats babies. If you missed observing all the wacky shit the right comes up with its is because you are biased.

alright dude.

Wow, sad to see the downvotes on this one.

I mean, I was passing out conspiracy lit in the 1990's. The CT community has always been strongly right-wing. Donald Trump worked his way into this community's favor (primarily through twitter trolling) over a number of years--not just 2016--and so, it makes sense that he still finds a fair amount of support here on reddit and elsewhere.

Of course, none of this makes sense to the people who have always hated "conspiracy theorists" yet felt the need to swarm r/conspiracy after their big L last November. They just don't get it.

No surprise.

As a huge Donald supporter but still very low big government supporter, I and many others came to this sub after vegas. There are very few places on Reddit that won't instantly bash you for either questioning the DNC or Hillary. It's been very clear they are extremely corrupt and have infiltrated every part of government. At the same time I have the same feeling about establishment republicans. I think alot of us realize Trump is not perfect but he's definently not a bought off government crony. That's why this place leans a little right.

I think it's a fact this sub has a right wing agenda when the mods censor left wing posts as too political but keep the pro trump stuff up. Their response is oh well it is what it is or get over it. I've liked this sub for years and since the primaries it's been invaded by the Donald geeks to push their agenda. Everyone who calls it out is a shill. I grab the popcorn and enjoy watching the mods and users pretend like this isn't a right wing donald sub now. It's hilarious and makes your post even more funny.

Rule 10

It would be a lot easier to agree with you (though in general, I do) if there wasn't so much overt Trump support, and so much overt racism promoting itself as "It is ok to be white". Everyone in the world knows it is ok to be white, or black, or Muslim, or anything.

Using this slogan (for a recent example) is a means of distilling victimhood in white people as a tactic of garnering sympathy for far right wing movements, in particular.

I have been a member of this community for a long time, and I have become very, very disapointed with what it has become.

Don’t fall prey to the divide and conquer tactics.

I agree with what you say, but understand that there are still critical thinkers on this subreddit. Just because there is obvious propaganda on here, doesn’t mean that’s all there is.

Like I said, I do agree in general. But, also like I said, I am very disappointed in a lot of it too.

But, alas, I am still here.

But, alas, I am still here.


As a mod of this sub do you just want it to be a right wing circle jerk or do you actually care for it to be a place where any conspiracy can be discussed without massive amounts of bias being thrown into the mix?

I want users who only come here to complain about the sub to start being more constructive, or to go somewhere else.

So, no dissent?

It probably used to be more balanced because alot of the assholes involved in the conspiracies are getting on here now and undermining us by promoting bogus theories and twisting them into support for trump. It doesn't seem like that many people, but there are shills definitely

For sure. But, there is still some good shit here. And, I suppose in a way, it helps to sharpen our critical faculties in some cases. It's just so damn obvious in most cases it is insulting.

I agree. Those of us who are good at finding this stuff will just amused by it... Still it's unsettling because it's such a critical time and we need to get more people. We really need many many more people on this stuff.

if there wasn't so much overt Trump support,

So provide a link to a single front page post from /r/conspiracy that is overtly pro-Trump.

It doesnt need to be pro trump. The front page is just ignoring every conspiracy theory about trump and is all about hillary/dmc/the supressed whites. I don't even frequent this sub, am no American and it's quite obvious that this sub is heavily biased to the right.

I don't even frequent this sub


Yay why would one if they don't hate dmc/Hillary or are white and feeling suppressed. There is just no reason.

You mean like the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy theory? you mean like how every news site totally ignored that and haven't been harping on it every day for a year without a shred of evidence? is that what you mean.

Fuck Trump but Fuck MSM harder.

I am a hardcore Trump supporter, check my post history lol. I have always and will always hold true to my beliefs. I've said long ago that if he invades Syria and fucks Assad or rolls over and gives up on crushing the deep state, that I will renounce my support. FORTUNATELY, he is holding steadfast to his promises. So yes, praise be to the GEOTUS.

Also, to NOT admit that the cisgendered white male and by extension the nuclear family and conservative values are under constant attack is downright delusional. To act as if this country is full or racists and nazi's is delusional. To think that a "united white patriarchy" is at the top and purposefully holding everyone down is delusional.

You useful idiots really are making things too easy for those that seek to divide us.

I am not going to debate politics on an online conspiracy forum. But I will state that you misunderstand my position, and reality.

"The male" that you claim in under attack, along with the "nuclear family" and "conservative values" are all myths.

Then uh.. you are wrong

Not gonna debate you sorry

Nope. If you actually look at the front page here it's consistently ripping on both parties. It just so happens we're being given more information about the establishment dems right now. I think we could do a little better talking about all of the nasty shit Trump's people are working on, but to be honest you can just go look at independent news sources (like democracy now ect.) and get all of that, and then you come here to get all the stuff they're too scared to get into. I don't really get the feeling there's a majority trump tards here.

I am a hardcore Trump supporter, check my post history lol. I have always and will always hold true to my beliefs. I've said long ago that if he invades Syria and fucks Assad or rolls over and gives up on crushing the deep state, that I will renounce my support. FORTUNATELY, he is holding steadfast to his promises. So yes, praise be to the GEOTUS.

Also, to NOT admit that the cisgendered white male and by extension the nuclear family and conservative values are under constant attack is downright delusional. To act as if this country is full or racists and nazi's is delusional. To think that a "united white patriarchy" is at the top and purposefully holding everyone down is delusional.

You useful idiots really are making things too easy for those that seek to divide us.

Bombing Syria was ok but invading is where you draw the line?

Also, to NOT admit that the cisgendered white male and by extension the nuclear family and conservative values are under constant attack is downright delusional

No, its just a right wing talking point. Iam a straight white male, Iam under no attack. You are the one seeking a divide here

Sending a warning strike that had 0 casualties was ok - yes. Considering the lead up was a 'most likely false flag' chemical weapons attack to bait the US into another nation building, occupying war against boogyman terrorism. It was a perfect move.

I have not personally been attacked for being straight white male because I look and act like a hippie. I get along with most everyone and make it a point to be kind to people. That doesn't mean its not happening. Just check the outrage of putting "It ok to be white". Check the comments and shit people are posting in response. Check the police departments labeling it as an act of aggressive racism. What a joke.

Its the roots in the flourishing forest of reasons that Trump won and will win again 2020.

so you are not under attack, its all the other straight white males? Bullshit, you are falling for a talking point. Who cares if there is outrage about "it ok to be white" ? lots of people rage on the internet about stupid shit, it does not mean that straight white males are under attack.

Throughout the nation, there are cultural and political influences that are directly attacking the "cisgendered white male patriarchy". To deny such is ridiculous.

"cisgendered white male patriarchy"

and this is not the same as attacking people. The person Im arguing with says white males are under attack. Iam a white male, Iam not under attack. What is under attack is the idea that only straight white males are the ones that get to make decisions for everybody.

What is under attack is the idea that only straight white males are the ones that get to make decisions for everybody.

That is seriously pathetic, horseshit virtue signalling, as if anyone needs to argue that the sky is blue.

Also, to NOT admit that the cisgendered white male and by extension the nuclear family and conservative values are under constant attack is downright delusional

This is pathetic horseshit. Then you try to move the goalpost.

directly attacking the "cisgendered white male patriarchy"

I asked you how you are under attack, and you said you weren't because you look like a hippy. So who is under attack? what kind of attacks are straight white men facing?

I have not been personally discriminated against specifically for being white. I admit that. It's most likely because I am a fairly odd individual. I am extremely liberal in most aspects of my life. Including the way I look and act.

I am fucking SICK of the hypocrisy of the left. I am sick of the constant barrage of attacks and absolute LIES that are pushed on a daily basis on reddit and on colleges campuses across the nation. What kind of attacks are "straight white men" facing? FUCKING GOOGLE IT. Endless videos of conservatives getting chased off, harrassed, humiliated over arbitrary hyped up bullshit. Actual discrimination and intolerance of peoples viewpoints simply brushed off because they're white.

And.. please don't accuse me of shifting goal posts to conservatives now lol. Straight white males make up the overwhelming majority of those dubbed "conservative" now a days. Easy example to your questions/accusations.

I have not been personally discriminated against specifically for being white. I admit that.

Its because its a bullshit talking point.

O cool bro, thanks for helping Trump2020

be hard to run from prison.

HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAH, does bernie still have a chance too? Wanna match my donation?

The left isn’t attacking anyone. They are promoting equal rights for people who live lifestyles that are non traditional, but are not harmful to anyone. I’m a cisgender straight male I do not feel threatened when gay or trans people ask to be accepted for who they are, they aren’t trying to force me to do anything besides acknowledge their FREEDOM to live how they want as long as it is not harmful to others.

Hey guys, the KKK isn't attacking anyone, they're just promoting equal rights for people who live certain lifestyles!

Keep virtue signaling

Please give me a list of the lynchings any pro equality organization has committed. The KKK is litterally an organization against minorities to suppress their rights. A black person can not join the kkk. A white person can join BLM or any other equality based organization because they aren’t trying to take away white people’s rights.

So people loosely associated with BLM, not the actual organization.

This sub isnt woke. Cant fight the shills. Low energy

Eh, that's cool and all, but can you explain why it's obsessed with the SAME conspiracy about a certain woman who's not even in politics anymore and hasn't been for a year?

This is why people will not be happy unless she's put in jail. She's left more bodies than Ted Bundy.

Has she?

That's why it's discussed here. Nobody knows for sure but the meta data is incredibly incriminating.

Like pizzagate. No real proof, but it just seems weird.

I was wondering, as they release more and more of these ads/sites/groups (for whichever side) that turned out to be russian, has anyone been tracking them to see how they were spread on Reddit? I would love to see if there were certain users or communities pushing these sites and content.


There were tons. There are tons. The front page is stuffed to the gills with right wing Russia backed and pushed propaganda.

How come none of the top post have to do with the RNC, Russia or trump then? Plenty of conspiracy to go around but instead it’s just shit about Clinton

People in this sub don't love Trump any more than they love a house fire. But sometimes a good house fire is the only way to get rid of the bugs.

Not when it's a roach holding the gasoline.

There's both pro trump AND anti trump bullshitery going on. Fuck the comments below, many people here are just as anti-establishment as they've ever been. Not being a Marxist doesn't make you pro-establishment. Trump's a puppet at worst, and at best he's devoid of character. I consider myself very conservative in many regards, and very liberal in many regards, but my stance on Trump in this regard is fairly solid, and the anti-conservative posting in this thread is bullshit.

Personal anecdote time: I've frequented other conspiracy boards for a couple of decades now (hell, I frequented conspiracy BBSes back in the 1980s), and I noticed an increasing division creeping in especially in the past 5-7 years.

Prior to that, even if people had different political opinions re: free market libertarians vs "some aspects of socialism are good" types, there was little political bickering. There were definitely always disagreements, but it was part of the background, not the foreground of common positions vis a vis mechanisms of control, etc.

From personal observation, conspiracy boards started seeing an influx of strong libertarian/freeper/Tea Party types when political conspiracies about Obama started getting traction.

Note: this isn't to knock ALL libertarian ideals. Just pointing out that this is when the "political divisiveness" started to really grow.

It also doesn't help that in the past decade started equating "conspiracy theory" with right-wing or alt-right political positions, adding to the left/right paradigm.

Libertarian is anti authoritarian so it makes sense that those who distrust the government would align themselves in such a way.

It's gotten better. Should have seen this place a year ago. It was mostly xposts back then.

And now it's a solid split of 4chan + T_D.

Trump is a puppet


What do you find so funny? Do you think he is not a puppet?

Yes. Fuck the establishment. Never vote for reds and blues! Bunch of fuckin liars.

Lol Trump is NO puppet

which part?

I don't even frequent this sub



Relevant username.

You mean like the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy theory? you mean like how every news site totally ignored that and haven't been harping on it every day for a year without a shred of evidence? is that what you mean.

Fuck Trump but Fuck MSM harder.

Then uh.. you are wrong

Not gonna debate you sorry

"cisgendered white male patriarchy"

and this is not the same as attacking people. The person Im arguing with says white males are under attack. Iam a white male, Iam not under attack. What is under attack is the idea that only straight white males are the ones that get to make decisions for everybody.

Ma man!

Like pizzagate. No real proof, but it just seems weird.