The government and federal reserve are looting the country, continuously robbing 99% of the population blind, and all anyone cares about is kneeling sportsball players, unisex bathrooms and evil white men.

104  2017-11-03 by Inelon_

Just an observation, tell me I’m wrong. 78% of the country lives paycheck to paycheck, 99% of us are in debt, but hey that’s “just the way things are” so let’s focus our rage on manufactured issues that the establishment promotes as important in order to distract us from the fact that we’re all cattle being led to our demise.


The distract & conquer (formerly known as bread & circuses) is real.

You’re kinda the problem as well though aren’t you?

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Sometimes you just wanna LARP the fuck b o i lyef.

No arguement, so you to personal attacks. Falls into the same issue.

Maybe why Ron Paul has been saying 'audit the Fed' for decades?

RIP JFK. Last president that wanted to end it. Fed Reserve out=central banks have no power over our government. But that makes way too much sense.

We saw what happened when he tried to end it. They blew his head all over his wife in the middle of a parade. They then murdered his brother and other family members to prove the point further. RIP

That Rick n Morty episode where Rick reveals that the starter motor on his vehicle contains a miniature world that doesn't realise 90% of its labour goes to the starter motor- this is this a perfect metaphor for the Fed and the banking system.

Never made that correlation but that’s actually accurate!

Social issues don't usually harm the elites. Economics do.

Reduce the power of the elite central bankers, corporations and wallstreet and you move closer to true democracy.

Bernie's economics, that type of stuff (mixed economics, not extreme economics).

Not "SJW" social issues used for divide and conquer and angering people (as opposed to REAL social issues like END THE DAMN NSA BULLSHIT, end the war on drugs scam, nationalize the private prison system, REMOVE MONEY FROM POLITICS, etc.)

If you protest a coherent and specific economic policy, it's more likely to bring change than "STOP BEING A BIGOT, YOU BIGOT" shortsighted type protests lol. Not saying bigotry doesn't exist, but we need to focus on hard economic issues and be specific to take action efficiently. Telling people "stop being racist" doesn't do much. But fixing "police training" might do something significant (in the context of BLM which is compromized for divide and conquer.)

Amen. Social justice is a mostly unlegislatable joke. ECONOMIC JUSTICE scares the shit out of the 1%

Preach. There's proper social justice like wanting to stop the hypocrisy of the broken justice system where poor people are going to jail for years just for drugs (only harming themselves if even that) while super rich people can possibly get away with murder/rape/mass corporate theft and tax dodging, etc. without going to jail.

But "SJW" stuff is usually unreasonable and twisted stuff the establishment pushes ("white male patriarchy" and other brainwashing hypocrisy) to muddy the waters, cause division and make people protest the most pointless types of protest that lead nowhere instead of the solid specific economic protests such as single payer over crony capitalistic profiteering Obamacare, independently investigate the FED and nationalize it, etc.

The elites are mostly the 0.1% but some of the 1% too, probably.

I focus less on genders and more on bitcoin.