How's that civil war in America poppin off?

8  2017-11-04 by YoungUrbanFailure



Wait till next summer.

It's always around the corner, isn't it?

No— you're mistaking me for the other team.

I'll show you something around the corner

Stop trying to make me go somewhere private with you, Kevin Spacey!

There was also a full page ad in the New York Times about it. That wasn't free. Someone paid and put that ad in there.

Thats the only strange thing about all this. No Civil War is starting today but you have to wonder who put out that ad

Yes, that is odd. Who paid for the ad. Also, wouldn't you think a few people would show up? Not the paid antifa people, but just regular liberals who saw the ad or heard about it on the internet. I would think a few curious people would show up. Very odd.

Are you serious? I'm in Europe, but I want to see this full page ad. Post it!

I want a photo of the actual ad. I don't trust your blog post from Earl in Indiana. It could be photoshopped.

Well, I don't get the New York Times Newspaper. So I cannot provide a photo. I'm not in New York either. So I can't find someone with a copy.

But it was really in there.

If you didn't see the paper, how do you know it was really there? Some random blog in the internet said so?

Everyone reported on it being there.

I'm done with you. Have a nice evening.

Ooook, every right wing blog reported that they saw it and you bought into it like a chump. Funny they I have seen zero mention of it outside of right wing conspiracy theorists talking about how they saw it on some other blog. Crazy how no one has seen it in real life... Smh how gullible you guys can be. I WaNT tO BeLiEVe!

No civil war but civil unrest. Civil war requires two sides willing to die for change. Kill? Some. But die? No. The only people willing to do that are the extremes of both sides and even that is a stretch.

What war the Civil unrest?

Was not war

Not today, not tomorrow, not ever.

ANTIFA is just people cosplaying and LARPing.

It's almost like the Alt right is only a bunch of tin foil hat donners just echoing rumors they heard online too. Lolz.


  1. Maybe it's a baker's dozen. Who really knows?

The rules.

I feel like when you are this elite, the rules don't really apply.


That's right peon. You can't even comprehend the level we play on. Carry on, peasant.

Do you know who I am you tiny fuck? Apologize. Kiss my ring pleb.

Haha bow before my greatness! Divert your eyes.

Ugh tis the truth I see? Your light my Leigh? My mistake my mistake. Please my lord I beg your forgiveness!

Removed. Rule 12.

What was rule 12 about my post? There were predictions all over this forum about how civil war was going to break out in the US yesterday.

Thats the only strange thing about all this. No Civil War is starting today but you have to wonder who put out that ad

Are you serious? I'm in Europe, but I want to see this full page ad. Post it!