Anon explains why Antifa was missing on Nov 4 and how Saudi Arabia is helping purge their own cabal.

0  2017-11-06 by LightBringerFlex

See image:

Further, VOTL claims Prince Bin Talal is also the man who financed the Saudi dry run of 9/11 and the man who logistically & financially orchestrated LV Massacre. Podesta Bros were selling all kinds of slaves to him including men, women, and children.


Guys, antifa has no actual power. It's just a bunch of angry kids!

I love that how the right was taken for a ride about this horrible Nov 4, mass protest that, that Antifa was just gonna cause mass chaos, and then it never happened.....

And instead of maybe admitting they took the bait, now it must have been cancelled at the very last minute because trump and the Saudi Arabians silently fixed the issue? I'm fairly confident trump would never just cut off the secret international support being funneled to antifa, if he did anything remotely like this he would have already gone on a twitter rampage about it, this is just fan-fiction writing from the cult.....

Also would love to see the proof of all these wasted manufactured products, posters and signs and what not for this non-existent antifa protest that was cancelled last minute? Surely we shouldn't need to just take this random larpers word right?

this is just fan-fiction writing from the cult

basically every single "insider anon" from the last 6 months, if we're being honest

But if you speak out about it, you're called a shill.

And then 15 more "High Level Anon Insider" posts hit the frontpage of this sub.

"Hey guys, you know how nobody is saying what we all want to hear? Well guess what! We finally got our smoking gun boys, as some anonymous person on 4chan just said exactly what we have been saying the whole time!"

This just feels like Al Gores hunt for man-bear-pig

"Guys I'm not joking, This is super duper serial, just look at all of this "evidence" I've found"

Antifas protests never happened bc their funding from SA was cut off before hand. That's why they had the signs ready, but leaders and protesters never showed up so it was a flop

Right cause logic implie/s a mass planned event would have zero funding until event is live/over.

How the fuck do people who believe this shit even get to work daily?

Well this is awkward,

OP post a link of an obvious larp.

I call it out as an obvious larp

You comment on my comment in disagreement I guess? (which btw is great as should welcome our views to be challenged, it's how progress is made)

Except your link is literally the same thing as what the OP posted?

I mean you didn't even make an attempt at forming an original argument here, you basically just said "oh yea, well what do you think about THIS!" And showed me the exact same thing we were already talking about?

Did you have any sources to prove all these posters and signs were ever actually made? Or you were you just taking a anon's word for it because you liked what he was making up?


Everything they've said has been bullshit. Complete LARP/fan fic.

Yeah... but that VOTL guy exposed himself as a total fraud and has been shunned by this board so I don't see why you'd place any value on his tweets... but you don't fucking care... post it all and let the downvotes sort it out!

VOTL is real. Maybe not in your book.

Well yeah it is a real account... but what they says is a bunch of LARPy bullshit... You probably "help" with that account. It's a conglomerate fraud operated by /r/conspiracy/ users.

I'm sure ya think it has been long enough and everyone has forgotten about their epic fuckup exposing that really exposed the hoaxing... but we remember.

VOTL is some off the deep-end hoax operation.

I've had various discussions about VotL and OP (who mysteriously showed up around the same time and has Light in his SN). He keeps posting dude's Larps constantly.

I think you are right in saying OP is probably a part of VotL. Good catch.

I had a conversation with the another dude from reddit that freely admits that he helps run that account with other users.... thats why shit goes up and get yanked back down... one of em wanted to LARP aliens into the story and the other ones didn't.

Most people believe VOTL to be real. You are just a very cynical person. You know what they say. People who don't trust themselves don't trust anyone.

Also, what epic fuckup are you talking about? Like I said you are very cynical. You think just because VOTL emailed himself certain emails means that he is a LARP. You just jump to conclusions don't you? Don't you realize people email themselves like that when they want to strip away private information such as the sender of the email?

Have a little faith in humanity man.

Faith in humanity? The dude was straight up busted sending himself emails and then saying they were from some insider... busted cause he forgot to redact some of the addresses so it was obvious he had just make a fake conversation with himself... that account goes off the deep end on shapeshifting reptilian alien overlords and retarded shit like that. It's operated by /r/conspiracy/ users... thats why everything they say fits perfectly into the boards narrative... cause it's run by people that hang out on this board. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if you are part of the LARPing conglomerate. Cause you are the only person that still pushes that bullshit... and you were one of the very first to start pushing that bullshit.

Faith in humanity? The dude was straight up busted sending himself emails and then saying they were from some insider... busted cause he forgot to redact some of the addresses so it was obvious he had just made a fake conversation with himself... it wasn't just a forward... it was a whole back n forth conversation with himself. Thats why they were yanked down almost instantly when everyone spotted it.

I read all of those emails. They were merely notes from ground troops sending updates and intel to him via email. He and his team set up the 7-17-2017 PSYOP campaign to trick the dark forces that they were going to get arrested on that day. This set them off in a scramble and they fell directly into the light forces trap. Also, Twitter deletes tons of his messages. Anything that gives out too much info is deleted. Prince Talal and the Saudis are a big part of the Twitter ownership and he just went down. They even deleted Trumps twitter account but the media blamed it on a "disgruntled employee."

It's operated by /r/conspiracy/ users... thats why everything they say fits perfectly into the boards narrative... cause it's run by people that hang out on this board. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if you are part of the LARPing conglomerate. Cause you are the only person that still pushes that bullshit... and you were one of the very first to start pushing that bullshit.

Like I said. You seem to be a very cynical person. People like you blanket everything as untrustworthy so you are quick to judge. VOTL has dropped some insane and I mean INSANE intel over the past year or 2 ever since he went up. There's no way r/conspiracy or me were behind it. I didn't even know any of the shit he posted about existed (IE Israeli control over the world, Sabastian-Frankism, ect..). VOTL does talk about shape-shifting reptilians because they are real. I know it sounds crazy but life is a lot more interesting than we were led to believe.

I can see how people would get very confused. Unless you are intimate with the VOTL twitter page, you will easily misinterpret some of the happening around the psyop against the cabal they ran in July. They have been 4D chessing the cabal like crazy. Btw, VOTL is under the Trump umbrella along with many others of course. They are all on the same team.

"VOTL does talk about shape-shifting reptilians because they are real."

That's all you needed to say to explain why you fall for these VOTL LARPs.

I am not 100% positive shape-shifting reptilians are real but this statement has been repeated thousands of times across thousands of sources. I'm just saying, people wouldn't be hollering about this from teh 4 corners of the world for the past few decades if it was completely fake. There should logically be some truth to it.

This isn't a police department where we have all the evidence we need to determine our reality. We are working with bits of evidence here and there. We are forced to create a picture using whatever we can. Why? Because the government has 0 transparency in it so they can hide all their crimes. Until we establish total transparency, we have to make the clearest picture we can about reality by averaging out all the evidence we do have. Later on, after we flush the cabal, we will create transparency and all will be known.

Yeah... just average out all the information fucked up David Icke LARPs with the actual truth and a billion other conspiracy theories and yer gonna end up thinking that fuckin' shapeshifting reptilian overlords are real... and fuckin' Darth Vader is real cause people have been talking about him for like 40 years... and Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster and vampires and Sherlock Holmes and a bunch of other fiction... thats why you like VOTL... cause it's fuckin' fiction. Jeeeeeeesus, man... stay in the kiddie pool cause you've gone off the deep end.

There's no point in speculating. All the truth will surface eventually and then we can see what was true and what wasn't.

Thats all we do here is speculate... It's people like you that give this sub a bad name... not wonder TMOR loves you so much.

Lol, noted.

Great band name - "larping conglomerate"!

Here's a good cover for their first single... "The Power of LARP"

Larp! You can see it, in the clouds up in the sky.
Larp! Floats by in clusters in our water supply.
Larp! It's in all of us, man. Our pores, and in our hair.
Larp! What we conceal in those corny clothes we wear.

Don't forget this HLI, 420PatroitKewl, posting on Etsy: "There plans has been stopped. The Antifas now that Trump is on to them and there plans. The wanted to take over my school in a civil war, but Trump crushed there busses with a Yemen missile and no one got to the rally point, so they went home to sale more kids to Arabs. We one!!11!" /s

I was just reading a theory on some anon post that Disney own North Korea.

At first, I thought WTF? But then I remembered that Disney is dead center in the MK Ultra program and that Mickey's ears are directly connected with MK Ultra somehow. Also, there was a logo of Disney that, when turned upside down, read WICKED.

The anon mentioned "Imagine how outraged the people would be if they realized Disney owns North Korea."

Leftist groups have been laughing about this Nov. 4th fantasy all week. It was never a plan. Someone made it up, and it fit the right-wing script, so it was believed without actual investigation.

Does anyone know where the "info" originally came from?

Thats all we do here is speculate... It's people like you that give this sub a bad name... not wonder TMOR loves you so much.