Chicago Residents Avoid Downtown Tonight
276 2017-11-03 by hellsongs
Do you all remember this post?
Well, I shared that with a good friend of mine in Chicago trying to have her be ready for anything. Tonight she forwarded me a text from one of her contacts who has family in law enforcement that was warning her to avoid downtown Chicago because of a potential terrorist attack.
I'm not trying to be alarming or inflammatory, but for whatever it's worth, maybe we should all pay closer attention this evening.
1 onelove1979 2017-11-03
Commenting to remember to check back tomorrow
1 Johnny_Oldschool 2017-11-03
1 AThinkerNamedChip 2017-11-03
E tu
1 Longtimelurker859 2017-11-03
1 apbadogs 2017-11-03
If it happens you won’t need this reminder.
1 kanye5150 2017-11-03
So he will need this reminder
1 thegreenwookie 2017-11-03
What about this one reminder
1 onelove1979 2017-11-03
1 sybersonic 2017-11-03
Dont forget about RemindMe! commands
1 Balrogz14 2017-11-03
I’m in the suburbs, it’s tomorrow. Nothing.
1 onelove1979 2017-11-03
Ok I’m back and nothing happened, I’m so shocked
1 AThinkerNamedChip 2017-11-03
AHHHHHHH, WE ALL DEAD, AHHHHHH. Oh that's right, nothing happened.
1 qualikwes 2017-11-03
Chicagoan here. Anywhere in particular?
1 hellsongs 2017-11-03
River North area
1 kill-all-illuminati 2017-11-03
Antifa is meeting tomorrow near the federal building in the heart of the loop. I would be on the lookout city wide though, but avoid the loop
1 DEEP_SEA_MAX 2017-11-03
Oh no! The ANTIFA????!!!! God help us almost a dozen whiney college kids in che guevera t shirts are gonna set up a drumb circle.
Arm yourselves Patriots, revolutions comin''!!!
1 kill-all-illuminati 2017-11-03
Oh no!!!! Let's just TYPE IN ALL caps for a bit and pretend that things aren't real and nothing has anything else to do with anything else 24 hours away from each other because it's just Russia larping and some college kids dressed in black!
Look at me everybody, look at meeeeeeeee!
1 DEEP_SEA_MAX 2017-11-03
Remindme! In 24 hours who's gullible as fuck
1 RemindMeBot 2017-11-03
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1 kill-all-illuminati 2017-11-03
I guess the posters are fake?
1 DEEP_SEA_MAX 2017-11-03
Absolutely. I'm very into watching the extreme left and extreme right, I check out all the subs I listen to right wing radio, I read far left sjw blogs. Something about these radicals, from both sides, really interests me. I guess it's kind of like watching a train wreck in slow motion. It's horribly stupid, but I can't look away.
All this November 4th stuff, all this Antifa stuff is all coming from the right. There's plenty of punch Nazi nonsense on the left, but it's not as pervailent as you think, and most of the "mainstream" radical left is vehimently against it.
Both sides love to feel persecuted, but the right really thrives off potential violent conflict. I think this has to do with two of their main constituents, gun nuts, and preppers ( I like guns and prepping, once again I'm talking about the radical elements) Both have a core fantasy of when SHTF, or shit hits the fan, either a doomsday lime scenario or even just a period of civil unrest. Unfortunately for them, these scenarios aren't common in the US (I only focus on American radicals) so in order to justify their obsession they have to have an enemy, and the antifa are the perfect foil for them. They're strawmen that represent their antithesis, poly gendered sjw super liberal communist college kids. Plus they do have a history of violence, albeit it's mostly sucker punching and pushing over trash cans.
Meanwhile on all the left wing sources, there's plenty of craziness, but nothing about Nov 4th. Nothing about the Antifa, and nothing about any major upcoming rallies. The only thing you can find about those things, is them making fun of the right for believing in it.
If I had to guess, I'd say that all this hysteria is just imaginations gone wild. And if I had to explain that poster I'd say it's fake. Go check out the website it's advertising. It's nothing like other far left forums, it doesn't use their buzz words, it doesn't push their narrative, it sounds exactly like someone trying to be left wing but not really understanding them. It could be a 4chan hoax, but honestly it feels like this.
I guess we'll just have to see tomorrow.
1 kill-all-illuminati 2017-11-03
fucking finally! This is what I come for, thought out replies. Thank you for this. I would shake your hand in person if you were here.
I was part of Occupy Wallstreet, and much younger. It was great at first, then fringe elements strated coming in. They were violent and were talking of killing people, businessmen, stock brokers, rich people and so on and I noped the F out of there.
Now be that as I may, with my specific username, it moreso means to kill illuminati by awakening consciousness, intelligence, and via silent.peaceful revolution.
I to listen to both sides, and the left has super cringey stuff going on with all the sjw/snowflake/pc/virtue signal/participation that I just cant get behind and they are dumb AF. There are however, smart Dems who saw through HC and never voted for her from the get go, and these are pure liberals, and they too see the fringe elements on the left and cringey.
You can find fringe elements on the right too, but not as much. The right that's around now is different, more neo-right. The good thing they are about is constitution, unity, amendment rights, values, family, religion, economy and the culture for these things to thrive in and I'm all for that, even though im a city dweller.
Im for which ever side is legit for the people, whether it was JFK, or if it came out in the end the drumpf was legit, then him too.
But I honestly think Charlottesville, and Nov 4th is Soros
1 Stormtech5 2017-11-03
You sure Obama hasnt been sneaking around putting all these posters up? Then he comes back to lunch with Trump and they joke about how theyre gonna martial law the shit out of us...
I will be out enjoying my Saturday... Not worried here in WA state
1 afidak 2017-11-03
You really underestimate how crazy Trump derangement syndrome can make some people. These people are brainwashed beyond help.
1 BallP 2017-11-03
I saw a for real Antifa at the ATM. Curious what your source is, chi has lots of private antiterror contractors working with the cop's.
1 TheRisenOsiris 2017-11-03
I'm outside of Chicago. Thank you for the information.
1 RocketSurgeon22 2017-11-03
Let's hope not.
1 MrMattyMatt 2017-11-03
I've been seeing various buzz in different subs about something big happening this weekend.
1 Squirrelboy85 2017-11-03
Yeah let's hope nothing happens. Worse case scenario, IED goes off during protests
1 McSylx 2017-11-03
Screenshot of the text?
1 hellsongs 2017-11-03
I don't want to incriminate anyone.
1 McSylx 2017-11-03
You can hide the names
1 SweetSugar_021 2017-11-03
1 moparornocar 2017-11-03
nice larp, you can censor names out very easily and upload the text.
1 trollboogies 2017-11-03
Stop trying to make larp a thing
1 I_Buttchug_Listerine 2017-11-03
But it is a thing
1 trollboogies 2017-11-03
not in this context, fetch is a thing too but it doesn't mean cool
1 postfuturology 2017-11-03
1 TupacsFather 2017-11-03
Yo, just block out the names.
1 mahhkusaralious 2017-11-03
I got this from the thread in in r/chicago from a comment from seeyoukey
1 TheWiredWorld 2017-11-03
You know how to SS and upload to imgur, but not link a comment?
1 mahhkusaralious 2017-11-03
Not on my phone no. I'm on Reddit is Fun, not say its not possible just I can't figure it out.
1 SooperModelsDotCom 2017-11-03
I'm not sure either, but I think if you click on the "permalnk" link underneath the comment you want to link to them it will get you there.
1 mahhkusaralious 2017-11-03
So that's what's for. TIL, thank you. They took down the thread though. Either way hopefully nothing happens.
1 toomuchpork 2017-11-03
From your sentence structure I have determined markup is beyond your grasp. Stick to the "I'm on mobile" response.
1 CelineHagbard 2017-11-03
Removed. Rule 4.
1 ignorethislunatic 2017-11-03
1 Redditor_of_Rivia 2017-11-03
Good call. Thanks!
1 i_bang_lotion 2017-11-03
there is literally nothing next to the field museum. it's the most secluded place in Chicago. Don't waste your time
1 Redditor_of_Rivia 2017-11-03
I've already given up. Thanks, though.
1 BallP 2017-11-03
Fwiw people on r_Chicago are saying they were sent home from work just now. Sounds like word is spreading.
1 accountingisboring 2017-11-03
Damn. That’s pretty intense.
1 funk_your_face 2017-11-03
Literally one person said that.
1 funk_your_face 2017-11-03
Literally one person said that.
1 Halgrind 2017-11-03
1 MAGAsf 2017-11-03
Just looked at new in that sub and I see no mention of this.
1 Murtank 2017-11-03
Post a link
1 timlocksmash 2017-11-03
Hi guys. That was me. I think some higher up at work got the hoax text message and overreacted.
1 BallP 2017-11-03
Thanks for replying to me. I have no agenda on this topic but saw your comment and then figured there was more. Sorry
1 ButtaGutta 2017-11-03
1 ride_4_pow 2017-11-03
Found this in r/Chicago -
1 AutoModerator 2017-11-03
While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".
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1 drunkmaster2014 2017-11-03
ojala no
1 nuuvem_token 2017-11-03
Thanks Mindhunter
1 eugposts 2017-11-03
So you heard from a friend who heard from a friend of theirs who heard from a family member that there might be something happening tonight in Chicago.
1 Rlmitchell33 2017-11-03
Better safe than sorry...?
1 jasenlee 2017-11-03
That's the same kind of DHS thinking that has minimun wage asshats patting down little children and grandmas at the airport.
1 toomuchpork 2017-11-03
Or... better safe then sorry... eh? Cowards.
1 TupacsFather 2017-11-03
I did some digging and that seems to be everyone's story.
1 Herculius 2017-11-03
Yeah... you did some digging in to "everyone"
1 TupacsFather 2017-11-03
Uh huh.
1 LarryHolmes 2017-11-03
Jihadis on the run babe, ‘cause that’s the way they want it baby, and I don’t want them a-round.
1 hellsongs 2017-11-03
If this is going to turn into some sort if witch hunt because I won't post a screenshot of the text then so be it. I shared the information that I received, and you can do what you will with it. I really hope nothing happens.
1 Bob_McTroll 2017-11-03
I also got this message from a friend and family. I can cooberate with OP.
1 Herxheim 2017-11-03
yo cooberate and listen
1 TheWiredWorld 2017-11-03
Cooberate and wisten
1 Stormtech5 2017-11-03
Colisterate... Toothpaste and mouthwash in one!
1 idlerherenthere 2017-11-03
Underrated comment as of 1 hour, let's see where it goes.
1 YaBoyAndy 2017-11-03
I believe it got an accurate rating
1 idlerherenthere 2017-11-03
If YaBoyAndy were an ice cream flavour, he'd be pralines and dick.
1 tjskydive 2017-11-03
Peanut butter and back hair
1 toomuchpork 2017-11-03
I mixed up my fixodent and prep H once.
I was constipated and had receding gums!!!
1 El_Taco_Boom 2017-11-03
Ever pop some No-Doz and Nyquil and have a dream that you couldn't sleep??
1 citizen719 2017-11-03
ICE is back..... deporting record illegals.
1 kill-all-illuminati 2017-11-03
These are posed up downtown:
1 Stormtech5 2017-11-03
Psyop... Somethings going down and it wont be good for America.
1 ButtaGutta 2017-11-03
I hope it's not. It is much better to break the country down and start over then to slowly get fucked out of our liberties.
1 startingplace 2017-11-03
Just Russia things
1 sgt_mjr_stretchnuts 2017-11-03
Smells like soros... again.
Someone get that guy a swivel chair and a volcano lair already ffs.
Or an electric chair, whatever's safest...
(Does it mean capital punishment? Does it mean accessibility furniture? You decide.)
1 A7JC 2017-11-03
Or you know, a large number of angry people that want to protest our terrible and corrupt government. Why is /r/conspiracy against every protest that doesn't involve tiki torches? "Must be Soros!"
1 sgt_mjr_stretchnuts 2017-11-03
Lighten up, amigo. It's a party! 😎
1 DeletesAccounts0ften 2017-11-03
I'd wager both are funded by Soros. Just like in Ukraine. He funded the nationalist extremist and the far left. Otherwise no one would've shown up.
1 Herculius 2017-11-03
Source on r/conspiracy actually expressing support for the content of a Nazi cause?
1 El_Taco_Boom 2017-11-03
Sharks with lasers. Boats and Hoes.
1 dallaschristman 2017-11-03
I saw those when I was in town last month. They seemed to be posted more near Trump tower than anywhere else. I assumed it was for a protest.
1 curiosity36 2017-11-03
It's an Antifa thing, or maybe bullshit black propaganda supposed to look like it's coming from Antifa. You can read all about it in reactionary right-wing articles if you search for "Antifa calling for civil war November 4"
1 whatisthescore101 2017-11-03
Trust this dude...with english like that he definitely works for law enforcement
1 Bob_McTroll 2017-11-03
1 cjluthy 2017-11-03
1 exicleus 2017-11-03
I'm catching wind that quite a bit of antifa plan on packing real heat to these riots. This is not just Chicago.
1 dagonn3 2017-11-03
Any sources? Not that I distrust the wind, but I don't trust it either.
1 ASkyWithoutEagles 2017-11-03
But dude. Windy City? Checkmate atheists
1 outrageousinsolence 2017-11-03
No sources. He is an agitator. Stirring the pot.
1 mitchb6 2017-11-03
I heard antifa is supposed to have some nation wide protest today. Let's see if anything happens. Hopefully it doesn't fuck up my commute to work.
1 Sib_Sy 2017-11-03
1 Rektar233 2017-11-03
Yeah Heather Heyer was killed and 19 others were injured by a radical right winger but let's spread propaganda about antifa because they're the real danger.
1 NO_DREAMS_2_SPEAK_OF 2017-11-03
There also that dude that attempted to kill republicans before charlottesville at that baseball game
1 Not_A_JIDF_Shill 2017-11-03
Forget about the nationwide protests against free speech? The bike lock attacker? The people who wave communist flags of a regime that killed more people than the Nazis ever did?
The extremists on the left are just as bad as the extremists on the right.
1 TheRisenOsiris 2017-11-03
Stop using a dead woman to drive your agenda. It makes you come off like a piece of shit.
1 Berniebeliever 2017-11-03
This is not about good vs evil or left vs right. It is just evil vs evil. Antifa promotes violence to support its goals and tries to shut down free speech of those they disagree with. They are just as bad if not worse than the fringe elements they are fighting on the right.
1 Stormtech5 2017-11-03
I was reading up on Charlottesville and some of the militia activity at protests...
Both sides are increasingly arming themselves with ARs and such...
Redneck Revolt is one far left group that arms themselves and shows up to Antifa protests to "protect" them.
Militias and the far right are known to be well armed and also easily infiltrated as well... One story of a militia talking of plots and bombings, getting more radical and having members leave the group, in the end its like ATF, FBI, and police sitting around a table trying to get the other agents involved in plots lol...
Dont be surprised to see violence and government reaction.
1 Richie209 2017-11-03
Check for federal agents or agencies, weird groups/organizations/names on any guest lists you can get your hands on from nearby hotels in that area. OP mentioned them in the original post
1 Juiceboxhero90 2017-11-03
Hope everyone is sage. Commenting to come back tomorrow
1 smashton89 2017-11-03
There's no thyme for that now
1 oldladyfromtitanic 2017-11-03
It's alright, no big dill.
1 Bucket_O_Beef 2017-11-03
Well said, Rosemary.
1 criminalhero 2017-11-03
Damn, can't believe I forgot about that post already
1 kloular 2017-11-03
They always forget when they are loud and wrong lol. Has any of these warnings ever actually come true?
1 Sing_about_me 2017-11-03
There seems to be a fair amount of tension growing in Chicago around the idea that something bad is going to happen. Hopefully this will deter whoever it is from actually doing it, because people are too ready for it.
1 letsmakepeace 2017-11-03
I totally agree with this. I hear Chicago pop up in the news and on TV a lot lately. Prince Harry and Michelle Obama just visited the south side. I'm a student at a university downtown, I will keep you guys posted.
1 U2_is_gay 2017-11-03
Yeah but I've also seen enough movies to know that our dystopian future begins in Chicago. NYC is too obvious. Nobody really gives a fuck about LA. Audiences cheered during that dream sequence in Judgement Day when Sarah Connor burned up along with the rest of the city.
1 MoBrosBooks 2017-11-03
They did? T2 is one of my favorite films and I live in LA, so this adds an interesting angle to future viewings haha.
1 episoldier 2017-11-03
IMDB: Source Code
1 Balrogz14 2017-11-03
I live about 40 minutes outside the city and work with folks who reverse commute from the city. What the heck tension are you talking about? No one is actively going around saying “is today the day?”
1 rkowna 2017-11-03
I am downtown, right where I always am on Friday nights, working my ass off so I can spend time with my wife and daughters . No way in hell will I let someone threaten my time with my daughters and wife.
1 petedacook 2017-11-03
You posted that 20 days ago?
It does not make sense that these jihadist would be gearing up, in the park, in the rain, talking about getting paid Tuesday, for an event that will take place 20+ days in the future.
Am I the only one missing the plausibility here?
1 Doubtful1111 2017-11-03
I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a terror attack today - Whimpy Bin Laden
1 popsathome 2017-11-03
lmao ....too funny
1 newb4 2017-11-03
Saturday is supposed to be the beginning of their violent revolt is it not?
1 curiosity36 2017-11-03
Antifa aren't jihadists.
1 newb4 2017-11-03
Between destroying historical art, threatening critics, attacking innocent people and employing guerilla tactics, they sure could have fooled me.
1 curiosity36 2017-11-03
I don't think you know what a Jihadist is.
1 BradyMead 2017-11-03
Could have been prep work for a terrorist attack?
1 Herculius 2017-11-03
Funny youre downvoted because this is clearly a possibility.
They could have been running guns or stolen vehicles or who knows what 20 days ago in preparation for a later attack. I'm not saying it's likely but its certainly possible.
1 ChumleesCumRag 2017-11-03
False Start False FlagTM
1 MsKim 2017-11-03
Is this related to the "something bad is supposed to happen November 4 and 5" that's been on several websites over the past week?
1 Sib_Sy 2017-11-03
There is a DOD plan to shut down the power grid and communications as a test for a solar storm or (emp). Whether it really happens or not is yet to be seen.
1 kloular 2017-11-03
No there isn't. They do emp drills 3 or 4 times a yr. Never noticed have you? It is a in simulation.
1 Mastodon2486 2017-11-03
People still go to malls?
1 petedacook 2017-11-03
By some accounts spreading online, the civil war begins on Saturday, when far-left radicals will gather in America’s streets. The only problem: That’s simply not true.
For weeks, rumors have circulated among conspiratorial conservatives on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and some right-wing news sites that the loose coalition of anti-Trump demonstrators known as “Antifa” are plotting a revolution to begin on Nov. 4. A website called Silence is Consent, citing “sources,” reports that “Antifa … is planning to purge every single Trump voter, Republican, and conservative American in this country… raiding houses, seizing weapons, and causing absolute chaos.”
There will indeed be anti-Trump rallies in 20 cities around the U.S. on Saturday, from Atlanta to Honolulu, organized by a left-wing political action group called Refuse Fascism whose goal is unseating Trump. But its tactics — including but not limited to a “passionate speak-out with music and participatory art” — are a far cry from violent insurrection.
1 DrBadTouch22 2017-11-03
1 yokothespacewhale 2017-11-03
More like some anti-antifa guy will talk himself into a fist and then complain about it for a month.
1 DrBadTouch22 2017-11-03
Did they even protest anything? I haven’t seen shit
1 yokothespacewhale 2017-11-03
Supposedly coming tonight. IDK. Literally in downtown Chicago rn and it's just cold and rainy and everyone's driving like an idiot. Typical day in fall here.
1 BradyMead 2017-11-03
No... It's going to be non violent because that's how you create an effective riot, if you go out in the streets and throw shit at police and vandalise the city are people going to support you? Of course not. If they go out there and protest peacefully protest people will listen to them, people have the riot to protest, but throwing a tanty and annoying the people who can make a change isn't how you solve anything
1 DrBadTouch22 2017-11-03
Yeah because the last time Antifa and BLM took to the streets they were nothing but pleasant 😑
1 BradyMead 2017-11-03
What's your point?
1 DrBadTouch22 2017-11-03
That they (or most likely people that have infiltrated their groups) tends to be violent when they get together.
1 BradyMead 2017-11-03
Ok, that's not what we're talking about though
1 JakeElwoodDim5th 2017-11-03
Did you not see the nonsense they tried in Berkely and on inaugurstion day? They're not just singing fucking kumbaya out there.
Anyway, theyre a bunch of pussies and bullies, too afraid to try anything real. That doesnt mean theyll be peaceful, however.
1 apricotasd10 2017-11-03
Yes you are. You never got a text. You're just lying about how someone else's lie is totally gonna happen you guys.
1 feasantly_plucked 2017-11-03
This may clear things up:
Unless you want to go on believing Soros is behind all of it, that is. But I'd reckon that this is just another fakenews Pizzagate type deal
1 HahThatsSilly 2017-11-03
So they admit they have events planned for tomorrow, and history has proven AntiFa to be violent, but them getting violent is just a "fakenews Pizzagate type deal"?
What's it like up your ass, is it warm?
1 feasantly_plucked 2017-11-03
Your story is the only thing that's full of shit here, my son.
1 HahThatsSilly 2017-11-03
Ah, right.. I forgot. One of the most powerful men in Hollywood wasn't just accused by a shit ton of women for sexual assault. The star of one of the biggest shows on Netflix wasn't just accused of pedophilia.
How could I lie so blatantly! CLEARLY Hollywood is all good, and it's only a few bad apples!
It's fucking disgusting that you'd defend this behavior. No idea how you can look in the mirror.
1 feasantly_plucked 2017-11-03
Did you forget to take your pills today???
1 HahThatsSilly 2017-11-03
Nope. I just have zero patience for anyone who thinks it's okay for Hollywood to run around assaulting and raping women and assaulting and molesting children.
I think you're disgusting human being for trying to downplay the severity and commonality of this in Hollywood.
1 HahThatsSilly 2017-11-03
I wonder if all the people who accused you of lying feel like douches now that there's actual evidence the text messages were going around. Hell even the police confirmed the texts.
They most likely don't, who am I kidding.
1 kloular 2017-11-03
They also said that is no threat
1 Iamnotelephant 2017-11-03
So thats why the Mothman has been hanging around Chicago lately.
1 dominus_nox 2017-11-03
Don't stroke my Mothman boner without some follow up...
1 Iamnotelephant 2017-11-03
I don't have details or anything, I'm just peripherally aware that there has been a rash of Mothman sightings going on in the Chicago area in the last little while. I'm sure Google could help you out.
1 TheHighBlatman 2017-11-03
Do you think Mothman is a big ass black crane?
1 Iamnotelephant 2017-11-03
Nope. I don't know what the Mothman is aside from a harbinger of impending doom.
1 krusty-o 2017-11-03
1 AutoModerator 2017-11-03
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1 Vault32 2017-11-03
Browse r/humanoidencounters for a few pages.
1 curiosity36 2017-11-03
Google "singular fortean chicago mothman" they've been covering it heavily. Think I'm subscribed to /r/HighStrangeness so have been seeing it for months now.
1 OnlyTwoGendersExist 2017-11-03
Obama is in Chicago right now.
1 Bernie_Sanders_2020 2017-11-03
1 TimIsColdInMaine 2017-11-03
Thanks for spelling it like this. Every time I see a rage meme with "fuuuuuuuu" I read it as an extended "few" and get annoyed
1 Bernie_Sanders_2020 2017-11-03
yeah people that write fuuuuuu are stupid
1 BA_lampman 2017-11-03
RemindMe! 1 week
1 IamA-GoldenGod 2017-11-03
Is this why we've been hearing about the moth man for the last 6 months?
1 citizen719 2017-11-03
Earth residents should avoid Chicago at all costs.
1 AlvinItchyCock 2017-11-03
I was going to say its usually a good idea to avoid downtown Chicago always.
1 gaslightlinux 2017-11-03
I remember one Halloween when a friend new to the city didn't go out because she heard of a police report that gangs were doing initiations by slashing peoples faces while wearing a mask.
I'm not going to tell you how many years in a row I've heard that same story, because then you would know how old I am.
Anyway, thanks for warning us about tonight. I heard the 4th we need to worry about an EMP, did you hear that one too?
Is the purpose of terrorism actual damage or terrorizing a populace? If the latter, you don't even really need terrorists, do you? All you need is an urban legend, and if that wears thin, get the FBI to mentor someone.
1 EvilSporkOfDeath 2017-11-03
Please don't fall for this shit again everyone
1 Longtimelurker859 2017-11-03
"Five people have been wounded in separate shootings on the West and South sides since mid-afternoon Friday, according to police."
No physical description of victims or one in custody....
and its weird that the date of the article is not showing up in the archive version...
Here is a screen shot for posterity.
Only recent video on youtube about "Chicago shooting" I could find was this video about a shooting at a start bucks on Thursday night (11-2-2017). so the shootings mentioned in the Tribune Article are not talking about the shooting at the Starbucks...and it seems there is no local news broadcasts about the shootings in the article? That seems odd don;t you think? Maybe police/Press are trying to keep an organised shooting spree on the downlow so people don;t panic or something?
1 Red_fd3g 2017-11-03
No this is normal for Chicago. We always have shotings. That go unreported. The one at Starbucks is just in a very sketchy part of the north side. Normal as always so far.
1 Slanderson77 2017-11-03
I find it hilarious this guy posts legitimate links/articles, his thoughts on what's going on, and his formatting is easily kinder on the eyes than half of these other posts, yet his post is in the negatives, and the people saying "Dis CHiraQ brAh hapuns evary d4y." let alone aren't in the negatives, but upvoted to hell.
Thank you for your input. A bit of your post may be sensationalized, but that's only through your view, and you indicate such by asking questions and not making statements.
1 Longtimelurker859 2017-11-03
˙ ͜ʟ˙
1 Super_Duper_Drunk 2017-11-03
where are these so called "militias" that spend thousands of their own dollars a year going to combat training? I thought this is what they were training for?
Just a bunch of fat guys playing army man?
1 mad-dog-2020 2017-11-03
meal team 6
1 DEEP_SEA_MAX 2017-11-03
Semper fudge
Operation dessert storm
1 Gaddafi_Was_Right 2017-11-03
OP of the post that was used in comment. I actually got videos of the guys in the park this past friday, they were back in the exact same spot, if something should actually go down i got these fools on camera.
1 PistolPete2345 2017-11-03
Show us a screen shot of the text. I don't believe you
1 curiosity36 2017-11-03
There were tons of cops with AR-15s out on Michigan Ave last week. Freaked me out, but then I realized the truck attack in NYC had just occurred.
1 Vasallo7G 2017-11-03
its never on weekends
1 nuuvem_token 2017-11-03
Thanks for the nothing burger!
1 accountingisboring 2017-11-03
Damn. That’s pretty intense.
1 funk_your_face 2017-11-03
Literally one person said that.
1 MAGAsf 2017-11-03
Just looked at new in that sub and I see no mention of this.
1 Murtank 2017-11-03
Post a link
1 timlocksmash 2017-11-03
Hi guys. That was me. I think some higher up at work got the hoax text message and overreacted.
1 idlerherenthere 2017-11-03
If YaBoyAndy were an ice cream flavour, he'd be pralines and dick.
1 yokothespacewhale 2017-11-03
More like some anti-antifa guy will talk himself into a fist and then complain about it for a month.
1 BradyMead 2017-11-03
No... It's going to be non violent because that's how you create an effective riot, if you go out in the streets and throw shit at police and vandalise the city are people going to support you? Of course not. If they go out there and protest peacefully protest people will listen to them, people have the riot to protest, but throwing a tanty and annoying the people who can make a change isn't how you solve anything