I'm pretty convinced some people enjoy being slaves to the system.

88  2017-11-06 by [deleted]



Don't confuse willful ignorance with comfort.

Right now, people exist within a comfort zone that maintains the lifestyle they have. Give them one reason to challenge that in a way that doesn't put any of what they have at risk. It becomes pretty clear why people choose to live the way they do.

Maybe comfort helps put those blinders on then.....

Well, given the alternative...

Our lives are spent striving to achieve a balance between maintaining a measure of control over our lives and giving power to those willing to shoulder the matters we are either refuse or are unable to manage. It's the reason we have power companies and not water mills turning privately owned generators; we COULD have them, but at the expense of time/effort/focus.

Part of this is our own fault; we've given ourselves over to a pursuit of happiness. Look at our near constant need to consume; be it food, pleasure, digital media, we are almost driven by everything around us to stay in a perpetual state of consumption. In a way, we're punished when we fail to do so. We condition ourselves to need it.

Part of it comes down to human nature; again, that balance between our desire for power versus our unwillingness to shoulder the responsibilities that come with it. Just as we have glass ceilings in professions, we have glass ceilings in just how much responsibility we're willing to shoulder. The compensation eventually fails to outweigh this so we hand it off to other people who are capable.

As time passes, this pursuit of balance becomes a pursuit to avoid losing the comfort zone we've made for ourselves. In some ways, there is no doubt a measure of willful ignorance. We simply don't like facing unpleasant situations, especially those that take away from the comfort we have. Why embrace the cold when we have the fire, right? In other ways, its the system that's been propped up for us to feed off of. We know its corrupt. We know it feeds the greedy at the expense of ourselves, but ultimately, we're conditioned to accept the comfort we have.

What needs to be done is breaking that conditioning and facing the fact that our lives are in our control, if we're willing to shoulder the risk and the responsibility of doing things ourselves.

If you really think about what you just typed, it all makes sense but you're missing a conclusion. Yeah humans are programmed to be comfortable, but we are also programmed to overcome nature, the elements, predators, each other. We are programmed to be problem solvers. Being too comfortable makes us uneasy; being unaware of why we are uncomfortable causes us to seejk comfort. People end up living in a shell because they get caught in this perpetual circle of feeling bad followed by the instant gratification of food, drugs, porn, internet, taking fucking selfies, you name it. Hard to articulate but the situation had gotten so bad and so disassociated, so detached that everyone is a complete fucking pussy. It's not fulfilling for us and it's such a major hurdle for us that continuing to ignore it is not only setting us back but it's detrimental to our advancement.

Well, I thought the conclusions were obvious:

  • existence in a controlled state


  • existence in a state of control

The former is what we have now. It needs no description. To sum up your statement; a position of comfort runs the risk of "too much comfort", thus inevitably pushing toward conflict. A state of too little comfort, which I'd argue is the state most lower class people live in, leaves in a constant state of unfocused conflict and unable to narrow it down to the real source of the problem.

The latter is a different beast altogether.

I posted something similar in another thread before, but I'll reiterate because I have further exposition that can provide greater clarity on the matter.

To exist in a state of control means to possess independence. The average person normally equates this to financial capability, but I'm referencing to complete self-reliance, a divorce from existence on the grid, per se. You are responsible for yourself and your livelihood. You must build your own shelter with whatever tools are available, acquire food and resources through your knowledge and experience, and protect yourself against forces, natural or otherwise, that would seek to take what you have or worse.

This is what I was referencing before with our balance between the power we want and the responsibilities we don't want.

Having power means taking on the responsibility that comes with it; for example, you could fish for your own meals, but this means doing the fishing yourself, maintaining your equipment, acquiring regular bait, and most important of all, expending time and energy to the task itself. This ultimately means you must sacrifice other tasks, both leisurely and matters of necessity, in order to maintain this self-reliance, BUT you ultimately have all the power.

Now, suppose, another person comes along and says, I will catch the fish for you, but in exchange, I want <insert reasonable trade here>. To most people, they'd see this as a bargain; they'd get to retain their time, energy, and resources to be put toward another task while someone else can handle the matter of fishing.

To myself, I see this as a potentially beneficial relationship but at the sacrifice of power. This person now has some power over my choices, however limited it might be. You may not see this as all that bad, but...

  • you have a choice in what grocery you purchase from...because what you buy you cannot make yourself.

  • you have no choice in who supplies your power...because you cannot acquire it yourself.

  • you have a choice in what car you drive...because walking may be physically prohibitive with any great amount of weight over long distances, especially if perishables are involved.

Some matters are a measure of commodity. Others; pleasure. Ultimately, the issue comes down to how much comfort we want versus how much power we're willing to give up to make it a reality. What tips the scales is the abuses of the system in government and business that reduce the benefits those comforts offer. This is where the conflict is created that will push us toward greater amounts of civil unrest.

And to the benefit of the government and big-business, it will continue to remain unfocused, undirected, and in the end, unremarkable in its results. People will continue to clamor to elected officials who promise year in and year out they will do <insert hot button social/economic issue> so that the American people will get back on track with the important things, like parenting, jobs, and maintaining the system we've worked so hard to prop up.

At this point the conclusion is irrelevant; society, both interpersonally and economically, is an ongoing and ever-evolving system. It does not end until the people rise and bring it down, and likely in exchange for a system that starts off with a greater redistribution of wealth to appease the lower class while still securing a self-sustaining power base for the elite who made it all possible. Unwilling to relinquish power in fear of reverting back to the previous system of oppression, the new powers that be will enact measures to secure themselves further, under the misguided belief that they are doing it all for the right reasons. Eventually, as power tends to do with people, they will become corrupted, taking shortcuts, bribes, and inevitably the system reverts back to what it was; a system that keeps the populace in a constant state of balance between power and comfort.

They are all brain washed and you can only get thru to them with Love.

“The further a society moves away from the truth, the more they will hate those that speak it” -George Orwell

Welcome to Costco. I love you.

Ignorance is bliss. It is JUST like the guy in The Matrix eating the steak..

If you are only pretty convinced, please watch/rewatch The Century of the Self. The American population has been conditioned into the view you are describing over decades and generations. The brainpower and taxpayer dollars spend to create this outcome are staggering. Those in power need to keep the population feeling powerless to maintain their stranglehold and profits.

No man. Ignorance is bliss. It's hard to compete with bliss. Those who oppose the truth are victims. They are our brothers and sisters. The world is more awake than you realize. It's hard to see that when you're in the belly of the beast. Don't lose sight of what's important. It takes patience, love, and understanding. We got this.

Truth is bliss if one finds it. Truth as in the nature of yourself and the nature of the universe. The yogis havent called the nature of reality consciousness-existence-bliss for no reason.

True. I'm with you on that. But I won't give up on my brothers and sisters.

One doesnt need to give up on others in order to be blissful.

I agreed. I'm just thinking of my family and friends. Not all of them are aware of anything that's been going on. It's not their fault. Their good people who are to occupied to question the world they live in. I love them.

The reason most people are occupied is because they are trapped in their own minds. They are caught in taking their thought based personality as their true self when it is simply conditioning that has been gathered from society. Because of this they are locked and can only see barely in front of their own nose. This false sense of self affects all levels of ones life, not even going into various conspiracies about the external world, it does havoc in ones internal experience.

Yes. I see them as victims. I have loved ones that are awesome people that are caught up in the game. They work all day, watch the news, and think the government has their best interests in mind. They never even consider the truth because the news tells them otherwise. I was one of them at one point. I didn't realize how fucked the world was until I worked with this guy who never wanted to hear my political views. It took over a year for me to look up what he was talking about. When I did... well that's all it took.

Also people are trapped in knowing. In what they know. If one wants to know they must first say I dont know, if you think you know everything, you will not look because there is nothing to know.

As odd as it sounds, one of the thing that played a part in my wakeup was an episode of always sunny. I grew up religious. I turned towards science as I got older. Season 8 episode 10 taught me to question everything. Lol

Some movie quotes that play into this:

Shawshank redemption, institutionalized

Hithchikers guide to the galaxy:

"I would rather be happy than right anyday."

so true, there are many more that are "awake", just in different ways than you might think of. we just tend to create this "bubble" that we put people similar to us into and then close it off. you can observe this in many aspects of life. stop comparing to what you define as "awake". and the ones that might be labelled as sheep, when I truly engage with them without prejudice I might find that the most simple people have qualities that I can learn a lot from and there's a reason deep within myself why I despise others that I think choose the easy way of ignorance.

Patience, love, and understanding.. yes the three things that have historically advanced humanity

Look how many Netflix addicts there are around you. How does one have time for anything else when there are so many box sets to spend your life on?

That's a statist for you. These people are either fully committed by necessity, (usually financially) or they just lack imagination and are afraid of whatever would come next.

Don't waste your breath on them, someday, and it may be soon, there will be a clear line drawn in the sand, and it's going to be the statist and state sympathizers against everyone else.

I am under no illusion that I would be any less an NPC than those people, but at least I am not happy and content in that role.

All according to the plan...


I don't think so but people are blissfully unaware of the real danger. It's because of the decades of programming of human brain whether be it from television, educational system, media, internet (although this being one of the best inventions ever to free people).

When I discuss about economics, politics, my friends or colleagues really hate me. I don't take their hate negatively but I look at the fact that some are brainwashed more than others. I've successfully transformed my mum and now she sometimes sends me articles that I've not read about.

Don't lose hope, look at it this way, we are the last vestige of humanity. Most of us on this board are not racist but humanist, who want to see no wars, and live peacefully. If it's not on our shoulder to free people from their programming then who is going to do it? Humanity is fast approaching the abyss and it will transform us one way or another.

I was also pretty convinced and i have graduated to being fucking positive

The matrix had a blue and a red pill. People can choose to live in the lie because they get to live the good life.

just like the matrix and platos cave, some leave and take the pill or dont.... well always have neo in our hearts and minds.

also often easier to stay with the devil one knows


Content as consumers, reward seeking behaviour.

Under self-hypnosis via our own biochemical reward system.

Things! Colors! Emotional stimulation! Logos! Symbols!

Oh and apps to filter our gross stress induced skin conditions and eye bags from under our over-stimulated selfie selves so we can continue the charade everyday on fb while hitting refresh for maximum rewards.

Who wants to leave the realm of self-gratification and look at the other ugly side of the coin that we helped make?

Self-reflection is impossible for the narcissist.

Same symptom from manufactures narcissism.

I am starting to wonder if we were genetically programmed the way dogs were genetically programmed to be loyal even to abusive masters. The rebellious and independent dogs are considered dangerous. Supposedly this selective programming was done tens of thousands of years ago. Slaves are supposed to be industrious and obedient. A lot of people seem to fit that profile.

It's called Stockholm syndrome.

Keep us busy, keep us worried, keep us stressed and we won’t have the strength left to think about why it is the way it is. It’s hard enough keeping our heads above water without wondering where all the water is coming from.

yes blinders or something like that. lemme ask a funny question about identity and how we identify ourselves and others… like, how many email accounts do you have? …say 3? Are they not all you? If I write to you at account A, would you write me back from account B? probably not, but if you did does that mean account C is not you? of course not. All 3 are you, and more. so… when people put on blinders, they aren't being themselves exclusively, its as if their "account" is putting on the blinders. some of us get a lot of spam at such-and-such account, so we ignore it and the spam builds. do the spam bots care if we care to reply? no, and so just because we're ignoring our own account doesn't mean we are ignoring ourselves, we're doing other things, maybe my grandma emails me at my other account and thats where I'm at, who knows? people are sincerely enjoying being spoon-fed like the princesses they've been told they are, they were given a free princess account and they sure do like all the free porn and that neuro sodium rush. and they remember all the signs and symbols that flooded their awareness while doing it. we want to blame them for being human and switching masks? ok so we do blame them, but whadda-surprise: they'll spit back at us like the possessed demon child from exorcist II.

Life is short and we have pleasure centers that make the journey an enjoyable experience. If it's working for you as is, then let it ride. If you care about the future of mankind, then invest some of your energy, not all. If you have no family and hate injustice, then spend all your time.

The 10 things they use to achive this: alcohol Cigarettes Fluoride Vaccines/flu shots Radioactive Wi-Fi waves Gmo/processed/fast-food Sugar Prescription medication Coffee/caffiene products Chemtrails. We are up against a lot but must purge the body and free the mind!

Its because it havent personally affected most of them and their current lives are pretty comfortable. Any sort of questioning will bring change and it may be for the worse before it gets better and they dont want to risk losing the supposed "peace" they have right now.

Frankly it hasnt really personally affected me so far but I just fucking hate bad people, even more infuriating when they try to pretend otherwise by deceit thinking everyone else are too stupid to see the truth.
