Why go to this government school system when everything is on the internet now?

18  2017-11-05 by Beneficial1

Just wondering if anyone else has had a change of perspective towards public education since the internet has become packed with info on many many topics.

I was in school before the internet , but thinking back I wonder what difference it would of made, I think having this access to this much info would of allowed me to follow my own interests instead of a preconceived lesson plan full of information that I question now. Is what I was taught the truth? I don't think all of it is.

I can see being taught the basics like language, but that really takes about a year or so in early development to get that. But after that why not have a system where the child can learn what they wanted? Kids are smart and know what interests them. And then later in years enter into the requirements to become that trade or profession? Why do we have to pay for this?

This is a conspiracy too because I think the education system is dumbing down people anyway. Forcing us to participate in it in its current form ? It's teaching people to believe what they are told ,to get a grade. The people who have a genuine interest in any subject will find out what is know about it already. And some Kids aren't interested in all subjects so they are set up to be failures for lacking curiosity in some things. Looking back again I can see how much negative reinforcement and fear there was in not being a success.

Long story short once I graduated I did something else that I liked. But I would probably be even better at it had I followed the passion naturally instead of being made to participate in many other things I didn't like or want. So in that way school has confined free will into a preset group of choices and forcing you to participate against your will.

Along with the laws associated with this that reinforce the idea of having to participate. Like this:

"Compulsory education laws require children to attend a public or state-accredited private school for a certain period of time. There are certain exceptions, most notably homeschooling, but virtually all states have mandates for when children must begin school and how old they must be before dropping out."

The conspiracy here is what is the child being taught during those 'required years?'

I'm pretty sure homeschooling has been given a certain curriculum as well and timeline even though the child isn't in school they still get the education from the government.

If I'm wrong and the education system is perfect and great now, let me know. But the thing I wonder, is this working, are we as intelligent and free as we can be? Does the internet make public school obsolete?


Reading your comments makes it seem like you were asleep most of your schooling anyways.

All the more reason to believe this post, I guess! Lol

Love this reply.

It really is impressive to see response to an attack with such lightheartedness. It shows how much lower of a vibration hate is compared to joy, love, compassion.

Love is better. Just like an hour ago I practiced bringing my heart energy into my third eye for a few moments. I felt it. Some would thing that is new cagey crap but it excites me to be in the heart more than in school.

The fuck you smoking bruh

In see you went to public school too. Maybe we were in the same class.

Great post.

I am a teacher and one of the most ridiculous things I now see is the amount of time students are spending in school and learning the same things from year to year.

The internet should change education, yet we still have schools not being properly funded with technological resources.

If they were, schools could accelerate learning and truly make beneficial use of students' time.

Instead old methods of teaching are being use on a generation that learns completely differently. Kids are not engaged, and school has become a place to babysit children.

As always, I could further expand.

Thank you for your perspective. Many people talk about the value of colleges these days but rarely do people point out the flaws regarding k-12.

There is so much wrong with education today thay I would have to make a whole other post (and I have many times!)

:/ I will check it out. Education should always be at the top of the list of things to foster and grow. Not just cramming lists into minds and then quizzing them. There is more to knowledge then that. Like understanding why things work and how they do. Big picture stuff. But it seems like that's what gets lost in translation.

Well I would have to link to the archive. I can do so!

Make it rain

/u/selfmindcontrol could you add him...haha I think you are making me lazy!

I think so

Haha to clarify I have a blog where I can add approved people. Yes though it is getting lazy. Let me see if I can add you myself.

I sent a message to that user. Either way I should be good to go thank you!

Tagging u/polkadotgirl

I approved you as a submitter so you can see it now. :)

How do I add my latest posts? Just xpost them?

Yeah. I will do it for you and archive them. Sorry for not doing it sooner. :(

Lol no I feel bad!!! I can do it. Omg!!!

Lol don't feel bad. My favorite thing to do is help you. :)

r/polkadotgirl_blog is now up to date. :)

And there's zero flaws in colleges?

I was hoping you would participate. Lot of great perspectives on this so far.

; ) xpost to /r/conspiracyundone (if you want). I will try to write something a little more in depth.

Ran out of time yesterday. After I posted this I stumbled upon a video released yesterday of a guy making the same exact message about kids getting indoctrinated and having no free will. Must of been something in the air. ;) I keep coming back to that idea every now and then, and I think if we could reform education it's a big step but government doesn't want to let go of the kids they worked so hard to steal from their parents.

Oh, then I saw the Rockefeller quote about him creating the womens lib movement to create more tax payers and that they would then have control over the kids with both parents working. He admitted that like he did every other nefarious thing he did. But that is a conspiracy, right?

I truly hope you're not imprinting your values and beliefs on your kids.

I never discuss my religious or political views.

And teachers should avoid doing so. Not their place.

I think the public school system is obsolete in the modern era. It doesn't teach people how to think, it teaches them how to repeat. To recall information that has been processed. At least the public schools I've been too.

The system will change, we will begin to see a resurgence of homeschooling in this country for awhile, new private schools will be established. The public system will have no choice but to change.

We can look at all the companies that profit off of education and begin to dismantle their monopolies. Point out the fact that most new editions of college texts are the same with minor wording changes.

We are in a time were all things that are fishy should be exposed. I don't think the INTERNET has been the sole reason public school is obsolete.

The way in which they teach is obsolete. Public school seems to be a system in which they can garner the perfect obedient workers. It helps to either stifle differentiating opinion. (peer pressure) It is meant to get you into a group think mentality. The whole time you are in school you have the administration putting you in check, you have your peers attempting to put you in check. It is a way to cultivate societal norms for future generations.

School is a prison. No free thought is allowed. Only conformity. I don't have the answer for what way would be better, though I'm sure with some time and resources one could be presented. But it would mean that a shift in guidance, education and supervision would have to shift back to the parents and away from the state.

Sending your child into the school system is child abuse. It fucks them up for life. Parents should be prosecuted for it.

They are willingly letting another teach their own child lies and lack of free will. Parents are at fault but they are just being told what to do because they learned that in school.

What's a public school education cost these days? Some cities its more than $20,000 per kid per year!!! that's k-12 wtf.

College is double that if you're lucky.

So spending $100 to $400 per day on an education, when you can find for free online and teach your self 90% of what the system teaches you is crazy!

Totally. They have crammed our education into Economy. That's why our education suffers.

they must be molded into betas and deltas with the approved data set and proven social conditioning. we just can't have non-sanctioned, willy-nilly learning. society would not survive. and it's bad for the bottom line.

How else will your child be trained to work for someone 8 hours a day 5 days a week?

Exactly. I think I immediately started to unlearn what I was taught right after I graduated, but i didn't unlearn the work week even knowing the Gregorian calender and economy are a Jesuit connection. Still have to play along to survive.

In one word? Babysitting

Even the most awoken, dedicated parents need some time from the kids and the kids need socialization.

Not really, Rockefellar admitted he created woman's lib to create more tax payers and then have the children under the sytems control.

Oh I'm saying why do parents support school so much. You're thinking top-down, I'm thinking bottom-up.

Yea.. it's a complex issue because on one hand the government wants to babysit and on the other the parents need a babysitter. So now we have to reform the economy so that parents are not put in this position. I know my parents both worked full time and then get all sentimental later in life at not having spent enough time with us. By Then we were already put the through the school system and full of angst for having to do all that and they are burned out shells for working their whole life to be in debt. I think this is the case for most city kids and their parents. The parents are as good of providers as the system and it's purposely done that way .

Info online is extremely tiny compared what is in books. You need training for using the scholarly apparatus.

Info online is extremely tiny compared what is in books.

It's the opposite, online you can learn as deep as shallow as you want. With books you only have what they put in there.

Also, they have books online now :-o

Indoctrination. It also slows down the smarter people and dulls them.

I was a product of the public school system and came away knowing very little of importance. I remember many days of watching movies in class because our teachers just wanted a break. Decided college wasn't going to be much better and began teaching myself computer programming and design. Fast forward to my early thirties and I'm self employed making good money. No formal education needed.

We have the ability to learn on our own. In fact, I believe we can learn better and faster outside of the indoctrination machine of the public school system. My wife and I have two very young kids and we will be homeschooling them when they are of age. We want them to be free thinking and intelligent. Mostly, we want them to be the total opposite of these social media driven, self obsessed drones that society is molding our youth into today. I think public schooling is a part of the problem.

I sent a message to that user. Either way I should be good to go thank you!

Not really, Rockefellar admitted he created woman's lib to create more tax payers and then have the children under the sytems control.

Exactly. I think I immediately started to unlearn what I was taught right after I graduated, but i didn't unlearn the work week even knowing the Gregorian calender and economy are a Jesuit connection. Still have to play along to survive.