If you are asking why the surge of Hollywood Pedophiles is now happening it was reported in June that it was coming.

294  2017-11-09 by wildfireonvenus

June 14 2017- Attorney General Jeff Sessions prepped 1500 members of law enforcement officers for the fight against sex trafficking during a motivational speech on June 6 at the National Law Enforcement Training on Child Exploitation in Atlanta.

Sessions said that through Trump’s executive orders, he’s directed the Department of Justice to reduce crimes especially on young people. “We will make the fight against child exploitation and human trafficking a top priority,” Sessions said.

Despite critics who claim the unprecedented increase in sex trafficking arrests aren’t due to Trump’s efforts, nothing could be further from the truth. I reported in February that during Trump’s first month in office there were a staggering 1500 plus pedophile arrests made. Since then, there have been well over 3000 arrests. Meanwhile, as I reported in March, the Russian conspiracy theory the left and globalists have pushed so hard is nothing more than a manufactured lie to distract from sex trafficking. The sex trafficking epidemic in the elite circles – dubbed Pedogate — is rampant. “This is so massive of a scandal it’s like Watergate on steroids,” the source said. “Everyone is distracted by fake news but this is the biggest scandal of the century and the truth will come out.”

On June 10, there is a 50 state demonstration to draw attention to the elite pedophilia problem. Our Children Matter – an organization created after the Podesta e-mails revealed the use of pedophile code words and terms according to their site — organized the nationwide march.

Navy Seal Craig Sawyer started the nonprofit Veterans for Child Rescue to go after the elite pedophile rings. Sawyer said he went independent since gatekeepers in the media aren’t interested in shining a light on this topic.

“One aspect of this, some of them are actually into Satanic rituals and torturing them to death…little infants and toddlers. It’s really hard to digest but I’m getting high-level information about it from federal law enforcement and the intelligence community.”

When the truth comes out about how rampant child sex trafficking is in this country, particularly among the elites, the public will remember the who had the courage to address this horrendous issue and who chose to turn a blind eye to the rape and torture of infants and kids. As Sawyer pointed out, thankfully we now have a President dedicated to stopping this evil that’s plagued our great nation for too long. “We’ve got a President now who’s not OK with children being raped and tortured to death so thank God,” Sawyer said.



It's prosecution. Until child rape becomes uniformly actionable and conviction = jailtime and/or an unavoidable label. Print and online publications of convicted abusers. Shame on prosecutor.

I pray it's true.

I pray it isn't true.

Why? Because praying that children have been raped is disgusting.

It's already happening. Pretending it isn't is ignoring reality.

You are a fool

Angry nice guy detected.

ironic, because i am convinced Sessions (himself) is a pedo.

Why? Not trying to argue with you. Honestly curious.

Because reasons.

None of which he can say.

Have you seen him slapp Bidens fingers when he trivs to touch his daughter? Not saying that is proof of the opposite but still

Link please. Didn’t know this was a thing.

Just Google "Creepy Joe" and away you go!

TIL sessions has an Asian son-in-law.

Are asians white, though? 'Cause than he's rasis!

You're also convinced that Jews, .021% of the world population, control everything.


Sweet buzzword bro.

They do makes up something like 50% of all billionaires

They do makes up something like 50% of all billionaires

Do they? Do they makes them up?

So you're telling me out of 1,810 billionaires that 900 of them are Israeli?

Because all I could find was 17 of them. lol.

I'm not defending the claim that was made but I will point out you just used the shittiest criteria you could possibly use. Jewish is NOT synonymous with Israeli.

I'm not defending the claim that was made but I will point out you just used the shittiest criteria you could possibly use. Jewish is NOT synonymous with Israeli.

Oh I know.

Tell that to the people in these comments who changed it to mean just that.

.021% of the world population is enough to cover US congress, a majority stake in Twitter, Facebook, the major media corporations and a bunch of other world leaders and industrialists, tho, a conspiracy of a select .021% could be extremely powerful.

Wow wow. Facebook and Twitter? You really know your stuff.

Mind blown!

It's like you didn't read his comment at all.

And you're convinced that it is all coincidence, despite bilderberg meetings, wikileaks cables, the un's acknowledgment of Israel's treachery, and states denying emergency services to those who condemn Israel (13 states.) Also, bizarre political connections between ghw bush, the saudi royals, the clintons, mccain, huma, mossad and the cia. Bizarre how ISIS leaves Israel alone despite the religious divide, despite the persecution of Muslims, despite apartheid. You may have also noticed that they are sacrificing saudi ties, but not israeli. All coincidence, nothing to do with power over us, right?

Inb4, nazi.

Bizarre how ISIS leaves Israel alone despite the religious divide, despite the persecution of Muslims, despite apartheid.

Well that's just a straight up lie.

Shows how much you know about the Middle East lol!

But you know who they have left alone? Jordan. And Jordan even joined to fight them. And they've left most counties in the world alone actually.

You may have also noticed that they are sacrificing saudi ties, but not israeli.

Oh the Saudis? You mean the same ones Trump has bent over backwards for? Yeah that's funny ha.

Inb4, nazi.

Nah you give yourself too much credit. At least nazis were smart and knew what they were doing. You're just flailing. And trying to mix in some current events to sound informed.

You sure showed me up with your link. I'd no sooner trust this than i did the msm when they assured us of wmd.

But do you, boo boo.

Just like you sure showed me by trying to argue that the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant not attacking someone equals some grand conspiracy.

They didn't attack Greece! Greece is ISIS!

Is there any other country that they've apologized to after attacking them?

That's hilarious. Israel has a particularly bloodthirsty and brutal military backed by billions in U.S. military technology. I would apologize too unless I wanted to become extinct.

I'm surprised you didn't know that.

Still lots of people here conflated "Jews" with Israel. The majority of Jews on earth don't live there and the majority of Israel aren't even practicing Jewish so it's kinda funny this got brought up by some noob in response to my comment on Jews lol.

Nah, most people don't conflate Jews with Israel, but it looks like you do.

"So you're telling me out of 1,810 billionaires that 900 of them are Israeli?" -You, in response to a redditor who was talking about how many billionaires are Jews.

Lol you had to go to someone else's comment in a separate child thread to come up with that?

Try to stay on topic. The person who replied to me in the thread you're in now said:

And you're convinced that it is all coincidence, despite bilderberg meetings, wikileaks cables, the un's acknowledgment of Israel's treachery

Etc etc. Which you're now contradicting in each reply. Hmm.

Just stop while you're behind

Wow thanks redditor for 7 months. I really care about what some noob to this site thinks or says.

The guy who I replied to is tied to r/gentilesunited.

Go ahead and tell me why you're defending him and that sub then.

I've been on reddit for six years on different accounts, not that it matters.

And I'm not defending anyone or anything.

Ahh. The many different accounts isn't surprising. The altright has been using socks for over a decade now.

Especially given all the whiteknights coming out of the woodwork to defend OP, a 3 month old account with a pretty mediocre link but a ton of comments.

the alt right has been using socks for over a decade now

Lol except I was a leftist for the vast majority of that time. And again, I'm not defending anyone. You're just an idiot.

Here's something to think about - Trump was on the Apprentice for 15 seasons (some seasons had 2 in one year). Even though he certainly knew Hollywood prior to the Apprentice, It's a good probability that he learned much more about what goes on in Hollywood during the Apprentice. His chance to try to fix it.

And the whole: grab her by the pussy thing didn´t give you goosebumps? Oh, I forgot it was just locker room talk :D

By the way: Trump was also friends with Epstein. To think that Trump would fight for anything but himself is ridiculous

How is Trump's "locker room talk" related to pedophilia? Can you even remember what context that was in? Stay on course please.

It is not directly connected to pedophilia. But with the emerging Hollywood crisis and the preditorial behaviour evrybody seams to be shoked by I think this should be mentioned as well. This is the same shit Weinstein did. Trump is a creep and his contacts to Epstein are also well known

Good point, human. Disregard my previous comment please lol. It initially sounded like an attempt to steer conversation elsewhere.

All good :)

Be wary of the disinformation trolls deployed to try and equalize the guy taking down the network with the monsters in the network.

1) Though there's 100% documented proof that Bill Clinton flew on the Lolita Express with business partner and Clinton Foundation co-founder Jeffrey Epstein, and that Hillary went 6 times, there is NO documented proof that Trump ever went. There IS documented proof, however, that Trump banned Epstein from his club after he was hitting on underaged girls.

2) The Trump "locker room" tape reveals two things: 1) That Trump liked age-appropriate women. In the recording, he talks about having a crush on a married woman; and how he bought her furniture to try and woo her. When she became aware of his feelings, she rebuffed him and he went away. He at no time attacked her, or forced himself on her. 2) In the second part of the recording, he talks about fame and how groupies throw themselves as celebrities. "They'd even let you grab them by the pussy". LET? But the media tole me it was "non-consensual" and that he was advocating FORCING himself on women?

No, Trump was talking about the existence of groupies.

The existence of groupies is NOT controversial . . . unless you're what? Amish?

Who doesn't believe that groupies exist?

It's why we have a term for it: star-fuckers. Women who want to sleep with celebrities so that they can brag about it later.

Paul McCartney: "Groupies exist."

Media: "Oh, my God! Beatle Paul is exactly like Harvey Weinstein!"

No, that's why we have TWO separate terms: Groupies and "the casting couch".

No one in the history of the world has ever confused the two.

Groupies = consensual

Casting couch = non-consensual

Groupies WANT to sleep with the celebrity.

Casting couch victims do NOT want to sleep with the non-celebrity moguls who force themselves on the women.

That Paul McCartney slept with groupies in no way, shape or form implies that he's Weinstein.

So this pathetic attempt at equalization by disinformation trolls is telling.

There's a reason why all these celebrities were unhinged, angry and sweaty when Trump got in. Why they took a Presidential election WAYYYyyyy too seriously. Why it seems personal for them.

"If that bastard gets in, we all hang". --Hillary Clinton

So now the people targeted for exposure are sending out trolls to try and discredit the man taking down the network.

Nice try, trolls.

See you in jail.

LOL done sucking Trumps dick?

Done sucking pedophile dick, disinformation agent?

HAHAHA wow quite the assumption you got there my friend.

Your network's going down.


My network? The fuck you talking about you lantic?

Dude i see you in other threads trolling it up as well

Trolling? Go fuck yourself

You're attacking the man who's issued executive orders to target pedophile networks.

That implies that you don't want the networks touched.

You want to discredit the man exposing child trafficking and arresting pedophiles.

So, yes, by your actions, I guess you're saying: You want the networks to remain and you desperately want Trump discredited.

You are twisting my words. I´m attacking Trump! All I said is that I don´t believe that the current Government will get anything done but destroy itself. Trump is not in to help others. He is in it to gain more wealth.

The fact that you'd read all that and take it as a defense of Trump is troubling. Do you honestly not see the difference?

Guys please, my mind can only be blown so much before it gets put in jail for a sexual offense. But really though, your post is incredible. You put into words what i was feeling but wasn't sure how to phrase it. Not sure if I would call the other guy a disinfo troll, but there is a tangible effort to lump Trump into the negative pedo press.

The whole trump/pussy comment comes down to one word: "LET"

Thank you for all if this!😃

So behavior towards women(adults)= views on treatment of children?

grab her by the pussy thing didn´t give you goosebumps?

To be honest, it still seems tame compared to some of the stuff I suspect goes on amongst the elite.

Similarly, I never read much into Trump's single flight on Epstein's plane. It's as though he went expecting one thing, discovered it was way more depraved than even he was into, and never went again.

Where as Bill just kept on flying with Epstein.

To be honest I don´t understand this way of thinking. If you are downplaying Trumps behavior I have to ask how low is the bar actually for you? Don´t you think the president should be an example and someone the people can look up to? And to bring up Bill is also kind of a strange choice. So yes he is also an asshole. Does that make Trump better?

I would say Bill is probably the most morally corrupt president in the history of presidents. So yes, Trump is better than Bill lol. Bill just so happened to be the husband of Trump's opponent, Hillary. While Bill may hold the record for most morally corrupt president, Hillary is by far and away the most morally corrupt presidential candidate. So the reason people "downplay" Trump's mean words, is because they realize his egotistical rants are far less dangerous than the Clintons carefully crafted lies.

Just like I wrote before: I will never understand this way of thinking. Ok the Clintons are horrible people. I agree. But the answer to this can´t be Trump! Two wrongs don´t make a right...

I agree with that. And I certainly don't think Trump is perfect. But this election wasn't about Trump. It was about defeating the establishment Clinton crime family. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. And the Clinton's are an enemy to America in my eyes.

Sorry some people don't get the bigger picture dude. Maybe once its out in the open they will have to face the facts

In comparison to child fuckers, ill take the guys that uses insensitive language please

So long as he is not raping women and sacrificing children to moloch then he’s improvement on the others.

A scripted line from a reality TV show gave you goosebumps?

You have a Source for this claim?

It was a filmed during the filming of a reality TV show. Have you ever watched reality TV?

“This was locker room banter, a private conversation that took place many years ago. Bill Clinton has said far worse to me on the golf course—not even close. I apologize if anyone was offended.”

A quote by Trump himself. I guess you are wrong

Again, Trump’s statements are scripted to drive controversy. I don’t accept them as evidence.

And once again: Please give me a source for this claim! I provided you with a quote of Trump which he gave AFTER the incident got public. If that would have been a scripted dialog, he would have used that for his defense

You are assuming he wants less controversy. I’d like to see evidence of that. Trump says contradictory things every week.

He’s a WWE hall of fame superstar, famous for Kayfabe, scripted controversy, and trolling people into destroying themselves.

Yes that's right. That's my assumption. So you don´t have a source for your claim? How do you know it is scripted? Also an assumption?

Based on prior evidence.

Sorry, that's not enough for me. If this is how the world would work we would be in total chaos.

We are in total chaos.

"goosebumps"? No, not at all. Does every day life put you into catatonic horror?


Bit of an overreaction.

You must have led a very sheltered life if that quote gives you “goosebumps “.

You should hear what Bill Clinton did with Monica Lewinsky and a cigar in the Oval Office. Be careful though it might cause you to cardiac arrest.

Oh come on... you know what I meant. It´s not the words itself. It´s that what they represent! It is Trump in his pure essence. But luckily we live in a time where nothing seems to matter anymore...

People always seem to misrepresent trumps “grab em by the pussy” quote IMO.

What he actually said was more along the lines of “when you’re famous they let you do anything even grab them by the pussy”.

The important part for me is the “they let you but”. It implies consent. And from my knowledge of celebrity types it seems to be a statement of fact. Is anybody going deny that celebrities get more sex than normal people because of their celebrity status.

Consensual pussy grabbing between adults is nothing when compared to moloch worshipping pedophiles.

Just to play devil's advocate, we've learned a lot of celebrities get theirs, consent be damned.

What do you think Bill and Hillary's "pure essence" looks like? Cause it's not pretty.

Why do you bring them up? Can’t remember that I was defending them. Read my other comments if you want my opinion on that subject. This reflex that some of you have to defend Trump by bringing up the Clintons is ridiculous. I despise both!

Because Bill and Hillary's actions have been objectively worse than anything Trump has done. The worst thing you can point to is Trump saying something in private conversation that's more of an indictment of the women he's speaking about than it is of himself.

The worst thing you can point to is Trump saying something in private conversation that's more of an indictment of the women he's speaking about than it is of himself.

you gotta be kidding me...

Nah, I'm really not. You're aware that there are women who want to sleep with powerful men, right?

No you got me wrong. Im sorry. I meant that this is not the only thing that you can say about Trump where he fucked up.

What's the worst thing he's done, in your eyes?

Well, there are a couple of things. I haven´t ranked them for me so there is no particular order here:

  • Picking people for important positions who incredibly unqualified
  • leaving the Paris climate deal
  • His Tweet policy in general (with that I mean that he is using Twitter for topics that are way to important)
  • his handling of the terror attacks compares to each other
  • him being a racist
  • his constant verbal diarrhea
  • His constant lying (especially when it comes to situations where it is unnecessary)
  • his behavior towards the press and his love for FOX News as the main source of information

These are only the ones that I can come up with from the top of my head. I´m sure there are much more.

None of the stuff you mentioned is as objectively bad as forcing yourself on a minor.

Man, you're so smart, what would we do without you to remind us trump said grab her by the pussy? I mean I don't think any of us ever wouldve remembered that, because with all that is going on in politics right now that's gotta be about #1 still in terms of importance. I bet you think trumps taxes are bigger than HRC rigging the primaries and paying for the fake dossier

He said "they LET you".

He kinda reminds me of Steve Zissou.

Man I totally forgot how much I love that movie :D

“Did I get the cover?”

Trump "learned about it" for the couple of decades he spent as best friends with billionaire child sex ring runner Jeffery Epstein.

Source or this is bullshit.

Sure. How about his 2002 interview with NY Magazine:

"I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life."

That's an actual child sex ring leader he's talking about. One that's connected to princes, celebrities and presidents both past and current.

Link the article or it’s bullshit.

I don't have a link but it is a legitimate quote. However, he never says Epstein is his best friend, as OP tried to spin it

However, he never says Epstein is his best friend, as OP tried to spin it

So because one quote didn't say he was his best friend it's spun?

That's easy to prove. When Epstein's house was raided he had all of his dozen or so numbers in his Rolodex. When Trump played tennis tournaments at Mar-A-Lago he picked him as his partner.

They sure weren't mere acquaintances.

Listen, CNN, if you present a quote as evidence of your statement, that quote then has to actually provide evidence of your statement. That's how evidence works.

As to your second point, I have over 200 names just in my phone and probably half of them are business associates/vendors that I've worked with. I'm close enough with half of those that I would invite them to play golf. I guess that makes us best friends?

Hey so you got some evidence you are sitting on that I'm wrong? It sounds like it.

Go ahead. Post your proof that Trump didn't "learned about it" for the couple of decades he spent as best friends with billionaire child sex ring runner Jeffery Epstein.

I'll wait.

Oh wait you can't. You only exist to defend Trump. Always.

That wasn't your claim; I agree with you that Trump definitely knew about it. I think most of Hollywood, DC and most high level business people probably knew about it. Your claim was that Trump and Epstein are best friends and you presented evidence to prove that claim but it did not.

What did you just say to me? Do you know who I am? lol, The fact that you think I didn't spend countless hours myself looking at the wikileaks emails and doing my own research is funny. We have countless of man hours on record of the top minds at work. Critical thinking. Mt Dew. Doritos. PC gaming. We have it all at our disposal. But.. ok.. go back to watching Pedowood movies. It's all good.

Didn't realize I was talking to the emperor of the internet. Please don't let your uncle ban me from Xbox live. WTF is this shit?

You made the claim. The burden of proof is on you, not me.

So that's a no then? Thought so.

Am I the only one who can back up their words in here? Wow.

lol what a troll.

You didn't back up your claim.

I didn't make a claim, therefor I have nothing that I need to back up.

It sounds like you're incapable of ever admitting any dirt on Trump.

It's sad really. I've seen this a lot lately. If someone where to troll wouldn't that make you an easy target?

Perfect leftist argument style. Can't backup your claims so you make personal attacks.

I'm a leftist? Well now you're just making shit up.

But you certainly are a Trump fan aren't you?

Its been fun man. Chive on.

I am pro Trump. And here is the Article.


Now, make sure you know that Trump kicked him out when they found out about the pedophilia.

Sounds like even in the article trump is trying to let people know he’s a pedo.

No one else in the article mentions the age of Epstein’s girls.

Also I’ve seen it before I just like to make them work for their shekels, if you know what I mean 😀.

lol. people dont like facts... they downvote me. on well.

Not a fan of Trump as a person but I do think his quote can be interpreted both as praise for Epstein or slyly exposing him. No way of knowing for sure.

Yes. Slyly exposing him vs going to the cops and continuing his friendship and picking him as his tennis partner is the smart move.

The noble move. Undercover Trump!

Did you vote for Hillary?

Having him as a tennis partner would be next level

Sounds like even in the article trump is trying to let people know he’s a pedo

Yes don't go to the cops with the knowledge of a ringleader in your midst. Tell a magazine and continue a friendship for 5 years.

Amazing cognitive dissonance at work here.

A 2 second search for the quote gave me theArticle now STFU please. this is common knowledge.

I mean you had the exact quote on hand it’s not unreasonable to ask for a link.

How did you know the exact quote if you weren’t looking at the article.?

Maybe you’re just working from memory.

He's not me genius.

And all this means is it shouldn't be ignored. It should be looked into.

Thanks for recognizing my genius.

Do you smoke? I do. I swear it seems like you're me and you calm down after a good bowl.

I'm taking a break right now though. day 2. what a task!

Are you too dumb to google the article that was cited to find the quote yourself or are you too lazy? Easier to move goalposts is it?

That’s not how it works.

If you say an article exists then you should post it.

It’s not my job to prove someone Else’s claims.

He provided you a quote and made reference to the article he cited. I expect with your attitude had he linked to it you would insist he come over to your house you to click the link for you.

No I wouldn’t.

He posted the exact quote.

It’s not unreasonable to assume that since he posted the exact quote word for word that he had access to the article else how would he know the exact quote.

You are a beautiful human being. You keep doing you, nobody could do it as well as you can.

Never written a research paper have we? Hyperlinks don't work so well in ink.

No I haven't but I don't know why that would prevent me from asking for a source.

Ok well in my day Wikipedia was not considered a reliable source but I think it has since changed because it has links at the bottom.

Basically any professor of college writing has to keep you up to date with all the latest little tiny rules on citations and it's a pretty big deal. You aren't missing out really.

But all you have to do is type something like this at the bottom:

Hedfors, A., Ingrosso, S., & Angello, S. (2012). Greyhound [Recorded by Swedish House Mafia]. On Until Now [Audio file]. Retrieved from https://open.spotify.com/track/0VffaI2jwQknRrxpECYHsF

And I don't know how you'd open that link on paper lol

Wow, totally pc comment and you determine that it means they are bffs and rape kids together. Ok....

Id also like to hear the time in which he said this. Theres a couple of ways in which it might have been said. Amicable .... Or sarcastic undertones to start

Totally PC? He's talking about a convicted pimp of children.

At the very least it should be examined. Not swept under the rug. That's sick.

He wasn't "best friends" with him but he did know him and I believe he flew on his jet. However, He also kicked Epstein out of his club. So perhaps he found out about the shady shit and wasn't down with it.

Here are the flight logs for Epstein's "Lolita Express".

You won't find Trumps name in them.

Major Kudos for investigating for yourself.

Yeah had to search too because I was also under the impression he flew at least once. Guess not

But Bill Clinton and Kevin Spacey were together on the same flight...nothing suspicious there...

But...the ppint of his ppst is the apparent lie regarding trump. Spacey and clinton may well be full blown pedophiles with boatloads o' blackmail against them, sure.

Wow thanks

Thanks. This is a red flag (someone promulgated that lie...)

I was wondering when this tired old dying dog of a talking point would come limping into the conversation. Fuck the super-fuck off. Trump had Epstein kicked off his gold course and told him to get fucked when the truth came out and NO ONE EVER mentions that second part. Fuck you

I was wondering when this tired old dying dog of a talking point would come limping into the conversation.

Yes. The talking point that your glorious leader befriended a pedo ringleader? That one?

Fuck the super-fuck off.

So you want to cover up discussion of a child sex ring? For what reason?

Trump had Epstein kicked off his golf course and told him to get fucked when the truth came out and NO ONE EVER mentions that second part. Fuck you

You sound triggered. He was his tennis partner. His pal. And he only got the boot long after he was being investigated for child prostition.

But nice the_donald default talking point. Where it always gets mentioned. And is a lie.

you can be friends with someone who keeps secrets from you dumb-fuck. when it became knowledge that he was a creep Trump gave him the boot. In what part of that logic do you not follow? You're seriously such a lazy scumbag for doing that. I was wondering who would bring it up "but but but but Trump and Epstein!" yeah how about how he didn't fly on the Lolita Express and had him removed from his property. Oh wait you didn't mention that part. Just owned your sorry ass again so please fuck off. Trump is getting rid of the pedos not involved with them. Watch more cnn

Edwards also said that it is "obvious" Trump himself was not involved in any of Epstein's illicit activity.

taken from the same source you posted. how dense are you?

what actually is amusing is that you posted that thinking you were actually making a real solid point while falling flat on your face.

Once again I just owned your sorry ass this isn't even hard.

taken from the same source you posted. how dense are you?

Wow you really found a little cherry huh?

You're right. One guy's opinion saying this billionaire Trump totally isn't a pedophile like his friend is indicative of a standup dude.

Why my friends always tell everyone how much I'm not a pedophile. I even typed that up on my resume.

We better not look into this again.

Oh but your lie still stands as a lie though. And this guy named Colonel_Chestbridge1 said the same exact talking points yesterday. And another guy before that.

It's almost like you're being fed this stuff lol.

This is just dumb.

Why would Trump go after the pedos if he was involved? They would just turn on him and testify against him. It would be the biggest scandal in the whole of human history.

That guy he was talking about plead out on a slap on the wrist. Everyone powerful is involved from princes to current and former presidents.

You're right. It should be a bigger scandal than it is but thankfully we have people here actively trying to cover it up. Sick.

He has had 40 years to make contacts at the top levels of business and entertainment. If he doesn’t at least know if the rumors it would be shocking.

I'm sure he learned about it from Roy Cohn, his mentor. He is claimed to be involved in a lot of the CIA pedophilia honeypots. I think Roger Stone even said he kept young blond boys around.

Yeah, he probably knew about how if you're a star, you can just grab women in the pussy. They let you, you know.

Unfortunately the only reason Weinstein and Spacey are under fire is because the victims are forcing it to the front. No arrests have been made, this isnt some administration sting...its the woman/men grassroots speaking up so far.

Which would not have started had it not been for someone outing Weinstein in the NYT. Who was it?

Ashley Judd and a few others...which led to 80+ others. Its bottom up not a top down thing so far.

Replace the vilains by "hollywood leftist pedophiles" and the protagonist name by "Trump" on any Grimm's fairy tales, and you'll get the closest from those stupid posts driven by partisanship.

The fact that Hollywood doesn't even represent 1% of US GDP won't stop those moronic celebrities from being the most malevolent entity Trump's proselytes claim them to be.

Let's take individual cases whom are not even AUTHENTICATED and are still allegations, to back up this story.

Of course, while we're focused on those unimportant celebrities, we'll forget about those in power ; Steven Mnuchin, former Skull & Bones, Wilbur R. Ross, former CEO of Rothschild's Investment Fund, Rex Tillerson, Former CEO of Exxon, etc.

They're downvoting you to hell, bc you're right.

Ahh yes. Imaginary Internet points.

Determining who's right since 2007!

And my above comment is also fluctuating... Interesting.

Hilarious that you think Trump has never flexed his power to be with an underage person. That's just my no opinion though.

u should go defend Mariah Carey more

i probably agree more with tartwhore but this had me rolling laughing

Hmm, a Trump supporter not refuting a Trump accusation, and attacking the messenger is funny, or par for the course?

I even told my wife all about this around june. She looked at me crazy, but I told her" if something dies start to come out, rememeber this covo"

And here we are....

Let' see how far it leads. We need to make sure they go all the way with some arrests, not find a few high profile celebrities to be the fall guys.

We need to call out every MSM outlet who buried their head in the sand when this thing explodes. So many news outlets will jump on the band wagon once it's out in the open, because it's "safe to do so and everyone is doing it now".. And claim to be "reporting the tough truths" and patting themselves on the back from bringing it to light.. Msm are spineless twats. Every news anchor on CNN or nbc will think they are doing such a fabulous rewarding job reporting this stuff, and will expect a thank you. We won't let them be thanked!! They avoided the truth for a long time, and KNEW this as going down and did nothing about it because of "career suicide"..

Fuck em. We know who the real reporters and journalists are.

IRL, I'm seeing more arrests of adult sex workers/massage parlors than pedophile arrests, in my region.

That is basically what they do. Also pose as prostitutes and arrest the guy.

That's fucked up.

This is a poor attempt at giving credit to trump and his administration for these arrests

Why? They are the ones ramping up its efficiency and success. Didn't happen under Barack "65k in hotdogs" Obama.

Actually, look at other posts here and they'll show the data on federal and state arrests and busts starting under the Obama administration...


OP, id personally like to see a trendline of pedophile arrests for the last X years where X is ideally as large as possible. 1970 maybe?

This post is a poor attempt at giving credit to trump and his administration for these arrests

It's happening now because the New York Times wrote a piece about Harvey Weinstein, interviewing his victims and making the affair public. It seemed to open the floodgates.

They are one of the many media institutions that helped cover for him for years.

For whatever reason, people are taking claims seriously now. You honestly don't think it has anything to do with thousands of arrests being made?

I would like to see a comparison of sex crime arrests from the previous administrations to now.

You actually think that Trump got elected, stepped into the DOJ offices and told them that from now on pedophiles should be arrested, and that resulted in 1500 arrests a month later? How long do you think it takes to collect evidence on 1500 people? two weeks?

The President has an important job but it's not like he's actually doing everything the government is doing. The President gets to allocate resources, in very broad terms, not to dictate how and when arrests happen. That's why I don't attribute these arrests to Obama either, even though work on this operation probably started during his term.

And yes, pedophiles and human traffickers getting arrested - and who the President is - has nothing to do with whether or not Weinstein has the power to keep his face off the NYT front page. There's literally nothing in common between an FBI crackdown on pedophiles or human traffickers and a powerful Hollywood figure being a sexual predator.

By the way, I'm known for having good memory. Very good memory. The best memory, really. That's why I remember there used to be a sticky in /r/conspiracy about how the FBI is arresting operators of child pornography websites and then using the websites as traps to catch pedophiles. Everyone was going off about how everyone in the government is a pedophile, pizzagate confirmed. Several months later, 1500 pedophilia arrests. Pizzagate confirmed again. Some people have it coming and going.

Excellent points, yes these arrests would have taken time to put together.

Of course trump isn't personally responsible for everything that's happening, but the head of the executive has a huge influence over military and law enforcement policy, and can create a sea change. As chummy as the clintons were with spacey, Weinstein, etc, you don't think there would be a chilling influence against pursuing those kind of allegations in the media or law enforcement if Clinton were in the white house? Media, political, and law enforcement cooperation are essential to sexual predators as we have seen from the catholic church or scandals like Franklin S&L. Often times there are years-long investigations that go nowhere, and the executive has a huge influence on that. For example, Obama was beholden to powerful banking interests, and Holder's do-nothing justice dept that continually refused to prosecute was a direct result of that.

It's why I said I would like to see a comparison between previous sex related arrests and those since trump took office. I think it is possible that crimes were overlooked or not pursued aggressively during the interconnected Clinton, bush, and Obama administrations. They are all connected to a lot of creepy events and sexual predators. I understand that trump was friends with Epstein, and I assume that it's never mentioned only because Epstein is an even bigger liability to the Clintons. But with the non-stop media assault on trump, I would think if he had other predator friends they would be uncovered by now. It's very possible that trump and his political opponents aren't connected to the same group of predators and therefore pressure on law enforcement could be different now.

I see no reason to assume that Trump is fewer friends in Hollywood than the Clintons.

Both Trump and Bill Clinton are sexual predators of the kind that's now being purged from Hollywood. I'll remind you that Trump had like 20 women accuse him of sexual harassment, had an ex-wife accuse him of rape, and admitted pussy grabbing and going in dressing rooms. So I view this:

I would think if [Trump] had other predator friends they would be uncovered by now

As a little funny.

The bigger issue, though, is that stuff happens without the government's involvement all the time. Both the Weinstein expose and the pedophile arrests are examples. Most things about the economy, too. The healthcare market is a pile of poop not because of Trump, or Obama, but because of things that happened in the last 50 years or so.

I would like to see a comparison between previous sex related arrests and those since trump took office.

This would be less than informative. If Trump were a monster, and 2 months after his inauguration he strolled into the DOJ and told them not to start any more investigations into pedophilia, when would the effect be measurable? In 3 years? 5? I suspect that if less than 1500 pedophile arrests a day were made during Obama's tenure you'll see this as evidence of something about Trump, when in fact it's mostly evidence that a particularly successful FBI operation was started under Obama and was culminated under Trump, and nothing more.

I dunno, some of the people being exposed are staunch supporters and intimate acquaintances of the Clintons, and other nasty events such as silsby's two attempts to traffic children from Haiti (and her defense by an attorney also accused of child sex trafficking) is also connected to the Clintons. Hillary also shut down an investigation into a state dept paedophile ring.

The only trump friend that I know of that is a sexual predator/paedophile is Epstein, who had far not contact with Clinton than trump.

I do think that arrests and prosecutions are influenced by the executive, but yes, these investigations already existed. We will have to see if they continue. I'm sure that a stronger border enforcement would also help reduce human trafficking. We'll just have to see how things turn out over the next few years, but I honestly think that a Clinton presidency would have had a stifling effect on accussations against their friends weinstein and spacey, as well as enforcement against sex traffickers.

I dunno, some of the people being exposed are staunch supporters and intimate acquaintances of the Clintons, and other nasty events such as silsby's two attempts to traffic children from Haiti (and her defense by an attorney also accused of child sex trafficking) is also connected to the Clintons. Hillary also shut down an investigation into a state dept paedophile ring.

The only trump friend that I know of that is a sexual predator/paedophile is Epstein, who had far not contact with Clinton than trump.

I do think that arrests and prosecutions are influenced by the executive, but yes, these investigations already existed. We will have to see if they continue. I'm sure that a stronger border enforcement would also help reduce human trafficking. We'll just have to see how things turn out over the next few years, but I honestly think that a Clinton presidency would have had a stifling effect on accussations against their friends weinstein and spacey, as well as enforcement against sex traffickers.

You have a Source for this claim?

Link the article or it’s bullshit.

None of the stuff you mentioned is as objectively bad as forcing yourself on a minor.

Man I totally forgot how much I love that movie :D

Wow, totally pc comment and you determine that it means they are bffs and rape kids together. Ok....

Ashley Judd and a few others...which led to 80+ others. Its bottom up not a top down thing so far.

Lol you had to go to someone else's comment in a separate child thread to come up with that?

Try to stay on topic. The person who replied to me in the thread you're in now said:

And you're convinced that it is all coincidence, despite bilderberg meetings, wikileaks cables, the un's acknowledgment of Israel's treachery

Etc etc. Which you're now contradicting in each reply. Hmm.

Didn't realize I was talking to the emperor of the internet. Please don't let your uncle ban me from Xbox live. WTF is this shit?

You made the claim. The burden of proof is on you, not me.

taken from the same source you posted. how dense are you?

Wow you really found a little cherry huh?

You're right. One guy's opinion saying this billionaire Trump totally isn't a pedophile like his friend is indicative of a standup dude.

Why my friends always tell everyone how much I'm not a pedophile. I even typed that up on my resume.

We better not look into this again.

Oh but your lie still stands as a lie though. And this guy named Colonel_Chestbridge1 said the same exact talking points yesterday. And another guy before that.

It's almost like you're being fed this stuff lol.