Is there a conspiracy to genocide/breed out the white race?

3  2017-11-03 by [deleted]




Bots working, continue.

They submitted 17 posts today. Busy.

Nationalism is the greatest threat to Jewish globalism. A White Christian is their most dangerous enemy and, for anyone with eyes to see, it is the most maligned identity in the (((media))).

lol thanks for the giggles

dont jewish people hate muslims though, with israel/palestine. to me it seems like this media outcry against whites is revenge for the holocaust.

to me it seems like this media outcry against whites is revenge for the holocaust.

Wait, what?

Look up Coudenhove-Kalergi.

White people were always a minority population we are just being homoginized and globalized along with economics and politics.

Stop thinking being white is some special thing. We are all first, last and always all humans.

What media is saying all ppl of color are bad?

Fox News is the most famous one.

Oh, your one of those ppl who characterizes huge swaths of ppl as racist.

You do know you are the problem, right?

Is Fox News a "huge swath," of people.

race bait -- #unite against deep-state zio-facism (because we are ALL losing - big time)

I think that there is a narrative of "white=bad" that's being pushed, and even that there are people who believe it to the point that they would be willing to physically act out against whites. Though while I think there is an actual threat to whites...said threat is no where near as eminent or on a scale as some would suggest. So regardless of your skin color, don't be a person who "Strikes first" as a means of defense....because TPTB are most likely trying to turn the population against each other as a means of furthering their control over the population....

I track a lot of news/information sites, I only see this idea pushed on conservative sites not in what is called MSM.

I only see this idea pushed on conservative sites not in what is called MSM.

Well the acknowledgement of anti-white sentiment is covered by conservative networks... but there is enough of said sentiment, especially originating from leftist sources, for that acknowledgement to be justified. Perhaps not at the levels that conservatives are suggesting, but anti-white sentiment is, without a doubt, in existence.

I mean...just look at some of the responses that the "It's OK to be white" campaign (or troll, if you please) generated. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Here is my response to that paranoid, "It is OK ok to be White," campaign:

Are you fucking kidding me?

lol...the IOTBW campaign didn't stem from stemmed from a hypothesis that it would be received negatively, especially from non white people.

A phrase, that in itself is straightforward, honest, and quite frankly, completely obvious to any rational person, was used to trigger a response. LOL, And it sure did.

I'll tell you now that the vast majority of white people are not afraid of a "race war", for a variety of reasons. But that doesn't mean that anti-white sentiment is not found in human society...just as anit-black or anti-another race sentiment exists...anti-white sentiment exists. Being a "victim" of racism is not excluded in the "white experience"...regardless of how much it is ignored. And the IOTBW campaign easily proves that....

You ARE fucking kidding me!

lol...I'm sorry...where did I lose you? What part of what I said are you confused about or disagree with?

The part that you are seriously worried about your race

oh no no no. I'm not worried about it. I just don't ignore the fact that racism against white people exists in society.

You seem to be doing your part to reinforce it.

How do you mean?

Just because I acknowledge somethings existence doesn't mean that my acknowledgement is the cause of it's existence...

I acknowledge that water is wet, but said acknowledgement isn't the foundation of waters existence...

Some things only exist because we believe they exist. Things exist or they don't. At least in terms of existing in physical reality. And racism against white people can, has and does exist in physical reality. Just as racism against black people or asain people or whatever can has and does exist in physical reality.

By calling out racism without judging the victim?

If you're still worried about "inbreeding" and "breeding out" anyone I think you could use a couple hundred years of progress.

Is there a conspiracy to genocide/breed out the white race?


the fact that they are now saying in the media it is not okay to be white

Care to cite your source?

"I wish the propaganda made white women only interested in white men for the sake of skin color."

The Book Of Obadiah specifies and edifies the complete destruction of the Edomites/Caucasian/white race

saying in the media it is not okay to be white

Citation needed

I rec you view videos by sargon of akkad. every week. every single week he is bringing new videos from another leftist saying the most abhorrent anti white, anti men garbage. this week were articles across the nation by people horrified by the phrase 'its okay to be white'

Without a doubt there is. And it' shouldn't be viewed as racist to say so. It's just the facts.

Care to cite some of those "facts"?

Yes. But it won't work.

Bots working, continue.

What media is saying all ppl of color are bad?