This whole r/askreddit thread is gold

513  2017-11-09 by KarmaPolice777

Looking at the comments on this r/askreddit post and the conversations surrounding each topic, it feels as though there has been a tipping point of some sort.

Titled: What is some real shit that we all need to be aware of right now, but no one is talking about?

Currently at 10.1 K Votes

Top Comments

  1. The entire media being owned by five+/- large corporations.
  2. That we live in the safest time in history and bad eating habits are more likely to kill you than criminals, terrorists, and enemy soldiers.
  3. Acidification of the oceans.
  4. The slave markets in Libya still haven't been acknowledged by the media, as far as I know.
  5. well, there were leaked some audios from the brazil's president being openly corrupt. it was some months ago and he still in the presidency
  6. Super gonorrhea! It’s a mutant strain that is spread via oral sex and is thus far not able to be cured except with extremely powerful, still-being-developed antibiotics.
  7. On July 23rd 2012 a coronal mass ejection crossed Earth's orbit. It missed us by 9 days. It would have taken out most of our electronics worldwide and taken us up to 10 years to recover. Bear in mind, electronics means everything from Reddit and TV to our power and water supplies. I have bought some extra tins of beans just in case.
  8. Soil losing nutrients like phosphorus and magnesium. Edit* to many grab more attention, the stuff in soil that crops and plants need to grow, is going bye bye.
  9. Penicillin and many anti bacterial treatments are losing much of their effectiveness and will eventually be completely ineffectual.
  10. The potential for honey bee and other pollinator species going extinct. This has catastrophic implications for life as we know it. The warning signs have been there for decades. Human activity is suspected to be the main cause.
  11. Why most college kids are going through insane levels of depression...more than half of the classmates I talk to are on some form of antidepressant
  12. Paracetamol is the number one reason for active liver failure.
  13. Madagascar is currently experiencing a plague. A proper 'black death' plague.
  14. Something that I personally think no one is really talking about is how in the states, the education system is woefully outdated. The modern education system doesn't do much to promote critical thinking skills. Standardized tests that decide funding are the norm, and teachers just teach to those tests, so students just memorize some things here and there. There needs to be a complete revamp of the system; the current one was designed in the 20th century, for the 20th century. But it needs to be designed in the 21st century, for the 21st century. Focus needs to be put on interpreting and processing massive amounts of information, understanding concepts and not formulas, basic logic classes to point out inherent flaws in arguments, basic programming should be a class offered in all high schools nowadays, and god dammit, a fucking basic journalism course to combat propaganda coming at us from all sides. Navigating the wealth of information out there without these skills being taught is like trying find your way around the pacific ocean on a canoe without an oar. The way we think about education needs to change or society will begin to stagnate. ETA: To the people blaming the problems with the education system on the side that you don't agree with: thanks for proving my point.
  15. Farm murders in South Africa
  16. It's the 1% who cause dissension in our ranks. While we are all calling each other names and protesting each other, they're laughing all the way to the bank, paying people to do their bidding, passing legislation that hurts all of us but fattens their pockets. And people like you and me, Republican & Democrat, Black & White, Conservative & Liberal, Gay & Straight, are getting fucked over repeatedly. We need to stop fighting with each other and focus our frustrations where they can benefit all of us. This division is exactly what "they" want. There are 325 million angry people in this country and that terrifies the establishment, but our anger is misplaced. We are distracted. The truth is - most Republicans aren't white supremacists, and most Democrats aren't ultra liberals who are so wrapped up in political correctness, that they say nothing of value for fear of insulting somebody. They're the outliers. Most of us just want to live and let live. Can you imagine the change we could enact if 325 MILLION people said enough? I'm not talking armed revolution. I'm talking about things like $12,000 insurance policies with $7,500 deductibles that still don't cover jack. If we all said fuck it, and refused to purchase health insurance, the system would collapse on itself and would force change. If we all ordered our medications from Canada for a fraction of what we pay here, the system would collapse. If we all refused Perdue drugs in protest of them flooding the market with oxycodone and decimating our population, Perdue would collapse. I use health care as an example but it applies everywhere. There are bigger things at play here than our personal feelings. Edit: I had the phrase "Wake up sheeple" in here. People with sensitive proclivities took it VERY personal so I took it out so as not to distract the feeble minded from my overall sentiment.
  17. Education and healthcare costs are spiraling out of reach of the common man.
  18. Don't know if anyone else has mentioned it yet, but Elsagate. There's a subreddit dedicated to it, r/elsagate. You know how really young kinds like those mindless videos? Think something in the style of Teletubbies: no plot, no dialogue really, just bright colours and characters bopping around. There's a whole wealth of these kinds of videos on YouTube. Parents can use YouTube Kids, an app, to make sure their children are watching appropriate content. They load it up and let them go. But someone, or some people, or something, is making these mysterious videos in the style of mindless children's entertainment, except the content is super dark. They usually feature popular kids characters (Spiderman, the Minions, Mickey Mouse, or Elsa - hence the "Elsagate" moniker). The cartoons will feature these characters doing all sorts of bizarre things, like getting drunk and cutting their heads open, or peeing in the bathtub. Other examples include having teeth pulled, having needles, being kidnapped. Besides the cartoons, there are also really disturbing live action videos, including this one where a kid is subjected to needles in her bum. Warning, it's pretty disturbing. She clearly doesn't want this, and her parents are exploiting her for YouTube views. So, what's it all about? No one knows for sure. Could be a way to exploit algorithms, rack up views, and make money. Some people think it's some kind of coded child pornography catalogue, where the videos are some kind of preview for the actual content you'll see in the real video. Some people think it's some kind of way to groom children. Others think it's a 4chan-initiated prank. Anyway, it's really disturbing and I'm fascinated and confused. TL;DR: read about Elsagate.
  19. the US is actively aiding Saudi bombings of Yemen, and they target pretty indiscriminately, no one in the media wants to mention that.
  20. Internet privacy. As in privacy in general.
  21. The Australian government is seriously considering letting oil companies drill for oil in the Great Australian Bight. This is a huge huge issue. 85% of the species found in the Bight are literally only found there. They exist no where else in the world 36 different types of whales and dolphins live in the bight, with their breeding grounds in the bight as well. Its the heart of the Australian fishing industry, so byebye quite a bit of fish if there is an oil spill. The Oil spill in Mexico which was the biggest in the world, happened in calm waters. The Bight is known for having some of the roughest waters in the world. If a spill occurs in the Bight, it will be almost impossible to contain, and will utterly fuck up the entire southern coast of Australia. From Western Australia to Tasmania. So not only is Australia killing the Great Barrier Reef, but we are also very close (as in 2018 close) in letting huge oil companies come and try their luck in the Bight.
  22. The economy is doing well, the job market is solid, we're statistically very safe, we continue to make good progress in medicine, we're making great progress towards renewable energy and electric vehicles, technology continues to make telecommuting easier, and benefiting the disabled, we continue to make progress on human rights, I could go on and on... ...and yet we don't feel safe, we're worried about jobs, we don't eat well, we don't get enough exercise, we worry about having the latest iPhone or console or car or house, we think the country that has been plodding along improving since inception is going to hell, and are killing ourselves directly or with drugs, medicine, food, alcohol, cigarettes, sedentary lifestyles, etc... and we can stop, but many of us don't.
  23. The dumbing down of society and the hijacking of all media by the corporations.
  24. The people of Flint, Michigan haven't had clean drinking water since April 24th, 2014
  25. The student loan debt crisis Jesus Christ this stuff needs to be taught in high school before children make decisions that could potentially ruin their lives just because they think going to college is the only option they have. And, currently, the government is doing all it can to fuck students in the ass over student loan debt. For instance: even if you get your debt forgiven, it's treated as taxable income so it's not actually "forgiven" just reduced at best. Also, filing for bankruptcy does jack shit for student loan debt. It's true a lot of people successfully pay off their debt, but there are a lot more people than you'd think that are absolutely drowning in it with no hopes of ever paying it off because of interest rates. I get angry just thinking about it..... Edit: “but if they take out loans why don’t they expect to pay them back???? Hurrrrdurrrrr” no shit. The issue is deeper than that.
  26. The Great Barrier Reef has reached the point-of-no-return and will die off within the next 25 years. This cannot be undone. 27.The Troubled Teen Industry and the fact that as an American you can legally pay for the right to have your child kidnapped, taken away and abused until they're compliant.
  27. New technology and innovations will continue reduce the amount of workers needed to produce goods, and thus jobs will start to dry up. Even new AI are beginning to replace intellectual jobs (AI Lawyer). Job market is gonna go through a serious makeover in the next 30 years.
  28. Saudi Arabia is planning to go to war with Iran soon. In most of the media coverage I see, the saudi crown prince is shown as a bold but good guy, and everyone is watching and waiting how his bets will pay off. Well, I have a guess: a lot of people will die.
  29. Alcoholism can be easily treated with Naltrexone but because the patent is expired the drug companies make nearly no money from the drug, so there is no reason to tell people. It's $1 a pill. It also works on opioids. Also the war on drugs is a massive failure and the US desperately needs to fix it's prison system. Seems like what's most important is whether or not to give tax breaks to the rich currently :(.
  30. The US retirement crisis. If we think it's bad that baby boomers won't leave their jobs, imagine how bad it'll be when Gen-Xers won't either. It's not reasonable to expect every American adult to save hundreds of thousands for an undetermined later date. 1.) People have financial crises, such as medical bills or being unemployed, that must be addressed before any long-term saving, and 2.) It's totally against human nature for every single person to think and plan that far in advance. Like all other developed countries, we need a system that ensures retired persons can at least meet their basic food/shelter needs. Social security was intended to help with this, but we always hear that we can't count on SS to be around. And w desperately need people to retire so the younger generations can join the workforce. Our system of 401Ks, no pensions, and meager Social Security support is a failure.
  31. Gay conversion therapy is still legal and happening in 41 U.S. states and is currently covered by Medicaid. AKA tax dollars you pay go to this. Source Trevor Project Still Trying to Stop This
  32. All the plastic in the water supply seems like it's going to cause a lot of problems.
  33. Some countries will not grow. Even if they do grow it will be far less than what is needed to achieve meaningful, sustainable development. The whole idea behind economic growth is that eventually poor countries will be rich and richer countries will be richer. This will not be the case for many, many countries. How do you deal with the reality that some places will be very poor indefinitely?
  34. China's currency manipulation, at some point it will become a problem but they may fall under the to big to fail.
  35. Overpopulation. There needs to be a stigma over having a gaggle of children. Our schools are underfunded and overstuffed, our ocean is a husk of its former cornucopia-like self, and drinkable water, as a commodity, is going to ascend several tiers in terms of scarcity in the coming decades.
  36. Farmer Suicide. In India over 100,000 farmers have committed suicide in the last decade due to corporate exploitation leading to a perpetual system of debt and neo-feudalism Read: The Patenting of Life, Limiting Liberty, and the Corporate Pursuit of Seeds for more info
  37. With all this talk of mass shootings, I'd like to say this: We need to realize that the vast majority of gun deaths are caused by handguns. The handgun deaths are mainly due to gang activity. Gangs generally have power because they sell illegal drugs. If we legalize the drugs they sell, we will be taking the power away from the gang, thus minimizing gun deaths. Edit: I was wrong, the leading cause of gun deaths is suicide. That means we need to work to make our society more meaningful to the individual, rather than ban guns and expect everyone to stop killing themselves. My overall point is that we have to look at the cause of a problem in order to fix it. Also, I was originally way off on the amount of gun deaths per day, sorry! However, there are still about 100 gun deaths per day. That's the equivalent of a major mass shooting every single day caused primarily by handguns.
  38. The slow death of europe and it's culture. I'm not one of those 'white genoicde' people, but I do think we'll lose certain cultures and our way of life, it'll happen slowly over the next hundred years, the climate change refugee crisis will be the final nail in the coffin for europe. People here aren't having enough children. Mass migration from mainly muslim lands will mean they will replace us in several decades. A lot of people are like 'ah good no more white power bla bla bla' I doubt they'll be happy when half of europe is under sharia law. I guess we can kiss goodbye to LGBT rights, equality for women and a slow erosion in certain rights and freedoms that we take for granted. I try to let people know it might be a risk to let people from MENA countries in, but nobody gives a sht. They say it's racist. I don't think it's racist to say the majority of MENA countries have backwards views. That come from backwards cultures, where gay people are exectuted, there are regular forced marriages and stonings for things like adultery. Why aren't more people worried, if this is what's replacing us ? Muslims aren't shy about wanting a caliphate or sharia. A lot of muslims hate our way of life, so once their the majority here, things will start to change unfortunately. And our governments are determined to make that happen for them. It's just sad. I love Europe. One of my favourite places. I hope I'm dead by the time it becomes totally islamic. There's a book called 'Submission' set in France, read it, it'll inform people of what our future will be like.
  39. Nestle drying up ground wells for their bottled water empire.
  40. Fat isn't causing the obesity epidemic. Sugar is. I'm at work, can't post my sources, but there is a lot of evidence showing fat is actually good for you (80% of your brain is fat and your cells need cholesterol to function) and sugar is killing us. The food pyramid is complete backwards and doctors are pushing a high carb diet that is causing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and so much more. Most doctors don't study nutrition more than a semester or 2! At the same time, the pharmacutical industry makes a lot more money pushing their medications and treatments than actually curing the disease with diet and exercise (which is possible and sustainable!) Just browse r/keto for numerous success stories. Cutting carbs and increasing fat not only leads to weight loss but also increased mood, greater energy, decreased brain fog, and so much more.
  41. Refugee crises around the world, Rohingya Muslims, Syrians, Afghanistan, Somalia, etc. These human beings are being treated worse than dogs and in some cases systemically murdered for their religion, skin color, etc. It is a huge problem that the US only fights about...meanwhile, (and I am sorry for being graphic and distasteful, but this is a horrific situation) babies are being gang-raped and thrown into bonfires in front of their mothers.
  42. Species are dying off at a rate 10000 times background levels. We are in the middle of the 6th major extinction on this planet.

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first comment I see about slaves and superbowl. wow

yep this is pretty great

Soil is the 2nd comment....

To be fair the environment is WAY more important than anything humans do to each other.

Theres downsides to internet and social media, but things like the askreddit thread are proof that people are more informed, and at least open to the idea of conspiracys or at least know theres a lot more going on than what MSM and government tells us.

The silent majority is becoming more vocal. The awakening is in process. :)

Now comes the scary part.

Once people are awake enough to demand change, will we get it peacefully?

Maybe there could be an organized boycott to put big pharma and others out of business? Idk, I feel like protesting leads no where so economic boycotts might put more pressure on them

You're absolutely correct!

Maybe we do have the power.

Maybe once enough people are awake, we'll elect the right- non corrupt- people to the job.

It wouldn't be hard to put the people first. Sadly this sounds terrifying to a lot of people. Socialism.

boycotts always work. hence why Israel is desperate to stop it

Boycotts don't always work. I remember people protested the gas prices for a few days several years ago. They just raised the price of gas to compensate.

Revolutions don't always work, but when they do...

We cant just wake up and "demand change" by asking the people fucking us to change. It won't work your request will fall on deaf ears and get misdirected by war or other bullshit.

The "awakening" has to come from the actions of each individual that becomes awake.

If you think comcast is bad stop supporting comcast.

If acetaminophen is killing your liver stop buying tylenol.

Basically what I am getting at is that all these bad things that are happening are a consequence of US. ALL OF US being lazy, demanding convenience, demanding cheap resources. WE ARE THE PROBLEM, our first world lifestyles are the problem, consumerism is the problem AND THERES TOO DAMN MANY OF US TO GET EVERYBODY WORKING TOGETHER AND ON THE SAME PAGE so stop having kids damnit!

I don't think that will work unfortunately.

It is just a handful of companies that own most of the things you buy. You swap one brand for another...makes no difference.

We can't scrap our first world lifestyle, we need it. We need big pharma to keep producing our pills, they are not all bad, some are required daily to live. We can't all live off the grid.

If we really want change, we need to elect the incorruptible and demand harsh penalties for those who are seen to betray the interest of the public

You could even go so far as to change the school curriculum to one where honest politics is heavily featured, and raise the next generation to wipe out the old guard and change the entire system to one that benefits all.

I'm afraid 28 is the third world war

They are already evacuating Saudis from Lebanon.

Well you're not wrong

Good thread, askreddit is golden and a very open-minded place.

As long as you don't mention 9/11

And as long as you don't criticize or bad mouth the Jews.

Yeah yeah I know. r/conspiracy hates the jews.

21 makes me sad. I do agree somewhat about your europe point of view dare i say for fear of retrebutation. I as a very pale, blonde, blue eye female have been in parts of europe where gangs of Turkish girls told me i wasnt welcome in their club. My friend was terrified. It will get more prevalent alright.

Everyone deserves their own homeland. For Europeans to give theirs away because they don't want to be called racist is a fucking shame. Diversity only creates fractions in society that lead to it's failure.

Then shouldn't Europeans go back to Europe and leave America to the Native Americans?

Nah, we're staying. In case you've not heard, we get along well with Native Americans now.


I hope we meet, briefly.

Not all europeans raped and plundered. The Vikings did, romans did, spanish, french, germans and of course the english. So that leaves switzerland, andora and ireland. Im irish so ill stay here thanks! Actually a lesser known fact about slavery is that the English kidnapped many irish people, particularly a man named Cromwell kidnapped many people from a place called drogheda and these people were sold as slaves in europe, america and the carribean islands. They were seen as being below black slaves. So when black people talk about slaves, slavery does actually include white people too. Its just kinda forgotten about in history these days.

Where are you from?

There needs to be a large push to preserve or archive what European cultures were like before mass immigration. I guarentee that at current rates, our grandkids or great grandkids won't know what Oktoberfest is or the Running of the Bulls. It makes me so pissed when i hear ignorant people calling whites uncultured or bland, etc. Europeans especially have immense cultural prowress. It is a damn shame that it is all getting eroded.

So enslaving, colonizing, raping, inquisitions, crusades... yet "immigrants" are ruining Europe. Lol.

The same immigrants that stone children, throw gays off roofs, oppress and rape women, and permit "honor killings", yes. You just prove my point, kid. These bullshit refugees (aka immigrants because "muh PC") are modern savages and you are supporting them while putting down Europeans. Remind me which set of cultures have been regressing and which ones are progressing, please.

The ones that are regressing are former colonies of European nations (Sykes-picot). Some are even victims of western proxy wars (Afghanistan, top 3 source of immigrants to Europe and victim of Russia/USA). Stop being ignorant.

They were sliding backwards long before then. Besides, you make no case against the fact that the flood of refugees are scrubbing out traditional cultures within Europe. What kind of argument are you trying to go for, anyways? That the white majority Europeans deserve to have their heritage wiped out or something? Again, you are part of the problem. You write off centuries of social progress, arts, and sciences to try and make my point moot. Pretty low effort.

Try taking doner away from Germans and see what happens

Also there are people still alive today who are victims of mass rape and murder by Europeans. Just ask the Algerians who Europeans love to talk down on as savages.

Germans!!!! Not Europeans!!

Jewish shame tactics don't work any more.

Thanks for reminding me. Europeans can also be thanked for the holocaust but no its the brown people who ruined Europe. Kk.

Oh, holocaust denier out in the wild! How exciting!

What's your point? How do you explain the diminishing numbers represented in that photo?

Ok lets seperate countries here. The germans caused the holocaust. Not all european countries joined in unity for this!! The Germans are still activily ruining Europe - history is repeating itself. But that is a diff discussion entirely.

He's also lumping all immigrants.

Well i hope the running of the bulls is the first thing to go!

Europeans thrived on the backs of non-Europeans. Slavery, colonization, rape, mass murder, crusades/inquisitions, etc. Of course non-Europeans would end up there.

A good mix of people is the goal in a peaceful world, no?

If you mean to genocide anyone who disagrees with their invasion, then sure.

Well, apart from the dark irony that there are actual immigrants fleeing from genocide, as desperate as you would be in that situation to escape and hope you can get your family to Europe with you. Look at the measures people take to do that. You don't need me to link to the photo of Aylan Kurdi, the little Syrian boy washed up, face down, on the shore of Turkey Don't expect his parents did any better either.

You are part of the willful ignorance of generations of privilege What part of our history have we needed to flee our lands? How many wars have we directly paid for out of our taxes? Since 9/11 we've paid $23,000 each, it turns out Which is the about the same as four Paveway bombs, the payload for an airstrike, at £22,000 each So since 9/11, if you're an American citizen you've contributed to the war enough for an airstrike and change

In a world of 7 billion, who are the real bad guys? The ones who pay $23,000 out of their salary to blow up parts of the middle east. Or the one's who have nothing and are just looking to flee to the shores of Europe to safety Something I would do in the situation, you?

We keep voting, again and again, for the wars to stop. And yet they continue. Our government is off the rails; the US is an occupied state. It's disingenuous to blame its inhabitants.

It is i agree. Once they are good, respectful and integrate into their new societies.

But societies change as they develop. No-one is coming to take over, but you don't get to say 'This is what YOU must wear, this is what YOU have to believe.

The vast majority of people are all the same, human. If you had to flee your home and go to Mongolia, would you find it easy to fit in?, or would the last thing you have left in the world be your culture?

That's fine. It should also be a 2 way street but unfortunately it is not always the case!

Everyone deserves their own homeland.

If a country or the countries on a continent engage in building vast empires they need to expect the people at the edges of the empire to flood to it's center. The edges of the empire are places of constant violence. Refugees from that violence will always move towards the center (of power) to escape it.

I am in the US and i have no problem with people immigrating into my country.


We've been distracting the shills while the rest of the world is waking up. Good job r/con!

That is actually a really good way to out it!

Fam, number 39 is absolutely false. Like 100% not what is happening.

Change that to outdated farming methods and you have it right. There are already stats about how much water and how much nutrients for most crops use for max yields but the farmers most likely won't change their ways because it's easier to just water x amount of times per day at certain intervals.

I think the issue with Nestle and water is their CEO made a controversial statement about us not having a right to water. He walked back on his statement though which should be mentioned.

Yes, but in context it was or should have been mentioned that fresh water is only necessary for hygiene, consumption, and farming.

Keeping your lawn /plants watered, your golf courses green, and other wasteful practices isn't a public right with the current stage of our population growth. Until we can feasibly turn salt water into fresh water I 100% agree with his statement.

You are right. I agree.

Even tho I agree I still think it was needed that people made a stink over it to discourage companies actually doing it in the future.

We had a USDA report out today saying it’s the best yield for US corn ever

How much water for corn? It takes 110 pounds of fertiliser per acre I believe for corn to produce it's maximum yield.

Probably wrong in that, as I have been out of my class I was taught that in for a while now

They don’t maximize the yield. It’s not economical and much of that water comes from the sky

It is a bad ass askreddit thread, and I'm glad you posted this thread.

My only problem with your post is this comment: "I had the phrase "Wake up sheeple" in here. People with sensitive proclivities took it VERY personal so I took it out so as not to distract the feeble minded from my overall sentiment." You're talking about how we're distracted by the wrong things, and how we need to come together as people, yet you go out of your way to call those who think you using the phrase "wake up sheeple," is stupid "feeble minded." The irony in that is hilarious, not to mention the whole "wake up sheeple" phrase just makes you seem like an edgy teenager trying to look down your nose at people who you see yourself as superior to, which in no way helps bridge the gap between any group of people with differing opinions.

All in all though, great post, but maybe take your own advice and stop sewing the seeds of animosity for no reason, I don't care if you want to call people sheeple, nor do i care if people get offended by being called one, but you shouldn't be offended when someone tells you that most rational people aren't going to take anyone saying "wake up sheeple" seriously. Because the majority of people who say that seriously, are fucking retarded.

I didn't write any of that.. what are you talking about?

That was the OP's edit. You must have thought I added that.

I was mistaken, sorry about that dude.

no worries.

This is why 60 to 80% of people nebulously "don't trust the government." But how can we impose the will of the people? All I've got is hatred of Zionists and

This is a great list overall, op, but #30 is pretty damned proposterous.

While I agree that social security is a massive failure, the idea that older workers should cease working to "get out of the way" is kinda insane. Using that logic, one could argue that if women would just stay home, there would be enough jobs for men.

In a healthy economy, job growth is key, innovation is mandatory, and people naturally age out of the system on an individual basis. The suggestion that millenials should replace boomers in the job market is non-linear horsedickery and makes me lol! 😂😂

I don't think OP was suggesting that older workers should retire to "get out of the way." He/she making an observation about our economy; that the more and more older folks don't retire, there will be less and less job opportunities for the younger generations.

Yes but also not how economics works

Agree. Just for one example: In my sector, there's PLENTY of jobs and substantial hiring incentives available for commercial pilots right now, particularly in the regionals. Primarily because a generation of senior caps have been and are coming into mandatory retirement, creating a fairly serious pilot shortage. Can't say the pay is tops, but...flight benefits and other perks. You millennials should apply.

38 "I'm not one of those 'white genocide' people, but... MUH WHITE GENOCIDE!!1!!!1" lol...

Did it occur to you to attempt to counter the viewpoint or was it straight to edgy mockery in bold?

Bold equates desperation to me. It screams "I want attention" so I instinctively ignore bold posts.

It did occur to me for a sliver of a moment. And I don't know what the deal is with the bold lol don't even know how I did that tbh.

nice try but people are too smart here to fall for your shit

good to see you in panic mode

lol how am I in panic mode?

If you browse /r/all at least daily you'll stumble across most of those, though

True but it's heartening nonetheless to see people discussing these things openly in a public sub.


Supported by number 1


Tylenol overdose is widely known in the medical community as one of the leading causes of acute liver failure. Not a story.

Acute liver failure is a completely different entity to chronic liver failure.

Part of this may be due to a whole slew of "X + Tylenol" type medications. So people may be setting up conditions for overdosing without realizing how much of the pain reliever is included with their decongestant or sleeping-aid or whatever. Could also be some aspect of other interactions too, people being used to consuming alcohol with the non-pain-relief version.

Sometimes I think meds that come mixed should have some of the precautions labeled more predominantly so you realize what you're getting instead of just having it as some afterthought.

Happened to a friend. Took the recommended dose of Tylenol and hours later decided to have one single beer. The next day he was in the ICU and spent 3 months in the hospital and had a liver transplant. His sister keeps everyone informed of the dangers of Tylenol.

Standardized tests that decide funding are the norm, and teachers just teach to those tests, so students just memorize some things here and there.

That would be an improvement over the current education system.

Holy shit. I'm amazed. And I would love if someone could put sources to each of these claims and publish it everywhere.

All of these are good posts and deserves conspiracy threads on this sub. Yet how many of this do you see discussed on this sub?

The rollingstones said something along the lines of once you succeed enough at rebelling you arent a rebel anymore.

After a certain level of credibility and exposure it ceases to be a conspiracy and becomes the new narrative. So stuff like the NSA spying on everyone which was once considered a conspiracy is now just history.

babies are being gang-raped and thrown into bonfires in front of their mothers.

I have both seen and heard some shit, but that not only takes the cake, it shoves it in places cake should never be. 'People' who do that kind of fucked fucked shit should be executed on the spot.

It really is some sick shit. This is the shit that just makes me think "wow... we really are in the end times." The fact that you can go on Facebook and see a kid kill themselves on a live stream? Something is wrong with the world. The things that are going down are unnatural.

Some parts of the world are really savage.

I think there are more bad Americans than we think, that could commit that same savagery, but we have a civilization that affords us safeties and luxuries and helps prevent it.

Behind gilded closed doors is always worse than what your allowed to see.

Excellent piece.

I was expecting a bunch of propaganda and really low tier stuff. I was pleasantly surprised by redditers.

Number 38 is such truth, don't know why more people don't realize it.

I think way more people know what's going on than we realise. I expect half of the vote manipulation and thread suppression we see is actually about making us all think that hardly any of us are thinking the same way so we feel peer pressured into not speaking out, even though in reality many many people are thinking the same things.

Reddit is a false positive, I don't know anyone in real life so full of kool aid like the reddit majority.

I honestly believe that reddit is gamed much more than we realize. Front page of the internet? front page of my anus.

My favorite thing is how all the former default subs (especially r/bestof lately) have all turned into Drumpf is finished subs.

Penicillin and many anti bacterial treatments are losing much of their effectiveness and will eventually be completely ineffectual.

A lot of people are going to die because of this, but there are several antibac alternatives being developed. I've personally worked in a group dedicated to phage therapy and it's pretty promising stuff.

I saw a documentary on phage therapy five or more years back. While the west went exclusively towards antibiotics, the Soviets also developed phage therapy. The Ukraine is where most of the knowledge about phage therapy resides in the post Soviet world, and many people in the west with anti-biotic resistant ailments travel to the Ukraine for treatment. It doesn't work for all of them, but all of them had no hope with western medicine. It is a field worthy of further study in the west.

It is a very promising field. It has its token flaws, like any treatment, but overall I have faith in them replacing antibios as our primary antibac method. In Georgia (the country) phage therapy is so advanced that they sell these drinkable bottles with phages in them. Down it in your gut and let the buggers do their magic. While people criticize phages for being selective, nothing stops us from packing in ten phages all at once - one of them is probably going to work.

From personal experience I can tell you that it has huge potential. But unfortunately people are easily spooked by the word "virus" so the west has been unfortunate slowpokes in adopting this direction.

I admire great academics like yourself.

  1. What it all boils down to is that we've been conditioned to believe that all cultures are created equal. PC culture has pushed this belief onto us so much that people are afraid to say anything out of fear of being called racist.

Let's be clear, all cultures are not equal. If your culture oppreses women, supports the rape of little children, stones women to death for having sex outside of marriage, beheads people who disagree with your beliefs, throws gays off of buildings, and uses bombs to terrorize other cultures, your culture is a shit culture that needs to be ended.

Let's be even more clear. Europe is full of beautiful interesting and diverse cultures already. European cultures have value and interest. They are accepting and non-violent. They are far superior than the one that is replacing them. If you don't believe me, go spend some time in Pakistan or Iraq or some other shit hole.

Save Europe. Save the west.

I just don't agree with the whole 'Muslims are taking over' thing.

Spain was completely Muslim up until they were taken over by the Christian invaders who booted them out or forced them to convert. OK it happened 500 years ago, but things change.

I don't think it is an invasion, just a mix up by the globalists. If our countries have many different races/religions/cultures then it is much harder to be taken to war with the usual dehumanisation techniques.

Will Muslims take control of our governments? Not bloody likely, we can't, and we've been here generations.

Try not to be too scared of those fleeing countries we've had a hand in destroying.

But yes, we are in for a change.

We've had a programme of multiculturalism in the UK since the 50's/60's.
The UK is no longer a near exclusively white christian culture, we are a broad mix, and those growing up here, funnily enough, see themselves as British.

We are adding to our already rich culture, and imo is more about poverty levels for immigrants and the failing job market than it is about evil people coming to destroy everything we've ever known.

wake up

Feel free to awaken me...

didn't think so.

The reason Spain was under Islamic rule for hundreds of years is because they were actually invaded by muslims. Which you say is ridiculous to think will happen again. Those "Christian Invaders" you speak of were not invaders at all but were Catholics of northern Spain who reclaimed the territory. Spain was Christian before it was Muslim. The invaders were the Muslims.

I was interested in reading the debate on that but I can’t find it in the original thread for some reason

Yes me too. They probably make a better case than me and my shit culture argument.

Wow...I would've never have expected to read something about /keto (41.) here. Can confirm....I am no longer prediabetic and my cholesterol,bloodsugar/fat/pressure is way down. All from cutting the carbs and eating healthy fats. I no longer visit my doc who told me for years to just eat less fat....the last time he was educated about nutrition was in the 60s....

Giving Red Pills out like candy! Well done!

Been waitin' a looong time for this (14 years to be precise), but deep down, I knew this wave had to break. WOO!

The Elsagate comment has been removed, I assume by moderators

Came here to say that it has been removed. Elsagate needs to get tracktion in a big sub and hit the fp just once. So it gets attention. I hope r/conspiracy gets into it now that the 3x gikded comment has been removed. I haven't seen any stament about elsagate from anybody official. So whats going on there...

I was listening to the radio yesterday (720 WGN) first time i have heard about elsagate on a public platform. I think they said something about the newyorker having an article about it as well... I have also seen a few facebook post popping up... it might be making its way mainstream, keep up the good fight.

After that post yesterday (11k upvotes on that comment!) I had high hopes a post from r/elsagte (or smt like r/bestof) would make it to the fp the next day. But nothing happened.

But you are right. We need to keep brining it up til it hits the mainstream.

mods in on it. disgusting

Is there any way to know if it was removed by the poster or moderators? The username shows as deleted to. Is that something that happens in all removed posts?

It wasn't removed, they shadowbanned the OP. Shady.

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Shut it down!

I had go laugh at this guy’s effort to make his message more palatable:

  • “ Edit: I had the phrase "Wake up sheeple" in here. People with sensitive proclivities took it VERY personal so I took it out so as not to distract the feeble minded from my overall sentiment.”

Federal Reserve loves not being on the list.

Probably was (((removed))).

And they’ve removed the Elsagate comment with 11k upvotes.

Really? Wow...

On m bike and didn’t realize it’s been gilded. Wonder if the gold goes when s comment is removed.

"ETA: To the people blaming the problems with the education system on the side that you don't agree with: thanks for proving my point."

this is true because one thing both parties agree on is the race to the bottom, teaching to the test, gut school systems, have charter schools run by a muslim cleric.

A Great Awakening.... I'm excited.

Also, AI lawyers would be great. Scum of the earth deserve to lose their jobs.

Faith in humanity restored...

Great post. But as a South African, point 15 has been greatly exaggerated in the international media, for some reason. Farms here are a brutal place in general.

41 is utterly disturbing......

I think the issue with Nestle and water is their CEO made a controversial statement about us not having a right to water. He walked back on his statement though which should be mentioned.

We had a USDA report out today saying it’s the best yield for US corn ever