So, November 4th is actually over for the east coast.. anyone see any big action I'm unaware of? Or was it a LARP after all?

11  2017-11-05 by Silentbtdeadly


LARP. Twas a normal day, a bit chilly but normal nonetheless. I never put any stock into this shit though, so it wasn't that surprising to me.

Saudis and Kushner. Pretty awesome but not as advertised

What happened with kushner? Heard about the Saudis.

Kush is in SAVE apparently.

It's all a Larp. It's crazy how people put so much stock in this Chan posts and then when nothing happens they grasp at straws and cite MORE CHAN POSTS to use as "proof" that what was predicted is actually happening. Then by Monday they'll be onto something new completely forgetting about how wrong they just were.

Explains the downvotes.. oh, did you hear that q Anon said on Monday Clinton is turning herself in, and a bunch of other stuff? They didn't mention any warrants the she'd be turning herself in for.. but we'll find out Monday! (Not a joke, light bringer flex is claiming big if true)

Yea I saw that one lol.

I hope the bringer of light, personally downvoted that comment.

Well there's action..just not the kind predicted.

Trump get a Viagra prescription I'm not aware of?

(Don't try to imagine it)

Nope. Saudi Royals, who own both the mandalay, AND besta pizza did get arrested, though. It was a rough day for the slave tra- pizza industry. Was the protest meant to distract from that, perhaps? Soros funds protest to deflect from the indictments, hoping for civil unrest, yet aside from paid shills, nobody believes the bs.. so here we are, no civil war and podesta's protectors are in proverbial chains, at the ritz carlton, but cannibalistic, pedophilic, human trafficking murderers, or not, they're still royalty, amirite?

Fuck man, stop with the larp bullshit. It's just blatant misinformation. The November 4th protests were planned for months.

Nobody showed up. Sure is a lot of signs someone paid for for a LARP, eh?

I agree that the word LARP is probably not the right one.. but we gotta ease our fellow conspiracy followers into the idea that news isn't the only thing that can be fake..

Most of us know that. And I don't know how many actually believed the civil war shit. I saw for more mocking it. Almost like it was a story crafted just to make conspiracy minded people look stupid.

And sorry if I sound like a dick. I'm just tired of people saying the Nov 4th AntiFa protests were fake news. They've planned them for months. They talked about them back in August.

The protests weren't fake news. The civil war stuff? Only a moron believes a bunch of people, who can't even figure out if they're a man or a woman, have any ability at all to start a civil war.

I've actually met my local antifa chapter, in my small town of a bit over 1 million. I'm a conservative, so it was me more or less trying to see if there was something real there..

They were actually quite welcoming, turns out the only ones I met were actually just socialists that gathered together from a few local colleges.. they were 8-12 strong, but claimed to have somewhere around 200 local members.

I asked about the antifa groups, and they let me in on the fact that most were fake.. but they convinced me by telling me about their local discord chat, the different ways they encrypt their messages, use VPN, etc.. they basically are so worried that the government has it out for them bring wannabe commies.

They made a big deal about non violence, but this is a legalized marijuana state, so maybe that's why?

The local alt right is definitely bigger here.. but in either case, it's mostly a bunch of harmless college kids that barely understand socialism much anything else.. versus a bunch of white dudes that feel like them being white isn't giving them the privilege they deserve.

Honestly, go to a local college campus and ask around, see if you get different results.. I'm actually curious at this point.

Why does this read like an AntiFa recruitment?

And my local college bullied a professor and his wife off campus over Halloween costumes that did not even exist. You don't want me talking to them, trust me.

Do you want to be part of a group that only exists online, but really doesn't want to do anything that creates real change? If so, join antifa! We are so hidden, that no one really knows what we do!

Is that better?

What were the costumes? If it was of a dick and a vagina along with signs saying there's only two genders.. I'll laugh. (There's 3 if you count hermaphrodites)

There weren't any. The professors wife wrote a letter suggesting that if a student was offended, they should walk away rather than make a scene. Her husband backed her up. The students bullied both them off campus.

Was a pretty big story. Look up the Yale Halloween memo story.

Idk, my hypothetical scenario was the idea of two genders (dick+vagina walking around), and they're saying "don't be easily triggered"? I'm assuming you're saying that leftists bullied them, but I'd simply ask "why"?

I mean, I'll look it up, I'm bored and getting tired.. I just don't see how regardless of political ideology anyone would give a shit. What was their reason for "bullying"?

Almost like it was a story crafted just to make conspiracy minded people look stupid.

It was, and you should pay attention to the bigger questions as to why this is happening.. How entangled is AJ in all of this?

You sure? That looks serious... they even brought out the Bike Cops.

Most people here aren't stirred up about Antifa and protestors. It's about the compelling breadcrumbs dropped by Qanon and his predictions.

Let’s not forget podestas and Clinton supposed to be indicted Monday!

!Remindme in 2 days!

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The alt-right is so fucking desperate to have an enemy to fight. Nobody will play with them.

I think at this point, the right (and I'm right) is looking for some kind of opposition.. and funny enough, the left doesn't have anyone really standing up, considering most of them look like shit right now.. so the right has to create an enemy..

My curious point is who is going to stand up on the left in the next 3 years, to try to be the voice that opposes Trump.. I don't see any strong candidates at this point.. hence, the controlled opposition.

Conservatives are always so bitter because they know they lost the culture wars decades ago and they can feel it, every time they watch a movie or a tv show or listen to music or look at advertisement even. They mistakenly believe that Trump getting elected means the culture war is turning around for them. It's not, and that is where their hallucinations of non-existent boogeymen come from.

I'm on the right. But I also don't look at politics as a team sport. It's simply liberals hate what I think more than conservatives. I look at each issue each person stands for, and decide who I want to support.

I think maybe it's because I'm not a sports guy, I don't see it as I'm winning or losing, because politically, the result should be what matters.

Honestly, I didn't see "politics as a team sport" until Donald started running. People argued points in politics, not simply which side someone is on. As a conservative who's anti Trump, at least online I feel like a minority.

But we are in a conspiracy sub, I think people are trying to portray the left as being more far left than they actually are.

I think the entire idea of a "culture war" is based on the idea that the majority of the left, or right, all subscribe to a very set kind of ideals.

Going through your comment history, you make fun of "muh white genocide" and at one point you say

I'm not voting Trump no matter what, the dude is awful

I'm not saying you're not conservative, but I have a feeling your conservative friends and neighbors might not like you very much.


I think I literally said I'm conservative because liberals will hate my views more than conservatives. I don't subscribe to either party, I do however think about how what they want, effects me.

I guess my political views align with gender views? I say I'm a helicopter, therefore I am?

No, you can be bisexual, straight.. that doesn't change your actual gender. My political views can actually be that much more fluid.

That's sort of the point.. While you're arguing with people that argue about how many genders there are, based on their sexuality.. I'm saying there's a politics view that is non binary.

And that's actually true. You can view politics without subscribing to a team. Period. Full stop. There's only so many genders, but there's a full assortment of political views.

If you want to argue for "white genocide", feel free to do so.. just realize I don't feel at all oppressed, as an intelligent and educated American.

If you want to argue for "white genocide", feel free to do so.. just realize I don't feel at all oppressed, as an intelligent and educated American.

Nice to meet you, rare conservative who is not a bitter special snowflake.

Not everyone plays the victim card. If I'm a victim of anything, I'm a victim of politics. No one wins by betting on a team in reality. We all lose if you're literally subscribing to one simple way of thinking. It literally isn't that simple.

But you go ahead and keep arguing against those that mostly oppose you. Proudly paid opposition, all of them. Because in the real world, it isn't that simple.

Finally somebody says it because it is obviously okay to be white.

In fact you could go anywhere in this country and safely say that it is great to be white and that your are happy to be white.

Where have you been ? Do you think the Alt Right is motivated by the culture wars of yore ? They are anti-NWO White nationalists. Not anti-pot, anti-prog-rock, conservative Christians, who have never reamed their wife's @ss.

They may like Buchanan's economics, but they sure as hell are not on bird with his cultural/social ideals.

Do you think the Alt Right is motivated by the culture wars of yore ?

Yes, their mission is all about "the Overton window" according to their own words.

What is your biggest problem with this stupid little infographic ?

Because 100% of Trump supporters consist of the evangelical boogeymen that we were all told to fear! Watch out or they will snatch your fur-kin child in the dead of night.

It was real but they expected the trump/right/alt-right/whitesupreamicist/kkk/somebody/anybody! to show up.

And nobody did.

So wait, the left showed up? Because I'm seeing all these tweets about how "antifa decided to be cucked and not show!"

There's a few pics out there of them setting up for the protests in a few citys with piles of signs/sticks/banners etc...

And only a handfull of people. About the numbers antifa actually seems to have historically.

It makes me think the soros groups paid the 'protesters' up front this time because they REALLY wanted people.

And most of them flaked... lol

I think people too easily subscribe to the "Soros narrative". He's literally a very old white guy who's probably on his death bed.. he may have money, but I think people overstate a money can actually do, otherwise there simply would have been more people.

What's your opinion on occupy wall street? People across the nation living in public parks and shit, not for weeks.. but for months!

Were they paid to be there? I mean, I like camping.. but can anyone pay me or anyone else, across the nation, pay people enough to make them give up on all of our nice things for weeks, or months? It wasn't just NYC, people lived like actual hobos.

That felt like a real movement. Antifa? Nah. Best story I've heard is something involving a bike lock. Now, if that was consistently happening, across the country! Then.. okay.

November 4th feels like people with a lot of money trying to make something popular, hoping some nut job actually shows up.. like the Charlottesville guy who killed the fat chick.

My understanding is that the group was actually lead by someone on the left.. purely hoping a nut job showed up, and they did.

If anything, you've proven, if we "say something is going to happen" enough, something will happen.. it isn't true. But you can pay for people to say something is going to happen.. but people like paddock and his maybe accomplices show up when they want, where they want.

You can't literally pay for extremists. You can pay money to say something is going to happen l and hope they show up.. but you might just get a nothing burger (and I fucking hate that term).

I agree. If Soros were so powerful, these events would have occurred.

I believe it was all psy-ops from the usual Russian trolls hoping to stir up shit and cause more division in the USA.

We might, MIGHT, be finally catching on to this BS and staying home. I hope so anyway.

You're not helping by continuing to use the term "right" or "left" to classify people. The only time someone would identify as one or the other is when they are shown some crazy "example" of what someone would want the left or right appear to be. It's not very hard to divide a flock when no one sheep is paying attention.

Saw a large group of protestors walking down the street a block from my work in Seattle. Not sure what exactly was expected, but at the very least protesting occurred today

I saw a bunch of (literally 10 people) march down the street here too.. and literally last time, they were actually caught j walking, it turns out half of them were actually paid to infiltrate all 10 of them.

I'm doxx myself if it means people smarter than this.

Please be smarter. Use your fucking brain.

Saudia Arabia was a big part of the action. Qanon is dropping breadcrumbs and misinformation together, not intended as much to enlighten the common citizenry, but to send a message to specific sets of ears and provoke reactions. Like throwing a length of lit fuse into a rats den, to send them scurrying into the light. The gist is there. This is an unfolding situation. There are contingencies.

Bitch is trying to sell more books. She said shit right when her book is about to sell. She says shit to make her book hopefully sell more.

How is this different than the Clinton book of "I fucking suck, but hopefully you'll buy by book that says why!"

There's no "power realignment", it's people trying to make money. The more we talk about them, the more money they'll probably make.

Well you’ve certianly oversimplified everything in a way that suits what you need to hear. Your hung on one small point, dismissing everything on only the merits of your word and attitude. You sure squashed this conspiracy, sigh...

Why did you even post this question then if you already knew the answer and were so quick to dismiss the feedback you sought?

Donna had nothing to do with my question, you were the one that decided that's somehow related (it wasn't). That's what I responded to, accurately. Every time someone here mentions her, they need to be reminded they're part of the reason her book will sell.

Basically, you're playing right into the hands of the people manipulating you.

Says you. I think it does have to do with your question, not just her but media outlets as well. Money is one motive, but the future needs to be considered. It's absolutely fair and relevant to point out that people seem to be suddenly distancing themselves from the Clintons. You ask for perspectives, your gonna get them. And don't tell me what I'm playing right into. What do you know? Arrogant and condescending, just like anyone else who thinks they're smarter than the rest.

Joined 28 days ago? Wow you've been busy in that time to rack up that comment karma. Almost like you're being paid to post.

If she said this last year, long before a book was going to come out, or anytime before then.. you'd have a point. And sure, it makes sense to distance yourself from the dumpster fire that's also trying to sell books.

My opinion, she intentionally gave the election to Trump. They didn't even attempt to hide that they stole the nomination.. it's not condescending that I realize obvious things that you discount. I'm simply pointing out the obvious.

Say she didn't steal the nomination, or at least made a real effort into hiding the fact that she did.. seriously consider for a second, how many people didn't vote or voted for Trump because they know she stole the nomination.

People here talk about the deep state and shit, and no one is talking about how easily all this stuff was found out.. all of it leading to Trump being president.

I'm not saying I'm smarter than you, I am saying I'm smarter than her. There's tons of ways to communicate that can't be traced, can't be hacked.. it's rather convenient that they didn't use any of that, even more convenient that we found out long before the election.

And now, to top it all off, there's two bitches actually trying to turn a profit off of it all. Fuck dude. How fucking obvious does this shit need to be, before someone sees the actual conspiracy that's staring us all in the face?

Surprised reddit survived that emp that went off today. Phew, close call.

We are sitting at 61% upvoted, yet this is the first time I'm hearing about the EMP?!

Fucking hell, you're giving me the real facts.. Fucking normies.

Countless threads this week about the Anitfa protests and the DoD emp drill.


Yes, there are bad people, yes they are known, and yes there will be justice. But this civil war / violent revolution thing is not only bullshit, it's a bad idea.

This post is buried by downvotes. We will all obviously forget that today was an important day!

They downvote based on the idea of nothing burgers! Which left me.. hungry!

11 princes were arrested... so no one got paid im assuming.