
0  2017-11-08 by Modtrigger3X

Is not biologically normal. So tired of people saying evolution has no say anymore and isn't a valid argument against normalizing trans or homo relations.

Be trans if youre trans i gay if you're gay sure.. but don't say it should be a universal and fundamental teaching of how humans or life has evolved. It's a mental / physical abnormality or mutation.


If a few weirdos weren't born every once in awhile we'd all still be monkeys.

Seems like every other life form on the planet would have been better off.

Apes actually and why are there still apes at all if everything evolves?

What is now apes used to be Ruflehornks.

Well despite this comment being so dumb I can't even tell if it's serious; you should know that humans are literally classified as apes.

Yeah, I think you fundamentally misunderstand evolution.

Are you calling trans people mutants?

Nope, just fuck ups. Trans are nature's fuck ups.

We're all mutants, friendo.

Trans is an agenda. Those people are victims. It's sad. I love gays, and I am surrounded by them, but they are victims of a previous agenda push as well. It's propaganda. I support them all as fellow humans, but it is what it is.

Man, I’d really love your gay friends to know the bullshit you spew anonymously

My gay family and friends know exactly how I feel; I am as open as they are.

Hey, he fully supports their rights as humans to be like him and agree with his beliefs. I'm sure that their gratitude is as endless as his compassion.

What are you talking about? There have been trans and gay people throughout history. It's not a new development or agenda.

Are you hearing voices in your head, or are you referring to the posts? People have had relationships and people have had sex throughout history, but this is an agenda. There is a difference.

What is the difference. What makes trans and gay people now, different from our counterparts in the past?

A political agenda.

What political agenda?

I see this too. Love my gay friends but i dont understand why the gay community all seems to think one way politically. It definitely a kind of brainwashing.

Because we're presented with to political sides and the other side has continuously fought against gay people.

Yeah. The fact that there is the "gay community" is the other big red flaming flag. Two people in a loving relationship don't need a community that pushes political agendas. They are being used.

Nah. A tight-knit community is the natural outcome when an entire class of people is shunned, tortured, and murdered for millennia.

Nah, I know the gay community VERY well: it's not a tight-knit community at all. Those queens are in each others face over the tiniest of issues.

Take a look at the politicians and the policies they vote for. Strong consensus there.

Exactly. That is why they are victims of a political agenda. That is different from the tight-knit community statement.

They're voting for policies that protect/advance their interests, just like everyone else...


Not terribly, no. But of course that's the point.

but i dont understand why the gay community all seems to think one way politically

Is this a joke, or are you just not familiar with GOP policy?

I'm very familiar. But I also know that the gay community will disown you if you dont completely conform to every policy postition considered "progressive".

They were the only community I saw in Los Angeles openly supporting HRC. Hell, the day after the election i ran in to two giant, buff men wearing HRC shirts that had that demon's face plastered over it full-size. It's cultish.

But I also know that the gay community will disown you if you dont completely conform to every policy postition considered "progressive".

I see what you mean here. The community does tend to shun people who may support candidates who push for things like gun rights or stricter immigration laws, even if they agree on other social issues.

Hell, the day after the election i ran in to two giant, buff men wearing HRC shirts that had that demon's face plastered over it full-size. It's cultish.

But this isn't any more cultish than these or these.

Hey! I own that second shirt haha. Imo the latter two have much more to do with a reverance for the country than any one person. Point taken, tho.

I honestly think trans is just mental illness. You cannot change your gender based off your feelings.

I think you're confusing gender with biological sex. It's quite a common misconception that I wish more people understood.

Biological sex then. I get that gender is more of a social construct so its more debatable and flexible. I should rephrase that you cannot change your sex based off your feelings. Despite mutilating ones body or taking hormone replacements, you are either born male or female. That doesn't change. The problem an individual has with their identity stemming from gender roles and expectations in society is one thing. Surgically removing or creating body parts to "transition" into the opposite gender is indicative of a larger problem, mental illness.

Break down of gender roles.

Break down of families.

The government will become family.

Genderless and transhumanism


A new world order....a brave new world.

lol okay

Why your comment?

I'm not going to waste time debating you, but the start of an answer would be that the primary function of a family is procreation.

Okay so gays can still pro-create thanks to surrogate mothers and have a family

You just answered your question. They have to look outside the family to accomplish the primary goal of a family. Additionally, that child will eventually....most likely...want to know their mother. This can create problems in the future for the child. The list of problems associated with your answer is beyond what I'm willing to go into.

So I’m guessing you’re also against adoption since it « looking outside the family » to have a kid. See your post’s lacklustre logic here is fucked considering

Single father and mothers exist

Some couples can’t have children of their own and have to have em via in vitro and other means

Adoption is a thing

All these things wrong to you? I’m sure they’re not, cause it’s not really about the culture or the children or the family unit, it’s because it makes you feel yucky

There is nothing wrong with adoption. In the case of people who can't have children...or can for that matter and just want to's a great way to provide a family to a child.

That's different than choosing a path where none of the families can procreate (trans families). You aren't comparing like cases.

It absolutely is about the children and the family unit. It is the backbone of humanity.

Like I said, I'm not spending much time on this. There's no way I'm convincing you. I can live with that.

Nobody is suggesting a world where everybody is trans. Or even a moderate fraction of the population. Jesus Christ.

We can clone things.. should we clone ppl?

Any dipshit can procreate. A families purpose is to raise a child and make then a functioning human being.

That is true. That's why I said the answer starts with procreation. But, a trans person can't even start the process without looking outside the family.

There will always be children to adopt.

I agree....and I hope stable families with a mother and father step up and adopt them.

I hope any family that will love and take care of them will step up. But I actually care about children more than a political ideology.

That's good. I do too. I'm a father of two children myself. I don't consider this a political ideology though.

If you're a trans person, I have nothing against you. I think you should have all rights that any person has. But much like you said a single parent family isn't ideal....I believe a family with a trans parent isn't ideal. I believe men and women have distinct characteristics that compliment each other....and work together to create the optimal environment for a child. That being said, I understand that no everything will be ideal in life.

I disagree. I think have multiple people around to give a child love an attention is the important factor.

But based on your logic, what would you think about a cis man and trans woman raising a child? Or trans man/cis woman?

Do you have children? I can assure you they long for the things that each gender provides. There's no way the mother of my children can provide what I can provide. There's no way I can provide what she can provide. We can each try...but we'll fall short. Surgically changing my anatomy or adding hormones won't alter that fact.

Give examples. No offense, but you're making vague appeals to emotion. And as far as I know, children of same sex couples do fine.

I really don't want to spend much more time on this. No offense...seriously.

I'll just leave it at there's a feminine nature in her that I can't provide and a masculine nature in me that she can't provide. Now...if you don't believe that different genders have different qualities then that's not going to make sense to you.

Neither of you are trans. If you were, you could provide the feminine or masculine "nature" right?

I don't believe that would be so.

It comes when you combine everything. The gay and trans agendas are tied in with women's "rights" (abortion). Notice these same people all are for growing the size of govt and giving them power over the descisions of parents. It all goes together.

Wouldn't abortion rights damage the idea of the government raising children?

What areas have the highest abortion rates? Do these areas also have to highest concentration of people on welfare? What is the result?

I love seeing your comments. Keep it up.

Thanks. I wanted to write something on this tonight!

Please do. You and I think along similar lines. One day, maybe I'll take the time to write some things as well. You're inspiring. Keep up the good work.

Thanks somebody is downvoting all my comments tonight!! So I appreciate the encouragment

What would you say to a Transgender male or female if you met them in person?

I know tons of trans people.

I would not be disrespectful. People have a right to lives as they want.

I do not support propaganda of certain lifestyles though.

I do not blame the individual. I blame society.

Do you think a person can be born this way as opposed to being coerced though propaganda? Even if it means a mutation of the genes due to the mother's poor diet?

Yes but then I call that gender dysphoria - and many children outgrow it.

So if a person can be born with gender dysphoria and some don't grow out of it, how can you argue that all transgenders are some NWO ploy?

Not all are.

Though 99 percent are a product of environment.

If there is even 1% that don't, then your characterization of all trans being as a result of an NWO ploy is invalid.

And I'm gonna need a source on the 99% number.

Never said all!

So if gender dysphoria is something that exists in nature independent of any social engineering, are you implying that the NWO is convincing those who aren't to somehow identify with this minority group, in an effort to breakdown gender roles, breakdown families etc etc?

No not at all. Did not even say half of that.

So are you saying some Trans are legitimately trans? Not as a result of some NWO ploy?

It is possible.

Break down of gender roles. Break down of families. The government will become family. Genderlessness and transhumanism Eugenics. A new world order....a brave new world.

If it's possible, it's unreasonable to make comments like this. You are acknowleding the possibility that trans may occur naturally while at the same time implying that it's as a result of some nefarious social engineering.

If there are real trans people, it is less than .01% of the population.

Social engineering will utilize this .01 % for agenda.

then why did you deny it the first time I asked you?

So if gender dysphoria is something that exists in nature independent of any social engineering, are you implying that the NWO is convincing those who aren't to somehow identify with this minority group, in an effort to breakdown gender roles, breakdown families etc etc?

No not at all. Did not even say half of that.

You are twisting my words


People can read the comments. Also I am almost positive I remember you.

Radiohead is one of my fav. Bands. So I remember the account karma police. I remember maybe even private messaging them.

Ill have to look...

I feel like you are deflecting now but it's okay.

And I remember you. You asked me what my favorite song was one time. I also complemented you for being a teacher. You also PMed e to join your sub.

I guess it just seems odd...

Not trying to deflecr.

A whole new world...a wondrous place, but not for you and me.

Just slaves and robots

breaking down gender roles doesn't break down families.

I'm trans. I can fall in love, start a relationship and raise children. No family has broken down.

Not just about transgenderism.

There is a complete breakdown to gender roles that lead to the decline of family structures.

Less have families. Less have moms and dads. Less have children.

Why would a break down of gender roles cause a decline of family structures? All that is necessary is two or more people who love each other and want to raise children.

It is mutli-faceted.

It is not JUST the breakdown of gendet roles. The breakdown of gender roles is a contributor to an overall dysfunctioning society.

Now you are just shifting the goal post.

Eh. I have written like 200000000 posts about this.

Enjoy your creepy brave new world.

You've wrote 200000000 posts about the subject but you completely crumbled in a 6 post exchange.

I know when it is not worth it.

It is not worth it when the person I an dicussing with has a clear agenda.

I can link to one of my posts if anybody reading is curious on my views.

Thank you and have a great night!

I have no agenda here other than reason.

Good for you.

Reason me this:

Would you allow a 4 year old to get a tattoo?

What does that have to do with anything? Much less the stability of the family structure?

/u/polkadotgirl believes there is somehow a significant amount of 4-year olds undergoing gender reassignment steps.


Answer the question : )

Ooh, ooh! I'll play! No, I would not allow a 4 year-old to get a tattoo.

Oh good. Can you figure out the next question?

Yep! And I can't answer without consulting a doctor.

breaking down gender roles doesn't break down families.

It does if you have a mindset stuck in the 1950s.

This dude gets it.

Thanks! Though do not assume my gender ; )

I know your gender sexy dude.

It's a culture-destroying, imposed fad, preying on the most chemically and culturally confused people in history.

That’s true man, ever since transgender rights started being recognized our entire civilization collapsed, they raped our farms and burned our women. Damn thousands of years old fad

Transgendered people have always had the same rights as anyone else. They don't need special legal recognition. The social engineering going on around this is disgusting, as is defending it.

I agree. Also noticed these people create problems and drama in the workplace on a regular basis. Definitely something going on upstairs.

OP, I got sum to say. It's not a abomination. It's not this big crazy, out of the norm type thing. It's human feeling and emotion in top of everything else, one cannot generalize how a human "should" feel because it's all different. The fact that I had to go out and out do myself over one post makes me that much more annoyed, but as a longtime stalker of this sub I can say I'm not surprised by you. This sub has changed for the worst and you sir/ma'am are proof of that.

See , you're clouded by your emotion. is not swayed , ideally, by cultural beliefs rather retestable data.

In evolution it's sex gametes of make and female that make it possible to procreate.. we have evolved to do this.. Almost every living thing. Homosexual behavior is not a trait that is conducive to extending out the species.. ergo those Gene's don't get passed .. same for sexually confused ppl in terms of trans. Which can be confused with being just gay.

Explain to me how these traits are natural and give a species a better chance of passing on genetic material.

Also, I have to ask... Are you gay or trans ? You're speaking like someone who is offended as if to say what I said was that gay or trans is horrible and evil.

Not the case, but their condition is not biologically sound from an evolutionary perspective. Hell.. not even from a Lamarck theory perspective

Science is definitely swayed by bias. And having other people around to act as caregivers helps our species continue. Also, your entire argument hinges on whether homosexuality is genetic. And if that is true and it couldn't be passed, then how do people with red hair exist? You're literally swaying science to suite your ideology.

I fucking work for naza bro. I know a thing or two because I know a thing or two.

You're probably some customer service agent flipping copies of Xerox

I appreciate that you're mad enough to reply twice. And idk what Naza is but hey, I'm glad you're happy in your career.

Wow don't even know what nasa is..

Evolution is just the name we've given to life adapting to it's environment. It has no goal or design in mind. Your argument is stupid.

Glad you've narrowed down centuries of academic study and environmental studies about a concept such as evolution to just being a simple discription place holder.

That's what centuries of study have shown. There is no goal or purpose behind evolution.

Well, one of the main goals of evolution is to procreate and ensure survival of the species.

You see where the problem with trans is here so it isn’t evolution.

It’s just some people that want to do their own thing. I’m cool with that but let’s not rewrite the science books just yet. Or the English books.

Nothing you say is even based in science to begin with.

For example?

Well, one of the main goals of evolution is to procreate and ensure survival of the species.

You see where the problem with trans is here so it isn’t evolution.

Virtually every species on the planet has two genders to procreate. The human species has two genders, without which, there would be no humans.

So what are you talking about?

And that still has nothing to do with evolution being directed or having a goal.

Evolution is also not strictly about passing on YOUR genetic material. It's entirely possible than trans or gay people have a role that improves the health of the group from a biological stand point.

Evolution by natural selection is a process demonstrated by the observation that more offspring are produced than can possibly survive, along with three facts about populations: 1) traits vary among individuals with respect to morphology, physiology, and behaviour (phenotypic variation), 2) different traits confer different rates of survival and reproduction (differential fitness), and 3) traits can be passed from generation to generation (heritability of fitness).[10] Thus, in successive generations members of a population are replaced by progeny of parents better adapted to survive and reproduce in the biophysical environment in which natural selection takes place.

Explain how offspring are produced in your model or how traits can be passed from generation to generation.

I never supposed a model. There have been trans people for thousands of years and society has managed to survive.

But to humor you, I'm a trans woman but also attracted to women. So it's actually totally possible for me to procreate.

I’m not saying that there isn’t a place in society for gay and trans people. I’m saying that if you have an entire society made up of gay or trans people, it would die out.

Even in your example, you still need sperm to get pregnant. There’s just some things you can’t get around.

Nobody is arguing for a whole society of trans people. We make up like 1% of the population.

more offspring are produced than can possibly survive

Have no fear, straight people are making more gay and trans people every day! :-)

He's not saying that it makes evolutionary sense for everyone to be non-reproducing. It does make sense for some members of a population to be non-reproducing, and it happens in nature. For example, you share genes with your siblings and other family members; supporting them can be a better way of propagating those genes than reproducing yourself.

First of all, you’re assuming her gender. As she said to me, she’s a trans woman.

Second, as I told her, there is a place in society for all of us. I don’t have a problem with gay or trans people. More power to them!

I'm not criticizing you. I'm just answering your question. There is an evolutionary strategy for non-reproducing members of a population--they can still pass "their" genes along.

I don't think that point is very relevant to the current discussion, because humans don't normally care about evolution in that sense--we don't allow ourselves to be subjected to evolutionary pressures, for example.

One aspect would be population control. Earth isn't getting any bigger.

At this point evolution would do well to slow down the amount of kids we're having if it wants us to survive.

Unless we’re a virus.

It's not something important enough to waste time getting mad about it. Trans and gay people aren't getting you into wars or stealing your pension. they are just weird to you, which is fine honestly. It doesn't have anything to do with evolution, since trans and gay people can usually reproduce and many do. I think it's fine what people do with their bodies and love life, since you know freedom and all. Let people be themselves as long as they aren't infringing your rights.

Trans and gay people aren't getting you into wars or stealing your pension.

Truth. TPTB want these type of issues distracting us from our enslavement.

Lot of ships in the night in this thread.

It's possible there are legit trans people. It is also possible that their world view is not consistent with the majority of their citizens and when one gets elected to office I will bet you any amount of money that every action made will not be made with the best interests of the majority of the citizens in its district.

BUT the majority voted for the person you are talking about (in her district). Those people voted knowing her platform so what you're saying isn't really valid.

Life’s too short for me to worry about what makes other people happy, as long as they aren’t harming anyone else. Not sure why the fuck anyone cares.

I honestly dont care if people change their genders. If it doesnt effect you in a negative way then who cares?

The breakdown of the family unit over time will affect us all.

Families break down because they can't make the mortgage and the stress leads to friction. Not because someone somewhere is wearing a dress.

It's a war on all fronts.

Families break down because they can't make the mortgage and the stress leads to friction.

You're generalizing. Many families that have plenty of money break down, so that's not true.

Not because someone somewhere is wearing a dress.

It's not just about wearing a dress. Men and women are made different and designed to provide different...equal...and complimentary things to the family unit.

Of course financial hardship and stress are not the only cause of broken families but I would wager they result in more divorces than the existence of trans.

No one is forcing daddy into a dress and unless he wants to or has severe mental issues no one can talk him into it.

This guy gets it^

Breakdown of sanity to be sure.

Implying there is such a thing as "biologically normal".

Can we get these pieces of shit off this sub please? Take your edgelord shit back to 4chan and dotard.

Do you normally like to limit ideas and speech ? How's North Korea.

I prefer conspiracy posts to at least have some semblance of conspiracy. I am sure there are plenty of other hate subs for you to flaunt your ignorance.

says the ignorant one lol

The difference is I know that I am ignorant. I don't gaf about trans people. Let them figure out how to live life. Stop acting like they are hurting you. It is fucking weird.

This rabbit hole goes so much deeper than you can believe.

You would not believe what i can imagine.

didn't use your alt ?

But Legit, this is the one conspiracy no one accepts or immediately rejects out of hand, so it doesn't really matter really, not worth getting insulted for no reason.

Alt? The fuck are you talking about? I dont use alts. Fags do.

Fair and yes they do. But I was talking about the rabbit hole.

Im telling you i can imagine how deep it goes.

We need to stop tolerating defect and dysfunction.

If Reincarnation is real, then I could MAYBE see how Trans People might feel like they have been born into the wrong body. That is the only logical explanation I can think of.

Yes, I know reincarnation doesn't seem logical to some people.


Does anyone recall reading or watching something about a kid that was born with a profound knowledge of WWII airplanes and suffered from nightmares of him drowning; and it turned out he had the same first name as a WWII pilot that was shot down in the ocean?

Three things attribute to gay/trans individuals choices. Yes, every sexual attraction/identity is a choice.

  • Cause/Effect. Most were probably abused or traumatized. The effect being mental/sexual in mindset/lifestyle.

  • Sin...desire... whatever you wanna call it. Everything is good/bad in moderation. How far one takes any pleasure is up to the beholder. This is ultimately a test of one's willpower, faith, and own limits.

  • Curiosity/acceptance/self image etc... ultimately it boils down to how one views their self and perceived view of others. In essence, they have body dysphoria. Same as someone who is anorexic, bulimic, crazy body builders, compulsive eaters, or even simply disingenuous people who change the way they speak or act with different character people. It's all the same, you are just altering your image for yourself and to project to others for one reason or another... in your head.

The devil likes to reverse God's natural creations.

Do the math.

The fact that this post is stuck at "0" with this many comments is very telling.

Right.. 550+ views 150 comments.. and it says a goose egg

Well, I'm as real as it gets, and I downvote this post. Then, I rescinded my downvote just so I could downvote it again.

Good for you.

Reason me this:

Would you allow a 4 year old to get a tattoo?

I feel like you are deflecting now but it's okay.

And I remember you. You asked me what my favorite song was one time. I also complemented you for being a teacher. You also PMed e to join your sub.

Give examples. No offense, but you're making vague appeals to emotion. And as far as I know, children of same sex couples do fine.

I’m not saying that there isn’t a place in society for gay and trans people. I’m saying that if you have an entire society made up of gay or trans people, it would die out.

Even in your example, you still need sperm to get pregnant. There’s just some things you can’t get around.

more offspring are produced than can possibly survive

Have no fear, straight people are making more gay and trans people every day! :-)

says the ignorant one lol