Reddit Censorship: Despite 10.6k upvotes the politico article about the DNC, at the top of this subreddit, can't be found anywhere on the front page of Reddit.

5124  2017-11-03 by 2clicksoff

I had never realized Reddit was this blatant in censoring content until today. The Donna Brazile article about the DNC cheats cannot be found on the front page. What does Reddit gain by burying the Politico article about the DNC rigging the election?


If you haven't realized until today you haven't been paying attention.

Well I knew it was suppressing anti-hillary information and pushing anti-trump during the election. However, something like learning the DNC was laundering money at the behest of Clinton, as confirmed by Donna Brazile is legitimate news.

And Obama.......there was a lot of laundering going on.

Well, we don't really know because the Obama Admin has been the least transparent of any Admin since Regan.

Yeah it's honestly a joke

Is that why The D was on the front page every day with multiple submissions during that time?

I think your memory may be a little faulty. I remember plenty of pro Donald stuff if you filtered by all during that time.

you mean how it wasn't, tho it should have been due to getting most upvotes on the site?

You mean most active bots? It was clear they were manipulating vote counts.

Bullshit excuse. You could make that claim about any sub that hits the front page.

I frequent the sub but I have to agree.
I've tried to get some pretty key stuff pushed there but it never gets past a thousand upvotes or so.

as confirmed by Donna Brazile is legitimate news

You are as bad as them.

I took it to mean worthy of reporting not completely factually in content.

I took it to mean worthy of reporting not completely factually in content.

I took it the same way, but I see it as appeal to authority, and a bad one at that, or source snobbery.

We've known this for almost a year now. The, "it's official because," rubs the wrong way.

shaun king is fake black guy who was pushing the black lives matter thing to divide and conquer but I think at some point he woke up and realized Hillary was no good, he was on to this money laundering scam a year ago:

It appears to be a money laundering scheme. Do you remember when George Clooney said that Bernie Sanders and his supporters were right to be disgusted by the fact that some seats at the fundraiser cost $353,400 per couple, but that he could live with it because the money was mainly going to help smaller candidates win local elections?

He was wrong.

some seats at the fundraiser cost $353,400 per couple

And let's be real about this, too: nobody's spending that much only to attend a dinner. This is like saying that Russian banks were spending $500k only for a speech from Bill Clinton. This is pay-to-play or straight up money laundering.

yup but maybe (huge maybe) it'd be ok if that money went to dems running in the states for other offices. but it didn't. where'd it go? money laundering.

It was a fund-raising dinner and that's how they work.
Nothing is untoward about the price on its surface.
The money was even distributed according campaign finance law.

Where this becomes a crime is where they side-stepped campaign finance law and funneled the $10k state donations to the national party and then moved the money to Hillary's campaign.

Shaun King never supported Clinton. He was always part of the Bernie anti-war, anti-corporate wing.

He may not actually be black, but he's a good bloke. He's certainly no establishment shill.

no he supported Hillary at first and was just a grafter con artist who glommed onto the black lives matter thing. I might be wrong about him waking up, he may have then just glommed on to true libs like Bernie when he saw that tea leaves that Hillary was unpopular.

no he supported Hillary at first and was just a grafter con artist who glommed onto the black lives matter thing. I might be wrong about him waking up, he may have then just glommed on to true libs like Bernie when he saw that tea leaves that Hillary was unpopular.

he's a good bloke

He's a piece of shit.

I'm an anti-American (in terms of foreign policy) libertarian and I think he's a good bloke.

I can't read the article. My browser keeps saying there is something wrong.

not sure why

Reddit is COMPLETELY pro Hilly, Obama, Podesta controlled! Comment one thing against those 3 and watch the downvote attack, it's quite entertaining, but proof!!!

Oh no you got downvoted!

I agree 100%! Redditors take the up/down votes WAY too seriously! It's nothing more than a digital fantasy and affects reality in no way whatsoever!!!

it's an attempt of influencing opinion/reaction. have you heard of the Asch Experiment?

I haven't, it's just SO obvious it happens, but thanks for the breadcrumb, I will check it out

And what's your position you actually believe the fake stories about Hillary and uranium one? Lol that Obama is gay and his wife's a tranny ? And he's was born in Kenya ? On and on fake news from the repubtards!

You think the stories about Hillary are fake???? Classic!!! You can only be brainwashed, but let's not get into an argument about it, just watch what happens over the next few weeks!

Can't fucking wait ... What about 9/11 your loving Republicans pulled off ? Yeah what side is being investigated as we speak ? That's right the scum Republicans working with Russia ! Uranium one is an old no story being brought up to distract the views from the FBI investigation .o yeah in case you missed it the FBI found absolutely nothing in there investigation of Clinton that's why she's out of jail lol.

That's classic you are SO delusional!!! Bush's were behind 9/11, NOT TRUMP!!! Guess who's aligned with the Bush's? Obama and Clinton's, great pals, all pieces-o-shit! Uranium One was never investigated properly, but now will be hopefully, and that will only prove Podesta/Clinton's ties with Russia!! "The FBI found nothing on Clinton that's what she's out of jail" ???? Everyone knows that was the most rigged "investigation" to ever happen, a complete embarrassment to investigations! She had dirt on puppets, DESTROYED all her devices (is that not an admition of guilt?). Trump's been slowly dismantling the whole scummy system built and maintained by Bush/Obama/Clinton and they're losing all support. There Saudi sponsors just all got arrested too! #cantstopwinningitscontageous

If that's your evidence destroyed evidence then Trump is a rapist I would agree and honestly they can all burn for all I care I vote Democrat for many reasons but if you actually think after hearing Trump admit to grabbing women by the pussies and kissing them without asking ! That's sexual assault! Not to mention Trump is one of the only presidents not to show his tax returns that's not guilty to you? He is a con man and if he opened them up he would be in jail too! Money laundering is absolutely going on in his family for years ! He's a draft dogging bitch but talks about military so often it's sickening! He's just good at talking to his stupid redneck military base ! But if they actually knew him they would realize he's a spoon fed rich boy and has made a living fucking people over and being an asshole his entire life he could die today and this world would cheer !! You would see rejoice in the streets ! Never has there been a more hated president EVER! how can you stand listening to him speak .Huge , believe me " his face is very me a favor do some research on Trump's corruption and not just Hillary ! That's the difference if Hillary was proven to be a real criminal not just from brietbart or Alex crazy Jones ! Then I'd be happy to see her ass thrown in jail because that's a REAL American but you trumptards can't even admit a guy with like 15 sexual assault cases you guys just say o there all fake or any REAL evidence coming forward about his corruption you guys say fake news bla bla bla it's not a fucking team it's real life ! I used to here idiots like you defending bush back in the day too! Saying he's keeping Americans safe ! Lol neocon Republicans are the most evil group ever in politcs !

Whatever man, you're fucking crazy so what you say/think means shit to me. Good luck, you fucking need it! 🤣

Love shit like this.

That makes a fascinating companion to the Milgram experiments.

Not really, upvotes mean visibility and exposure, downvotes hide information. If votes didn't matter then there would be no vote manipulation.

On a certain scale yes you are correct, but on a personal scale where someone doesn't give a fuck and accepts the game is rigged it means nothing!

Until you can cash in your updoots for valuable cash and prizes I'm kind of baffled why anyone would really care. Maybe it's an offshoot of the whole "participation trophy" mentality.

More like "pro deep state" controlled (which has no political affiliation), but yeah. It's also the reason why George Bush puff pieces get upvoted when 5 years ago on Reddit, his name was synonymous with "war criminal." Those were the good old days...

Reddit is cunty as fuck! As long as we all understand and realise it's filled with planted scum we'll be alright!

Get the fuck out of here lol have you not seen the retards talking about how great Trump is and pushing fake stories like uranium one deal ! That story is DEBUNKED!

Not sure if sarcastic or serious...

Account is 2mn old so I'm going with the status that is censured in this sub.

Which company pays you to go around leaving pathetic comments that nobody believes? Trump is taking Hillary to the cleaners, guaranteed, it is in progress! And Uranium One has not and will never be "debunked"! You shills are getting worse by the day 🤣

I could ask you the same thing ? Sucked Sean hannity's cock lately seriously your on the wrong side of history! Time will show absolutely no indictments will be made on Democrats and multiple Republicans will go to jail . Republicans are pure filth and scum.They spin ever negative story to try to trick the American people into believing there lies but it's not working anymore. Trump will be impeached and I will love watching Fox afterwards lol.

You are high as fuck aren't you??? 🤣🤣🤣

Let's just sit back and let time tell who'll come out on top, I guarantee it, screen shot this, Clinton and Co. are going down, super hard, it's ALREADY happening, are you blind?

I've heard this since 2012 when bengazi happened and that bitch is still sitting in her mansion eating caviar laughing her ass off 😂.truly her bill and old bush boys are all corrupt as fuck but you delusional fuck boys actually believe that God damn Donald Trump yes the rapist,con man ,tv personality,failed business man he literally filed bankruptcy multiple times but was bailed out by rothchilds,is somehow not deep state lol he's about money and is just as evil as the rest . Cutting Medicare for disabled then turn around and give it to rich fucks that are filthy rich .

It's kinda like Reddit is like America, where the majority of people rejected Donald Trump.

Tell me about it. I was killed on the \livefromnewyork thread when I tried to make the point that maybe SNL shouldn't asseverate Sarah Sanders and within three posts someone called my family retards. I told the Mod and they did nothing. I should have asked that fucknut for his real address but alas, I let it go and left the subreddit.

A lot is due to the pizzagate bs spread from this sub and others that lean heavily right. Anything with Podesta now just screams desperate right-winger trying to change narrative away from Russia. I hate Podesta, but all the nonsense from The D makes us look bad.

Well just wait until Pizzagate is proven to be 100% correct! Are you too blind to see that the recent ousting of pervs/pedos in Hollywood is the first step?

No matter how much you wish Hillary is a pedo, I don't think she is. She is fucked up in many ways, but she's not a child raper.

That's only your opinion. Her leaked emails and close ties to the Podesta's, Weinstein and people like that says otherwise!

So with that logic Trump is a pedo too? People have actually alleged shit against him. It's just autists who say Hillary is a pedo. Also heard she makes and sells meth, which is impressive, imo.

Reddit is COMPLETELY pro Hilly, Obama, Podesta controlled! Comment one thing against those 3 and watch the downvote attack, it's quite entertaining, but proof!!!

Bullshit. This is a sample page from r/politics last year. Just to counter your lie that reddit is "COMPLETELY pro hilly [sic]". It's not a statistical outlier, either; it looked that way every day for months.

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⚠️ Mentally ill communists have arrived⚠️ hide your belongings and proceed to the exit

That is nothing but horse shit! It goes far deeper, pro-Trump posts being autovoted down immediately, some posts disappear completely. Then you have the hoards of paid groups that lurk around downvoting comments supporting Trump, and replying to comments 3, 4 at a time trying to make people who are trying to expose Hillary, Podesta, Obama look like lunatics etc. They also usually post exactly like you, supplying some lame link supporting as "proof". Where do I find Reddits statistics page for their narrative pushing staff???

Well, a lot of it is legitimate news. They don't censor or not on the basis of the veracity of the information or its legitimacy. They censor it on the basis of the agenda it serves to do so.

I agree, but there's a lot of legitimate news Reddit is still suppressing. Their censoring/bias didn't end with the election.

Oh look, my comment is getting downvoted. The irony.

Are you serious? I am subscribed to nothing with this account and I see Russian bot shills for trump faaaaaaaar more frequently on r/all than anti-trump stuff.


Wasn't pushing anti Trump during the election. The D was all over r/all during the election. Sometimes took it over completely.

My experience has been the opposite (on this subreddit at least) - people are pushing anti-Hillary stories and suppressing anything that’s critical of Trump.

DNC emails were edited by Russians before release.

A popular conservative on Twitter was manufactured by Russians.

Nowhere on /r/conspiracy.

This sub is a joke.

I wish there was a way to run some data analytics on this.

It's a little more obvious than the moderators in r/news and r/politics are letting on.

There's a blackout on all things Clinton in r/news and r/politics is an echo chamber

Date of search: Nov 1, 2017 00:00 UTC

Search results: last month

Search term: "clinton"

Subreddit Search term Submissions (visible) Articles (pos-neu-neg) Reddit search Archive
r/worldnews clinton 15 4 - 2 - 9 [link] [1]
r/politics clinton 222 mostly positive [link] [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]
r/news clinton 0 0 - 0 - 0 [link] [1]

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I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Not one article in /r/news on Clinton in the last month? That's amazing, thanks for sharing.

For comparison.

r/news also had a blackout on Podesta, but does permit negative Trump articles. So much for a neutral default sub.

Search term: "podesta"

Subreddit Search term Submissions (visible) Articles (pos-neu-neg) Reddit search Archive
r/worldnews podesta 3 0 - 0 - 3 [link] [1]
r/politics podesta 42 0 - 0 - 42 [link] [1]
r/news podesta 1 0 - 0 - 1 [link] [1]

Search term: "trump"

Subreddit Search term Submissions (visible) Articles (pos-neu-neg) Reddit search Archive
r/worldnews trump 191 mostly negative [link] [1]

[2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] | | r/politics | trump | 243 | exclusively negative (echo chamber) | [link] | [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] | | r/news | trump | 25 | 3 - 5 - 17 | [link] | [1] |

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I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Totally warrants it's own post. Oh reddit, what a monster have you become.

What's your definition of pos/neg/neutral? Every headline I've seen is incredibly objective and just stating a fact.

Clinton isn't /r/news because she hasn't done anything newsworthy. Trump is, ya know, the president, and the president's actions tend to be newsworthy.

Can you name anything newsworthy Clinton has done in the last few months?

I knew someone was going to try and nitpick.

It's subjective.

If the story appears intended as criticism, a hit piece, or falls under some time of investigation, then it was counted under the negative tally.

Positive would be praise, neutral is reporting without an objective bias.

Someone might have different tallies, but I tried to remain objective in rating tallies.

Tallies above 200, i didn't total due to time. I could go back as the search results were archived.

So you read every article to determine if it was positive, neutral, or negative? Fascinating. You'd have to because every thread title is objective and neutral.

The rating was by the title.

Stop being a troll.

Your post will likely be removed if it: primarily concerns politics.


Now try looking at the Trump articles permitted in r/news

Those concern politics and investigations where Trump submissions are permitted, but Clinton submissions are auto removed.

There's a clear double standard.

When I see the Trump articles I see threads involving specific people, actions, or events. It's an article on the effects of the politics. Your Clinton articles are not. They are news articles about politics and about politicians.

Keep spinning, you're not fooling anyone.

Keep talking shit, no one cares.

I saw it there briefly yesterday.

Yep. It was there. It may have just been the timing.

Yeah, I saw it on the front page as well

Maybe OP was thinking r/all?

All the big players CHOOSE what trends and what doesn't

It's not on /all right now because it's over a day old and newer submissions have pushed it down. It was there earlier.

You might have seen it as a subscriber to this sub. I think OP means /r/all. I didn't notice it there yesterday. When I get to desktop, I can check or for yesterday. Or someone else can do it.

I've just been viewing r/all lately. I saw this story in some form in at least 7 different subreddits

Not subbed here, I also saw it multiple times yesterday on r/all.


Sounds suspect

OP is probably referring to his front page then. Some days you don't see the top posts of certain subs, and that has been explained by being subbed to many different subreddits, and the front page can only hold so many. I have seen on certain days that I can scroll to the 500th post and not see a single post from this sub.

Likewise. Both on my computer and my phone.

The post on /r/politicalrevolution was on the front page of /r/all yesterday. It had about 16k upvotes last I saw.

OP is talking about the post from this subreddit. Nobody has claimed that the post you're referring to didn't appear on All.

If you're talking about this one, I definitely saw it on /r/all yesterday because I remember the obnoxious title OP gave it.

I'm subscribed to /r/consipracy, but I would assume OP is too, so I think he just doesn't know what he's talking about.

He said front page in the title, so I'm guessing that's what he means. It's totally possible it didn't show up for him, although that isn't necessarily a conspiracy to hide it. That's apparently how Reddit works.

I only browsed /r/all yesterday and I saw it a couple times.

I'm literally here from r/all. You guys are on it today, and you were on it yesterday. What's the conspiracy here?

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with the people here ?

They actually think the world revolves around Bernie. Including Reddit's /r/all algorithm.

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with the people here ?

They're not very smart.

They actually think the world revolves around Bernie

Most of the folks here are actually completely opposed to Bernie's agenda.

You seriously need to educate yourself.

Exactly bernie sanders is the 2nd most loved millionaire on all of reddit.

8 years as mayor, 16 years as U.S. House of Representative and 10 years in the U.S. Senate, I hope he saved some money from his six-figure salary and his several holdings in mutual funds and retirement accounts.

And you need to get off Tulsi's tit.

And have you stopped beating your wife?

I'm unmarried.

Your post history is full of adulation for that Hawaiian fascho-bimbo, whereas mine expresses zero anti-woman views. A big swing and a big miss.

I don't bother with people's history. Don't really care if I get negative points or positive point in comments, you would have seen that if you saw my history. It's really not about who scores browny points for the team. Because team is really an illusion, the siloed reality, echo chamber, the social media groupthink is just a small box that confines your reality.

Tulsi is so unqualified for the presidency that I can't take anyone who suggests that seriously. She also happens to be the one Dem who is actively courting Putin, Assad, and more wars. What a coincidence.

Trump was unqualified and now he's on the path to re-election.

"Vote for Tulsi or Trump will win! Plus, you beat your wife!"


Good luck with the dumbest fucking approach I've ever seen.

Troll lives matter

Lol who is trying to convince right wing trash like you? Your kind is too cucked by that Donny dick to ever get off it.

I'm not right-wing, and your English fucking sucks. Hum on my nuts bitch.

Toungue my anus, nigger. Oh and could you please point out why my English "fucking sucks." Still trying to learn :)

Your whore mother gave you fetal alcohol syndrome. Your country is the product of pussy Cossacks getting raped by Turks and Chechens. I'm sitting here in America, and you never will.

I'm done here, won't be responding again.

Like anyone can be on track for re-election less than a year into their presidency, give me a fucking break.

The DNC and the Democrats really fucked up in the Primarys and in the Election. There was clear lack of a 1.6 Billion dollar enthusiasm for Hillary Clinton and it was the Democrats and the DNC rigged fuckery that led to Donald Trump getting elected.

Okay, Donald Trump may not be on track but the Democrats are sure as hell on track of repeating the same damn mistakes again.

Removed. Rule 5.

Oh suuuuure. As if this place is just a sister sub of t_d.


You’re “not very smart,” if you think that article was about Bernie.

...I never said it was.

You're "not very good at reading."

Berners are about as delusiional as they come.. anything to push the "Bernie woulda won" narrative. Because that somehow vindicates them? Cuz the alternative is acknowledging their "Bernie or bust" is the reason we have this clown in the oval office, and that's too hard to accept.

"If children go around naked, they are liable to see each others' sexual organs, and maybe even touch them. Terrible thing! If we raise children up like this it will probably ruin the whole pornography business." -- Bernie Sanders

Wow, that's so much worse than actually molesting people like Trump. /s

I saw it about 5 different times on 5 different subreddits yesterday going through the first few pages of /r/all.

Don’t blame Reddit blame the Russians.


cuz if dems admit they lost on purpose they'll be force to move left and take less bribes from the rich

conservadems on suicide watch in r/politicws

I made this point in the thread that WAS on the top page of reddit about trump pulling us out of the international push to reveal revenues from big oil. Yeah lets sensationalize an article about Trump doing something marginally bad and not put anything throwing shit at HRC on the front page. Its literally just blatant now, just like during the election when politics LITERALLY was 95% Trump smear articles and then like one post about something really shitty HRC did that is article downplaying whatever she did. Its insane, we live in the fucking twilight zone dude.

Like HRC was just confirmed to have rigged the primary in her favor with that deal, and was caught lying red handed about "not knowing" about the dossier only to come out this week and say yeah well heres why its ok that I did that. In which she paid for the research on the RUSSIAN dossier obtained by a British Intelligence officer who used to work in RUSSIA. Any neither of these things are on the front page, probably the 2 biggest confirmed cases of election fraud in history.

You call them smear articles, but I've only been on this sub all week.. checking a few other subs I'm seeing just how bad of a week Trump has had, and yet would have never known had I only relied on this sub.

If you rely on this sub you probably think Trump had a great week.

Besides knowing about the indictments and papawhoever, you're absolutely right. I avoid politics and the news (as much as this sub allows), so it was a bit shocking to see stuff that isn't filtered through our apparently right wing sub.

Why what happened to Trump this week? I really need to get off this sub! I don't even live in the US, I know literally nothing about what is happening even in my own country.

No I'm referring to during the election, I remember just seeing post after post of basically articles grasping at straws or little insignificant things and sensationalizing them, meanwhile with all the shit that leaked about HRC during the election, you saw basically 0 posts that were critical of her.

So like where should I read the news?

Breitbart and Salon. May as well get the whole spectrum and decide for yourself.

Hot take: I hope they keep doing this. Keep trying to bury the mess that is the dem party so that shit hits the fan during the 2018 election cycle--or better yet hide it until 2020! Remember when all they could talk about was how the RNC convention was going to be a civil war between trump and cruz/establishment and the DNC convention was going to be a celebration? How did that turn out? Oh right the republican establishment fell in line and the dems had to use white noise machines to drown out the booing from the 40% sanders delegates who were ultimately kicked out where they joined the OWS progressives protesting outside.

Conservatives are all on the same page whereas liberals have built a house of cards that has to eventually collapse. Identity politics dominate the left to the point where they are openly sexist towards men, openly racist towards whites, openly hateful towards christians, and openly heterophobic towards straights. And unlike the republicans who have long-since put their kkk/nazis in their place, the left's bigots are squarely in the limelight. They're not just the face of the democrat party but the future if you look at the moves they've been making since 11/2016. The left is doubling down on hateful rhetoric and identity politics, and the only way they can possibly win going forward (since they don't want to admit fault, have an introspection, and change their ways) is to try to convince everyone that right wing extremism is the only type of extremism that exists.

I can't wait to see their 2020 primary when you have a black panther candidate, an lgbt candidate, and a feminazi candidate trying to argue about who has the most oppression points. I said it before and I'll say it again; the next fascist leader will almost certainly come from the most protected class.

Conservatives are all on the same page

You sure about that? Triumphalism and hubris of "true believers" are usually a good indicator of the sclerosis of a political party.


The right has issues.... the establishment hacks are still trying to mitigate 'trumpism' at every step. (IE corker, flake, McCain, Bush, etc)

That said... the right have lost trust in the political system.... almost entirely. They primaried trump to spite the RNC. Then they voted him into the whitehouse to spite the crazy leftists, the corporate media and the corporations who back the establishment.

Lol what, the GOP is undergoing one of the deepest schisms in decades.

I bet it's MUCH higher than 10.6k votes.

Are you new? I guess 6 months is not long enough to experience that dramatic shift after the democratic convention.

After the convention, correct the record basically took over reddit. Because of their forum sliding, vote manipulation, bots, infiltrating Mod seats, many communities were censored in an alarming way.

Even today, try to post anything positive about Trump in /r/politics, or say anything negative about Hillary.

More over, it is anything against the Democrasts/left wing ideology. They do not want any truth getting out.

It is the epitome of censorship.

Even today, try to post anything positive about Trump in /r/politics, or say anything negative about Hillary.

It's downvoted because reddit is incredibly liberal. Are you saying that before the convention a pro-conservative articles would have have been routinely upvoted? Because that's a fucking joke. Get real.

It is the epitome of censorship.

Yeah, the right-wing subreddits definitely aren't quick to dole out bans and censor dissent. People get banned from THIS sub for mentioning that it's biased for Trump.

Look at this subreddit right now. Trump administration and campaign officials have been indicted in a corruption investigation. One of them has probably been wearing a wire for the last several months. Zero threads. But, hey, plenty of threads about the DNC.

More over, it is anything against the Democrasts/left wing ideology. They do not want any truth getting out.

None of the right-wing subreddits are discussing the corruption investigations. So we can say they don't want any truth getting out, right?

You're just regurgitating right-wing talking points. Think for yourself. ShareBlue isn't the only propaganda machine out there. A mention Cambridge Analytica was notably absent from your post- probably because it's a right-wing astroturfing campaign?

The guy is a troll.

And you're an idiot. Now what's that got to do with the price of milk in Beijing ?

Thanks! Feel free to refute anything I said.

Are you saying that before the convention a pro-conservative articles would have have been routinely upvoted?

No. But, /r/politics was very, very strong with hate for Hillary. Immediately following the DNC, nothing negative was visible for Hillary. How did they go from hating, and I mean hating, Hillary, to sniffing her ass while she farts rainbows and sunshine? It was a complete 180 overnight. I would have expected some negativity to remain.

Sure, stuff like 9/11 side of beef took over /r/politics for a day, but a day later it was back to pissing rainbows and farting glitter.

Yeah, the right-wing subreddits definitely aren't quick to dole out bans and censor dissent.

I'm sorry to tell you, but they make it very clear in the rules. Conspiracy will not ban you for addressing anything Trump in here. Now if you violate rule 10 in your rant, yes, you can get banned. Bashing the sub or users is not allowed here. No matter he candidate. Don't pretend it is only about Trump.

/r/Politics on the other hand is quick to censor anything pro Trump/anti Hillary or DNC. Hell, I was banned from /r/streetfights because I subscribe at T_D. Also banned from /r/washingtonDC for the same. And if someone checks your post history and finds you post in T_D, you are bashed for that and your points are ignored.

None of the right-wing subreddits are discussing news regarding the corruption investigations. So we can say they don't want any truth getting out, right?

Ugh, yes they are. This Russia nonsense has been brought up here over and over again. Let me break it down for you why discussion has become so sparse on this topic:

  1. You're ignoring context that informs most people interested in the "conspiracy theory" community. So what's the relevant context here? Though you're in r/conspiracy subreddit, you've apparently never picked up on the widespread skepticism of the CIA, FBI, and NSA. Allegations that are coming from sources within US intelligence will be subject to this skepticism. I won't go into all the examples that justify that skepticism here, but there is good reason to believe that US media getting these "scoops" is not an accident or an example of good investigative journalism, but rather a deliberate attempt to manipulate the public through the media (c.f. Operation Mockingbird). Furthermore, many here, though not all, believe that the top-level conspiracy is to bring about a NWO. There may be some disagreement about who the ultimate puppet masters are (Illuminati, Jews, the Pope, etc.), but there is not much disagreement that this conspiracy is not guided by benign motives. In that context, the attempt to portray Trump's relations with Russia as sinister, whether those relations are real or not, looks a lot like propaganda. Trump and Russia are commonly regarded as enemies of the NWO. That may or may not be true in the end, but at this stage it seems likely that their opposition is genuine. This is relevant because we would have to be naive to think that a person who has frustrated the ambitions of a (if not the) global elite would not come in for some retaliatory attempts to discredit him.
  2. Another specific and significant reason to be skeptical of this and stories like it is that there have been so many stories about Russia recently that have turned out to be false. It really starts to look like a pattern of lies, even to ordinary people who are oblivious of the motives of TPTB. Here are several recent examples: (The fact that even the Washington Post disavowed the story should tell you something)
  3. Another specific reason to suspect that these attacks are highly motivated disinformation meant to discredit Trump and raise fears about Russia is the events in Syria. As I've discussed many times before in this sub—since it's an area of particular concern to me—the US ran a CIA led campaign in Syria to topple Assad. Among this project's objectives was that of securing the route for the Saudi-Qatar pipeline into Europe. The US is complicit in arming ISIS and Al Qaeda to bring about this objective. For that reason and many others, to be explicit, the US are not the "good guys" in this scenario. The relevant point here is that Russia has now thwarted that plan by stepping in for Assad. So do you think that the powers behind that objective will just passively accept this result, or do you think they will use every dirty trick they can to seize back the reins? This explains why anti-Russian propaganda, which has been going on for years, has reached a peak recently.
  4. Another important point is that a lot of these reports, and the reddit "dossiers" of evidence linking Trump to Russia are based on the assumption that such relations are sinister. But to be clear, I want the US to establish peaceful relations with Russia. Americans happily swallow propaganda showing the Russians, and Putin in particular, as aggressive, murderous, and scheming. And it is propaganda: any country can be shown to be sinister if certain facts are given the spotlight and others hidden. Americans who happily indulge in negative Russian stereotypes should be more judicious and realize that the US has more than enough sins of its own that could be spun the same way. The main point here is that conflict with Russia is neither inevitable nor desirable, so if members of Trump's team are contacting Russia to facilitate better relations, why would I be bothered by that? Yes, the allegations about the Rosneft deal would be damning, but that is not substantiated. These reports are spinning mere contact as sinister, and that is fucked up. Here is a comment I made in response to some of these issues recently for context:
  5. Finally, none of these arguments necessarily imply support for Trump! There are specific policies of Trump's that I agree with, but many that I don't agree with. Also, I don't find his personal ability or character particularly suitable in a leader. However, in terms of conspiracy, these 2-dimensional political policies and personal qualities are secondary. While I'm not sure exactly what Trump represents, and while he clearly does have links to some part of the establishment, he clearly does represent some kind of change. I am ambivalent as of now about whether that change is for the better, but I'm not naive enough to think that the establishment that he's replacing was in any way more ethical or less sinister than Trump is currently portrayed to be. The forces that he has displaced and whose interests he is frustrating are pushing this anti-Russian narrative hard. For these reasons, I am skeptical of these allegations.

Credit to /u/soberreflection

Are you saying that before the convention a pro-conservative articles would have have been routinely upvoted? No. But, /r/politics was very, very strong with hate for Hillary. Immediately following the DNC, nothing negative was visible for Hillary. How did they go from hating, and I mean hating, Hillary, to sniffing her ass while she farts rainbows and sunshine? It was a complete 180 overnight. I would have expected some negativity to remain.

Dude, think about this critically. It's been established that reddit is full of liberals. /r/politics was all pro-Bernie. Bernie gets knocked out. Who is a liberal more likely to support? A democrat or a republican? Why would a liberal upvote anything that hurts a chance at their party getting elected?

Trump .... commonly regarded as enemies of the NWO.

Holy shit. Just wow. You just start right off and acknowledge the reason for the bias in this sub. I was going to respond to all your points but I don't need to go further than this. You've broke it down for me. Trump is regarded as an enemy of the NWO and, as such, gets the benefit of the doubt. Skepticism regarding federal investigative agencies arises when Trump is the focal point, but everyone in this sub is drooling at the chance for one of those agencies to target DNC or Hillary. Trump-Russia conspiracies are a huge nothingburger, but Clinton's involvement with the Russian uranium "scandal" is a massive deal. Real news regarding the indictments has been occurring every day and the front page is flooded with posts about the DNC.

Dude, think about this critically. It's been established that reddit is full of liberals.

Hi! That's me. 100% liberal beliefs. My support stops at the most corrupt politician the world has ever seen. it also stopped at Obama after his first year.

I would expect Reddit to have a community of intelligent, like minded people capable of research critical thought and analysis. I would expect the hillary bashers to continue bashing her. It's like saying redskins fans were upset that redskins got put out of the playoffs, so they now cheer for and like their arch enemy team rival that made it.

it makes no sense in my mind. How can you morally, ethically, politically go from bitching day in and day out about how corrupt a politician is, then turn a blind eye and 100% support them.

Trump-Russia conspiracies are a huge nothingburger, but Clinton's involvement with the Russian uranium "scandal" is a massive deal. Real news regarding the indictments has been occurring every day and the front page is flooded with posts about the DNC.

Please, do tell how, with sources, how the indictments criminalize Trump or somehow prove malicious collusion with a foreign state to alter the election outcome.

Since when do conspiracies need sources? You're quick to call Hillary the most corrupt politician the world has ever seen. Republicans have been trying to nail crimes to her for over 20 years and nothing has stuck. The only evidence that Hillary is a criminal is circumstantial- the same type of evidence that points to Trump and his campaign maliciously colluding with foreign agents.

If Hillary was in the exact same position as Trump and his campaign right now would you really be giving her the benefit of the doubt? Have you ever given her the benefit of the doubt on any accusation?

You already stated your opinion that Russia and Trump are enemies of the NWO. So now any evidence or information you read that contradicts that will be internally manipulated to fit that narrative.

How can you morally, ethically, politically go from bitching day in and day out about how corrupt a politician is, then turn a blind eye and 100% support them.

I did. I don't like Hillary but Trump is an even bigger, more corrupt piece of shit in my eyes. I would have voted for anyone to keep him out of the white house.

Since when do conspiracies need sources? -----but wait, you say this-------- Real news regarding the indictments has been occurring every day and the front page is flooded with posts about the DNC.

So it is a conspiracy, or is it news?

The only evidence that Hillary is a criminal is circumstantial- the same type of evidence that points to Trump and his campaign maliciously colluding with foreign agents.

Hold on man. It is a fact hillary hired a group to delete emails from her server after a subpoena was issued. It is also a fact she had black berries smashed with hammers. That is clearly violations of law. Why has she not been convicted? That is why they call it corruption my friend. But you cannot argue those single instances are not clear violations of the law.

You already stated your opinion that Russia and Trump are enemies of the NWO. So now any evidence or information you read that contradicts that will be internally manipulated to fit that narrative.

Like I gave credit, those were /u/soberreflection words. Now I agree with him, but don't act like you know me like that.

I voted for Obama in 08. i voted for Hillary in the 08 primaries. i gave to both candidates in 08. After Oabam's 1st year, it was clear he was corrupt, and I abandoned him. I will do the same with Trump.

But what i see happening right now is a total all out media frenzy attack on Trump. David Brocke received several million to make sure Trump gets impeached. He has been wire taped, bugged, followed, surveilance, and over 10M has been poured into finding dirt on him and the best they came up with was "Grab em by the pussy."

Until I see somethingof substance, I'm sorry, but I'm simply not listening to CNN.

ore corrupt piece of shit in my eyes.

Open your eyes. Trump made his money selling goods and services. Clinton's made their money selling our Government. I don't bite into partisan politics. I'm a 100% conspiracy theorist.

Both sides are the same. They create division in the US populace using wedge issues that do not amount to a hill of beans. Obama just continued Bush era policies. They get along great. They are pals. But no one in politics seems to like Trump. I wonder why?

It's downvoted because reddit is incredibly liberal.

Then anti-Hillary pro-Bernie news like the primary rigging would get upvoted.

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The real conspiracy in American politics right now is widescale collusion with Russia. Anyone who engaged in quid pro quo activity with Russian officials or representatives (private or public parties) should face investigation, and potentially indictment.

Anyone who believes in conspiracy theories should pay attention to the actual conspiracy in front of us and quit trying to spin the investigation on the conspiracy as the conspiracy itself. It's conspiracy-ception at that point, and it's stupid.

As for the other half of the conspiracy: anyone who doesn't recognize that Russia is playing both sides against the middle is, again, ignoring the actual conspiracy right in front of us. Bernie subs, politics, news, etc. All of these subs are being targeted and used by bots and trolls to create chaos.

So yeah, anyone out there that's pro-Trump and believes in actually conspiracies needs to recognize that their candidate did something illegal or at best very unethical, and then simultaneously come to the objective realization that we are all being played by an opportunistic dictator named Vladimir Putin.

anyone out there that's pro-Trump and believes in actually conspiracies needs to recognize that their candidate did something illegal or at best very unethica

Can you elaborate on this? I am not aware of anything illegal or unethical done by Trump in Re: to Russia.

Good one!

So, one of the questions asked is where is Obama right now?

Anyone know?

Reddit is not a free speech platform

His Name Was Aaron Swartz

Atleast spell his name right

You think that's bad, start digging into the insane mod abuse that infests reddit. The entire system is completely dysfunctional.

Tagged everyone in this thread. It's called time, guy.

Why is spez so deep into the DNC?


Gee, it's almost like having a system where content is voted on opens the door for political biases to strongly influence visibility of content. What is the conspiracy here? The only thing you've uncovered is that reddit is liberal, which is an absolutely astounding realization for everyone here, I'm sure.

Hang on there, you're implying that being Liberal means you don't care about election fraud?

Never said that. People tend to upvote stuff that is bad about the other side and downvote stuff that is bad about their own side. If Trump did something similar it would be plastered on the front page and it has nothing to do with corruption or conspiracies.

1) It's not election fraud. DNC is a private organisation and their primaries are private processes.

2) Even still, It wasn't fraud by any definition.

They violated campaign finance law and the fed has hard evidence of it happening.
They shared this information with 4 senators and Democrats started bailing from the Hillary bandwagon like rats in under 24 hours.

I'm going to go ahead and say it's because you're new.. it only hit 10k votes because it hit r/all. The post is considered old now, it's over a day old post. It probably got r/all late, hence why it didn't get more votes.

Yeah, the real story isn't Reddit censorship, it's vote manipulation. ie, the story being at 0 on /r/politics with over 200 comments.

It's not at zero, it's at negative karma. You just can't see negative karma on a post as opposed to a comment because that's the way Reddit works. Most of the comments likely disagree with the post and it's seems most people who voted on it also disagreed with it.

You didn't read the comments then? Most comments did not disagree with the article.

The people who comment are much fewer than the people who vote in all instances. There’s a million other examples where comments can be different in tone from how the post is being voted on.

You used that as your logic, I disputed your logic, then you replied by saying your logic didn't work in the first place. Good talk.

Different people homie. Keep circle jerking yourself though

I don't think you understand what circlejerk means

Hint: it's not a solo activity

Good one.

cirlcejerk in this context is usually referring to a group of people who are of similar opinion conversing about something (usually in the positive) with no consideration for other end of the issue. its basically everyone do something completely pointless that just makes everyone in the conversation feel good for a couple minutes but accomplished nothing. like a circlejerk. in this particular case he would be implying same fagging to create a solo circle jerk.

group of people


Pick one

im not defending him misusing it. im just providing background on the term brah

Yeah, I know what the term means lol, I'm just explaining why it doesn't apply here

Pick one. No matter the context, circlejerking is not something you can do alone.

I can make 10 accounds and circle jerk myself off.

It doesn't make sense demographically that an article critical of the Democratic Party from the left would be at zero on a left leaning political subreddit populated mainly by young people. And there is very good reason to believe that Shareblue (formerly CTR) have basically taken over /r/politics. It's not at all a far fetched conspiracy theory.

It does make sense demographically for an article critical of the left to be downvoted on a forum where the audience leans left. Wtf are you talking about.

Are you a conservative? That's the only way I could under your complete lack of understanding of the conflict between the left and the Democratic Party establishment. During the primaries /r/politics almost always favored Bernie over Hillary, and Bernie supporters have long been resentful of the DNC for pulling shit like this. Something changed in that subreddit, and that something is named David Brock.

Most of the left only gives a shit about what the DNC does during election time. It absolutely makes sense that this is downvoted on /r/politics. The left just cares about taking down Trump right now and there is so much action on that everything else will get ignored.

That's just not true. I know /r/conspiracy is not exactly a leftist sub but I'm surprised by the ignorance people here have about what's going on with the Democratic Party. Groups like Justice Democrats, Our Revolution, Brand New Congress, and to some extent the Democratic Socialists of America have made reforming the Democratic Party a major goal, and they are definitely paying attention to the DNC. The DNC chair campaign, where Tom Perez was pushed in by the Obama team to prevent Keith Ellison from winning, was just one example of the ongoing conflict between the left and the center/right wings of the Democratic Party. As is the recent purge of Bernie supporters from the Rules Committee of the DNC.

If you mean "most of the left," you mean most of the American population who tend to vote for Democrats, then sure, most people in general don't care about this shit. If you're talking about activists and politically opinionated people, the story is very different.

Yes that's exactly who I'm talking about. I think we agree here. As a large sub, I think most members of /r/politics are more casual political observers than real activists. Activists exist there too, sure, but the large subs are always swallowed up by come-latelies.

Well maybe that's true. And maybe that makes them more susceptible to manipulation by groups like Shareblue. But I definitely still think that it's happening and that that's playing a role in articles about this being basically disappeared on that sub.

No that sub only cares about taking down trump. The actual left wants to take down the DNC. You have to be able to tell the difference between shills and real people though.

You don’t think “real” people on the left dislike Trump and want him out? I think I must misunderstand you because that’s loony tunes.

Don't worry, you did.

Audience is entirely fake in /politics. Whether that is from Dhareblue or Russians fucking with ppl

Shareblue is out in full force. There is a huge increase on any comment that would be interpreted as "splintering the party".

A lot of hate for Sanders too. Most comments follow the same themes. They are trying to tie the Russians directly to why the Dems lost big. They are attempting to minimize the DNC handing the Hillary campaign all of the campaign money for down ticket candidates.

I know it wasn't just down voted to exactly 0... That wasn't really my point.

You just can't see negative karma on a post as opposed to a comment because that's the way Reddit works.

Just so you know, that's not how it always worked, yiu use to be able to see tge true score w/ both upvotes & downvotes separated on both comments & posts. They've slowly changed it to this way saying they were trying to protect against vote manipulation, but I tend to believe it was because users were pointing out manipulation.

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Thanks for letting me know! As you can see I've only been on this site for almost a year now.

No worries, here is an image showing how they broke down a posts vote count before, Comments were similar, trying to find an examples.

That wasn't the site itself, that was RES which broke down the scores.

That was the site, I've never used RES.

No, it was definitely a RES feature. Here's a thread from r/enhancement (the RES subreddit) describing it as such:

The feature ended up breaking because the site decided not to expose that info (ostensibly to fight spam).

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The site might have removed it and someone used RES to create it again, but that is how the default reddit worked back in the day. I'll try and see if I can find it, but I've never used RES and distinctly remember the break down on comments and posts.

I never understood that argument, it seemed like it made it easier to manipulate without it being noticed.


^ this user has seen the same shit I have seen for years!

well, it wasn't true but fuzzed but the take away was the same

Fuzzed numbers was one of the steps they implemented, it wasn't always that way either.

I miss those days.

Me too, I'd be interesting in seeing the vote count on my initial comment here, seems to be fluctuating between 17-15, would love to see the (+ / -) on it.

It was nice to be able to tell how controversial something was. Does 3 come from 4-1 or 80-77?

Yup, that was exactly how it worked, pretty simple huh.

You can still estimate from the %upvoted in the sidebar for posts

Reddit changed it because it made it hard for them to sell vote manipulation.

They've slowly changed it to this way saying they were trying to protect against vote manipulation, but I tend to believe it was because users were pointing out manipulation.

Vote fuzzing is only a small part, the big change is they changed from a "net upvotes" model to an algorithm calculated "score". For bigger posts the score can be wildly different than the net number of upvotes. There is proof of how wildly inaccurate estimating number of votes from score here:, the closer to 50% a post is the higher the error. In that linked post I link to an admin comment confirming a post had less than 50k total votes, but the number given by res was 900k, way, way off.

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Whoever coded you should fix your code so you don't reply when someone links to a post older than 6 months:

This is an archived post. You won't be able to vote or comment.

Posts are automatically archived after 6 months.

It's even funnier that when u/totesmessenger links, automoderator responds.. someone should change totesmessenger to use np links. Both bots are kind of broken.

i usually cant see scores of posts newer than 2 hours or so

Well no not really. Your first link even has the person who actually posted the article come into the thread and explain why his post was deleted and against the rules.

The rules are so draconian, and open to interpretation, that almost every post can be removed if they want to. This allows them to convince people like you that they are behaving reasonably, even when they are really belligerent, as the rest of those comments show.

And you completely dismissed the other cases.


As much as I love a good conspiracy, I live when someone comes in and lays down logic to correct wrong thinking even more.

Which in itself is kindof annoying since reddit's rules used to be "Do not downvote if you disagree, thats not what it's for"

never did people use it like that even if it was and is on the rules

Ahah right? A few subreddits respected the rules or even wrote their own downvote guidelines, but you'd get new people or a post reaching the front page and it's all out the window

As a resident of r/politics/rising, posts are often pushed into the negative when they've been posted already. Whether it's karma whores or shills, it gets tiring seeing the same shit over and over again. When a story is actually fresh, you'll see different sources and even the same source with upvotes. Hours later and you're still posting the same shit? Get the fuck out.

r/politics is the 24 hr Hillary channel.

Used to be a lot of anti-Hillary. Flipped a switch like a month or less before election. Shareblue or Russians.

The same story gets posted on /r/politics over and over again, and there are people from both sides that just troll /new/ and post there. Duplicate stories generally get downvoted. I can assure you this was on the front page of /r/politics yesterday, because I saw it and it had hundreds of comments.

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If you search Donna Brazile on /r/politics, 14 out of 21 are at 0 karma, including non-duplicate articles from mainstream, non-right-wing sources such as the Boston Herald, NPR, CBS News, LA Times, Time, and Vox.

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Yeah but usually the story from the strongest source gets upvoted and the rest get 86’ed, since every news outlet writes a version of the same story. Why would they censor the Daily Beast article and not the WaPo article? Most people in /r/politics reacted positively to the story anyway. It had 84% upvotes, 6.5k karma, and 3.5k comments.

l usually the story from the strongest source gets upvoted and the rest get 86’ed, since every news outlet writes a version of the same story. If every version of a story survived there would be 30 different versions of each story and the front page would be a shitshow.

Nonsense. Getting a middling response and not making it to the front page isn't the same as not being down voted into negative karma, and they reflect very different processes. Search "Mueller" by new and there's not a single article at 0 in the first 25 results, and that includes duplicate stories. Many that definitely won't make it to the front page of course, but none at 0.

Why would they censor the Daily Beast article and not the WaPo article? Most people in /r/politics reacted positively to the story anyway. It had 84% upvotes, 6.5k karma, and 3.5k comments.

Yeah what could possibly explain abnormal downvoting patterns that are inconsistent and don't track with what you would expect from the sub's typical readership? I truly can't think of any explanation.

Why would they censor the Daily Beast article and not the WaPo article? Most people in /r/politics reacted positively to the story anyway. It had 84% upvotes, 6.5k karma, and 3.5k comments.

Yeah what could possibly explain abnormal downvoting patterns that are inconsistent and don’t track with what you would expect from the sub’s typical readership? I truly can’t think of any explanation.

I don’t think questioning the DNC is inconsistent with the subs typical readership at all. The phenomenon you are describing happens on all the big subreddits. People lurk /new/ and their voting patterns tend to guide which articles get a foothold in the voting. That doesn’t mean topics are censored by TPTB or there is a conspiracy to hide information from the masses. You can go to /politics/new/ right now and there will be dozens of articles on thensqme topic, some with zero karma and some with hundreds. It’s not vote fixing, it’s just the complex machinations of the hive mind and an illustration of the theory behind Reddit.

I don’t think questioning the DNC is inconsistent with the subs typical readership at all.

No, it's not, which is exactly my point. It is consistent with it, which is why it's abnormal that the vast majority of stories critical of the DNC are disproportionately downvoted into negative karma when compared with stories about other subjects.

You are obviously determined to chalk these blatant detectable voting patterns up to "complex machinations of the hive mind" but the more obvious and likely explanation is astroturfing by organizations such as Shareblue that have openly announced their intentions to use thousands of paid employees to influence narratives on social media.

Sometimes when something seems obvious, it's true. Why wouldn't they try to manipulate the story? It's not shocking or outlandish. This kind of thing happens all the time.

Well if that’s the case, they do a shitty job of it, because I browse /r/politics, /r/politics/new/, /r/news, /r/conspiracy, /r/worldnews, and just news sources in general across the internet, and /r/politics doesn’t miss having their say on much of anything that is noteworthy and relevant. At least within the realm of sane and verifiable news stories.

Well again, it's not censorship, so it's not like these stories are never seen at all. But there are definitely external forces trying to influence how much certain stories are seen and discussed, and it seems likely that could have a corrosive effect on the casual reader's perception of the relative importance of events. ie, thinking that Russian oppo research is a more pressing issue than a Democratic Party establishment that is completely opposed to the notion of class struggle.

one of the reasons reddit did so well for so long is because they were able to reduce a lot of vote manipulation

if they don't stop it, and even encourage it, then they will eventually be replaced by something else

I have been on that sub a lot since the investigation as it’s a good aggregate of most of the related stories and your absolutely correct. I have noticed while looking at new posts a lot. It never made any sense to me and I figured they had weird settings where the post wouldn’t go negative and would sit at 0.

Regardless I always manage to see every "Trump said what?" Thread on r/politics and every post that's arguably backhandedly anti republican, like that dumb thread about Germany's amazing (shitty) wind energy program. That's just reinforcing anger against people like Trump who are supposedly doubling down on coal instead of harnessing this infinite clean energy. Normies don't know anything about this shit but their feels so those types of posts are effective


A memo obtained by NBC News details the way in which the Democratic National Committee struck a deal with Hillary Clinton in 2015 that gave her campaign input on some party hiring and spending decisions. According to the memo, it related only to preparations for the general election and also left the door open for other candidates to make similar arrangements. The document provides additional context to claims made by former interim chairwoman Donna Brazile, which sent the party into a tailspin this week.

Follow the link through. That seems to be an entirely different agreement.

The agreement supplemented a separate Clinton-DNC standard joint fundraising agreement, which was first reported over a year and a half ago, but gained new attention this week with Brazile’s book.

In an excerpt of her book, "Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns That Put Donald Trump in the White House," published this week in Politico, Brazile wrote she was stunned to find out about the agreement, which she called a "cancer" on the party and claimed led the DNC to treat Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., unfairly during the primaries.

It's not a different agreement. The fundraising agreement is not the one the Berntards are throwing a tantrum over.

It's hilarious a year later these idiots are still looking for any excuse they can to avoid admitting Sanders got fucking destroyed in a primary.

The fundraising agreement is not the one the Berntards are throwing a tantrum over.

Yes, it is.

The agreement supplemented a separate Clinton-DNC standard joint fundraising agreement, which was first reported over a year and a half ago, but gained new attention this week with Brazile’s book.

The "separate Clinton-DNC standard joint fundraising agreement," AKA not the one described in that Daily Beast link, is the one that Donna Brazile was talking about. The memo you posted is NOT describing the agreement that Donna called a "cancer."


Please, if you are a Berner, do not vote democratic again, don't even register as a dem.

I want all of you gone. Easily the most delusional people on the planet.


Are you referring to this - "The Sanders' campaign later signed its own joint fundraising agreement with the DNC, but did not utilize it." That's a different agreement, with different terms, AKA not giving the Sanders campaign control over staffing, strategy and finance before the primaries ended.

It's not that complicated. We aren't upset that there was an agreement, we're upset over the terms of the agreement.

I want all of you gone. I have never encountered a more cancerous demographic than Bernie supporters.

Lol. Says an 8%er, the most extreme, psychotically hostile fringe group within the Democratic voter base.

I actually should have put in the time to just prove you wrong rather than the outburst.

In a letter to DNC members, Chairman Tom Perez noted that the party reached joint fundraising agreements with both Clinton and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. "The joint fundraising agreements were the same for each campaign except for the treasurer, and our understanding was that the DNC offered all of the presidential campaigns the opportunity to set up a [joint fundraising agreement] and work with the DNC to coordinate on how those funds were used to best prepare for the general election."

That may be true — but two Democratic officials tell NPR that Brazile and Perez are referring to two different things. In addition to that joint fundraising agreement the DNC reached with both campaigns, the party and the Clinton campaign struck that separate memorandum of understanding giving the campaign staffing and policy oversight.

The separate deal they're talking about?

That document was signed on Aug. 26, 2015 — before, among other things, Vice President Joe Biden ruled out a run for president.

The DNC has not denied this characterization or timeline.

A Democratic official who has reviewed the document pointed out that in addition to the Clinton signoffs Brazile characterized, it included language stating that "nothing in this agreement shall be construed to violate the DNC's obligation of impartiality and neutrality through the Nominating process" and that "all activities performed under this agreement will be focused exclusively on preparations for the General Election and not the Democratic Primary."

The agreement also noted that the DNC "may enter into similar agreements with other candidates." (Read the full memo below.)

Yes, you should've linked to that article in the first place, because it had information about the agreement in question that wasn't included in your other link.

After reading through the agreement, it seems to be self contradictory and somewhat vague. I mean it starts out at the very beginning with this:

"HFA's obligations under this agreement, and the release of the Base Amounts each month are conditioned on the following:

With respect to the hiring of a DNC Communications Director, the DNC agrees that no later than September 11, 2015 it will hire one of two candidates previously identified as acceptable to HFA

Which is obviously giving HFA control over the DNC before the primaries are over. And then it goes on to list the things Donna described, but it does end in the caveat that everything in the agreement is intended for "preparations for the general." The only way for that not to be a contradiction is if the meaning of "preparations" extends all the way back to September 2015. Also of note is that no one in the DNC has actually denied that Hillary's campaign was given the authority that Donna listed. All anyone has done is point to that specific contradictory wording within the agreement, like "we couldn't have done that, we said we wouldn't."

So you're right, this definitely is an important consideration, and I guess we end up in a he said she said situation. But everything I just said, along with what was revealed about the DNC's obvious favoritism during the primaries, leads me to believe that Donna's interpretation of the agreement is probably what was actually acted on, and that the caveat about the general election was effectively meaningless. But who knows.

The agreement—signed by Amy Dacey, the former CEO of the DNC, and Robby Mook with a copy to Marc Elias—specified that in exchange for raising money and investing in the DNC, Hillary would control the party’s finances, strategy, and all the money raised. Her campaign had the right of refusal of who would be the party communications director, and it would make final decisions on all the other staff. The DNC also was required to consult with the campaign about all other staffing, budgeting, data, analytics, and mailings.

You're ok with censorship with far right ideas?

Hypocrite, I hate censorship unless it's the right being silenced

It's not "censorship," like I said in my post. But yeah I'm okay with organized efforts to squash fascist thought, because fascism is a toxic ideology that dehumanizes and kills people.

no accident

Also posts over 24 hours old don’t show on /r/all.

Why are stating facts . This is a conspiracy thread. Don't you know we post shit here that can be easily be verified . If he says a 10k post deserves to be on the front page after a day and Reddit is not cooperating then they are obviously out to get us.

Something that is actually a conspiracy:

Check out /r/all right now...

Notice anything?

A big lack of anti trump stuff

Usually you see an assortment of 10 or 20 different anti trump subreddits with 1 post each on all

They have to redo their narrative, expect some new thing tomorrow or the next day.

its like clockwork

Or it could be the Donald (and their "6 million") users upvoting anything that isn't negative about Donald Trump and down voting anything that is.. they've been on damage control pretty hardcore in this sub since Monday.. doubt this is the only sub they Target.

Someone forgot to take their pills this morning.

You don't need morning after pills if you're not sucking Donny dick every night.

You don't need "morning after pills" for sucking dick, dumbass.

lol bitchslapped him into another dimension

When has that ever made a difference on this site, if what you claim is true?

Anti-trump stuff IS ALWAYS on the front page.

There is always a lackluster vote push the day of any big, negative for liberal, news. It comes roaring back a day later. He's right, it's like clockwork.

It was reset to 0 votes yesterday.

Funny, it was clearly sitting at over 10k votes on our front page when I responded.. don't think it would get there if it was "reset to 0".

I think too many people like to play make believe about how technology works. Maybe you saw an error that's clearly not in effect for the rest of us (even OP).


I love when people don't understand reddit processes and just immediately start yelling conspiracies. Solid entertainment, never gets old.

I just had a guy respond telling me that the post was "reset to 0" yesterday.. meaning it must have hit 10+k twice? That's my words, no idea what their logic was.. just totally not a bug they were seeing I guess.

My personal favorite is when they are total dicks in comments that get removed by a local mod and they start crying site-wide admin abuse towards some random asshole that reddit apparently cares enough about to wipe their existence from the website.

"Wahh I'm important, CENSORSHIPPPPP!"

I've followed this sub for a long while, you didn't see that so much until r/the_dumbass started thinking they fit in here. Multiple posts about people claiming censorship by r/news "they won't let my anti Hillary post stay up!" When it clearly has already been posted, or it's a source that isn't allowed, etc.

I really hate how many posts that are clearly just political in nature (no conspiracy, almost always right leaning) are left to stay up here. I come here to get away from the drama of r/politics and news..

Yeah this place has a heavy TD presence, but given that Trump's popularity with the right started with him never giving up on the birther conspiracies it's no surprise they are a big part of this sub.

I love that anything dealing with Russia's influence, however, is rarely put to the top here. It's painfully obvious how influential TD is here.

I was incredibly surprised to wake up to this one on the front page about some blog that was used to influence news sources and all kinds of other people, that turned out to be run by Russians

Over 300 upvotes, 80% upvoted.. blew me away. Guess they let one slip past r/rising.

I think it is because Alex Jones likes Trump so much. I have no idea why he loves Trump as much as he does...It makes it easy for people to dismiss Jones when he supports Trump like he is doing.

I come here to get away from the drama

Interesting choice

You think /politics are real ppl upvoting and commenting?

Claims without proper evidence. Sounds like it's right up /r/conspiracy 's alley

That’s what the DNC wants you to think ;)

So last part 2015 until now reddit has been bombing controversial political posts. Anyone who pays consistent attention to that type of thing realizes it. You may be stating the actual case for this specific post, but overall Reddit is owned by establishment corporation Conde Nast & anything that promotes a socialist leaning candidate or populist politics is not staying on the front page as it was able to back in Early to Mid 2015 when Bernie made his ascension.

Any reason why it's not on the front page of /politics?

We're in r/conspiracy, who here actually cares? Oh wait, people that think politics is a team sport! It isn't bud. It's here, and no one here should give a fuck where else it is or isn't.

Better yet, go ask them.

1234, found it on all a day ago, acshuallee

Want to really blow your mind? Browse /r/popular

Trump has had a very bad week. Maybe people don't care that a lady is selling a book full of stuff we already knew.

Let's be a little more honest with ourselves - most of us DO care and we want to hear it on a factual basis. People with an agenda don't want us to see it.

I think it has a lot to do with the fact that theres much more pressing and interesting things happening at the same time with a party in power. We already pretty much knew this had happened, but the dnc isn't in power right now and it isn't as consequential to the public.

This issue will have to be addressed, but I understand the urge to not let this muddy the waters in regards to the perception of the corruption facing the actual president.

There's just too much going on and people are getting scandal fatigue to the point that people feel that nothing matters anymore and there's nothing we can do because everything is shit. I'd like to think people can multi task, but there are just way too many shit balls in the air right now to be adding any more right this second.

I think the desire to sweep it under the rug goes beyond what you're saying.

I think it's easy to hate Republicans because we are postured to think that their policies have short term gains for the rich and long term detriments to the middle and lower class. In truth, true conservatism follows the principle of trickle down economics is that the more capital they have not being paid out to mandatory expenses, the more they can invest in themselves, their employees, their businesses, thus creating cash surplus, increasing the consumer spending index, and facilitating economic growth.

It is completely disingenious and biased to not hold the DNC to the same type of investigation and to hold Hillary and her campaign responsible for what they've done. They are just as much at fault for what we are going through as Donald Trump is. If she and her campaign did not disenfranchise American voters, we would likely have a new president and none of this would even be happening right now.

She needs to be tried.

If a person purposely lets a bull into a China shop and starts wrecking the place, you deal with the bull first. It's causing the most immediate damage. The person who allowed it should of course be held accountable, but they're not going to be the focus while the bull is still fucking up the shop.

Except the shop is full of booby traps and we're all very happy the bull is smashing it all.

"Half". His approval rating is consistently in the low to mid 30's..... evidence doesn't back up your claim

Let's talk about how the bull got into the shop in the first place. We had a swarm of sheep bicker over whether it should be the sheep or the lamb, and the bull exploited their quarrel and snuck past security during the fray. Noticing this, the sheep drops a banana peel underneath the leg of the lamb (lol) and lies to everyone who supported the lamb, despite the fact that more people preferred the lamb to begin with. Which left the bull to destroy the significantly weaker sheep and then take control of the entire store.

Analogies aside, Hillary duped Bernie and his supporters. If she ran a fair campaign, she still wouldn't have been the president, but qualified officials on the subject say that neither would Donald Trump. Just because you're partial to Hillary and her politics doesn't make her any less divisive. Her book is bullshit, and she fucked over America and is a significant part of why we are living in Trumpland. She needs to be help accountable, it's not like there's a shortage of political lawyers waiting to take her down.

Investment follows opportunity. If there are no clear opportunities, there is no investment.

There are only two exceptions to this rule: passion projects, which tend to lose money for a long time, and 'forced' investment which occurs as a means of hiding wealth from the tax man. Ie: taxes are high and palms are greased or there is a specific tax cut given for investment.

Businesses by and large do not exist purely out of the goodness of the owners hearts. They exist to make profit. If there is no opportunity for profit then something else is going on.

A 16 day old account that posts extremely one sided political statements? Nice.

okay, I'll back up the comment above you. my account is older.

I am obviously more liberal leaning but I think my history shows I'm not a troll.

now what's your argument

Trump had a bad week. You or he has insight into the mind/emotions of that guy? You think Manafort committing crimes under the Obama era has something to do with things?

Lady selling a book of things you already know. You spoke to the collusion within the DNC to fix the primaries in the past? Was it ever commonly accepted prior to the election and commonly accepted as ok by the populace?

Do you think Mueller is circling the wagons around Mueller....for fun? You do realize his goal is to get to the bottom of Russian collusion, and going after Manafort for these financial related crimes is what we call "the low hanging fruit". Once he has Manafort where he wants him, he'll leverage that to find out what he can about what Trump knew, and when.

Is that not obvious?

If there is anything, good! Charge away. Till then, make sure you charge everyone with corrupt dealings.

That stated, I thought I'd read that the focus of the investigation had shifted during the months.

your comment reads like it was generated out of some algorithm or something.

I legitimately don't know what to say because it doesn't make sense

Guess the drugs aren't treating you well my friend.

reddit is full of fuckery

The DNC did nothing illegal. No crimes were committed. Unethical, yes, but legal.

Meanwhile, present and former members of the Trump administration are the focus of an ongoing corruption investigation and not a single thread about that is on the /r/conspiracy front page. I find that a bit more interesting, personally.

Are you being serious? Really? REALLY?? Wake up. It doesn't matter if you used to believe in those people, I used to, but I was honest enough with myself to see what they really were and what was actually going on. Trump is no angel, of course, but the thing is - EVERYBODY who is anybody pretty much in DC, in the media etc, are going after Trump, they are investigating him, if he is corrupt, if he's done something wrong, we will definitely find out about it and he will face justice.

The difference, and this is what so many fail to see, is that EVERYBODY pretty much is on the other hand COVERING UP for Clinton et al. The media, people in law enforcement, the DNC etc, have been covering up for Clinton for what appears to be a very long time. Social media is rigged in their favor, the MSM for the most part chooses to ignore revelations about Clinton and the DNC that it would be screeching about were they about Trump instead.

That's why people push the Clinton crimes on subs like this, because if we don't, no one will. Trump corruption is more than covered by TPTB. Clinton corruption is not, and that is a massive problem for justice and democracy and national security and everything that the US supposedly stands for.

Don't be that person who allows their cognitive dissonance to direct them into being a completely amoral human being. The DNC is not your family, Hillary Clinton is not your Mom-it's okay if you acknowledge that they have broken the law, that they are as corrupt as the universe is large. They duped you, they duped a hell of a lot of people. The only shame is in NOT admitting that, and being part of the crowd that tried to help them get away with it (and failed, btw).

1) Clinton is no longer in politics. Nobody other than people looking for someone to blame care about her.

2) There is absolutely nothing new to report on her. Uranium One was an Obama decision but nobody is blaming him because he has such high approval numbers.

1) Nope. Her book tour was her keeping her hat in the ring for 2020.

Hilary Clinton will never run for President again. She lost to arguably the easiest Republican candidate she could have faced. There's no coming back from this loss, trust me.

As long as it's posted here, I don't give a fuck about Reddit front page

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Reddit: The Backdoor of the Internet. "Yeah we do butt stuff"

I've seen this on /r/all multiple times in multiple subreddits at least in the top 25. I am not a subscriber to this subreddit, though I do jump in when you all hit /r/all.'ll frighten the conspirators. They want so badly to believe that they are the only ones who are seeing a massive coordinated campaign to silence all the bad news about politicians they don't like and hide all the good news about politicians they do like. The delusions and willful ignorance run strong here.

So are you here just to make fun of users on /r/conspiracy?

Yes. Mostly. Also to see how effectively the Russian trolls have managed to turn what was once a legitimate conspiracy subreddit into an anti-clinton, anti-DNC, pro-trump, pro-russia echo chamber.

Anti clinton and anti DNC is well justified.

Well thanks for making it even worse for those who still use the sub properly and have to dig through the shit posts to find decent content.. now we have even more shit to dig through..

A) a conspirator is one who takes part in a conspiracy, not theorizes about it

B) Isn't the topic at hand here something that was recently outed as being a real, live conspiracy? Seems ironic to make fun of the people talking about it like they're wearing tin foil hats or something.

A) a conspirator is one who takes part in a conspiracy, not theorizes about it

Y'all are certainly part of the conspiracy at this point, whether you're aware of it or not. You guys just make it way too easy for them.

B) Isn't the topic at hand here something that was recently outed as being a real, live conspiracy? Seems kinda dumb to make fun of the people talking about it like they're wearing tin foil hats or something.

I'm not making fun of the actual DNC conspiracy, I'm making fun of the idea that somehow reddit is suppressing the coverage of said conspiracy. Which they're not.

Y'all are certainly part of the conspiracy at this point, whether you're aware of it or not. You guys just make it way too easy for them.

I don't think that's what you meant when you said conspirators, but ok.

I'm not making fun of the actual DNC conspiracy.

Never said you were, I said it seems dumb to make fun of conspiracy theorists like they're crazy for jumping at shadows (this thread) when there was an actual real live conspiracy just exposed, which goes to show that conspiracies actually do happen. Thus validating this sub to at least some degree.

Nobody is saying conspiracies don't happen. You can't deny though that this sub has a terrible history of jumping at shadows and imagining coordinated conspiracies against them exist when there is zero evidence of it and actual evidence to the contrary...exactly like OP did with this post. Those people deserve to be made fun of because they're ridiculous.

Damn what an asshole, what a way to assume things and what a way to generalize a whole community into one single mind.

The delusions and willful ignorance run strong here.

What a beautiful irony man.

Just basing my assumptions off observing the top voted posts and comments. This sub is an echo chamber of the uninformed and willfully ignorant. Sure there are dissenting viewpoints, but they're often met with down votes, bans and cries of "Shill!"

Literally, the top comment here is explaining to OP how Reddit works and that he shouldn't freak out, just that he's not being an asshole like you in your other comment.

Are you sure you aren't the one being willfully ignorant?

Lol, haha sorry my sarcasm offended you bro, just calling it like I see it. I've watched this sub devolve over the past few years from a place of passionate discussion about wide ranging conspiracy theories into a highly politicized, anti-hillary, pro-trump sounding board. It's shitty and deserves to be called out.

Where did you use sarcasm?

Why would sarcasm offend someone?

Are you okay man? haha

Damn you nailed it. A lot of conspiracy theroists just want to be able to feel like they know more than the average person to feel superior in some sort of way. I was sure there was a word for that...

What does Reddit gain by burying the Politico article about the DNC rigging the election?

mmm..... money

Lol yeah Reddit hates Bernie Sanders.

God, you people will feel oppressed by anything.

you people will feel oppressed by anything.

I just got confused and had to check what sub I was in

As a Bernie supporter, I'm getting sick and freaking tired of bitch-ass Bernie supporters.

A lot of the "Bernie" subs are not actually his supporters - alt-right subs use them to copy paste their bullshit. Facebook groups also.

lol.. get use to it.

It was on mine most of the day

having said that, remember that reddit exists to sell adverts

what sells more ads? Solid proof that our democracy is a sham, or, some staged gallowboob shitpost? Exactly. Reddit is not the place for political discourse.

need to do it for the good of the land and make it a not for profit site

right now top on r all - is from r politics "Donald Trump tweets 'Pocahontas' racist slur about senator Elizabeth Warren"

with all the Donna Brazile and now even Elizabeth Warren coming out against Hillary and DNC, this is what they are trying to push out to the public.

Not even Elizabeth Warren cares that Trump call he Pocahontas.

Pretty much a non story everyone knows they fucked over Bernie Sanders.

Uh, I saw that thread on the front page yesterday...

It’s Cause y’all are fukkinn geyyyyy

Saw it on the front page yesterday from at least 3 different subs. This one, /r/Political_Revolution/ and /r/SandersForPresident.

I gotta say, this article was absolutely flooding r/all yesterday, at least for me.

I'm shocked that there is gambling going on in this casino.

Unsurprisingly, this pair of comments I made on r/Political_Revolution (not r/Politics mind you, I don't have the time to talk to those morons), was not well perceived: POST 1: The DNC also manipulated the electronic voter rolls, physically blocked ppl from voting, threw out millions of ballots, and "lost" thousands of voter registrations POST 2: You can chose to believe what the media tells you. But here's some evidence for you. (1) The DNC also manipulated the electronic voter rolls: Stanford Study showing statistically significant differences between the exit polls and electronic voting machines final tallies, compared to no statistical differences between exit polls and paper voting machines. Anyone actually watching the live results trickle in could witness these anomalies first hand. If it takes a bunch of CS students 90 minutes to hack one of our electronic voting machines, how fast do you think the DNC or other gov't agency can do it. Electronic voting machines are not safe, they are easy to hack and manipulate without detection. Go ahead do some research, open your eyes to how easy it is to change vote totals on electronic voting machines. (2) physically blocked ppl from voting: Bill Clinton decided to stump for Hillary Clinton in front of a polling station, physically preventing people from entering the station for over 2 hours. This is just one small instance. Other instances include less than 1/2 of the polling stations being open across many states and counties, Rhode Island, Arizona and New York to just name a few, causing long lines, eventually preventing ppl from voting. There are many more examples across almost all 50 states, but I don't have the time this morning to cite them all. (3) threw out millions of ballots: In California 8 million ballots were cast, but take a look at Wikipedia, the final totals are hovering around 5 million. So what happened to the other 2.5-3 million? They were never counted, another source. The mainstream media has worked double-time to downplay this situation, but the fact that provisional ballots were not counted, even though they should have been is deeply troubling. (4) "lost" thousands of voter registrations: All of the votes from an entire district in Brooklyn were "lost", every single person that registered as a Democrat in this district were unable to cast primary ballots. Its just coincidence that this is heavily populated millennial area, and that the Clinton HQs were in Brooklyn, right? Or take Maricopa County, Arizona as a lovely case study. And just in case you were still hunting for more facts, why don't you take some time to read the Election Justice USA report on all of the voting inaccuracies, suppression and other fuckery that happened during the DNC primary. Election Justice USA is a non-profit, non-partisan organization whose mission is to expose voter corruption. I don't have more time to cite sources, and unfortunately a lot of information has been intentionally buried and other misleading stories have taken their place. The truth is Bernie had the people behind him, he had the momentum and he had the popular support, through decentralized efforts to commit voter fraud, manipulation and suppression, the DNC and Hillary's camp (who controlled the DNC) were able to ensure that Bernie lost. You can continue to live in your fairy tale, but until you are able to accept that our government is not accountable, and our voting practices are untrustworthy, you will continue to be part of the problem.

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Excellent post. Ironic all the discussion of Russian trolls and bots trying to sway public opinion by impersonating organic users, but no discussion of Hillcamp using ShareBlue to do the same. And still vast discussion of Russian hacking of DNC despite no evidence, and absolutely no discussion of the undemocratic election manipulation discussed in those emails between DNC and Hillcamp.

Lots of folks saying it was on r/all. Soooooooooo, this is total BS and should be taken down.

Likely because the story got spammed to the sub so much that people just downvoted it

It was at the top for awhile earlier.

Well i saw this news from reddit, so i dont know what to tell you.

It was on the front page of r/all yesterday. I think from one of the Bernie subs.

This is no different from all that goddamned prohillary antisanders ShareBlue spam. Reddit didn't do anything to curb that either. Nor did any of the leaked emails showing undemocratic DNC and Hillcamp behaviors float for very long. Anyone that doesn't think Reddit is being influenced by private interests are delusional.

And yet your post complaining about it reached my front page.

This is actually truer for the NYTimes. NOWHERE on the front page of NYTimes is there ANY coverage about the story. CTRL+F 'Donna', 'Hillary,' 'DNC', 'Clinton', NOTHING.

Maybe votes from bots don't count as full :)

Maybe that's because 99% of the content you guys post here is incessant and paranoid rambling based off of absolutely 0 facts.

Just a thought.

Spez is a cuck

You just now realized this is a biased site?

LoL....somebody doesn't know how Reddit works

Can't even talk about the voting machines in Bernie subs

Money being paid to them to do so.

because... KITTIES!!

Multiple instances of this story were up as of last night. Knock off the bullshit. This is old news and if you're stupid enough to get caught up in it, you deserve yo have your opinions shaped by Russian Propoganda bots.

Reddit fucking sucks.

because Reddit is a liberal hive mind that has abandoned all of its roots in favor of blindly following the leftist agenda no matter what it takes - which includes heavily censoring anything NOT leftist... just look at r/the-donald and it's sub count - the actual sub number is wayyyyyyyyyyy fucking higher than what it shows

I posted the article on /r/politics yesterday and the upvote count stayed exactly at 0 even though it was swamped by comments. Not —2 or at least +4 but just 0. Someone tell me how that works.

I'm noticing that everyday there's a different post on the Conspiracy top page complaining about a certain topic not getting enough attention. Look, we get it. We know that the MSM suppresses certain news stories.

We need to put our energy towards uncovering more truth, rather than complaining and being frustrated over censorship which we already know exists. Funnel that energy towards something more productive, and let's stop upvoting this kind of news story.

Because reddit is gone for good

This is such a click bait issue. It was on r/all yesterday. Go back to r/The_Donald

FYI I saw it on /r/all so calm down


Yeah reddit is awful. You all should get off and make your own website

Dude I saw that article on r/all from this subreddit as well as like 3 other subreddits. if reddit was censoring it then they did a pretty shit job at that.

I'm pretty sure I saw bots or paid posters in that Elizabeth Warren thread, someone commented saying her not being Native American was Russian fake news, then I check the poster, same reply to like five people and at least like 20 in the same thread and two comments ever before that. But I saw the dnc thing a couple times, reddit also moves fast sometimes.

Team America wins another one.

spez and pals in damage control mode

Now this IS on the front page ....

This sub really shouldn't be viewed taken seriously. Have you seen the dumb shit posted here on a daily basis?

If the CEO or Reddit admitted that he his post from T_D from the front page there's nothing that too out of reach at this point.

Yet this is on the front page of my /r/all at #20 as a 10 hour old post. So your point...?

This post is the essence of r/conspiracy. Though thousands of people are saying it's wrong, your headline feeds everyone's obsessions so well that it still got thousands of upvotes.

Guy who's 26 days mate you might be doing it for the right reasons. But this place is a fucking pig sty of censorship. Your profile is well under a year I got banned from a four year account here so unless you've been banned before I love this post man. Keep it real! X

the bigger conspiracy is that you're here complaining about something that happened a year ago that doesn't really matter anymore, at a time that the winner of the election is in deep shit. this coupled with all the other attempts to distract people back to Hillary leads me to the belief that you're a goddamn schill.

Aren't you just a special snowflake. I rarely post anything and just noticed this situation. I'd say you are long overdue for a hug and a belly rub.



yes, i guess you could say that about the op.

Removed. Rule 10. First warning.

See, this is no good. I want lizards and JFK stories, not this type of whining.

Finally the answer to the age old question? Is there a non corrupt polition? And thanks to Sanders we have an answer.

(Yes but they couldn't get a job).

This is on my front page right now

"conspiracy" "censorship"

It's way too obvious.

just like every other post on The_Donald

It wasn’t even a conspiracy. Donna Brazile wrote it and she’s part of the establishment.

Reddit is owned by Advance Publications, owned in turn by SI Newhouse's descendants. See here for AP's donations to democrats in 2016, over 300,000 and zero dollars to republicans in the same year.

No conspiracy.

Now you know how the members of The_Donald have been treated for over a year.

Here's your redpill and a jacket.

missed election night i see?

Why would any Politico be banned from r/news or r/politics or any other sub?

It was on the front page of r/all for me.

Even if this is a day old, it’s not a conspiracy. The DNC is done with Hillary and The Brazile testimony is proof that the establishment has thrown her under the bus.

If Reddit was really engaging on censorship on the level people here keep claiming wouldn't this subreddit have been deleted and all its users banned long ago?


A post from cbs news about congress working with big pharma to stop the FBI from cracking down on amphetamine trafficking got straight deleted from the front page like 2 weeks ago.

I just go to controversial on r/politics and avoid the front page entirely. That’s where are the interesting stories are.

In a way the trolls and shills are doing everyone a favor by swarming stories they disfavor with downvotes. The stories are then all aggregated in several places and easy to find:

  • controversial on r/politics

  • controversial on r/news,

  • controversial on r/worldnews

What is the obsession with how things get rated or posted or displayed on Reddit? People who want hard news will seek it out. The casual reader may bump into the news. The obsession with Reddit's placement of upvoted articles seems to be the desire to be presented to a low level audience so they might accidentally click on the article. If the information an article has to share is really important and a small audience sees it - that is enough. Why spend so many hours trying to prove that Reddit, which is a private comany offering a free service, of not acting like a public forum that is absolutely fair to every view offered. What is the obsession. Post your interesting material and move on.

You were wrong. Yet, you insist on leaving this post up. So much for being a truth-seeker. Only seeking truth when it fits the narrative.

If you're curious about who rules over you, find out who you're not allowed to criticize

Are you being serious? Really? REALLY?? Wake up. It doesn't matter if you used to believe in those people, I used to, but I was honest enough with myself to see what they really were and what was actually going on. Trump is no angel, of course, but the thing is - EVERYBODY who is anybody pretty much in DC, in the media etc, are going after Trump, they are investigating him, if he is corrupt, if he's done something wrong, we will definitely find out about it and he will face justice.

The difference, and this is what so many fail to see, is that EVERYBODY pretty much is on the other hand COVERING UP for Clinton et al. The media, people in law enforcement, the DNC etc, have been covering up for Clinton for what appears to be a very long time. Social media is rigged in their favor, the MSM for the most part chooses to ignore revelations about Clinton and the DNC that it would be screeching about were they about Trump instead.

That's why people push the Clinton crimes on subs like this, because if we don't, no one will. Trump corruption is more than covered by TPTB. Clinton corruption is not, and that is a massive problem for justice and democracy and national security and everything that the US supposedly stands for.

Don't be that person who allows their cognitive dissonance to direct them into being a completely amoral human being. The DNC is not your family, Hillary Clinton is not your Mom-it's okay if you acknowledge that they have broken the law, that they are as corrupt as the universe is large. They duped you, they duped a hell of a lot of people. The only shame is in NOT admitting that, and being part of the crowd that tried to help them get away with it (and failed, btw).

So you read every article to determine if it was positive, neutral, or negative? Fascinating. You'd have to because every thread title is objective and neutral.

No worries, here is an image showing how they broke down a posts vote count before, Comments were similar, trying to find an examples.

I've followed this sub for a long while, you didn't see that so much until r/the_dumbass started thinking they fit in here. Multiple posts about people claiming censorship by r/news "they won't let my anti Hillary post stay up!" When it clearly has already been posted, or it's a source that isn't allowed, etc.

I really hate how many posts that are clearly just political in nature (no conspiracy, almost always right leaning) are left to stay up here. I come here to get away from the drama of r/politics and news..

I don’t think questioning the DNC is inconsistent with the subs typical readership at all.

No, it's not, which is exactly my point. It is consistent with it, which is why it's abnormal that the vast majority of stories critical of the DNC are disproportionately downvoted into negative karma when compared with stories about other subjects.

You are obviously determined to chalk these blatant detectable voting patterns up to "complex machinations of the hive mind" but the more obvious and likely explanation is astroturfing by organizations such as Shareblue that have openly announced their intentions to use thousands of paid employees to influence narratives on social media.

Sometimes when something seems obvious, it's true. Why wouldn't they try to manipulate the story? It's not shocking or outlandish. This kind of thing happens all the time.

yes, i guess you could say that about the op.