Reports of explosions at airport in capital of Saudi Arabia. Apparent missile strike from Yemen intercepted

37  2017-11-04 by ArchonFall4All

This story is just breaking and some details can be found here:

There’s also a video that supposedly captures Saudi Arabia trying to intercept the missile(s):

Edit to add: The Prime Minister of Lebanon announced his resignation today amid fears for his life. And where did he announce his resignation? Riyadh. Surely this can’t just be a coincidence


And Kushner just left Saudi Arabia.

I dunno where or when that was recorded by to my civilian eye that is what I imagine missile intercepts look like.

Good eye. That is what it looks like.

DoD is publically showing off a wide variety of missile intercepting technologies in Crete for the last week... going on for another week. But I doubt this is related... "Artemis Strike" is the operations name.

Interesting. Do you happen to have a good link for the goings on in Crete and Artemis Strike?

With Mattis in charge, they haven't been shy in displaying the might of the military. Dropping the MOABs for the first time ever was a big display to the world.

Thanks for the links.

Interesting. The US just sold THAAD to SA earlier last month. I wonder if Yemen figured they might be able to get in a sucker punch before SA upgraded their outdated missile shield.

Wow, nice catch! Sure is convenient timing

SA has intercepted dozens of missiles over the past couple years. Houthi rebels are the likely culprit with their track record.