Does anybody here actually that think war with Iran is a good idea?

15  2017-11-09 by KarmaPolice777


War with Israel and Saudi Arabia sounds funner

Nah. Any war in the ME sounds like a fucking nightmarish quagmire...

Didn't you sign up to go to Iraq or Afghanistan?

How are the actual 9/11 perps a bridge too far?

How about we transition away from an Oil based economy and leave the ME to sort out their own mess? Why does the West have to be involved? Only for this point its probably best to extricate ourselves entirely. The bad actors will get what they deserve when we are no longer there to artificially prop up their power structure.

And no, I don't support the Iraq war or our continued presence in Afghanistan.

They killed Steph's brother on 9/11. What measures are you prepared to take to defend the people who did 9/11?

Do you like guns and stuff or are you a peaceful type?

Why are you accusing me of defending the perpetrators of 9/11 lmao? I would much prefer peace but I do own guns, that doesn't change anything of what I've said above...

Well I invite you to try to stop me with your guns whilst I advocate for the destruction of Saudi Arabia and Israel.

I wish you the best of luck.

Lol ok bud. I don't have to stop you from doing shit, I just have to vote and hope that this country isn't overtaken by war fever's not the solution. You do realize that this hypothetical war you advocate will cost hundreds of thousands of lives, right? Americans, Saudi, Israeli, Palestinian, don't forget the surrounding nations...Syrian, Lebanese, Yemeni, Egyptian, Turkish. You seek to light the powder keg on fire, and it's nothing short of madness.

We need to transition away from Oil so that we can leave the ME to itself.

Maybe you can write a country music song about peace?

How do you think that will work out?

I think you are not making any sense and desire a destructive war the ramifications of which you don't understand.

There would be a shitload of smiling Palestinians.

Sandwiches and clean water for everybody. And houses. Free houses if you don't mind sweeping up some guts.

You sound pissed off. And I get it. War is not justice, though. To attack an entire country to get whatever it is that you think you would feel if it happened is a crime (to put it nicely.) Also remember that war is good cover for escape. Right now we know where they are.

Do you want justice?

the people who did 9/11?

Not Iran.

We actually get not a lot of oil from the Mideast, the interest there is Israel.

It is still important globally because of the amount of oil it produces. The West would never have been there in the first place if it wasn't for the oil. That's why Churchill was so hesitant to switch the British fleet from Coal, which the UK had in abundance at home, to oil, which required going abroad. WW2 showed us what happens when you don't have oil for the war machine...look at Japan or Hitler in the Caucuses and Romania. Israel may be an important factor now, but Oil got us there, and Oil keeps us there.

We are well past WWII naval reliance on oil.

This is about Israel.

I'm saying that Oil and WW2 are the root causes of this. Israel was founded in the aftermath of WW2, and like I said, while they may be a prime factor now, we went there for Oil, and it is still an important facet of why we stay.

The Zionist movement predated WWII, and whatever importance it had is far diminished. Today Venezuela and Mexico are majoroil producers. Iran uses the oil at home rather than exporting.

However oil is important indeed -- but not because we rely on it, rather because the Saudis do. They have literally nothing else.

That was true a while ago.

You should read the article. It is not about who buys the oil, bit what they use to pay. All that oil gets sold and whoever buys uses dollars.

All that oil gets sold and whoever buys uses dollars

Yes I know, point is that the days when the Saudis were the major source of oil is gone, OPEC doesn't even have the power it once did. There are too many non-Saudi producers of oil, so while dollars are indeed the world currency it isn't because of oil nor does that amount to political power for the Saudis since their share of it is not as large as it used to be.

However, they DO still have money. And money buys influence in Washington.

OPEC is still respondible for 60% of the worlds oil exports.

We would go to war over less than that.

Going to war is what would endanger that very same oil supply

I hope you're kidding.

Hee hee hee they did 9/11 hee hee hee

Imagine The Great Satan invading Mecca. Whew.

Wouldn't need to. All the heavy lifting would be up north in Israel. Wreck them first and let the houthis or Yemenis or whatever worry about the house of saud.

I think it's a terrible idea. We created the Iranian mess by overthrowing Mossadegh, and now we use them as a bogeyman in the region and wonder why they hate us for overthrowing their Democratically elected government back in '53...Iran isn't the problem in the ME, they are just a part of the mess that the West has helped to create.

After the Green Revolution, I realized that the people of Iran are a lot of more progressive than the media had portrayed them. It's a beautiful nation with a rich history and it would really break my heart to see it turn into another Syria.

I agree, the Iranian people have the capacity within themselves to fix their country. If we leave them alone long enough they definitely will. They overthrew the Shah after we overthrew their government...there will come a day when the Iranian youth say enough is enough and end their Theocratic Republic in favor of a Secular one.

Do you know if there is a connection between Iran and Aryans?

I believe the actual term "Aryan" was originally used to describe what are today called the "Indo-Iranians", which if I recall correctly, were the nomadic tribes who brought their language with them into the region several thousand years ago, about the same time the Indo-Europeans were moving into Europe. Could be wrong, it's been a while.

Might sound random but when I was watching a documentary about the life of Paramahansa Yogananda, he said something along the lines of, "let us Caucasians of Asia(referring to Indians) and Caucasians of Europe join together" or something along those lines. That has stuck with me because it made me realize that lots of light skinned Indians and Middle Easterners like Iranians often will have very European features, unlike the Far East Asians like the Chinese.

Actually people seem to approve of their govt

Their govt has massively improved living standards in Iran since the 1979 Islamic Revolution

More than this, Iran has made considerable progress in human development when measured over the past 37 years.

Maybe the Theocracy caved a bit towards the side of democracy after the Green Revolution.

First, the massive improvements in living standards in Iran predate 2009 and the so-called "Green Movement"

Second, there was no "Green Revolution" in Iran that was just exaggerate crap in the US media which wanted to portray the Iranian govt as unpopular.

Let me explain something to you: the leader of the so-called "Green Movement" in Iran was Mousavi, a presidential candidate who claimed he had been cheated of victory in the 2009 elections in which Ahmadinejad (now Iran's former president) won a second and last term.

Mousavi was not a dissident, and he was not a regime-opponent. In fact, he was a hardline regime-insider, a former Prime Minister himself, and he had criticized Ahmadinejad during the elections for being too soft on the US in nuclear negotiations.

So the idea that the so-called "Green movement" was an anti-regime movement, is complete and total bullshit

Furthermore, there would not have been any need for any election fraud to occur, because Mousavi was not a threat to the system and in fact like the rest of the Presidential candidates, his candidacy had been vetted and pre-approved by the same regime that supposedly engaged in massive election fraud (for which there's zero evidence) to keep him out of power.

However, images of people demonstrating in Iran was still good enough for the media in the to misrepresent as an anti-regime movement. Because as long as the government in Iran is shown to be unpopular, that undermines any argument in favor of improving relations with them -- precisely what the Israelis and the Pro-israeli lobby as well as the Saudis want: no US-Iran improved relations, preferably even a war of regime-change.

Second, there was no "Green Revolution" in Iran that was just exaggerated crap in the US media which wanted to portray the Iranian govt as unpopular.

I don't know. This looks pretty serious to me.

They estimated hundreds of thousands to millions that protested the outcome.

Thousands to millions

Actually you can see the end of the demonstrators, and there were equal or larger counterdemonstrations by supporters of the other candidates, but in any case once there was a recount and Mousavi was never able to actually point out the why or how of fraud, it all died down.

There were also BS claims that Irans' soccer team members had worn green wristbands as proof of their support for the green movement -- actually green was part of the team uniform.

Then there were claims that Iran had banned the color green itself and even removed it from the national flag, which has a green bar.

Total bullshit of course but back then these were reported as fact.

Like I said, Mousavi is not a dissident. THis was an internal regime conflict, nothing more

I can't help but feel like you are trying to unfairly minimize this movement. I can definitely see why the western media might want to exaggerate it but I still feel as though it was a rather significant show of solidarity from Iranians. Mousavi's nephew actually got killed during the protests.

I don't care what you feel, I pointed out facts. Like the fact that Mousavi was not a regime opponent but was in fact a former Prime Minister in the same govt, and that his candidacy was vetted and approved so there was no need for fraud, and no evidence of fraud.

These are facts. Not feelings.

Regardless of what Mousavi's agenda was, the fact that hundreds of thousands to millions of Iranians came to protest against unfair elections is the point that I am highlighting.

Who said anything about my feelings. I'm saying that I feel as though you are being disingenuous. For example, give me a source that proves your 'fact' that it wasn't hundreds of thousands to millions of protestors.

Regardless of what Mousavi's agenda was .... unfair elections

Umm...unfair elections was his agenda. There was nothing unfair about it, in fact he had initially declared himself the victor of the same elections.

You want me to provide you a source that proves something did not happen?


Look, believe what you will, I don't care and neither do the facts.

Regardless of what Mousavi's agenda was, the fact that hundreds of thousands to millions of Iranians came to protest against unfair elections is the point that I am highlighting.

You keep deflecting from this point that I'm trying to make. Why?

You want me to provide you a source that proves something did not happen?

All of the reports that I have read say hundreds of thousands, up to 3 million. You are the one that said,

Second, there was no "Green Revolution" in Iran that was just exaggerated crap in the US media which wanted to portray the Iranian govt as unpopular.

Hundreds of thousands, up to 3 million people protesting in the streets is a non-event to you? If you think this number that is reported from multiple sources have been falsified, you must provide me with something other than your own conjecture.

to protest against unfair elections

I keep highlighting that there's no evidence that the electiosn were in fact unfair yet you keep ignoring that -- why?

All of the reports you read also once said there were WMDs in Iraq.

Hundreds of thousands, up to 3 million

Wow you're really just going to continue making up figures huh?

I keep highlighting that there's no evidence that the electiosn were in fact unfair yet you keep ignoring that -- why?

I'll give you an example. Let's say George Soros funds a protest against Tyranny for some hidden nefarious agenda. If a million people show up to protest against Tyranny, then they are worthy of being praise, regardless of what the hidden intent of the protests were. Does that make sense?

All of the reports you read also once said there were WMDs in Iraq.

That's fair. But that doesn't sufficiently prove that the numbers these sources gave were necessarily inaccurate. You have to give me something more than that.

Wow you're really just going to continue making up figures huh?

This was my first statement on the numbers...

They estimated hundreds of thousands to millions that protested the outcome.

I'm not here to play games. There was never any evidence of election fraud, multiple independent polls confirmed the election results, the demonstrators went home and furthermore this was no an anti-govt movment but a conflict inside the regime itself.

Deal with it or not, who cares.

The really funny thing is while you[re going on about the 2009 demonstrations in Iran, you have not heard shit about the Rabaa Massacre in Egypt, which was not as covered by the media because the Egyptian government is our ally, despite killing the greatest number of peaceful protestors in a single day.

I hadn't heard about this so thanks for sharing. Maybe you can make a post about it.

they are already obscuring one story while highlighting the other.

This is called gatekeeping -- they decide what is "news"

Right but the point was that just because the Western media reported Iran's story while obscuring Egypt's doesn't mean they would have had to fabricate any numbers from from the former. Highlighting that story is enough.

But that doesn't mean they don't fabricate numbers when it suits them too.

Look, afterwards it turned out that even a furniture company had jumped on the "Twitter revolution" in Iran to try to sell futons.

It was a media spectacle.

But that doesn't mean they don't fabricate numbers when it suits them too.

It doesn't mean that they do or don't, necessarily. That's why it's difficult for me to believe that it was just a media spectacle based on your words. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree here. What I saw was the Iranians coming together in a show of solidarity; uniting against perceived injustice. People died. Hundreds were arrested.

You don't have to take my words for it. The fact is that the leader of the green movement was himself a hardline regime insider whose candidacy was vetted and approved by the same regime that supposedly engaged in massive election fraud to keep him out of office. That's just false and no evidence was ever presented by anyone and instead multiple polls of Iranians found they had in fact voted for the other guy.

Can you give me a source?

For what? Any bio of the guy will confirm all above

The fact is that the leader of the green movement was himself a hardline regime insider whose candidacy was vetted and approved

no evidence was ever presented by anyone and instead multiple polls of Iranians found they had in fact voted for the other guy.

already replied

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yikes. Not to mention the links to the actual studies 404ed.

Yah sure where as whatever source you got your info from is totally reliable.

Sheez, why do I bother.

;) Gnite, it's getting late.

so just to throw this out there, the government isnt totally theocratic. i mean for the most part their Constitution mirrors the US, BUT the supreme ruler has the option of veto.

so in a way they are about as democratic as spain.

at the very least they are a lot more progressive than the saudi's, even with this new reformist prince. its kind of mind boggling we would support whahabbi/sunnis, over Shia's if we gave a single fuck about womens rights.

Well tbh i don't think it would affect me cos i live on the other side of the world and my country isn't really invlolved in that shit but thinking about the people living in countries that would be going to war, maybe. Idk though, but I'm sure other people have considered it.

Any major war in the ME will have ripple effects across the entire world due to its's unfortunate but it's true, that's why the West has been so preoccupied with the ME since WW2. The only way to solve the problem once and for all is to transition out of Oil as the dominant fuel of our civilization.

No, but I have a nagging feeling an alphabet agency will reveal Stephen Paddock was a Ministry of Intelligence agent soon...

All I can think about is how we are just repeating the same war over an over

Does not matter. Greater Israel is to expand and become the center of the coming Satanic NWO. Iran is going to become the Rothschilds parking lot.

Russia and Iran are close allies which might be a barrier for the hawks.

Good point. Putin is literally the man who has kept the Satanic NWO from completion.

I heard some crazy theory about Edgar Cayce prophesizing about Putin.

Wow. I am going to read this now. Cayce was a visionary and a fantastic person.

Take it with a grain of salt. And I agree about Cayce. He's not discussed enough in this sub, imo.

Have you looked at Kazakhstan?

Not at all. Can you fill me in that situation.

Welcome to the strangest rabbit hole I've seen in a couple years. This isn't definitive, it just gets you moving in the right direction :)

Looks fascinating. Going deep into this one. Thanks.

I got a couple buddies that just stumbled on this with me the other day. If you find anything please report back. You are like an occult spirituality wizard, would love your take.

This looks extremely important. Astana, Kazakhstan is going to be where they merge the religions into the One World Satanic NWO Religion. They have almost complete control of all film, music, news and information. Surveillance of the public is so large now they have completed their Police State and not many have noticed. David Icke has said for many years that eventually all religions will have some pieces in the New World Religion that brings everyone to the table. All will be forced in the name of "Global Peace" anyways.

They have extremely good relations with Israel and that should be of great concern.

This was where I ended up as well haha. This is so crazy, they have just been flying under the radar getting rich and bizarre. Why do any of the global powers even give a shit about this place?

Let us take a little look at where kazhakastan is here:

And then let us take a little look at where Khazaria was, you know where Ashkanazi came from =) unless I am sadly mistaken.

from here -

This is so mind boggling I can't bring myself to believe it.

The fact that this connects to khazars is beyond incredible. You should put together an entire brand new post on kahazakstan and go into everything. The masonic symbology is beyond anything I have ever seen. No one even knows about this and it looks like it will soon be the center of everyones life.

What if the whole thing that started with the coup in SA is just an elaborate step of the process of installing kazakhastan as the ruling seat of NWO. Like, I cannot believe my eyes here. I am a regular here, and I entertain some pretty crazy ideas, but I don't believe much. I don't think very many of the things like this are super compelling. But this shit is so obvious it is like a brick to the face.

I loved the part about the Bayterek Tower. Conspiracy theorist think it's an occult sun statue, but in reality it's an egg and the tree of life... Us silly conspiracy theorist a thinking it's occult when it's really just... occult. How is Ishtar/fertility and a major component of the Kabbalah less occult then pantheistic sun worship?

I thought that was attributed to viral marketing?

It is all new to me so I do not know what to think. It seems there have been other sightings. I hope these are not created by "Secure Team"

I made a shitty post, feel free to add something more cogent. I just really want to get this idea out there for all the smart folks around this sub to chomp on.

Not sure if this is an elaborate hoax. But this recent sighting is interesting because Cape Giradeau had a very real UFO crash in 1941.

No, and I wish the power mad leaders would stop inciting riots within their own nations for the same old purpose, control of the economy and political structures.

Who is not sick of the violence and killing and destruction?

I'm wondering how Trump supporters feel tbh...

We could put on our shields and try an observing visit at the donald sub.

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It was removed!

and I saw they were entertaining Alex Jones in an AMA

I started going blind as I scanned the list and had to leave fast.

It got removed? It didn't notify me of anything.

Interesting I would think they would have jumped right on it with their war cries and battle axes.

Its just being ignored. Maybe fuckery is afoot who knows.

Did you watch his speach from South Korea? Peace through strength is his current position. Going to war or supporting a war with Iran would be contrary to peace, and therefore a really bad idea.

I hope he keeps his word. If the Trump admin declares war on Iran, that's what'll confirm that he's just like the rest of them.

You can tell a tree by its fruit.

Trump is the least war-happy president we've had in 30 years. He's ending conflicts not starting new ones.

ISIS - getting eradicated, no cities under their control in Iraq or Syria North Korea - we've technically been at war with them since the 50s.

Tensions with other nations are dropping.

"Muh trump evil" though.

It’s necessary. Without these wars the dollar would lose its status as reserve currency of the world, and economy would collapse. And I’m talking about the global economy.

/s ?

Why do you think the US keeps finding reasons to start wars? It’s not because of the love of brown people in the desert. These wars were planned 20 or 30 years ago.

I don't know how I feel about our economy being sustained by unjust wars. Hope your theory isn't true.

I’m not saying it’s moral. It just is.

His theory isn't even close to being accurate. The US dollar was around 1:1 compared to the euro in 2000, and drastically lost it's value afterward. The dollar continues to improve as US troops abroad are brought home.

Oil is traded in USD. If others with oil try to trade it with something like, let's say, gold, then the ppl with the dollars get PO'd

Granted your theory is true that wars are the only way to sustain the American economy, it puts good americans in a dilemma - Speak out against the unjust wars and risk your family starving or turn a blind eye and enjoy your middle class life while human lives get wasted.

Hey it's not my theory! I was just trying to help clarify that the oil-dollar is what keeps the trillions of dollars of debt from crashing us in.

My best take is prepare yourself to be self sufficient and help your neighbor. Unfortunately speaking out would just be in vain

The war pig can eat anywhere. It doesn't need to be the Iranians.

Oink oink

God no. Same goes for Syria.

Nope but I will probably have to go if it happens

That's your own fault. You're not going to get sympathy here.

Though I do like the sound of the term “The Tehran Offensive” I think it would be a terrible idea. I was on the frontline of the Iraq Invasion in 2003 and I don’t wish that experience on anyone especially my countrymen. TPTB will use our children as cannon fodder to further their interests. They got me but I’ll be damned if they get my boys. There’s only 1 war worth fighting now and we do it here today on this sub but maybe some day we’ll have to do it “the hard way.”

You sound like a reasonable person. I agree with you.

No. I don't think so. I don't know shit though.

A wise man knows that he knows nothing!

You're smarter than 99% of the world.

We could put on our shields and try an observing visit at the donald sub.

Why do you think the US keeps finding reasons to start wars? It’s not because of the love of brown people in the desert. These wars were planned 20 or 30 years ago.

Oil is traded in USD. If others with oil try to trade it with something like, let's say, gold, then the ppl with the dollars get PO'd

Thousands to millions

Actually you can see the end of the demonstrators, and there were equal or larger counterdemonstrations by supporters of the other candidates, but in any case once there was a recount and Mousavi was never able to actually point out the why or how of fraud, it all died down.

There were also BS claims that Irans' soccer team members had worn green wristbands as proof of their support for the green movement -- actually green was part of the team uniform.

Then there were claims that Iran had banned the color green itself and even removed it from the national flag, which has a green bar.

Total bullshit of course but back then these were reported as fact.

Like I said, Mousavi is not a dissident. THis was an internal regime conflict, nothing more

Regardless of what Mousavi's agenda was, the fact that hundreds of thousands to millions of Iranians came to protest against unfair elections is the point that I am highlighting.

Who said anything about my feelings. I'm saying that I feel as though you are being disingenuous. For example, give me a source that proves your 'fact' that it wasn't hundreds of thousands to millions of protestors.

Trump is the least war-happy president we've had in 30 years. He's ending conflicts not starting new ones.

ISIS - getting eradicated, no cities under their control in Iraq or Syria North Korea - we've technically been at war with them since the 50s.

Tensions with other nations are dropping.

"Muh trump evil" though.

The fact that this connects to khazars is beyond incredible. You should put together an entire brand new post on kahazakstan and go into everything. The masonic symbology is beyond anything I have ever seen. No one even knows about this and it looks like it will soon be the center of everyones life.