Insider information about tomorrow, November 4th and those of you who live in and around metropolitan cities

86  2017-11-04 by [deleted]



Oh sure the will find children whose parents don't mind that.

Sounds like a South Park episode. Cartman's all:"But Moooooooom, I promosed Antifa I'd ride my bike around them while they destroy democracieeeee! If you don't let me go, George Soros is gonna be so pissed."

But moooooooom!!!

Fuckin hilarious! "I promised antifa id ride my bike around them" These larps are getting unwieldy!

Either the parents are nuts, or they won't know the "protestors" are carrying guns.

I believe it because apparently there are parents who let their kids get raped for energy (loosh).

Fucking laughable. To believe that antifa has any real power is nonsense.

Here are the posters all over Chicago's downtown area near where it's supposed to down tomorrow

The grapevine has people talking that a terrorist act is supposed to happen tonight and to avoid downtown

The grapevine

you mean this subreddit?

Grapevine = work, water cooler talk, personal text messages, Twitter, FB and so on. Also the antics protest is at 1pm today

As OP said, it's not so much antifa as much as it is certain groups using antifa as a cover to do whatever it is they're going to do. "Rogue Antifa" =/= "Antifa"

Which groups?

You're asking me who the "Rogue Antifa" groups are?

Hell I don't know.

Then you are just stuff up.

What? Is that really your response? Wow. You don't really think so very well, do you?

You know there are groups but you don't know them but they are there because reasons. Good point.

Get the fuck out, internet troll. Stay in your basement.

Video of Antifa handing out guns to their members.

Russian ran site, but regardless, that video is of a box cutter and a supposed handgun with 2 "aks on the way". Let's entertain the notion that those statements were 100% correct; they all of a sudden have a weapons stockpile and cross-country organization? The Russian government is homophobic, so if they see gun touting trannies and can stir up some civil strife in the US, they're going to do it.

Going from a total of 3 possible guns we didn't see to an organized nationwide army with stockpiles doesn't make sense. And of course they're trannies

Russian ran site

Doesn't make it false. And the original source is an American comedian that went undercover with Antifa (did you read the story?)

Let's entertain the notion that those statements were 100% correct; they all of a sudden have a weapons stockpile and cross-country organization?

They specifically stated that they are stockpiling weapons. And they already have cross-country organization.

The Russian government is homophobic, so if they see gun touting trannies and can stir up some civil strife in the US, they're going to do it.

Your theory is that Russia created this video because they hate gays and Antifa has some gays so they want everyone to go kill Antifa so they'll get a few gays that are also members?

And of course they're trannies

Dude, the trannies are not the issue

Yeah dude, I watched the video that shows the same 3 pieces of footage from a weeks-long undercover operation. I pointed out it's a Russian-ran site because state propaganda like BBC or MSM here. Not to mention, it's a post from a conservative commentator/comedian, so they're going to pick the most out-there footage to show people who share the same belief patterns they do. It's literally right-wing propaganda (note the anti-liberalism rhetoric behind the director when he's introduced (coupled with the whole, state propaganda site thing). For all the talk about guns and organization, a 5 person group meet-up for a Facebook group with the same footage of a guy being handed a s pocket knife isn't necessarily looking like organized terrorist actions to me. Granted, they did have some weapons on them, but nothing but words when it came to the guns. And even the guy talking about his rifle, he sounds like he doesn't know what he's talking about. For all we know this video was forged, and the lack of any substantial evidence has me leaning that way.

Antifa is a pawn allowed to operate.

They have soros $, but they will still go down nonetheless.

FBI reported members of Antifa meeting with associates of ISIS at the G20 Summit earlier this year:

Most of those articles are just advertising for Edward Klein's new book. The FBI report mentioned is apparently being published for the FIRST TIME!!! in a book by a guy known for making shit up.

Seems like you're just unwittingly (I hope) spreading a meme created for the purpose of selling a book.

What is the distraction from?

Not so much a distraction as much as a push to, among other things, continue undermining the 2nd amendment.

How has the 2nd amendment been undermined?

Not even going to get into a discussion about how this act undermines the 2nd amendment. I'll just leave it at that you do think it does. Now bring in exhibit b because exhibit a is from quite some time ago.

You could have said "I'm a fucking retard, ignore me." You would have saved yourself a lot of typing.

Why? I don't believe gun sales should be a completely free unregulated black market. I don't think that regulations on sales undermine the spirit of the 2nd amendment. I didn't feel like getting into a discussion about that with the person who's comment I replied to. I just asked for his next evidence of the continued undermining of the 2nd amendment simply because the word continued suggests that the person believes it to have happened more than once.

Removed. Rule 4.

Not even going to get into a discussion about how this act undermines the 2nd amendment.

Of course not. You've already lost. That the Act limits the Second Amendment is well established.

Now bring in exhibit b because exhibit a is from quite some time ago.

Look at you trying to shit the goal posts. You understand how laws work right? This one never expired.

Well, anyway, here's exhibit b:

House Amendment 777 to H.R. 4332

How have I lost? I don't see anywhere in the 2nd that states that gun sales should be a free and unregulated black market for anyone man, woman, or child that wants one. I've "lost" simply because I don't have the same point of view as you. That's why I didn't want to get into the discussion. As for "moving the goal post," you said it was a continuation so I assumed that meant there had been multiple infractions of the undermining of the 2nd. Hence, I asked for the next exhibit. Maybe next time calm down a bit and don't get so offended when someone asks for information on something you are claiming.

How have I lost?

You asked how the Second Amendment has been limited. I showed you, and so you went and reframed the discussion to when has the Second Amendment been limited lately.

I've "lost" simply because I don't have the same point of view as you.

No, you've "lost" because you are flatly wrong. This is not an issue of how you feel about it versus how I feel about it. You tried to imply that the Second Amendment hasn't been limited. You are wrong and have been shown as much.

That is why you don't want to "get into the discussion" that you started.

Now, watch this next sentence I'm going to quote to see what a weasel you become when you're wrong.

I don't see anywhere in the 2nd that states that gun sales should be a free and unregulated black market for anyone man, woman, or child that wants one.

If the sale is free and unregulated, why would it be "black market?" It wouldn't be. You're attempting to add weight to your argument by using scary words like "black market." That's all you're doing.

As to this point:

I don't see anywhere in the 2nd that states that gun sales should be a free and unregulated

Again, you're flatly wrong. You would know this if you read it. Here, it's right there in the Amendment:

shall not be infringed.

Shall not be infringed.

Maybe next time calm down a bit and don't get so offended when someone asks for information on something you are claiming.

Wait, that's exactly what you have done. Epic projection. To quote another user's advice to you:

You could have said "I'm a fucking retard, ignore me." You would have saved yourself a lot of typing.

Again, I'm going to start with suggesting you calm down a bit when someone is asking you to present your case. I'm not going after you personally and if you feel that, I am sorry you do. It isn't my intent. Let's start first with what I asked. I asked how the 2nd amendment has been continually undermined. I didn't ask how it has been limited. Semantics are important. I am guessing that you are using the words interchangeably to mean the same thing. That's OK. I don't see how the regulation of gun sales does limit the right of a person to own arms. It seems like the original gun act was an attempt to keep track of gun sales. I, personally, don't see that as an attempt to limit or undermine. I'm guessing that you do. That your right. I then asked for more of your case and your presented me with your second piece of evidence regarding the legality of purchasing machine guns. This is a grey area for me. On one hand I think that there isn't any real reason to say one gun is worse than another so why place the restriction on one gun. But, on the other hand illegal gun sales of all guns should be banned, in my opinion, so I'm a bit lost on the whole point of that one. (the government's point and not your point in submitting it as evidence to your claim) Accepting the resolution as what it is, one could ask if it truly infringed upon one's rights to bare arms. You can still buy a machine gun. It might be cost prohibitive, but it is still available. Now, let's touch on my use of black market. Again, I'm sorry if you took it as me trying to make it look lurid or scandalous. That wasn't my intent. I'm simply using the term in an economic sense that black markets are open, free, and devoid of taxation/subsidies and other external regulations. Thing is, though, I find it hard to understand people who argue that the 2nd amendment cannot in any way be adjusted from its original stated parameters under the argument that the constitution was written how it was written and meant to be written and shouldn't be adjusted in any way simply because of the fact that the second amendment isn't part of the original constitution. It was the second change to the document that so many people believe should not and cannot be adjusted. Support for the second amendment in itself is support for the belief that the constitution can be adjusted and tinkered if we see fit. That, though, is a whole other can of worms they I don't intend to open. I'm sure constitutional scholars could argue about that until the cows come home. Not me, though. I'll just finish up by saying, I hope you enjoy your weekend and be careful of that "civil war" they is supposed to be scheduled to break out today. Stay safe and good day, sir.

What part of "well regulated" do you not understand?

I like how you leave off the rest of the clause. Frame your argument honestly at least.

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State

Stating that well regulated militias are necessary to the protection of free states is not saying that firearms are to be well regulated.

You would know that if you read the rest of the amendment. The text itself makes clear that it is the, "Right of the people," and, "Shall not be infringed."

the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

You can still go buy plenty of guns. I just bought a shotgun this week. But there's enough ambiguity for the government to be able to say you can't get certain types of guns.

No! You don't understand! 200 years of legal presidence don't real!

"accuse your enemies of that which you are guilty"

In this case, retardation.

Well, I think it means a well maintained and well armed militia. Especially since that's what the authors meant.

It doesn't mean well regulated by the very entity it may have to topple.

40 years ago.

What isn’t it distracting us from!? The country is burning to the ground, might as well cover it up as long as they can.


Awe, you dropped your ice cream cone 🍦

🤓 Jeepers! Thank you!

Yeah, the children on bikes thing ruined. Maybe delete this and repost it leaving that part out. Friendly advice.

Seriously what kids are going to accept being human shields for a group of adults with guns?

That would've been reported by at least half of those being solicited

Seriously what kids are going to accept being human shields for a group of adults with guns?

“Isil’s depraved, cowardly strategy is to try to use the presence of civilian hostages to render certain points, areas or military forces immune from military action, essentially using tens of thousands of men, women and children as human shields,”

There's a significant difference between the way of life in ISIS occupied areas and metropolitan cities in the US.

The comparison was between ISIS, a known terrorist organization, and Antifa, a known terrorist organization:

"Federal authorities have been warning state and local officials since early 2016 that leftist extremists known as “antifa” had become increasingly confrontational and dangerous, so much so that the Department of Homeland Security formally classified their activities as “domestic terrorist violence,” according to interviews and confidential law enforcement documents obtained by POLITICO.

Since well before the Aug. 12 rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, turned deadly, DHS has been issuing warnings about the growing likelihood of lethal violence between the left-wing anarchists and right-wing white supremacist and nationalist groups.

Previously unreported documents disclose that by April 2016, authorities believed that “anarchist extremists” were the primary instigators of violence at public rallies against a range of targets. They were blamed by authorities for attacks on the police, government and political institutions, along with symbols of “the capitalist system,” racism, social injustice and fascism, according to a confidential 2016 joint intelligence assessment by DHS and the FBI."

So becoming confrontational with white nationalists is the equivalent of being a murderous, child-raping terrorist? You know Isis cuts heads off, runs people over with cars etc right? Your comparison is fear mongering at best.

white nationalist


So becoming confrontational with white nationalists is the equivalent of being a murderous, child-raping terrorist?

No. Learn how to read.

So the guys you're more OK with are just FBI country pro and Antifa trannies are the only real bad guys, gotcha

Why is it so important for you to lie about me to try to slightly influence the discussion here? You haven't presented (and won't be able to find) any evidence that I'm "OK" with FBI COINTELPRO operations.

Richard Spencer should be tried for treason and given the death penalty, along with Soros, the main force behind Antifa.

If you would stop lying about what others say so much, you would stop believing lies, and be able to think clearly and avoid this nonsense.

Dude, I'm basing it on the fact that you tried to pass off straight right wing propaganda as 100% fact. White nationalists lean far right, and judging from the propaganda you posted on that other comment, you lean right as well and therefore would be more inclined to side with someone who ID's as a white nationalist. Not saying you are one. I just think it's funny that when it comes to white nationalists, its 100% a government conspiracy and therefore not valid to you. When it comes to groups you don't like they're comparable to ISIS (using your own comments).

Dude, I'm basing it on the fact that you tried to pass off straight right wing propaganda as 100% fact.

If you want to be taken seriously, stop this rhetoric, and start dealing in facts.

White nationalists

It is painfully obvious that he is a fed:

"Media darling and Alt-Right leader Richard Spencer ran his own Discord chat server, where he required that Alt-Right members submit photographs and detailed personal information about themselves, before they were allowed to join the group planning the Charlottesville attacks.

We have already exposed how Spencer’s close friend and fellow Charlottesville rally organizer Jason Kessler watched while the terrorist attacks were planned on his personal Discord server.

On October 8th, revealed that Richard Spencer employed his close friend, and suspected pedophile, “TheBigKK” to gather data and require photographs of everyone connected to the Charlottesville rally on August 12th. Spencer required these measures to be taken in order to extract EXIF geotagging data from the images, so that he could obtain the home addresses of his recruits...

Richard Spencer is not a conservative. He has praised Bolshevism, and has called himself the “Karl Marx of the alt-right”. His mentor is a confused, retired academic, named Paul Gottfried. Gottfried says that the United States is no longer a republic, and is Nietzschean social Darwinist, who is a disciple of Marcuse and has been described as a “right-wing proponent of the Frankfurt school.”

The robotic talking points that Spencer reads off in mainstream media interviews come from his boss, William Regnery II, founder of the National Policy Institute. While college drop-out Richard Spencer pretends to “run” NPI from the basement of his mother’s 3 million dollar condo in Whitefish, Montana, it is really Regnery who is calling the shots."

6 instances of "you/your" in the first paragraph immediately followed by, "And don't take any of this shit personally."

Dear God, you people are insufferable.

Yeah, you can point out something someone says or does and draw connections without attacking them personally. Fucking crazy

Pizza kids?

Human shields are common tactic used by terorists.

A few kids on bikes won’t stop a real marksmen!

The FBI might be visiting you soon.

That’s in reference to the police or law enforcement in general. !!!!NOT ANTIFA!!!! Sorry FBI!

Most cops actually aren't very good marksmen.

Idk what cops you’ve been training with, but all the ones I shoot with are spot on! And those are the ones who’d be most likely taking these kind of shots.

Gotcha. Of course I don’t want anything terrible to happen, but I’m sad I’ll miss any spicy news while at work tomorrow.

Have you seen the average antifa?

"Rouge Antifa members have approached authorities and alerted them that Antifa IS stockpiling weapons such as rifles, pistols, shot guns and other deadly weapons. They WILL be carrying these weapons on their persons tomorrow"

There is video already showing this:

" In another frame of the video, she says, “I’ve got a handgun. Yeah, we got two AK’s coming.” Then the footage cuts to her saying, “Do what you gotta do.”...

Crowder’s footage also includes audio recording of an alleged Antifa supporter who goes by the pseudonym Clark, saying the difference between Antifa and other activist groups is a “willingness to respond with violence.”

Honestly it’s kind of scary knowing that probably 90% of people who might be carrying these supposed weapons, have 110% absolute no idea how to handle one correctly. That’s my biggest worry!

I am just curious as to why a city like Tuscaloosa?

If this doesn't happen what then? Like they just changed their minds or were you wrong? Can't make these pretty crazy predictions without accountability

yes, he can. this is conspiracy...but we can archive this to show tomorrow to all them

Can't make these pretty crazy predictions without accountability

Guess you haven't been here very long

I've been lurkin for a while.

Do we die if we don't share this post with 6 other people by tomorrow?

Good one

Nothing is going to happen

Antifa leaders are cia embedded in universities.

Haha this is the dumbest shit imaginable. Stop fearing boogeymen.

You guys do know this is how OPERATION GLADIO was started. A means to divide the people. A distraction from forming an antiwar movement. This OP is still in effect today.

They might be carrying weapons, but knowing how to actually use one correctly make a HUGE difference. Now I’m all for the second amendment, open carry idgaf! But know wtf you’re doing! Most incidents are gonna be hipster carrying AK’s with the damn safety off, not knowing if there’s a round in the chamber, and not know how little pressure it takes to fire said bullet in the chamber. Someone’s gonna hear a loud noise and the people who don’t know how o handle a fire arm, are gonna shoot on of their buddies.

Funded by our favourite man GEORGE SOROS.

I'm not huge into reading too much into these types of things but I work for a democratic orginization that fundraises for grassroot involvement and candidates. Around late august I spoke with a woman who I usually deemed irrelevant and off, like a small portion of other people I end up speaking to, who didn't want to get involved bc all her time and effort was being put into a 'secret' orginization where they're arming their members and gathering for a huge protest that was being planned for the furure. Their main objective was to fight back against fascism and the Trump agenda. She spoke of an upcoming civil war and protests and now with these rumors I'm just like 'uhhhhh'. Still not fully expecting anything, but the possibility is still kind of scary.

2 months old account...:/

Alright so assuming this is correct. Why is everyone pushing it away? Why not instead of saying its wrong. Why not just stand up and maybe be crazy for a week or two and keep ur eyes peeled? Why insist its fake. Just take the message and stay safe.

"Rouge"? OP probably you meant rogue. Its funny to picture in my head though.

Whenever you see the big white vans & buses, thank good ole George Soros

Does it count as terrorism if no one is injured, but a few people online buy your bullshit and get scared?

MSM hasn’t been called out as terrorist organizations yet

Just wait, why are all of the Antifa members going to be wearing blush? Does it have anything to do with Halloween? This is the scariest part of the prediction for sure, a bunch of protesters with pink cheeks.

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What sucks about this LARP is that it is going to undermine the very necessary act of real citizens organizing an overthrow of our corrupt government. Anybody who earnestly attempts to will be labeled Antifa regardless now, therefore already dividing by probably half, any assistance or support by r/conspiracy, and even less by the average citizen, even if there's a shared antigovernment sentiment.

I.e. TPTB have effectively tricked you into believing that anyone wanting a revolution is instantly and effectively labeled Antifa, a name which by design has already become synonymous with being either state/soros sponsored or anti-white troublemakers.

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shit fuck fuck fuck guys fuck I'm in Birmingham right now and I just saw 6 buses fly by the intersections between 1st Ave North and 20th St N. They're here, they are loading out and locals are beginning to flee the area.....i'll try to update in a bit if i can..........

Can you post video or pic? I am also in Birmingham.


be careful, this kind of people tend to kill themselves if contradicted

21 days...

I created this account for my conspiracy theory obsession... Some friends/co-workers know my username so prefer to keep my “crazy” side to myself. Been here since 2013.

possible, sorry anything

1 month account...

My prediction is, this post will turn out to be absurd worthless trash.

I’m okay with Alabama.

hahahahhahhahahahahahahahahaha I SAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this is what The-SaltLife, the creator of the post write: I don't care if you don't believe me. It doesn't affect me at all because I already know this information to be true as I was told this by people who work in important places.
Tomorrow Antifa will be protesting in major cities across the U.S, including but not limited to Birmingham Alabama, Tuscaloosa Alabama, Atlanta Georgia, Philadelphia PA, San Francisco California and other locations.
Rouge Antifa members have approached authorities and alerted them that Antifa IS stockpiling weapons such as rifles, pistols, shot guns and other deadly weapons. They WILL be carrying these weapons on their persons tomorrow, so I warn everyone and anyone to STAY AWAY from the protesters.
Additionally, aside from the weapons, Antifa will be paying children to ride bicycles around the protest groups to keep law enforcement and authorities at bay.
There will be a massive event tomorrow. It will be a false flag set up to stir national outrage.
To those who live in Birmingham Alabama, your protesters will be flown into Georgia's main airport and bused to Birmingham. Keep an eye out for the buses.
Be safe.

Dude, I'm basing it on the fact that you tried to pass off straight right wing propaganda as 100% fact.

If you want to be taken seriously, stop this rhetoric, and start dealing in facts.

White nationalists

It is painfully obvious that he is a fed:

"Media darling and Alt-Right leader Richard Spencer ran his own Discord chat server, where he required that Alt-Right members submit photographs and detailed personal information about themselves, before they were allowed to join the group planning the Charlottesville attacks.

We have already exposed how Spencer’s close friend and fellow Charlottesville rally organizer Jason Kessler watched while the terrorist attacks were planned on his personal Discord server.

On October 8th, revealed that Richard Spencer employed his close friend, and suspected pedophile, “TheBigKK” to gather data and require photographs of everyone connected to the Charlottesville rally on August 12th. Spencer required these measures to be taken in order to extract EXIF geotagging data from the images, so that he could obtain the home addresses of his recruits...

Richard Spencer is not a conservative. He has praised Bolshevism, and has called himself the “Karl Marx of the alt-right”. His mentor is a confused, retired academic, named Paul Gottfried. Gottfried says that the United States is no longer a republic, and is Nietzschean social Darwinist, who is a disciple of Marcuse and has been described as a “right-wing proponent of the Frankfurt school.”

The robotic talking points that Spencer reads off in mainstream media interviews come from his boss, William Regnery II, founder of the National Policy Institute. While college drop-out Richard Spencer pretends to “run” NPI from the basement of his mother’s 3 million dollar condo in Whitefish, Montana, it is really Regnery who is calling the shots."

The grapevine

you mean this subreddit?

6 instances of "you/your" in the first paragraph immediately followed by, "And don't take any of this shit personally."

Dear God, you people are insufferable.

How have I lost? I don't see anywhere in the 2nd that states that gun sales should be a free and unregulated black market for anyone man, woman, or child that wants one. I've "lost" simply because I don't have the same point of view as you. That's why I didn't want to get into the discussion. As for "moving the goal post," you said it was a continuation so I assumed that meant there had been multiple infractions of the undermining of the 2nd. Hence, I asked for the next exhibit. Maybe next time calm down a bit and don't get so offended when someone asks for information on something you are claiming.