MegaAnon verifies Q-Anon, and gives a brief history lesson explaining and connecting Saudi Arabia, 911, LV, Hitler and WWII

82  2017-11-05 by ToddWhiskey

MegaAnon comments in CBTS #50(!): SA STARTED THE HABBENING: (1 post)

Here’s what’s sad... it’s not a fucking LARP y’all and by the time it’s over, you’re going to realize EXACTLY how much time and effort people have been putting in to this board, to give you the truth. Some of us, for MONTHS.

Most of us have admitted we aren’t daily /pol/ posters. We know this. It doesn’t make us a shill or a LARP. It makes us people purposefully coming here, with a specific goal. I told y’all about Trump’s willingness to extend a hand and make deals with those he was willing to work with and salvage from the “swamp”, to include “deal making”/“negotiating” with Congress, our departments and agencies, the ME, Russia, China, etc. months ago. I told you about SR, Awan’s, Manafort would walk, Tony would be indicted (and it will be confirmed soon), etc. since May.

I’ve sat back and watched all these “QAnon” posts because frankly, brah is on point. I haven’t personally felt compelled to post at all. He’s doing a fantastic job. If anything, I’ve realized what’s kills me in here, is my wall boards of detailed paragraphs but alas, I’m not a writer. QAnon is breaking down a ton of detail in a more /pol/-friendly format.

So, enjoy the breadcrumbs y’all. You’re not being larped, you’re being leaked to. Great job cracking the /pol/ post formatting, Q. You’re super effective and 100% accurate.




7 more Mega's posts in CBTS #53: WHO IS ALICE? (7 posts)

"Hi y’all! Here’s what I tried to post in last thread before it got archived. Connects Huma, Talal and unironically, 9/11 and Vegas. "

"True, as related to Pakistan. Specifically those Pakistani’s that helped coordinate 9/11 with the Talal faction of the royal family. This is the faction Bush immunized and had securely extracted from the US after they watched 9/11 go down. Just like they were about to watch Vegas go, you know..."

"Do you realize we literally averted a much larger 9/11, thanks to today? Keep chasing old news about Saudi Royals backchanneling money to the CF. The Saudi arrests had nothing to do with “money laundering”. They’ve been laundering money back and forth for decades. Today was much, much fucking bigger. And you’re all wrong about Alice and Wonderland and Tony. He’s been detained."

"WWII was the biggest 9/11 grade psyop ever and Hitler was no more in control or to blame than Bin Laden."


8 more Mega's posts in CBTS #51: DOPEY PRINCE ARRESTED! HAD TIES TO MANDALAY BAY (8 posts)

"Gee, I’m loving Q and I know my walls of paragraphs annoy /pol/, but he could’ve just saved y’all the time/threads and told y’all that the Saudi’s responsible for 9/11 and Vegas are the ones who were gonna try to pull off another Trump attack this weekend... and their ring leader was arrested today."

MegaAnon's posts compiled:

Q-Anon's posts compiled:


what is FED?

Haha k wasn't sure if you were talking bout guys that set clocks back or cancer that sold FANG and SPY to the axis for monopoly money

you have read the HLI threads OP?

remember there being something about "if trumps win there will be a mini coup in Saudi Arabia, going from British puppet to american puppet. and that they would go back to the ME to get the real guys behind 911..

you have read the HLI threads OP?

I have a weird hobby, I admit :)))

I have a weird hobby, I admit :)))

your not the only one:P

you have read the HLI threads OP?

What does this refer to?

High level insider. A recurring anon who posts some of the most unbelievable posts... but there are elements that are convincing.

HLI stands for High Level Insider. An anon who appeared on 4chan last year and gave question sessions. He claims to be a member of ∼ 3000 years old secret society called Three, a resistance group opposed to those who "rule from the shadows, conceal knowledge for their own enrichment."

IMO... required reading, if you want to understand what's been happening.

The threads collected here, a recent meta thread here.

It's not on point mate. They wouldn't indict Tony and John at the same time for one, so either that's a spin off theory that came from the info they dropped, or if it indeed came directly from Q-Anon then they are full of it. I'm not seeing anything that has panned out.


High time!

Someone obtained the tripcode at last!!

Guess WHO is it?

Nice View From UP HERE.... YA'll


Just no man... It isn't adding up.

lurk moar

I am always lurking.

How is it falling apart? It seems like it's still in the early going- you gotta think these indictments/arrests are JUST rolling in.

I agree. Nothing here has come to fruition so far. It all smells similar, but nothing specific.

Also find it a little suspicious that its a trump lover with q clearance.... like a walking contradiction. These high level intel people hate his guts mostly. His posts dont actually make a whole lot of sense if you really look closely... but thats just my opinion.

How do we know tony is even getting indicted for reals?

"Secure Connection Failed"

Remember, remember, the fifth....

replace np with reddit

Sounds like ramblings of a mentally I'll individual. Vague enough to deny error and specific enough to claim credit.

Has anyone compiled answers to all of Qanon's questions? He says there is a specific reason to answer them all in order

I think the answers are provided in the questions. Just take time to read them...

Thanks for posting the text and links here. Reading the walls of texts from my phone is usually a drag.

No problem! I think it's better than screencaps.

So much better! Thanks again!

Hello, BiglyAnon here. I am THE REALEST, and am taking some time out of my busy day to let you American Patriots know that what's going on here, OK, which should be obvious for anyone as smart as me, I am the smartest, is the Saudis and the Japanese are teaming up with Trump to arrest Hillary Clinton, throw all the (((bankers))) in a pedo-sex dungeon, and make the Chinese realize they better behave or they'll be put in their place too. It will happen at 11:17 on 11-7. Well, OK, first arresting Hillary, then 11/8 arresting the bankers. That's why I left the country. I mean that's why Trump left the country, obvs. Oh also everyone ARRESTED for pedo sex and demon worship. EVIL! And P.S., for you FAKE NEWS LOSERS why can't you see that sharing with POL is just my hobby, but my job is super-real, total Oval Office, which by the way has never looked better, anyway, total White House insider who shares all the secrets. The best secrets to MAGA!!, hint hint. 4,10,Trump.

you seem personally offended by these posts

I dunno... I have the exact same take on it, and i'm not offended, i'm cautiously hopeful.

4,10,20 thank you from the bottom of my heart your a hero to the nation i hope one day i have the opportunity to shake your hand. Considering the president has the power to get rid of executive orders does #maga intend on eliminating the executive orders on establishing the fed and cia or just forcing them work for #maga once they have received their draino

Weinsteinanon checking in, the Hollywood rapes stuff is a distraction and an lie. Follow the money in DC then you will know the truth.

I'll give you a little more. Watch Tony and John.

I don't recall Mega Anon using the word "y'all" much. Seems like her writing is different.

Nah she was using "y'all" also back in May

Ahh...okay but her drops before last - I don't recall the y'all so much.

Feel free to dig in the archives and ctrl+f for "y'all"... it's there.

Shouldn't it be more important to pay attention to WHAT she says anyway?

I pay attention to what is said but I also know 4chan and posers posting as someone.

Intelligence agencies pay close attention to a peach patterns to understand who is who and so should we.

Sure. I analyzed her texts (May - November) thoroughly and all posts passed my sniff test, I would not include them otherwise.

Hey y’all 👋🏽😉

Q-Anon Update from Middle Earth.

Follow the lembas bread crumbs. Pay attention. Where is Gandalf? How was Gandalf received when visited Rohan? Why is this relevant? Why is Radagast irrelevant? The eagles are coming. Signing off: Denethor II, son of Ecthelion II father of Boromir.

Feel free to dig in the archives and ctrl+f for "y'all"... it's there.

Shouldn't it be more important to pay attention to WHAT she says anyway?

So much better! Thanks again!