Dr Steven Greer

0  2017-11-02 by zachthebudtender

I’m just thinking. This guy discloses a tonne of information and name drops some pretty important people. How have people not gone after him? Thoughts?


He's eaten so much HGH he thinks he can contact aliens. Rockefeller funded disinfo.


Rockefeller funded disinfo.


Human growth hormones. That man aint natty.

In your opinion, what part of his information is disinformation?

Fake alien found in a desert. Calling in aliens with a drum and humming. A majority of it..

Personally i wouldnt call the majority of what hes saying disinfo, because other researchers have reached the same results, im just unsure about the no alien is evil part. He can have a huge ego and narscisisstic, but his info can still be mostly correct. Might be wishful thinking on my part tho.

He claims to have briefed the White House, Pentagon and heads of Intelligence Agencies about aliens.

Everyone he name drops denies it ever happened.

I know.....it’s because disclosure.

It's not wishful thinking on your part. It's critical thinking. So many people are on the "Greer is a hoaxer" bandwagon - and for exactly the same non-reasons as the poster who you just responded to here. In other words, they themselves actually don't really know what they're talking about. Their reasons are not very logical and are more emotionally-based than anything.

You're right - other researchers have in fact come to the same results that he has come to. He is definitely someone who is in possession of at least some decent ET info. I'm not saying he's 100% perfect in everything he says. Of course not - especially, as you pointed out in your response, his idea that "no alien is evil". Sheeit. OF COURSE SOME aliens are evil, Steven! WTF? That idea on his part is just pure rubbish. Many ETs are just like humans: Some/many are cool, some/many are not so cool.

Just be/continue being intelligent and critically thinking is all you have to do. Dr. Greer has some interesting and fascinating information for sure. He's by no means the one and only source for all things ET though. He's just one source. There are others that have very valuable information as well.

In my experience, he is a time waster...

Tom Delonge is better.

At what?

He's the Tom DeLonge of the last decade. These folks are fooled into thinking they are the chosen ones. Ego is a powerful weapon.

Limited hangout just like Tom DeLonge.

I gave up on Greer after his Gaia documentary about the alien they found and it ended up being fake. Also he is a money whore with his disclosure project.

Ooo thanks. Should I be weary of Gaia content? I just signed up.

Depends. its interesting, especially cosmic disclosure if your into Wilcox and Goode. They piqued my interest when they first came out but the story has gone off the rails IMO.

I actually used it more for the yoga lessons.

I don’t know how I feel about David Wilcox. Seems like he’s always trying to joke around with guests who take their work very seriously

If they would have stuck to the secret space program and kept the story linear and simple more people would believe them. When Goode became the unofficial ambassador to humanity and the ET's (Sphere Alliance) is when I said "Yeah OK".

If they were telling the truth why would they still be alive?

Don’t forget, he also has a zero point energy device that will free the world of fossil fuel dependence.

He just needs our money to profit before releasing it.

Rule 12

Removed. Rule 2

I have 10 new accounts now.

I think the fact that he makes money from this passion of his is what puts people off.

There's a lot of talk about retreats he holds that cost a pretty penny to attend. He's released a documentary. He's also a published author.

I found Greer and the people he surrounds himself to be very articulate when discussing ET.

Makes me wonder if Tom Delonge is actually serious about his soft disclosure. If both he and Greer are telling the truth, then that probably means that those that held ET secrets close to the chest are long gone. What we have left are people that have no clue wtf to do with these secrets in an evolving world that seems to be ready to take a leap.

Thanks everybody. I friggen love reddit.

My thoughts exactly.

Check out reptiliandude here on reddit

he's a total setup


Corey Goode claims he’s flown on these space ships and he’s been to the secret base in Antarctica.

Greer better step up his bullshit game if he wants to keep making those stacks.