[Q.] Based on your direct experience, how real is Antifa?

5  2017-11-06 by Not_Joking

I don't circulate, so I have no evidence. Antifa, as portrayed, seem like such an obviously manufactured movement, too perfect for the expected narrative. Anyone have any relevant anecdotes?


It's a fair question. I've saw a video where a guy describes seeing some buses pull up in charolettesville, says he saw both the white guys and antifa guys get off the same buses.

I've asked many, none have even heard of antifa

Do I believe there are people who hold some of the communistic values in the USA? Absolutely. https://i.imgur.com/YXYPjv1.png This describes cultural marxism briefly. https://youtu.be/0ANrEfxtYC0?t=249 Calling for communism.

I definitely think there are people who are commies in the USA, just as I am sure there are jews in the USA. Communism is basically judaism and jews basically own the USA.

Its made up.

You should ask the residents of Hamburg.

i live in Hamburg atm i can confirm

nevertheless, agents provocateurs (police staff infiltrating antifa to trigger their violent potential) is real too

True, I have to agree with this. We'll also most likely will never get to know the truth about NSU. There are people with interests working on both side of the sprectrum.

NSU: Did Edathy get labeled a pedo in order for him to stop investigating?

Interesting question. But even without him investigating there are already enough open questions about inconsistencies in the official narrative. Once saw a drawn out documentary about one of their alleged victims, a young police officer. Many questions asked, none answered by the official investigation.

Once you start questionning things there are inconsitencies everywhere.. from the big bang till the texas shooting. But who am I telling that. Link to docu pls?

I'll see if i can find it once I am home. Saw it on tv so not sure it even is on yt.

As real as the fake news fake it seem.

Russian propaganda

Russia has been founding anarchist protest ahead of G8 summits. Anything destabilizing to western societies is good for Russia

Seeing as the origins of Antifa leads back to the KPD, which had connections to Stalin and Stalinism, it isn't really propaganda.

Also, I've seen some communities they've destroyed. Is Russian propaganda so advanced that it can literally set stuff on fire now?

Great Question. Only ever hear about them on reddit. UK based however

There's a bunch of them in Manchester (161 crew) they ran a small phnk festival in Moston I knew about from my days playing in bands. Not sure if theyre still about as I'm not in that circle anymore.

The first time I heard about them was in Ukraine where they were a Russian front group.

Have you never been around a college campus?

88 to 94

That's just before the Marxists gained complete control.

My gut says 25% real/75% boogeyman.

It's more like a label than a group. It's basically just a bunch of anarchists, socialists, communists. Very often privileged college kids. Some people form infinity groups and participate in autonomous actions with the other "black bloc" at a gathering.

It's not an organization.

I think the angry footsoldiers and vandals in black believe it's real without ever following the money to the top where the puppet masters are pulling their strings. Many people, especially here, don't understand that a large group of earnest people can be manipulated into action without questioning those behind the curtains.

Antifa(the letter Gee) is controlled opposition.

Here's how it is.

Years ago (mid 80's through late 90's) you had swarms of neo nazi and white nationalist skinheads coming around to punk rock and metal gigs being violent and disruptive. Eventually people started taking a harder stance about not tolerating their shit, and groups like Anti Racist Action were formed. ARA eventually spread to counter demonstrations at rallies held by racist groups. It got to a point where hate groups just stopped turning up at gigs out of fear, and the whole thing kind of disappeared around the early 2000's.

I personally think the rank and file of Antifa are naive college age kids whose politics are so overly PC that they'd make even the most hardline 90's straight-edge vegan cringe. They missed the boat on the real shit by 20 years and are just playing dress up in places and situations where it's completely unnecessary. Same thing with the new white nationalists..hammerskins they ain't, that's for sure. Both sides are an embarrassing cliché of their former selves and trapped in cycles of knee-jerk reactions to trolling from the other.

This whole situation didn't get created in a vacuum and there are surely old heads still involved on each side, but the revived version was almost certainly manufactured by intelligence circles and media for mass consumption. Moles and provocateurs abound, but it's mostly just dupes and useful idiots.

They are real, and really not that smart. Use fascism to fight fascism smh

They were Fairly Tame Here, but we do not Provoke each other much as far as protests are concerned.

I'm a bit late to the party, but they are real enough. Here's a view from the inside.
