Please help me spread an important message

27  2017-11-05 by stopthestasi



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true but I don't see it under regular flow either!



Search is quite awful on reddit, so I wouldn't jump straight to assuming that they are suppressing posts, it's probably just not working in the search algorithm yet

That's a good point. Many thanks.





Look who was awarded Obama's BRAIN research study...Berkley. Wonder if the 2 are connected?

Berkley is a hotbed of evil. There's an active multi-level race to the sociological bottom in that area.

I cannot help but wonder what they truly hope to accomplish by what is shared publicly.

Not sure what you're referring to.

The Berkeley BRAIN project. The public program overview sounds like mind control and influence but obviously it doesn't say that exactly. Berkeley of all places is the last place I would go to considering the behavior of students.


Jesus! Why? What is the end goal of this?

What is the end goal of what's in the video? Or what is the end goal of why I'm posting it?

The video has been removed, so I don;t remember what we are talking about. I'm sure I was asking the end goal of what the post is about. I typically don't question the motives/goals of what people post.

Removed. Asking for a brigade. First warning.

Now I know what that term means. OK sorry.