Rose McGowan gives warning to industry about promoting Alec Baldwin?

175  2017-11-07 by wildfireonvenus

To women and men in the industry, it would be wise of you to not promote Alec Baldwin. Fair warning. #ROSEARMY twitter


We need more people like Rose to fight the cabal.

Or she's full of shit and riding a new moment if fame.

We take her word very seriously for some reason

Cabal is starting to collapse. Start working on your resume.

All I'm saying is a group that claims to question everything eats up every tidbit of information that reenforces their world view.

This is a sub if normies

We get so many retards like you commenting on members of this sub and what they do and don't talk about etc., its insane. Why do you think anyone cares about your opinion on us?

Who is US? I'm an active member of this community

active is one thing but all you do is come here to deny all conspiracies. sure some are fake but you have too broad a brush. not productive.

You don't get to definite what is and isn't proper participation

No. Bs needs to be called out as bs. This isn't a circle jerk.

This is the catch most people dont see in themselves. You must be aware of your own opinions and what you have read to come to your opinions. You have to be willing to analyze and change your views or tou set yourself up for failure. Glad to see your open minded, for real.

it's so good to see them in panic mode

What did they say? They deleted all their comments

Exactly. She's admittedly mentally ill as well, yet everyone seems to think every word she says is unquestionable truth.

TIL being mentally ill makes you a liar and unreliable! Have a bit of anxiety? LIAR!Depressed? LIAR! What a shitty blanket statement.

Calm yourself it's a valid stance.

People like you hate false rape culture until it reinforces your worldview of certain people.

Once again we're becoming r/rapist conspiracy

Saying "Mental illness make you less reliable" isn't a valid stance. Do you know how many different mental illnesses there are? How the fuck is that a valid stance?

No one said it completely made her irrelevant just that we shouldn't just automatically believe everything

He used mental illness as a means to justify not taking what she says as credible. I have absolutely no issue with not taking what someone says as fact until I do my own research. That's how I do things, I look into it using different sources to judge for myself. My issue here is somebody saying that I shouldn't listen to what she says because she is mentally ill. That's such a stupid, ignorant and nasty blanket statement to make. How you can defend that statement is beyond me.

Well I just think that that just reinforces the idea that she may not be completely credible and that we should make extra sure what she says is legitimate

How the hell does bringing mental illness into this reinforce the idea that she may not be completely credible? How about get some evidence for why her claims are false and not blame health issues!? Having a mental illness does not mean you are a liar. Jesus Christ why do I even need to explain that to someone!?

I just don't trust her regardless the mental part is just another part. Why are you so intent on defending her?

I haven't defended her once. She has been completely irrelevant to what I have been saying. I have said about four time now my issue is with saying "mental illness makes you a liar".

Mental illness makes you suspect

You're a moron.

That opinion makes you suspect.

Nope. Just means I'm calling out someone with little intelligence. Nobody with half a brain cell between their ears would think that poor mental health makes somebody "suspect". It's a staggering viewpoint.

I've obviously struck a deep mental nerve

You haven't but I don't blame you for thinking that way with your idiocy. I wouldn't even expect you to notice if you were struck by lightning.


Numerous mental illnesses distort how people view things and what they believe, (sjw's for example). Just because she says something doesn't mean it's factually true or actually happened.

Doesn't mean it is automatically false just because she has a mental illness either. Mental illness is such a wide spectrum of issues that to just say point blank that having mental health issues makes you less reliable is both factually incorrect and stupid.

Yes, it actually is valid.

Do you believe schizophrenics are truthful when they believe their delusions to be reality?

Do you believe someone with depression and anxiety is automatically a liar and can't be trusted? There are many different mental illnesses, which is why it's stupid to say poor mental health automatically makes you a liar.

People like you hate false rape culture until it reinforces your worldview of certain people.

To be fair, the constant drumbeat against "rape culture" has always carried a strong undercurrent of projection.

Beyond the fact that the most open advocates of an actual rape culture are never the targets of activists (and in fact activists will often defend them).

What celebrity doesn't have a mental illness or drug problem? Should we believe the accused who also has mentally ill, drug addition and pill popping history?

Isn't this what we want? People to name names? Jfc make up your mind.

Wait what? Not at the expense of truth.

Get with the program

All I hear is "Why won't they name names?" now Rose is out here naming names and it's not good enough? Give me a break.

She's already broken through any other issues need to be brought up legally

Why argue with me I am your king after all



Check the user names

Alec Baldwin has a long history that isn't great. The guy is known to do really stupid things so it doesn't surprise me. I would have put him in the top 25 of likely suspects to be caught with Harveygate.

top 10

Once again just because something seems plausible doesn't mean we should just believe everything coming out of the mouth of a person with a lot of issues

I'm sorry but are you perfect? Most people who have been raped or abused end up in a difficult place. It changes them. You may call them "issues" but it is them coping and trying to move on. It isn't like she is a pathological liar that is constantly screaming RAPE. She has kept her secret and maintained success.

Think about what has happened since Harvey was placed in the spotlight. Do you see all the allegations against various Hollywood celebrities? How many people have spoken up without Rose taking the lead? Rose is standing up and not being afraid. I'm sure half if not more would never have possessed the courage to speak up if it wasn't for Rose. She is a leader.

Well she's something that's for sure, time will tell

I'm sure it will.

She seems to be capitalizing on a situation which she previously profited from in both her career and the 100k if I recall correctly. Not saying this shit isn't rampant and fucked but I don't respect her at all.

She should capitalize off of it. Harvey capitalized off her and used his power to take advantage. Fuck him and all the others. Hollywood is very dangerous so her bravery alone is respectful in my opinion.

he was in glengarry glen ross with spacey. I bet they got together and shared leads

If he is into wife swappin' let me know.

She prolly has a 12 inch hammer

I'm pretty sure Will Smith is.

More satanists in other words?


What makes you think she is a Satanist? She is taking on the rapists and almost all high level Satanists are rapists.

Consider her past and ask why she's conveniently coming out now with allegations of rape.
She dated Marilyn Manson....

Consider the projects she's been involved in. Look at the symbology in this video.

So why would the cabal run a psyop like this? What purpose does it fulfill?

I'm pretty sure Marilyn Manson doesn't exclusively date Satanists.

She can come to my place anytime.



We need honest people from the beginning. Not when it’s convenient for careers. We need honesty that cuts like a sword. Not this crap.

Oh ok, so she should shut up then. Take what you can get at this point.

No that’s not how it works.

Nope, I don't think that. But thanks for being rude.

What's the big deal about Alec Baldwin? I am sure I missed something about him.

He essentially said that one of the ways something can become an "open secret" like harvey weinstein raping rose mcgowan, is because she took 100k to keep quiet instead of seeking justice. Which made her kinda mad.

he did have a good point there. she got rich and it let Harvey rape who knows how many more women in the years since. tho one woman did refuse bribes and went to cops and wore a wire and GOT EVIDENCE that Harvey did it but the cops still didn't want to arrest him, due to being corrupt. But that woman can sleep at night with an innocent conscience and look at herself in the mirror unlike McGowan who is having a meltdown over it.

Alec is a known alcoholic/wife beater/had a coke problem at one point. His shit stinks so bad I'm surprised he's still finding work.

He's a closer.

Which is why he gets coffee.

He's also an extremely talented douche.

Because having a drug problem makes someone a bad person?

I'm not defending Baldwin, but don't equate addicts with spousal abusers.

alcoholic/wife beater/had a coke

two of these shouldn't matter and the third isn't proven

Wow, a famous entertainer who suffers from substance abuse? Now I’ve heard everything!

rose army tho? too egotistical, don't make it all about you

There's something very off with her intentions i'm afraid. I mean " Rose Army " really? She is playing an angle, I wonder what that might be.

Or she's a garden variety narcissist.

nah, it goes beyond that. I honestly don't buy in this whole " hunt on the hollywood pedophiles "

I vibe this. I completely support the calling out of sexual harassment, but It is beginning to feel disingenuous, the whole 'thorns' thing, just feels like PR now

This whole thing with her is pretty stupid.

She went full deranged feminazi after her career ended. Take a look back on Twitter and she goes from typical SJW to full blown feminist misandrist.

She's constantly made every single trending hashtag about her somehow, even when it's unrelated.

Shut up, you don't know anything. That's how you get normies involved.

stfu. blocked

Rose on the war path

Rose McGowan grew up in the Children of God (aka 'The Family') cult, as did River Phoenix (and his siblings) and Julian Assange. The COG cult was well known for its exploitation and sexual abuse of very young children.

Julian Assange grew up in a new age Australian cult, also called "The Family", but I am unclear whether it was the same cult.


Are you saying Julian was an actor?

Are you saying all people in the CoG are actors?

No, just that those two a tors happened to grow up in the same cult, which sexually exploited young children. I think McGowan's past experiences probably have an influence on why she is so outspoken on the Hollywood pedophile scandal.

No, just that he grew up in a cult. Random tidbit of information.

Wouldn't surprise me, given the level of protection and forgiveness Baldwin has visibly benefited from over the past two decades.

people should really need to be more skeptical about this women. Don't get me wrong I loved her in Charmed, but something about this whole rape thing is wrong.

And this might sound strange, I recently came across leaked images from her ( fappening ) The way she shows herself, her body, her..inner self.. she certainly doesn't come off as an innocent women. In fact, I think she plays the game too well.

Spot on. She's riding at about 14:55 of her fifteen minutes and now that she destroyed her career with poor choices, and her looks with even poorer plastic surgery, she's pulling this Joan of Arc bullshit. She accepted 100K to fuck Harvey Weinstein, that makes her a prostitute.

If she'd gone to the cops instead of picking up the money off of the nightstand, saving however many other women from the same fate, she'd be someone to respect. Instead she's just some "almost was" whose calling foul to wring out those last few seconds. Real hero. I hope she has to give the money back.

I got suspended from twitter minutes after calling Rose McGowan a cunt.

The victim blaming is kind of unsettling here. No one said she was a saint, doesn't mean there aren't some sick fucks in Hollywood.

No one said she was a saint,

She's legitimately crazy. We don't go "OMG STOP victim blaming Donna Brazile" just because she opens up about the bullshit around her but she's still treated as the piece of shit she is.

First Donna Brazile is no victim, so I don't know why you brought her up. So you're saying Harvey Weinstein and the like are innocent cause Rose is crazy? I don't understand your position here.

Donna Brazil's was sexually abused?

She does know Bill, so probably?

Don’t like this. She needs to provide evidence for allegations. Innocent until proven guilty.

I'm sorry that VMA dress still haunts me and the fact she is on this war path of demonizing men just proves 100% bat shit nuts.

Alec is on Jeffrey's list. Just sayin'.

Jesus Christ! People get pissed if victims don't speak out. Then if one does, they criticize every sentence said even though no one has any insight to either side of the case besides their internet stalking. No fuckin wonder women don't report rapes.

Mental illness makes you suspect

Oh ok, so she should shut up then. Take what you can get at this point.

Do you believe someone with depression and anxiety is automatically a liar and can't be trusted? There are many different mental illnesses, which is why it's stupid to say poor mental health automatically makes you a liar.