Mueller has gathered enough evidence to imdict Michael Flynn.

23  2017-11-05 by Pineapple__Jews

Then Don Jr and Jared? Mueller is moving up the chain! He knows he is dealing with the biggest conspiracy in American history.



Coverup for paradise papers and Saudi arrests. Nice try.

What if....the coverup is the other way around!!!

Well the footprints involving saudis and the elite is a bit more convincing that Flynn being the true target.

What a waste of investigative effort.

What a waste of your effort.

Well, this article existed before the paradise papers ;)

He's just a Trumper who desperately wants to believe there is nothing to the investigation, even as Trump officials are literally being arrested and pleading guilt. Let him live in his bubble.

But didn't you know manafort was Hillary's campaign manager, and lived for years in the Clinton tower? /s

You are terrible at deduction.

Your attack here shows your true alliances and I'm just pointing out that the push to take out one of trumps cabinet in the media is distraction away from more world impacting events that the media is barely touching.

Seems like social engineering to sway people to take the news in a way that they apply it only to trump and his crew because of the nonstop yelling media.

I'm just pointing out that there are bigger things going on and the center stage status of this Flynn story leaves me skeptical.

Your assumptions reveal everything about you.

Fuck both parties. Take all the Crooked fucks down.

Exactly. Thank you.

Apparently even saying fuck both parties attracts ire here. I just piled on by a bunch of Trump apologists for saying there should be investigations on both sides.

You got piled on by couching your standard trump russia memery lines in a bit of hand-wringing fellatio.

^ Case in point.

It’s ridiculous. I have Zero allegiance to either side. It always amazes me(and it shouldn’t) how many people around here consider them Free Thinkers when they are not.

It's so easy to spot too. The same goons show up in almost every thread. I have one following me around now. Kinda funny how there are people in a conspiracy sub trying to discredit and shut down discussion about a conspiracy.

They're like the Scientologists. Anytime they see the discussions happening they send their goons out to try to block the conversation.

Well said.

I think you need to look at his post history. He either posts in r/politics, or is in here only saying "both sides" while shouting down anyone that moderately criticizes his political sensibilities.

You're all being played by this idiot. He's concern trolling and being upvoted to hell for it.


Flynn was basically entrapped. Gl with a legit indict

That means nothing. News is rehashed to soak up focus. You aren't disputing my argument at all.

Paradise Papers is too large to be covered up by Flynn multiple news networks are reporting on it. Flynn getting arrested is also big news, big news stories can break independently of one another.

It's the first step in spinning everything onto trump via MSM.

Well I think Trumps making moves too, if Uranium One actually leads to something.

Have you actually looked at them? Do you know anything about it, or just repeating marching orders?

I don’t take marching orders and resent that you’re calling me a shill for telling you that there can be more than one big story at a time.

You guys are really working overtime with the new set of distraction posts they’ve give you. What’s the theory you spam this board we ignore the sealed indictments that name Podestas? He raped and killed kids, pizzagate isn’t vanishing and you’re defying pedos whether you’re doing it willingly or not.

Shame on you.

Aren't you defending pedos with your support of Trump?

Why does it say 12 comments, but I only see one comment from 7Seraphim7?

