DC police confirm they’re investigating Comet Ping Pong!

616  2017-11-09 by ArchonFall4All



Is there any kind of official announcement I can see from the DC police on this?

It’s provided in the link above. But if you don’t believe a Commander from the DC police, or believe that the email is somehow a hoax, you can always reach out to them directly yourself

i only see an email screenshot there. i WANT TO believe.

I just called they directed me to investigators who confirmed the FBI is looking into it

I just called white house. trump told me that hillary is a man.

I just called Hillary, she said she ate all the babies already. Case closed.

I just called babies, they said they ate all of the Clintons already. Case prosed.

BOMBSHELL: Were we wrong about Pizzagate? Is Comet Ping Pong really hiding cannibalistic babies? Are these babies being taught to eat the Clintons? Is Comet Ping Pong, dare I say it..... BASED?

My bad (202) 715-7300 Washington DC police Department

I don't see any compelling reason to doubt that the email is genuine, but imho the language does not seem to suggest any serious investigation.

Mr Cunningham RIP

Looks legit.

You dropped this. /s

I don't think i did.

Nice. I think I may have misjudged you.

I was being judged?

We have all been judged.

Only Dog can judge me.


if you tell a police department you have evidence that there is child porn being sold/distributed by a local business, they will assign a detective to look into it.

that doesn't necessarily mean there is any kind of "official investigation" happening.

Sure, but it also means this person provided some sort of evidence for them to act on. If you just contact the police and make a wild claim without any evidence, then they won’t still be looking into it almost a year later

i'm just saying, the cop didn't confirm that CPP is under formal investigation, he just confirmed that a detective was given the complaint and told to check it out.

He confirms that a detective has already been assigned to this case, i.e. he’s investigating it. I’m not sure what else would constitute confirmation in your eyes. I get that you come to this sub to dismiss everything unless it relates to Trump, but the good news is that you can email them yourself if you truly want to get to the bottom of it

I get that you come to this sub to dismiss everything unless it relates to Trump

that is false. but i'm flattered that you were upset enough to look at my post history.

No need to look. I’ve had you tagged in RES for quite some time

well you have tagged me incorrectly. i'm sure you don't give a shit, but just letting you know.

you definitely just love trump he's right. please wake up

for quite some time

well with a few month old account, couldn't be that long

few month old

Your account is six months old, and I've had you tagged for months, as well.

You're kind of hard to muss when you make an average of 50 posts to this sub per day, 7 days a weem.

when you make an average of 50 posts to this sub per day, 7 days a week.

those statements are false, if you care at all. though i suspect you may not.

I don't know what that person said since they deleted their post, but I couldn't help but notice your account is actually 6 months old which is more than a few.

Also, you've commented to Reddit every day this week, around 325 comments total, which averages out to better than 46 per day.

Just sayin.

Also, I tagged you

OP ignore your downvotes. You are on the right path. There is a disgusting and obvious attempt to make your statements look null and void. the beast person you are replying to should be fucking ashamed of themselves.

Trust me, I'm not new to this game, and most people here realize what's going on. Downvotes don't phase me, but I appreciate your words of encouragement regardless

I'm glad it doesn't phase you personally, but by the numbers you at -5 and me at -1 right now makes US look WRONG while atavisticbeast whatever is at 16 making them APPEAR RIGHT.

OBVIOUS dis-info agent is obvious. Pizzagate is real.

It most certainly is my friend. Keep fighting.

what is disgusting to is like even if you're don't fully believe Pizzagate (most likely because you didn't do an ounce of research) just leave it be. Don't actively try and tell others not to look into it. If you are against Pizzagate you are, by default, FOR pedophilia

Agreed OP is being attacked pretty hard by them right now

yep me too. it's super obvious to see what's happening.

Don't get discouraged, fuck em'. Re read the comments and you'll see how rude, antagonizing, and poorly written their comments are compared to other users..

true true.


That doesn't occur in that email at all.

He confirms that a detective has already been assigned to this case, i.e. he’s investigating it.

the reason we are skeptical is the DC police have flat out lied and said they investigated Comet Pizza before. They didn't investigate shit. They just told us "conspiracy loons" they investigated it.

In fact, this is actually the first time they watch into it, that means that only this week the first potential evidence came. I congratulate all the pizzagate believers with this amazing succes, but I would advice you not to get your hopes up, as I think chances are very likely that the evidence is either fake or planted.

No it doesn't. I've done this before. Anything you email them and tell them they'll assign someone too.

I reported someone at the swap meet for selling illegally counterfeit goods and got the same response. No evidence at all, just an accusation.

And this type of evidence can be faked. Shows that he sent the officer a video of him accessing the site. Do you know how easy it would be to fake that video?

Also, he asks for clarification that an investigation is taking place and doesn't get that confirmation at all.

All the officer said was that a detective would look at the link. And one will. Doubt it goes further than that.

I don't think it really matters to some people what the results would be anyways. If they corroborate, it's proof they were right. If they don't find anything then it's proof the cabal got to them and covered it up, meaning they were right.

You're painting the pizzagate people with a pretty broad brush there, that's quite a claim. I'd say 85% of this sub is demanding further investigation, and it IS a conspiracy, so why the mocking attitude?

Do you really believe that if the official result of this "investigation" is that there's nothing to the story, that people here will accept that?

So you don't believe there should be an investigation?

The email is literally just some guy sharing a youtube link with the police... Clearly the guy who sent the "tip" doesn't have any useful evidence.

You do realize a "detective looking in to it" is an official investigation, right?

not really, but i also recognize that frivolous nature of arguing semantics with people who are true believers, so i'm ready to let it go.

yes, the DC police are checking out these claims of child porn on their servers. good for them, and i mean that.


Well then... OK?

The walls are coming down on these guys. Yes there will be guilty parties that will escape but shit is going down.

We shall see. I will continue to remain skeptical until sufficient evidence is available.

I don't think weird instagram posts are evidence of a crime, and there are no victims, and no witnesses, and no actual evidence of any criminality at this point.

True. But I am champing at the bit to see these sick fucks get taken down.

This is why I couldn't be a cop and why mob justice is bad. I would have them hanging by their necks by now.

Hollywood can burn for all I care and messing with kids is the most heinous of crimes.

Hanging might even be too good for them.

I would have them hanging by their necks by now.

No offense, but that is incredibly disturbing that you can be whipped into a murderous mob mentality because some dude has weird art on his instagram.

It's more than that. But I did say "this is why I couldn't be a cop" and admitted mob justice is wrong.

There is no shortage of humans. We act like human life is so fucking precious. Well it ain't. I am an emotional guy and have gone off the deep end in my personal life far too easily. Hind sight is 20/20 but with pedos? I say err on the side of caution.

Watch out for all this edge

We act like human life is so fucking precious. Well it ain't.

Think about what you said here. You sound like a comic book villain.

For pointing out the obvious?

I am not calling for the wholesale slaughter of all humans or anything.

Just as there can't be a billionaire without thousands of extremely poor people there can't be billions of humans without many many species going extinct.

Our big fucking brains and selfless unabashed greed has put humans to the top of the issues this world has to deal with.

Hang on... maybe I am calling for the wholesale slaughter of humans.

I've been trying to put my finger on why the conservatives here suddenly became so concerned about sexual assault, when previously, their emphasis had always been focused on the dangers of false allegations, and generally defending misogyny while attacking feminism. The partisan motivation behind pushing the pizza-gate disinformation was clear, of course. What I couldn't quite figure out was why sexual assault against (mostly) female actresses was getting such play here, with conservatives seemingly rising up to defend these women. I think your wording here has shed light on why conservatives are suddenly so concerned about sexual assault:

Hollywood can burn for all I care

I see now that what we're dealing with is a conflation of "powerful sexual predators and the institutions that enable them" with "all of Hollywood," which conservatives have loved to hate for a very long time now.

To illustrate my point with an example, do any conservatives here want to tell me how they feel about the women who have accused our President of sexual assault? Or tell me how you feel about Trump bragging about sexual assault? I applaud fighting against sexual assault in Hollywood, but why does it so abruptly stop there?

No it's not lol

the top post on this thread is shill-work on obvious display. a detective looking into a claim is 100% YES an official investigation. you would have to be, for lack of a better term, a FUCKING RETARD to think otherwise.

if the police are investigating a claim it is absolutely an official investigation. do not pay attention to this misdirection folks. pizzagate is real.

It also doesn't mean that the allegations are founded in reality.

At 24:53, he says that he has called the FBI on a regular basis, and they keep telling him that it's an ongoing investigation.

He says? Let me guess, no proof at all? Just like everything else in his video?

You feel the best response is an ad hominem? Why should one's credibility come into question when they find CP hidden on the website of a restaurant strongly believed to be a sort of safe haven for pedos?

Tell me this. What possible motive does he have to make these allegations to authorities, potentially making him libel of defamation if they are false? That could put him in jail or ruin his life. What motive does he have unless he is telling the truth?

A couple thousand youtube views? That's nothing. Maybe a few cents.

There is a possibility he certainly believes the falsehoods that he's bringing to the police's attention.

The guy making the video didn't bring anything to the police's attention. I'm talking about the guy who found kiddie porn on Comet's website.

You got a source for that?

Did you watch the fucking video?

The guy names Bigfish aka Trebillion on Twitter was the hacker. He doesn't have a Youtube. Titus Frost interviewed him recently. Months ago he filed reports to authorities to no avail. Months ago Titus Frost did a video on it, but again authorities did nothing. However he recently did a full interview with Titus Frost, and that got more attention. An entirely different Twitter user has contacted DC police and that is the email you see.

You didn't even watch the fucking video, did you?

I'm sorry I didn't watch all of that 77 minute video.

I'm just looking for a source that shows he found kiddie porn on Comet's website.

So they still offer no actual evidence of child porn.

Not like I want to see that disgusting shit but how could something like that ever be verified?

The answer is painfully simple: forwarding the narrative that Podesta, the DNC, and Clinton are scumbag pedophiles.

Just look at how casually people here are in calling every Democrat under the sun a pedophile. It's a very serious accusation and it gets tossed around here as if there's no such thing as a burden of proof.

Removed. Rule 4. 1st warning.

I'm not talking about Titus Frost. I'm taking about the guy who found kiddie porn behind Comet's website. The guy who did the interview, and the guy who contacted DC police. Titus Frost just interviewed him, he didn't contact the police. The guy who FOUND the CP has already contacted the FBI and authorities. Why would you tell the FBI and DC police you've found child porn when you haven't? What do you gain from that?

It's true that no one died at Sandy Hook, even the FBI website says there were no manslaughters in Newtown, CT in 2012. The best documentary I've seen on the Sandy Hook Hoax was "Dear Wolfgang | Revisiting Sandy Hook", it's on Vimeo currently (censored from YouTube) and I highly recommend it to everybody to watch. It's the most important documentary I've seen all year, really points out the inconsistencies and impossibilities in the official story beyond a shadow of a doubt and makes one wonder how many of these other shootings are complete fabrications as well.

Wrong. The FBI website only listed deaths reported by local police departments, and the Connecticut State Police handled that investigation. CT government categorized the deaths in a manner that the FBI would not have picked up on.

Also - put your logic cap on. You say the government staged the Sandy Hook massacre and can't be trusted because all their reports are lies, then cite the government's own report as proof it was fake? How does that make any logical sense at all?

And I did watch that documentary. It's full of circumstantial arguments that at face value seem to make sense but if you look at them logically are absurd. Like the idea that you need to be an expert marksman to shoot a bunch of second graders at point-blank range (as is claimed by the documentary's argument that the shooter was too week and too nerdy to have possibly committed the acts)

Ok so if 26 people were murdered in Newtown, CT on Dec. 14, 2012, then why does it say on the FBI website that 0 people were murdered in Newtown, CT in 2012?

Connecticut's homicide count is correct, but the FBI's detailed supplementary material includes only the shooting of Adam Lanza's mother at her home in December 2012, just before Lanza went to the elementary school. Lt. Paul Vance says his department submitted a six-page report on the Newtown school victims to the FBI but later identified a mistake. Updated data was provided too late to be reflected in the database, Vance says, but the information should be added soon.

Ok and what about the murder scene at the Lanza house. Does this look like the crime scene of someone who was shot to death? Wouldn't there be more blood? And why does it look like raspberry jam?

Does this look like the crime scene of someone who was shot to death? Wouldn't there be more blood? And why does it look like raspberry jam?

Where do you get your understanding of what your average murder scene looks like, TV? In real life people don't ooze gallons of blood when they're shot. And I can't tell what the consistency of the blood in that photo looks like because its so low-res. Neither can you.

I've had nosebleeds where I've bled more than that, and that does NOT look like dried blood. And that is the tip of the iceberg in the Sandy Hook Hoax. Why were no trauma helicopters called and why were no paramedics allowed in the building? The parents of the "dead children" were not allowed into the building or the morgue to see their child one last time- they were asked to identify their child from photographs allegedly, which no one had any issue with. Does that seem like a normal reaction from dozens of parents who just lost their 6 year old children? Not to mention the ridiculous crisis actors who couldn't muster up an ounce of genuine emotion. Robbie Parker smiling and hyperventilating to get into character before his interview. David Wheeler, a grieving father who played another role as a SWAT team agent who held his gun upside down by the magazine cartridge. All of the families received hundreds of thousands of dollars and every single one of them moved out of town. It remains the juiciest of all hoaxes in my opinion, there are just so many holes in the narrative that everyone should be able to see through. If none of this is suspicious to you, I honestly do not understand why you are interested in reading posts on a conspiracy forum.

I've had nosebleeds where I've bled more than that

Wow, that makes you totally an expert on gunshot trauma and thus qualified to make broad statements on the validity of gunshot blood spatter!

Why were no trauma helicopters called and why were no paramedics allowed in the building?

Because most of these kids had their faces blown apart with their bran matter all over the ground? Trauma helicopters are valuable resources and arne't going to be wasted responding to blatantly dead and non-revivable casualties.

The parents of the "dead children" were not allowed into the building

WOW! Hysterial parents werne't allowed to trample over a crime scene!

or the morgue to see their child one last time- they were asked to identify their child from photographs allegedly, which no one had any issue with.

I can't find any sources for this one. But at any rate, it wouldn't be shocking - see the above point about having their heads blown off.

Not to mention the ridiculous crisis actors who couldn't muster up an ounce of genuine emotion.

Do you hold a psychology degree or training that qualifies you to dictate who is or is not grieving to your professional standards? Grief takes all forms - hell even laughter isn't all that uncommon (which I'm assuming you're referring to here). As an anecdote on this - I had to keep my grandmother company when my uncle (her son) died in his sleep in between the police/EMTS and medical examiner responding. She'd go from smiling and laughing and making casual small-talk with the police officer to going into hysterics every few minutes. That's called shock and grief.

who played another role as a SWAT team agent who held his gun upside down by the magazine cartridge.

LOL! I'd love to see a high-resolution non-grainy photo you used to get this ridiculous notion from.

All of the families received hundreds of thousands of dollars and every single one of them moved out of town.

never heard this claim before. I thought they were all getting paid by lottery winnings and free houses? Your ridiculous narratives you get from paid conspiracy bloggers changes so fast it's hard to keep your lies straight.

LOL The total LACK of blood spatter in that photo should be suspicious to everyone. No amount of mental gymnastics will convince me that that is the crime scene of a brutal murder by gunshot. And what are you talking about hysterical parents? Show me ONE video of a hysterical parent from Sandy Hook. Hell, show me a SINGLE TEAR being shed by a parent from Sandy Hook and I'll believe the official story.

the only one going through mental gymnastics is yourself. I'm done responding if you're not going to or are unable to read through my post entirely and respond constructively and logically.

Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

Can confirm. 1000 views will only make you anywhere from $.01 to $3.00. I think Pewdiepie makes $6-$10 per 1000 views.

Not worth it. He could get into trouble if he is lying, plus hacking is against the law regardless if you found something or not. Which could get him in trouble if he is the one who did the hacking.

It just doesn't make sense that he is lying. I mean he could he lying because he believes Comet is actually a pedo place, and lying to get it shut down. That's always a possibility. But if not then it doesn't make sense to lie.

For every successful huckster there are hundreds of failed, would-be hucksters. Just because you're trying to profit off of collective stupidity doesn't mean that you'll be good at it.

Let me guess, no proof at all?

Like muh Russia.

Ongoing investigation means that the file is open, but that there has been no activity on it.

So what took them so long to start the investigation we have all been screaming for?

I’m pretty sure if you are powerful group in DC involved in this shit, the FIRST avenue you would take care of is to make sure that the cops were on the take to not investigate what you’re up to. I think this shit may be happening, I just have no faith the conventional police will ever / can ever expose it.

It needs to be exposed by an insider blowing the whistle with explosive, undeniable evidence implicating many powerful people, or it needs to be exposed by somebody NOT corrupted infiltrating it and blowing the lid publicly with undeniable evidence.

They'll just say it was a secret undercover op to catch pedos and people ruined it so now pesos got away...

Some dude already put in a request for DC police to investigate CPP. They came back with a statement that they had investigated and found nothing suspicious. Then the same dude put in a FOIA request for the investigation details and found out there was never an investigation, not even cursory. The DCPD lied. I wish i could find the sources and FOIA results on this but will have to do a little bit of digging

DCPD does have a stigma for corruption. It doesn't surprise me they sandbagged the claim or any hope for an investigation before Trump was inaugurated.

In fact, when the guy who was escorted out while during a live stream at comet, there was a cop eating at the establishment.

I'm just gonna say, the biggest portion of the public (anyone who's not in a the half million that subscribe here), don't believe in the whole pg conspiracy.. so seeing a cop at a pizza place isn't fucking weird.

By your theory, donut shops are a front, because that's where you'll typically see the most cops. Did I just solve this myself?

The police are literally now investigating this place and you're still shitting on us?

Who am I shitting on? I'm saying "a cop eating pizza there must mean they're a pedo defender" is the most retarded logic I've ever heard.

As for the picture of an email, I need a little more proof than that, to believe there's an investigation. Plus, in this very thread someone just proved that they said they'd investigate before, and they didn't.

They don't believe in it or they don't know much about it?

It's difficult to get people to be aware of it because there are millions of dollars literally being thrown at this to bury and blur the spotlight because it's connected to a very large underground criminal trafficking syndicate. Do you network? Because these people do and do it very well.

This special pizza place also has a hidden bathroom, hidden backroom and a tunnel under it.

Hmmm, let's think about it and wonder if the police force would be corrupt in one of the most corrupt places on earth...

Lol yeah i heard the water in the atlantic ocean is really wet.

please stay away from di-hydrogen monoxide, it's extremely deadly.

breathing it will kill you

This is my surprised face 😐

ever watched a movie about the mob? they have people you don't even suspect on payrolls!

Does anybody have that photo of James next to the DC police chief? Him in the chief are actually good panels

I'll also point out that Alefantis' Instagram had a picture of a side table with a DVD copy of Being There positioned dead center. Don't know if you've seen the movie, but it's only slightly Masonic. I thought more people woulda picked up on that.

Yeah this will probably get churned and just end up in all loose ends. No one will take it seriously because anyone who does will be put in their place.

Maybe bring the LVPD in there to solve the case. They solved the Paddock shooting fairly quickly. Plus they are very transparent with their findings.

Yeah. I doubt Jeremiah Johnson cares about children in the slightest

This guy reeks of BS...

4/pol and and 8/pol were all over the comet website when the login page was found, they shut that shit down right away, changed the page... nobody got anything out of there...

Nobody seems to remember the guy that claimed he got into a computer at WE THE PIZZA, claimed he found kidde porn.... claimed he found a menu with prices of children...

*Posted the menu online*


(according to lots of redditors and /pol/ ... no way i was clicking that)

threads were almost-insta 404'd

this is when r/pizzagate was shutdown

It was this event that was used as the rationale to close r/pizzagate--and simultaneously, a bunch of other citizen investigation sites--exact same hour and minute.

no, it was not. this whole video thing mentioned in the comment above yours was the very beginning of the whole PG/comet pizza/besta pizza/alefantis shit... it occurred shortly before the podesta emails and such came out. i remember when it happened, i was in that very thread(OP basically suggested something odd was going on because "why would a pizza shop even HAVE such large files/videos?"), HOWEVER, there were also followup threads too which stated that once they got into see the actual files and not just their names, the footage was simply security cam footage. and yeah, none of yall seem to remember this, it's crazy, i have mentioned it here before and people got all "NO WAY JOSE you don't know what ur talkin about!!" etc, ofc lol

Nope. The We the Pizza files happened right before all the subs shut down. I was there too. /pol/ opened the files. You are full of shit.

so wheres all the info on this? id like to read about it

Removed. Rule 6.

I think you are overlooking the influence of the media, and it's ability to snowball things like this. Yes, "they" might have individual police on the take, but if the chiefs are under pressure from the commissioner who are under pressure from the governor etc and up the line, they will do what the "public" wants.

All it takes is pizzagate becoming "interesting" again to the media for the ball to roll.

By "investigate" you mean "clean up any loose ends before another agency starts investigating". We already know DC Police Dept is corrupt as fuck.

Dear Officer,

"I sent this video a year ago and was wondering why no one has been arrested yet?"

--- it literally fucking says that 😂😂😂

Do they list all the officers names? That doesn't seem to smart.

Also is DoC a nickname for D.C. or something else?

District of Columbia.

A DuckDuckGo search using the parameters [Detective "jeremiah johnson" washington d.c. police department] yielded quite a few references to him being associated to the DC police force.

I had no such success.

You must not have used duckduckgo, here is my search using the search string I provided..

You can explore the link results yourself to get the context of the references, as I did, which show that there is, indeed, a Jeremiah Johnson affiliated with the DC police dept.

Also, try another search to find info on him on your own, using various search engines... good practice for you to hone your own search capabilities. Hint: enter this phrase: most popular search engines 2017.

Try a few different ones, as Google is very (VERY) biased in their results. And, they track the hell out of you.

Pizzagate deniers are going to be so upset.

No, they won't... trust me. I spent countless hours uselessly debating them. No matter how bad something looks/is or how much past/present evidence builds up, they find a way to explain it away or deny it.

We can refer to them as the Perpeptual Nothingburgerites

They could watch a video of the entire Clinton/DC/CPP cabal participate in a satanic ritual in Tony Podesta's underground movie theater (because that is a real thing he claims is for "viewing complex art"), then get DNA samples and fingerprints, a police report, watch them get sent to Federal prison for life and say something like... "That was all CG and the evidence was fake. Pizzagate is a fictitious and ridiculous theory"

And then ironically go on to ridicule us for pointing out that the Russian investigation has always been full of holes.

Hey a republican got outed today as a child molester is he somehow connected? Or is this a Democrat only pizza place.

It is a fully bipartisan conspiracy... that stretches far beyond a singular Pizza place in DC, and far beyond the Democratic party.

But one must follow 12 months of bread crumbs to realize this is not, and never has been about Democrats vs. Republicans or Basement vs. No Basement. It's about protecting kids and completely decimating those who abuse/traffic/exploit them. It's about connecting data points beyond even just the children, as we quickly get into drug trafficking/weapons/organ harvesting/black market operations etc...

I think we will find that it is all connected. These black market shipping corridors are going to be a massive investigatory push in the near future, how did they get away with it? How many people/departments needed to comply? What kind of incentive and/or blackmail was used to force compliance? Where did all the money go? How was it laundered?

As for Moore... and everyone else, Hollywood, Elite, Politician, that is implicated? Let's work on proving it. We need witnesses. We need evidence. We need to connect them to existing rings and each other.

Without proof/credible witnesses? No one will go down.

But we can agree that the general consensus on TD and here at TD2.0 is if it’s a Democrat it’s burn em at the stake if it’s a republican it’s OH WE NEED TO PROVE IT ITS FAKE NEWS REEEEEEEEEEE REDPILL CUCKS OMGZ

I dont see it that way. Maybe it is just your bias that wants to paint that picture. Or maybe its mine...hmmmm

I mean I hate the Podestas and the clintons cuz of their policies. I hate the republicans even more.

But if you can’t see the difference in reactions on these 2 subs from any story like this depending if it’s a D or a R then you are just legit blind.

This is true, some of the pizza gate pimps aren't mentioning Moore because he's a Trumpite. They also retweet, like, repost any hollywood accusation, when they are simply accusations , but ignore the 15-30 Trump accusations. Hey the_donald, Trump walked in on teens at the teen USA dressing room. IGNORE, IGNORE, IGNORE.

This. And if we point this out it means we don't think pedophiles are bad or some shit.

No, sorry. I know that you WANT to think that this has a heavy anti-Dem spin to it which was "engineered"... and obviously posts on the T_D will. But if you dig into the actual PG research, there is zero partisanship to it. Rep or Dem, doesn't matter, if implicated or connected to PG in anyway, the rabbit hole is explored.

Serial child rapist Dennis hastert is best friends with tony podesta... did you know this?

That's awfully detailed, you've visualized this scene many times, haven't you?

Lol... no, just ran with one extreme example of how these people seem to magically get away with everything they do, using people/places that exist and have been implicated.

Not really detailed at all when you re-read it.

It's like you're using the fact that there's no evidence... as evidence. How's that work?

No, I'm not doing that at all. There's plenty of circumstantial evidence... I never claimed that there was concrete evidence, nor was I claiming that the lack of evidence would be considered evidence.

I was simply making a point that no matter what the Clinton group does, gets caught doing, they never seem to get in any actual trouble. The worst punishment to date has been resignations. For crimes that would land anyone else in prison.

Am I on the right sub? WTF.

Schrodinger’s DNC: simultaneously powerful enough to silence 50+ enemies around the world, control world banks, own global politicians and lie the world. Yet, unable to prevent a Twitter user and local PD from finding all their porn.

You're conflating so many organizations and calling them the DNC in order to even make that claim. Please stop trying to make this a partisan issue.

Pizzagate is the definition of a “partisan issue.” At least call it what it is.

Pizza-gate is purely partisan BS. It's Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi all over again, except this time even the GOP won't touch it because it's so baseless.


If they never opened the closet at CPP, their computer's hard drive would perpetually be shot/not shot...

Oh, wait, except for all of the elites that could no longer access the child porn that was being hosted by Comet Ping Pong. I guess in that situation it defeats the quantum duality conundrum.

In the basement that exists, yet doesn’t.

I can't tell if you are kidding or not. I'm thinking you are not kidding.

Just be aware, that anyone pushing this "Pizzagate is fake because there is no basement in Comet Ping Pong!" ideology has completely fallen for the mainstream trap. Hook, line and sinker.

Are you denying that there was a computer in CPP, that was struck by the single shot fired by the shooter (Maddison)?

The basement fallacy is a non-issue. It's like saying that if an investigator got the address of a murder wrong in their GPS system, the murder didn't happen. The CPP basement was looked into, extensively, and ultimately agreed to by everyone VERY early on that there was not a basement. This eventually lead to the discovery of some fuckery w/ Pegasus Museum and Buck's. But, I digress and will not fall into the same silly trap.

Are you denying that there was a computer in CPP, that was struck by the single shot fired by the shooter (Maddison)?

Lol, this story changes every time I hear it. Yes, I am denying a shooter came into Comet Ping Pong, fired a single shot (which struck a computer) and nothing else. Yes I am.

Well then you are very much mistaken. They even released a picture of the damaged computer, which has now been pretty successfully scrubbed from the internet. Luckily, I was able to find an article that has a screenshot of it.


Just to be clear, I am making no claims about this entire article or even the entire situation as a whole... the only thing I'm trying to show you, is that the single shot fired by the gunman did indeed strike a computer in a closet.

Welch fired multiple shots inside Comet Ping Pong Dec. 4.

Welch fired his gun multiple times when he came upon a locked storage closet..

All accounts have reported multiple shots from outside a locked door (at the lock). After he realized nothing was in the room, he surrendered. No accounts that I have seen claim he fired additional shots once inside the room (nor would your own account suggest this).

So the original account (single shot directly into a computer) is objectively wrong.

Ok, I'll give you that more than one shot was fired. Would you at least concede that a computer was indeed shot in that closet, as the picture that I linked you clearly shows?

Oh, a computer was definitely hit, but do you believe the computer was intentionally shot through the door?

The computer with a hard drive that was hacked, and had evidence of child porn on it along with being connected to 9 other servers that shared the file repository in different countries, which was all submitted to the FBI and DCMPD - recently corroborated by LEOs that were called, and now has a detective looking into it.

Yeah, that one. I don't know if the computer was intentionally shot through the door by Maddison, but I would bet quite a bit of money that the computer was intentionally shot.

As you know, this wouldn't be the first case of evidence being destroyed in the last 12 months.

Do you realize that shooting a hard drive in no way shape or form destroys the data?

If there is no investigation of said hard drive... and it is destroyed... perhaps the point wasn't to actually destroy the data, but to justify the disposal of the HDD. If the PD preserved every single item that a bullet struck as evidence, they'd run out of space in their evidence lockers. If the PC @ CPP wasn't under investigation (which was admitted months after PG broke, that no investigation of Comet was ever conducted) - why would they arbitrarily hold onto a PC damaged beyond reasonable repair?

And yes, I'm quite familiar with data integrity/recovery processes.

I don't know if the computer was intentionally shot through the door by Maddison, but I would bet quite a bit of money that the computer was intentionally shot.

So you dispute the reports and eye witness accounts?

What? No? What are you talking about. My point is that I'm not disputing the reports, I have questions about the reports and activity leading up to the event. But I take them at face value because there's no other intel to go off of.

I literally began my comment with "I don't know if".

My only point was that I personally believe the computer was shot on purpose. I.E. Not an accident.

How are you jumping to these insane conclusions?

Agreed on the multiple shot front - I was just recalling the initial reports by the media, which all claimed a single shot was fired.

The "story"... which one? The story re: a computer being struck by a single bullet was not made up by any of us, and was widely reported in the news:


"Welch agreed to forfeit the rifle, revolver, a shotgun and ammunition he carried with him that day and to pay restitution of $5,744.33 to the restaurant for damaged computer systems, a door, lock and ping-pong table"



And here's a rare image from a FoxNews clip that showed the damaged computer... it was initially reported that it specifically struck the hard drive: https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-DLV5m50Gn_w/WbPF32VqFmI/AAAAAAAAoGI/PBPN8g4XTjwVqc5zAfPWZZHmCJQuWRVYQCLcBGAs/s640/Comet%2BComputer%2BWelch%2BIncident.jpg

The basement is actually next door, fyi

How convenient

I'm not going to watch the video, so can someone who's watched summarise if there's any evidence and what that evidence is. If it's just that email (which is what it sounds like), that looks exactly like what standard procedure would look like, and thus literally means nothing.

I didn’t watch the entire video, but I can assure you that it is much more than just the email. The video is an interview with the person who supposedly got access into a backroom encryption of Comet Ping Pong’s website. He claims he saw an area for a “Shopping Cart,” for transactions, and several zip files that allegedly contain tapes of children and the likes. Alongside with this, the guy being interviewed claimed he sent that email you saw containing the information about what he found to a D.C Police Detective. Whether it is true or not, you should definitely watch the video. I got lucky and skipped to about 15-25 minutes in and got a lot of interesting information about it. Apparently the owner of Comet Ping Pong had nefarious images of children, not necessarily nude images but grotesque nonetheless, on his Instagram account. After the allegations started, he set his account to private. Very weird stuff man. Also the guy claims that after he sent this information to numerous local news agencies, detectives, etc, his neighbor called the cops on somebody who was waiting outside of the guys house.

longside with this, the guy being interviewed claimed he sent that email you saw containing the information about what he found to a D.C Police Detective. Whether it is true or not, you should definitely watch the video. I got lucky and skipped to about 15-25 minutes in and got a lot of interesting information about it. Apparently the owner of Comet Ping Pong had nefarious images of children, not necessarily nude images but grotesque nonetheless, on his Instagram account. After the allegations started, he set his account to private. Very weird stuff man. Also the guy claims that after he sent this information to numerous local news agencies, detectives, etc, his neighbor called the cops on somebody who was waiting outside of the guys house.

dumb how they won't even upload any one bit of the pictures online to help push the investigation forward. you can censor a lot of the CP ones, or upload photos that don't contain nudes, etc.

So in other words guy claims he found smoking guns, and can't upload any form of hard proof because reasons.

Wow, people actually fall for this crap? Remember when the Mega guy was going to release the Pizzagate smoking gun? Or some random "journalist" who was going to releaes the smoking gun? Or Alex Jones?

Well, to be fair, that response looks like the standard response given to any request for an investigation. For instance, if my neighbor killed my cat or something, and I report it, I would assume that's the "ok pal, we got better things to do. Go away, but we're gonna say it politely" type response I would expect to receive.


Gonna need more proof than a shitty picture of a computer screen

Hopefully this person doesn't start/stop taking depression medication. I hear the side effects are... killer.

The fact that this cesspool of filth has infected so many people high up and down inside the system doesn't give out much chance of a real investigation happening and producing results, but still hoping those bastards are stopped.

They are all Freemasons, and CPP has had plenty of time to dispose of evidence.

Imagine if Hollywood and Washington DC had to investigate the perverts they've been protecting forever. Imagine.

Exactly why the DC police aren't likely to approach this investigation in good faith, assuming there's merit to pizzagate.

FBI's Jurisdiction— 

I think they are cold-pressing pineal glands maybe?

Stewed Tomatoes?

The fuck do they need all that equipment for?

I haven't really followed pizza gate and I don't know how much of it is real, but I strongly doubt the local cops are going to get to the bottom of it.

It's all real

And the proof is so plentiful and convincing that nobody has done anything about it. With all the proof it should be a slam dunk right?

The police are officially investigating it now, aren't they?

Are they? How do we know this besides the headline of this post?

I don't think a photograph of an email posted on twitter counts as official, no.

Ahh, ever the stubborn you guys are...

so I guess agent Johnson from the FBI child task force, who is investigating this now, came out and already claimed these were false allegations ? Did I miss that?

Sweet summer child

All you guys with the definitive proof should probably do something about it.

Who's you guys? You mean the computer scientist that found evidence of child porn on cpp computers and has sense contacted every news outlets and every appropriate authority?

"You guys" are the people who say Pizzagate is all true. One computer scientist did something but everyone else with the evidence didn't for over a year now? If the evidence is so convincing it would be a super easy bust and save the kids.

You certainly are the sweetest of summer children. I almost feel bad telling you the extent of the corruption. the head of the D.C. Police is a drunk who busted his wife's teeth in. That's the man that you expect to seek justice? Child rape and murder is utilized by fascist organizations to further their selfish agendas. pedophile is simply another word for psychopath someone who has no empathy or remorse and feels nothing while violating the sovereignty of another human being. These people are naturally drawn to positions of power where they can better control the narrative and control the opposition. These people when in positions of power are black mailed by even more powerful people thus keeping the faggot strong.

Ok so why are you trying to convince me? Forget "the head of DC police" and go to the FBI. Make a PDF, print it at a FedEx store. Compile the evidence. You will be a hero.

You have knowledge that could save lives. Abuse reverberates through generations so your actions could positively affect hundreds of people.

I'm not trying to convince you you seem happy in your ignorance. If you listened to the computer scientist you would know that the FBI has been contacted. If they too are corrupt then this isn't such a wise move.


I looked at the evidence last year and couldn't connect the dots, much as I tried. But you have so I wonder why you haven't gone to the FBI yet?

You are talking in circles

Just promise me you'll take your knowledge to the FBI. Save the children.

You can't convince anyone of anything by speaking like this. Take a breath, articulate your thoughts, and write them down without insulting the person you're responding to.

There's nothing wrong with being uninformed so summer child isn't really an insult. Being willfully ignorant on the other hand is a different matter. Ill present the truth in whatever way I see fit. Feel free to dispute anything I said.

If there is nothing wrong with being uninformed then say uninformed. If you need to explain why something you said "isn't really an insult" it's because it is an insult.

And you are 100% correct, you're free to present the truth however you want. That said, if you're like most of the humans who participate in conspiracy theories, your end-goal is (typically) to convince as many people as possible to open their eyes and think of themselves. Becoming hostile and hurling insults is the quickest way to make someone defensive and close their mind. And closed-minded people are completely antithetical to conspiracy theories/theorists.

If you really want people to respond to your message and grow the conspiracy community then your message shouldn't be so dickish.

You post in r/politics and only come to r/conspiracy to say pizzagate is false. You're not even interested in conspiracies. How much more obvious can you get? Guess they don't hire the brightest

Any you have solid proof of this?

Crimes against children are the responsibility of federal marshals, the FBI, and D.C. police.

Oh thank HEAVENS, it's the police.

highly doubtful but I wish

Pizzagate is real

How hard is it to take a screenshot? Who the hell photographs their screen?

As much as I followed the Comet Pizza thing there is something too open about it. There a so many private members gentleman clubs around DC and the world that creep the fuck out of me when I am in them. Ive been to one which I wont name and there were a hand full of very creep fat old men who had a new young guy with them every week. Always claiming to be mentoring them into University.

Are you sure they weren't just filming off-location for House of Cards?

lol , totally possible :P

The world is so much worse than house of cards

Funny that on a day a republican gets outed as a child molester pizza gate is back at the top and there is no mention of republican connections. Funny how that works.

I assume pizzagate is about pedophilia. It's not about democrats. It just so happens to have some democrats at the head of the snake. I don't care if they are democrats, republicans, libertarians, or communists, making something as ugly as this political is disgusting. That's not what the real people who a investigating and trying to expose pizzagate are doing. When I see someone make it seem as if pedophilia is a political argument, it tells me you know nothing about it or you're purposely trying to make it a trivial issue.

Lmao then literally nobody on TD or Conspiracy (TD2.0) knows anything about it then.

It’s been a political attack since it started.

There you go making it a political issue again. I got kicked out of the Donald. I don't give a shit about party lines. It's for weak minded people who can't see how the government works. I figured that out years ago. It never was a political attack. Just because people like you try to hijack the narrative and make it political doesn't make it so. Yes there are people on the other side making it about dems. They are doing the same thing you're doing. Hijacking an investigation into pedophilia rings and making it political so it trivializes the issue.

I'm surprised there's anyone left on TD, they block people for the most minute reasons. I asked a question, absent of snark and they blocked me. The_Donald=Supreme snowflakes in their safe space.

I got banned from both the Donald and march against Trump in the same week. Lol. People still try to tie my comments to the political spectrum.

Funny that the day the jury in the corruption trial of a Democrat senator is going to release their verdict, unfounded rumours about a Republican come out and shills pour from woodwork.

Funny how that works.

So it’s fake news?

I’m predicting a resignation. I’ll come back to this post.

Of course he'll resign. Any defence he puts up will be moot. And if they're true, he deserves to be shunned by society in general.

Doesn't change the fact that it's interesting timing for unfounded rumours to emerge, supported by tonnes of shills REEEEing about it.

Kind of like the dnc and Podestas email timings? Funny how that works right?

You mean, the emails with evidence of corruption and collusion? Those emails?

Yeah, they're totally the same as unfounded rumours from 30 years ago.

Some might think you're one of the shills...

But the timings are similar circumstances......

detective "Jeremiah Johnson"??

Sounds like BS

SO the cops have a Detective named Jeremiah Johnson. . . . ;)

I guess his parents really had a thing for that Redford movie.

Police have been known to be pedo's, wouldnt be surprised if they covered it up aswell

How about you just release the fucking video and let the public put pressure on the DCPD?

Yes, it won't go over well. But that's sort of what we're dealing with here.

I wish these interviews aren't that long, 1 hr and 17 minutes? Does anybody have the TL;DR quick summary of the interview?

2x speed helps, dude talks really slow...

He hacked website, found bad stuff, reported it to police, police acted like they didn't care (or that they were talking to a crazy person) then random people/things started happening around his house. They provide a news story from his local paper, from one of the people showing up at his house.

Yup did 2x and listen to some parts. He should just censor the cp stuff and upload it and show us some evidence. Or upload parts that aren't cp related. I am still skeptical.

Why in the fuck would any of this be occurring on a "password protected" portion of a pizza shop website? Like, is there any coherent thought put into these theories?

A lot of websites have cookies that aren't easily found. In college I was an athlete and on our school website our coach had a link placed in a really obscure place and when you clicked on that link it took you to the team member login. There were all sorts of things we had access to that came from that difficult to find link.

It wouldn't shock me if the Comet Ping Pong website were similar. I remember when all of this stuff "came out" I was interested in it and I remember going to their website. It was super odd and it looked like something you would have found in the late 90's from geocities.

It was a very odd website for a modern business

That's not what cookies are.

The chances are close to 0 that any given pizza shop has their own servers, they just throw a site up on Godaddy or something with standard templates. The fact that this "hacker" claims he got into their website and found a stash of child pornography casually available is laughable.

You're correct I didn't mean "cookies" I meant Easter eggs, my bad. My point stands though.

Uh.... can we get someone besides the dc police to investigate?

let's go borrow some police from bfe montana or something.

Agreed, if a massive pedo ring has been going on at the higher echelons in a city, then definitely do not let that citys police be the guys to "investigate"

The police chief in DC resigned a few months ago saying the justice system is 'beyond repair'.

How do we know we can verify this information? if you censored everything and upload it would it still be considered cp?

Still skeptical of all this.

Ah so this is the current hot Pizzagate topic? This massive secret pedophile ring is operated out of a Pizza Joint and they not only host a bunch of CP on the internet but on the website of the very restaurant!? Definitely not a LARP.

Don't be so obvious next time.

If you followed this at all you would know that the section of the website absolutely exist (ed).

Like fuck they are!...LMAO

Exceeded rate limited and I can't view the tweet. I haven't even been on Twitter this week.

According to DCCourts.gov, Jeremiah P. Johnson is part from the FBI Child Exploitation Task Force, Metropolitan Police Department.


Thank you! I'm going to edit this into my post

Again, not taking any side in the guilt or innocence of people in this, but I'm pretty sure that any police force that receives accusations of child porn will investigate it, so I don't think they someone making the allegation of child porn receiving notice that the police are looking into it is any sort of smoking gun.

James Alefantis is a Rothchild. There is no way they'll let this sicko charged for anything. They'll probably find a patsy.

Fuck everyone who mocked people looking into this, Scumbags

Lol Trumps good buddy in Alabama just got busted trying to fuck little kids,so of course we gotta upvote this totally baseless bullshit to the top instead.

Hilariously transparent

Okay if anyone actually listened to the interview with said "hacker" there was a hoax of an investigation that has already been concluded and he is lucky to be alive still. He also now knows that contacting the FBI and local police was a bad idea as the day after he came forth with this information was when the computer got an alleged bullet in it.

It's not under investigation. Their statements have been misconstrued/misunderstood:


Will you update your post, OP?

Thank you for pointing this out. I just did some quick research to confirm, and I'll now update the OP

I saw someone reference "pizzagate" being "debunked" today on a completely unrelated article. It's like they are trying to get out in front of it before it gets validated.

My old dad used to say 'If you throw enough shit - some of it will stick', I used to say 'We're on the bus Dad, stop throwing shit about'.

But did some of it stick?

Does anyone actually have faith in this "investigation"? I'm so synical, now. Just another distraction to get our hopes up for another few months.

Great interview


Well then... OK?

The walls are coming down on these guys. Yes there will be guilty parties that will escape but shit is going down.

It's more than that. But I did say "this is why I couldn't be a cop" and admitted mob justice is wrong.

There is no shortage of humans. We act like human life is so fucking precious. Well it ain't. I am an emotional guy and have gone off the deep end in my personal life far too easily. Hind sight is 20/20 but with pedos? I say err on the side of caution.

You're conflating so many organizations and calling them the DNC in order to even make that claim. Please stop trying to make this a partisan issue.

If they never opened the closet at CPP, their computer's hard drive would perpetually be shot/not shot...

Oh, wait, except for all of the elites that could no longer access the child porn that was being hosted by Comet Ping Pong. I guess in that situation it defeats the quantum duality conundrum.

Trust me, I'm not new to this game, and most people here realize what's going on. Downvotes don't phase me, but I appreciate your words of encouragement regardless

Agreed OP is being attacked pretty hard by them right now

Kind of like the dnc and Podestas email timings? Funny how that works right?

Nope. The We the Pizza files happened right before all the subs shut down. I was there too. /pol/ opened the files. You are full of shit.