America is a Corporation (known as THE UNITED STATES) that operates under Roman Civil Law. Americans are owned by the Corporation from birth to death. Americans are not free people, and America is not the land of the free.

54  2017-11-02 by VisionaryPrism

I can bet that 85% of Americans do not know this. This is not an accident. The people have been made ignorant on purpose. Corporate Government schools do not tell you that you are owned from birth. Schools are place for indoctrination and to dumb down the masses.

Congress is fully aware of this deception. You must be made aware that the members of Congress do NOT work for the people. Rather, they work for the Corporation known as THE UNITED STATES. Is this really any surprise to you? This is why the people can't get them to do anything on their behalf or to answer to the people — as in the case with the illegal income tax — among many other things. Contrary to popular belief, they are NOT our civil servants. They do NOT work for the people. They are the servants of the corporate government and carry out its bidding.

You are presumed to know the law. THEY know you don't know the law, or your history for that matter, because this information has not been taught to you. No concerted effort has been made to inform you. As a Sovereign, you are entitled to full disclosure of the facts. As a slave, you are entitled to nothing other than what the corporation decides to "give" you — at a price.

THEY count on the fact that most people are too uninterested or distracted or lazy to learn the law. The People have been mentally conditioned to allow the alleged government to do their thinking for them.

The UNITED STATES government is basically a corporate instrument of the international bankers.

This means YOU are owned by the corporation from birth to death. The corporate UNITED STATES also holds ownership of all your assets, your property, and even your children. Does this sound untrue? Think long and hard about all those bills you pay, all those various taxes and fines and licenses you must pay for. Yes, they've got you by the pockets. Actually, they've had you by the ass for as long as you've been alive. Don't believe any of this? Read up on the 14th Amendment Check out how "free" you really are.

Americans do not have absolute rights guaranteed by the "organic" Constitution. They have 'relative' rights and privileges.

This is fact, but the conspiracy is that the people do not know this because they have been purposely made ignorant. I know some of you know it, but we should inform everyone we know on the subject. America has had an unlawful government since 1817.

Here is a link if you want to read more in-depth.


Indeed. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is pretty much like saying WALMART.

What's that joke about the American Dream again? Oh yeah, you'd have to be asleep to believe it.

Oh how Carlin would have a field day at the current state of the world.

You can only imagine the fury

Why do you think suicide is illegal? You'd be robbing them of their livestock.

Suicide is not illegal.

Under modern U.S. law, suicide is not a crime. Some states, however, classify attempted suicide as a criminal act, but prosecutions are rare, especially when the offender is terminally ill.

Well, this isn't entirely true. You are not owned, as you can freely abdicate your citizenship (assuming you owe no debt to the Treasury.)

But there's an implied social contract which gives the State power over its citizens.

I think it's all hogwash, but law has a long history, and history is the only thing that makes laws meaningful.

How many American citizens really know this though?

At least five.

Oversimplified, but that's the idea yes.

This my friends is the whole conspiracy behind corporations and giving them "person," status. That person then has one function to make profit for the owners. Our Owners are Corporations which skirts the whole slavery discussion and wraps it into the foundations of business. Now you work for a company. Maybe you own companies. Maybe you benefit because companies are around. It's a flaw in the system for sure. Nothing that a complete mindset change couldn't fix.

I’m not free? I’m sitting in a 400k dollar house sipping on wine looking at how much my amazing portfolio gained the past three months. Last month I travelled to Italy to see the Roman stuff before Muslims take it over.

I decided that this weekend I am going to go camping with my family. Oh, and I am thinking about switching careers from finance to accounting.

How am I not free?

Your 400k house is owned by the Corporation, THE UNITED STATES.

Your assets are owned by the corporation, THE UNITED STATES.

Please read the links I have provided. You are not as free as you think.

USA = "A Bank masquerading as a country"

Thank you Geostorm movie.