Look at my name. Now I'mma ask you why I first heard about Nov 4th from a fat ugly trumper on FB threatening me with guns before I ever heard anything from an "antifa member"?

0  2017-11-04 by ANTIFARULEZ



Bigly if true

Pretty sure Antifa are the ones encouraging violence. You know the whole 'bash a fash' or 'punch a nazi' or 'hit random innocent people with bike locks'. There's also throwing of feces and m80s.

LOL and that's why antifa showed up with militia, guns and tiki torches.

Considering nearly 100% of all the Trump allies threaten them with death and civil war every day.

Why all the face masks?


You have an account name with conspiracy in it but you don't recognize facial recognition as a threat. Alright...

Lmao facial recognition a threat? If you have a cell phone in your hand, with a front facing camera, your face is already in a database.

ANTFIA covers their face so they can incite violence without being identified.

I guess you missed the point, not surprised.

No, I didn’t miss it. You think ANTIFA covers their face to hide from facial recognition. I don’t believe that to be true.

When you consider the government is ran completely by the right wing, congress, president and supreme court... hiding your face when you confront their hateful ideology is a given.

The government is not ran completely by the right wing. Right and left wings are only there so people fight over which puppet they like the best.

The government is ran by the TPTB that control the left and right.

Who are stanch capitalists which make them right wing.

Lol if you the TPTB are right winged

I mean they only control the fed and the precious resources lol

TPTB is not right winged. You’re only fooling yourself if you believe so.

They want us fighting over left and right. The left and right are part of the same coin.

Yet each side is not identical. It's like the metal of the coin is the country and on the faces are different things.

But now we can see why you demonize the left so much.

You come in here doing the exact same thing. Everyone blames the other side.

Mine's actually true because you know right wingers threaten to kill liberals every day

You said it so it must be true.

Were you not demonizing the right? And I don’t demonize the left. I demonize the two party political scheme everyone has fallen for.

Nah. They're just unattractive losers who hide their faces out of shame.

You gottem.

Wasn't hard.

I️ think the throwing piss and feces tactic really demonstrates what disgusting cowardly pussies they are.

You throw shit on me, you better be ready for my foot in your ass.

OR get another jar of piss in your face.

Shouldn’t you be trying on your mom’s clothes and planning your transition?

Did you just assume his primary parent's gender?

oooh edgy with the 666.

Your micro-aggressions are triggering me.

Maybe I️ should save my pee pee to throw on people.

I wouldn't that out.

I voted for Johnson, clean up your own mess

So did I.

Democracy is Stockholm syndrome.

And Marxism is brain damage.

Yeah yeah we know God Emperor Trump. Did you want King Obama or nah?

I don't want either.

Democracy is Stockholm syndrome.

Just sounds like you want a non-democracy.

Duh. I'm a monarchist.

Which is why I asked my question. Or would you prefer the Emperor of Mankind?

Lol Warhammer? You have just proved you're trolling

I'm trolling but you just said you're into monarchy?

Okay... Sorry to disturb your right wing propaganda posting with my Warhammer 40k reference.

Fuck off. The most successful nations in earth are monarchies. There has never been a successful communist state.

The most successful nations in earth are monarchies. There has never been a successful communist state.

LOL TFW you called me a troll but don't realize communist countries were dictatorships

Your comments seem forced

You're the dumb fuck with the week old account named antufarulez. Lol. Nobody takes children seriously.

You took me seriously. That's why you're here.

So no answer to the monarch question? Who would be your perfect monarch?

What me? I am not ordained by the divine....

So Jesus?

Lol. I'm not a Christian.

I'm just asking who the monarch is you want. Why is it a difficult answer? If it's Trump it's okay. There's lots of people who want him to be a monarch so he can drain the swamp.

What the fuck. You're Talmudic double speak is getting on my nerves. I'm done with all of this abuse. Just because I don't think like you you're belittling me? That's low

OP has a ulterior axe to grind

10/10 reasonably intelligent people agree: "imma" is an early indicator of subaverage intellect.

Weak insult.

Weak rebuttal.

Rebuttal? HAHAHA triggered much boy-o?

Not really, keep trying.

Really one could argue purposefully using imma instead of boring "I am" is an indication of genius.

Which it is, considering you guys have a brigade in town.

I mean, you could argue for literally anything, doesn’t mean people will believe you.

And you guys? Care to fill me in.

Nope, just for arguing with you I'm on the list.

Haha you think you're important enough to be brigaded? You are delusional.

You're here aren't you?

Yes I am. And I'm uploading your posts to keep you from getting that sweet negative Karma you are looking for. So if you think you're being brigaded it's probably because you are defective.

So you really had nothing to say about the content. Only here to attack me? Cute stuff.

So edgy. Antifa is full of jobless losers.

And yet here you are during the day on reddit.

Implying everyone who is on Reddit during the day doesn’t have a job.

You would be very wrong.

Implying everyone who is on Reddit during the day doesn’t have a job


Nice try.

Lol. I reddit at work.

Trust us. We know.

Timezones....say whaaaaat

No one cares about Europeans.

Shoutout to the rest of us "lazy jobless bums" that don't work on weekends.

Y'all know it's Saturday, right?

Plus, who doesn't Reddit while you work?

I don't know maybe it's the fact you have absolutely no affiliation with Antifa and come here just to get a rise out of people. Unless of course you are at one of the rallies right now??

Why would anyone "announce" riots?

Classic psyop. Sure some guys will fall for it and protest today.

but if you're so worried about being risen up and taken out by antifa. Alex Jones has a live feed for ya'll. I'm sure ya'll be glued polishing a gun doing exactly what I said. Imagining murdering blue haired feminists.

My money is on this idiot being a 13 year old . Get the fuck outta here


Neither side is right. I don't trust right or left. But as of now it looks like the left has more dirty laundry then the right has. (For now).

The government does not give a fuck about you or your family. They want us to stay divided it's easier to keep us in check

As for this political bashing that has been goon o. For some time now. The best way to destroy your opponent is to let them destroy there self. Let them speak. The more they speak the more people can hear how terrible there views are. Trying to suppress some one only gives them more credit. There is no such thing as hate speech just terrible ideals.

People need to stop calling people snowflakes, nazis, far right, far left, alt right any type of derogatory term. These words don't have power anymore they are over used or used to paint everyone as an extremely. When really most of us are some where in the middle and have views that fall on both side of the political spectrum.

And protesting makes people look like an idiot. Your voice is drowned out by the hundreds of others. Debates with hard facts do so much more in swaying opinions.


Obvious troll is obvious. Try harder next time.

^ Once again a guy proves I'm right.

u/ANTIFARULEZ PLS read up on OPERATION GLADIO and you may see whats going on in the U.S..

Taste of their own medicine.

It's karma.

Huh. No it's what's going on right now. The antifa movement is actually being used my our own governments

Yeah and probably supported by state actors that want to destabilize and create chaos. Russia, China, etc. Taste of their own medicine.

Most of this crap is done online such as "planning" .

There is no central antifa though. The only time they show up is to protest Trump street rallies for freeze peach.

It is OK to be White.

if you support anti-fa, i see absolutely no difference between you and the brown shirts that ushered in hitler.

Removed. Rule 12.

I guess you missed the point, not surprised.

Rebuttal? HAHAHA triggered much boy-o?

I mean they only control the fed and the precious resources lol