Pedogate is NOT a Partisan Issue!

389  2017-11-10 by WarSanchez

This goes for ANYONE saying Pedogate is strictly about Dems!

To the three users below who keep jumping in the same convos to downvote this post, you will NOT SUPPRESS IT!

Republican anti-abortion activist Howard Scott Heldreth is a convicted child rapist in Florida.

Republican County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years in prison.

Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation.

Republican anti-abortion activist Nicholas Morency pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer and offering a bounty to anybody who murders an abortion doctor.

Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17.

Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls.

Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortridge was sentenced to three years probation for taking nude photographs of a 15-year old girl.

Republican racist pedophile and United States Senator Strom Thurmond had sex with a 15-year old black girl which produced a child.

Republican pastor Mike Hintz, whom George W. Bush commended during the 2004 presidential campaign, surrendered to police after admitting to a sexual affair with a female juvenile.

Republican legislator Peter Dibble pleaded no contest to having an inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl.

Republican activist Lawrence E. King, Jr. organized child sex parties at the White House during the 1980s.

Republican lobbyist Craig J. Spence organized child sex parties at the White House during the 1980s.

Republican Congressman Donald "Buz" Lukens was found guilty of having sex with a female minor and sentenced to one month in jail.

Republican fundraiser Richard A. Delgaudio was found guilty of child porn charges and paying two teenage girls to pose for sexual photos.

Republican activist Mark A. Grethen convicted on six counts of sex crimes involving children.

Republican activist Randal David Ankeney pleaded guilty to attempted sexual assault on a child.

Republican Congressman Dan Crane had sex with a female minor working as a congressional page.

Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell admitted to an incestuous relationship with his step daughter.

Republican governor Arnold Schwarzenegger allegedly had sex with a 16 year old girl when he was 28.

Republican congressman and anti-gay activist Robert Bauman was charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar.

Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped.

Republican activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. "Republican Marty"), was taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful sexual activity with an underage girl and one count of delivering the drug LSD.

Republican legislative aide Howard L. Brooks was charged with molesting a 12-year old boy and possession of child pornography.

Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of having sex with his 12-year old baby sitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media

Republican preacher Stephen White, who demanded a return to traditional values, was sentenced to jail after offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him.

Republican talk show host Jon Matthews pleaded guilty to exposing his genitals to an 11 year old girl.

Republican anti-gay activist Earl "Butch" Kimmerling was sentenced to 40 years in prison for molesting an 8-year old girl after he attempted to stop a gay couple from adopting her.

Republican Party leader Paul Ingram pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison.

Republican election board official Kevin Coan was sentenced to two years probation for soliciting sex over the internet from a 14-year old girl.

Republican politician Andrew Buhr was charged with two counts of first degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy.

Republican politician Keith Westmoreland was arrested on seven felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to girls under the age of 16 (i.e. exposing himself to children).

Republican anti-abortion activist John Allen Burt was charged with sexual misconduct involving a 15-year old girl.

Republican County Councilman Keola Childs pleaded guilty to molesting a male child.

Republican activist John Butler was charged with criminal sexual assault on a teenage girl.

Republican candidate Richard Gardner admitted to molesting his two daughters.

Republican Councilman and former Marine Jack W. Gardner was convicted of molesting a 13-year old girl.

Republican County Commissioner Merrill Robert Barter pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual contact and assault on a teenage boy.

Republican City Councilman Fred C. Smeltzer, Jr. pleaded no contest to raping a 15 year-old girl and served 6-months in prison.

Republican activist Parker J. Bena pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography on his home computer and was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison and fined $18,000.

Republican parole board officer and former Colorado state representative, Larry Jack Schwarz, was fired after child pornography was found in his possession.

Republican strategist and Citadel Military College graduate Robin Vanderwall was convicted in Virginia on five counts of soliciting sex from boys and girls over the internet.

Republican city councilman Mark Harris, who is described as a "good military man" and "church goer," was convicted of repeatedly having sex with an 11-year-old girl and sentenced to 12 years in prison.

Republican businessman Jon Grunseth withdrew his candidacy for Minnesota governor after allegations surfaced that he went swimming in the nude with four underage girls, including his daughter.

Republican director of the "Young Republican Federation" Nicholas Elizondo molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced to six years in prison.

Republican benefactor of conservative Christian groups, Richard A. Dasen Sr., was charged with rape for allegedly paying a 15-year old girl for sex. Dasen, 62, who is married with grown children and several grandchildren, has allegedly told police that over the past decade he paid more than $1 million to have sex with a large number of young women

Edit: The DEMS TOO! Will


Let me rephrase the title.

Rampant pedophilia and child trafficking by powerful politicians is not a partisan issue.

Nor by family members, family friends, coaches, teachers, church leaders.

I work with many children and adults who've experienced CSA. The cover-up and lack of people believing them, the people who defend the abuser, etc. seem to have exacerbating effect negative outcomes for the victims.

During pizzagate people were so focused on elites and I was like...this is happening in your neighborhoods, to your children's classmates, to your child. Go volunteer locally! Speak out against harassment culture.

I commend you on your work. Keep it up. And don't forget about self-care.

Thank you. All about self care! We really can't help others unless we take care of ourselves.

Sadly I'm used to finding out my clients have experienced trauma, whether sexual, physical, or emotional abuse. But I also believe there are a lot of good people in this world who can help, so im hopeful for the future :)

Good to hear. :)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.

When a democrat does it, theres appropriate outrage on both sides. When Republicans do it, they defend their own because they are scum. Sounds partisan to me.

I have no problem with that title. Its the whole "pizzagate but we are calling it pedogate instead" angle. I have seen zero proof the rich diddlers are connected in a pedophile conspiracy. Or that they do it more than other demographics. I see pedo pictures in the paper of blue collar pedos all the time.

Some more things:

James Corbett on Boiling Frogs Post: BFP Round table: Pedophiles Run the Government, and No On Gives a Damn!:

Remember the Whitehouse Callboy ring during HW Bush, etc.? Have you heard of the Discovery Chanel documentary that was canceled from being air and leaked by a former Nebraska senator called Conspiracy of Silence, or the book called The Franklin Coverup, or the Dutroux Affair, Or one of Dr. Phill's last shows on pedophilia and human trafficking before his show was canceled (March 21, 2017), orhat 60 Minites Australia episode on UK government pedophilia, or that documentary called An Open Secret on pedophillia in Hollywood, or the movie Eyes Wide Shut, or the recent movie on pedophile preists called Spotligh, or the convicted pedophile billionaire Jeffery Epstein with his pedo Lolita Express plane and pedo island where he hosts orgies and has hidden cameras in rooms for blackmail, or the many people coming forward claiming to be raped by politicians and other global elites, or Jimmy Savile, etc, etc, etc.

There are many pedo rings that get busted all the time. There are also rings protected by police forces and government agencies that also have connections with global elites.

There is the work of a fellow redditor (Post regarding: In light of the recent Pizzagate revelations, let us all remember one of the best posts of all time in /r/conspiracy; "[ORIGINAL RESEARCH] The Mountain of Evidence for a Massive International Pedophile Ring Protected by Police and Intelligence Agencies" by /u/LawOfAttraction33 ( )) that used to go by /u/LawOfAttraction33, and now, /u/Love_And_Light33

Hey! I wrote this. I expanded the thesis from 16 pages to over 100 as part of a larger book on psychopathy and power.

Free here in pdf form if is anyone is interested. (3 years ago a Redditor compiled information about the mountain of evidence for a massive, international pedophile ring protected by police and investigators.)

The link to the ebook is now bad, but here is an archive of it.

Not sure how Dennis Hastert got left off but I'll add him here.

Please help add more names and spread this list far and wide!

Thank you. I honestly don't give a fuck what their party affiliation is.

Bring them ALL down!

Yep. I want a full on change in society. Once all people realize they can't do shit like this because of social media, cameras, etc..the sooner it ends.

Thank you for the post btw.. I'm a conservative, I've never thought this was a partisan issue, but I've not really seen many posts hit the front page like the Republican guy who molested the kid back in the 80s.

I understand the spirit of your post, that people need to be against these crimes all the time, it absolutely isn't a team sport. As far as my opinion is concerned, lock up anyone, anywhere, that broke the law regardless of the side they are on..

My comments are being attacked, one commented saying you "stole" someone else's work.. I'm of the opinion that the truth is more important than the karma anyone gets by trying to point it out..

I never would have seen the post they're trying to argue against unless you shared it.. but if you are building off of someone else's work, please give them credit so that their argument can be more easily beat down.

They can't attack your post directly, so they're attacking the comments that agree with you. Fuck politics, and fuck this being limited to pedophiles.. If anyone commits an act of evil, let's call them out because their act is evil. This isn't a team sport, we only win if the evil people lose.

Bring them ALL down!

Totally agree. They all need to hang and soon.

I honestly don't give a fuck what their party affiliation is.

Here here. Now, where's your Democrat and non-affiliated lists?

I know! That creep was speaker of the house. He was 2nd in line of being president. If both the potus and vice president croked over between '91-'07 we'd have a child fucker as president...

Damn, you did your research!

No he didn't. He ripped from a 2008 dailykos article:

So non partisan amirite? No agenda here.

Not saying pedogate IS a partisan issue (as in, limited to one party). But OP just copy/pasted most of that article, which had the intent of saying, "See? Republicans do it too!"

How is saying "See? Republicans do it too!" non-partisan?


The apologists are out in FULL FORCE!

Why haven't you amended your post to add guilty Democrats alongside the guilty Republicans? If you were here in good faith you'd do that.

Make YOUR own list and add it to mine and I'll share it. How about that.

Another user gave me a list for you. Tomorrow I'll post it when I get off work and after I sight my rifles and make dinner.

I'll post it and ping you so you can sperg out there too.

No you won't.

I edited it a while ago before my shower and you are still here crying... 😂

I posted that 27 minutes ago, before the 15m break in your posts when you presumably took your shower. Your edit is also weak af, and further betrays your partisan intentions.

Their partisan intentions simply try to show, that literally, it isn't one side versus the other. Evil exists on all sides. Period. Full stop.

I don't see dozens of posts per day trying to make this a right is evil argument. This post is trying to show that my side is also capable of evil.. and that evil should be the enemy, it isn't a team sport.

cash me outside

I think the point is that this sub is often filled with claims/accusations directed at democrats or liberals, which makes it seem like a partisan issue. OP isn't challenging "pedogate" or its potential links to democrats, they are just saying that Republicans are also involved in this shit, and it's not just 'one side'.

Because there's posts daily trying to demonize the left, and never (until now) posts that show the other side is equally responsible.

They don't have to prove what I'm assaulted with daily. Literally today alone, there's at least a dozen posts trying to make this a leftist issue.. but I know my party is just as capable of being evil.

I'm just not as willing to spend my time trying to assassinate my own party.

But that's the point of this post, evil people are evil.. period. Lock up evil people, no matter what.

OP wasn't disputing that Democrats do this, and you guys already know many of the Democrats involved. Is it that hard to believe that people of power, R or D, are despicable people?

So, OP links to Daily Wire and not to Daily Kos. That's pretty partisan, isn't it?

OP linked to Daily Wire?

It definitely shouldn't be a political issue. That's for sure. But it obviously is around here. After days of non stop pizzagate posts and fuck Hollywood liberals posts, I saw peoole defending Roy Moore today. You listed like 30 republicans in this post and yet, I don't think I've ever seen any other posts on this sub that mentions 99% of them.

Then be the change you wanna see!

Spread the word!

opposites sides of the same coin.

As long as we realize that it isn't either or.

Most of them are low-key, small time people. Some have never held office, and you can't find hardly any news reports on any of them if you search. That's why you don't see them plastered everywhere on here.

Celebrities? People running for Senate? Sitting Congressmen? Yeah, you'll see them.

The thing that pisses me off the most is inconsistency. IF you are digging into pizzagate and IF you complain about Hollywood and IF you are waiting for the Podestas to fall THEN you MUST condemn Roy Moore and anyone else guilty of the same actions. Otherwise you are intellectually dishonest and really don't care about anything else beyond your team winning. I have voted Republican in most elections but Roy Moore makes me sick as do any other office holder out there that acts the same way. Bad people are bad people.

The Roy Moore post is on the front page. Your claims of "inconsistency" are easily proven false.

This claim is a repetition of a talking point that has been used here for over a year, and it has been refuted hundreds of times. It is false, and false claims are not welcome here any more.

If you want to start discussing factual matters, and not repeating obviously false talking points, go ahead.

I think you're missing the point, this post is likely a result of the post that hit the front page. The point remains, the pedo issue isn't a one sided issue, just like mass shootings aren't committed by one side. You should be against acts of evil, regardless of the ideology of the person committing the act. Period.

I think you're missing the point,


And inconsistencies would be that besides this post, there's virtually no posts trying to make it seem like Republicans are the ones that commit all the evil acts

You're simply doubling down on the claim that was just refuted. This post and the Roy Moore post are both calling out Republicans.

You're wrong and your "team" is running vote bots because no one can prove us wrong. Look at the ratio of comments compared to votes in this thread, most of the comments call out all the "this is the_donald 2.0" nonsense, but they're getting killed by the silent minority that doesn't comment (because they're bots).

You're objectively wrong, I'm objectively right, and facts matter.

Ha. So, because there's two posts that exist, the history of posts that have actually been posted don't matter? You're literally just being ignorant. I'm sure there's another post or two guilty of this, while daily there's dozens of posts trying to paint this as a liberal issue. It isn't.

Again, this isn't a team sport, stop trying to make it a one sided issue, everyone is capable of evil, it isn't born from a political belief.

But go on, keep telling me how two posts show a history of anything. Fucking A man. That's a seriously sad argument.

Also, I laugh at everyone doing mental gymnastics to argue against anyone commenting, while none can disprove the point of the post. There's plenty of Republican high profile pedophiles. Fuck, maybe Trump too, he seems like he defended Epstein a little too well. Epstein even plead the 5th when he was asked about his relationship with Trump.. what would incriminate Epstein by talking about Trump?

This isn't a team sport mother fucker.

This sub has extensively focused on the Franklin scandal and all of the Republicans involved in that, including the George Bush call boy scandal. We truly don’t care what party they’re from. The reason this post is rubbing people the wrong way is because it claims to fight partisanship while just pushing more of it. It also doesn’t help that the OP ripped his post from another user without giving credit to their work

I honestly don't know about the Franklin scandal. Also, I'm a conservative, and this post doesn't hurt my feefees. That's because the title makes it clear that this is to show that it isn't a partisan issue. While I see dozens of posts a day trying to paint liberals as the evil doers, I know that it isn't just them.. I'm just not willing to put in the effort to point at my own party being willfully ignorant.

Does it matter if they "ripped someone off"? When I post, the goal is at revealing the truth.. if my post gets no attention, but someone takes the truth I tried to highlight, but is more successful.. why should I have a problem with that?

The truth is, daily I see people attacking the left, this post shows evidence it isn't a left only issue. And me? I'm against pedophiles and any others that are evil, I don't care what political party they belong to.

Fuck, it isn't just about perverts, if Hillary broke the law, put her in jail. Same for Trump. Same for Bernie, or anyone else on the right.. it ISN'T A FUCKING TEAM SPORT.

Please, realize you're making this post a partisan issue, when the title clearly is intending to show that it isn't just the left. Both parties are equally capable of evil. If you're against evil, then don't defend either side, put evil people in prison, period.

This is called the "concern troll" manipulation, and it's an excellent example. You almost had me going, but the ~30 votes swinging for you and against me, combined with your total inability to respond to my comment gave it away.

9/10, very good. You didn't try to do too much, you just tried to subtly influence everyone to use a more apologetic tone and be slightly afraid to be accused of bias when talking about the crimes of Democrats.

Lol, seriously bro? A post about this not being a partisan issue, you replying to someone who's simply saying everyone on all sides who are guilty need to be punished, including Moore.. and you're calling me the concern troll? Ha! Let's look at your comment from fuckin 4 days ago that no one will ever see again:

You're basically trying to use two posts from that day to say "Your claims of 'inconsistency' is easily proven false".. or simply "this doesn't need attention because of these two posts" while ignoring the entire comment is about the history of the subject, not what's on the front page at any given moment.

So yeah, you've officially gotten me to waste my time with your idiotic accusations of "30 fake votes" and "subtly influence everyone to use a more apologetic tone"- no mother fucker, I said BURN EVERY SINGLE CRIMINAL AT THE STAKE. FUCK THEM ALL, REGARDLESS OF POLITICAL PARTY.

So yes, this comment that's 4 days old that no one will ever see, because I'm not trying to influence anyone.. you've officially wasted my time, while being the one trying to convince people what isn't important. Fuck dude, you're the troll, trying to get people to ignore that this isn't a fucking team sport.

I'm sure you're off somewhere else trying to play political sports, fucking troll.

I noticed you still can't seem to stick to the point being discussed. Are you mad at how good I am at spotting the glowing ones?

I don't even think you can state what it was you were discussing. Why don't you go look at what you said and try to restate it, because I've clearly missed your point, if I'm to believe what you say.

Glowing ones? The fuck kind of idiot are you?

The fuck kind of idiot are you?

This is why you're not taken seriously.

I'm not the one talking about glowing ones, I'm not the one who just responded to nothing I said, while I've attempted to respond to what you've said and you reply that I didn't.

Again, you've wasted enough of my time, go waste someone else's.

Ok....ahem.....moron. My point was that Roy Moore is disgusting and should be on the front page .... as he is. But you can't say Roy Moore is a pig and ignore the Clintons. You can't say the Clintons should be in jail and ignore Roy Moore. Now settle down, go take a Zoloft, and read what I wrote.

Exactly. Even if all the accusations against Roy Moore are true, he had dates with three young women of legal age and did something gross/bad with a 14-year-old. (Source: another thread) if the 14-yo thing is true, he's done. If that one claim is false, however, congrats to the guy on dating 18 and/or 19-year-olds!

he had dates with three young women of legal age and did something gross/bad with a 14-year-old.

That's a funny way to describe paedophilia.

Tell me, when did you discover your love of pizza?

Let me clarify: doing anything with a 14-year-old is gross/bad/wrong/evil/illegal/stupid/pathological/pedophilic. Hard to type all that out on a phone all at once.

But it obviously is around here

Bullshit. On the front page right fucking now there's a post accusing a Republican of sexual misconduct with a minor.

You are trying to sow division and make people fight along partisan lines, when everyone knows both political parties are controlled. You are also trying to subtly influence the moderators to feel like they have to use a heavier hand against Republican posts or face accusations of partisanship.

This post is a repetition of a talking point that has been used here for over a year, and it has been refuted hundreds of times.

I agree with you but have been pretty upset with the ppl defending Moore. They were in that thread and all over the_donald ... and elsewhere ok the internet. Admittedly I haven't seen ppl give the same "innocent until proven guilty" for many liberal pizzagaters. It is a valid criticism, but def not a partisan issue.

Why don't you go and factually refute them if they're wrong?

Because then I'd be arguing with 100's of accounts and idk which are even real and not shills. People are retarded with politics and become tribal. Any reasonable conspiracy theorist knows there is good and evil on both political sides, but on forums like this people plug their ears. Anything that doesn't fit the narrative is downvoted. Example: go to the_donald right now and there's a post celebrating the firing of Louis ck and another defending Roy Moore. But both are just accusations. Then here you have shills trying to frame pizzagate as only attacking dems.

but on forums like this people plug their ears.

Bullshit. Already refuted, you're repeating and hoping that by rephrasing and surrounding it with conciliatory language you would make the same bullshit claim more palatable.

We deal in facts here.

Fact: 2 of the top posts right now are talking about Republican sex crimes

Fact: that is impossible if the sub is a Republican circlejerk

What are you on about? I didn't say this place was a republican circle jerk wtf. Also

Fact: you're retarded or blind if you haven't noticed people plugging their ears on this subreddit.

We deal in facts here.

Oh boy.

To have to fucking say that this is not a political issue is fucking sickening. And any fucker who defends these fucking monsters is a worthless piece of shit, lowest of the low, fucking shit-sucking maggot. Fuck the goddamn political system. BE A FUCKING HUMAN BEING, AND DEMONSTRATE EMPATHY FOR OTHER INNOCENT HUMAN BEINGS.

My favorite part is when you started of saying "Pedogate is NOT a Partisan Issue! ". Then you went on to list a hundred Republicans. Very much hypocritical.

Are you going to help fight pedos or are you going to not help because of their party affiliation?

Cus to me it sounds like you are commenting to justify your downvoting trying suppress this info.

He's just pointing out your hypocrisy.

Should I have not made these names public?

What's your end game here? Want me to delete rhis post?

Nah, just find it ironic that you'd go to the trouble of highlighting nothing but republicans in a thread meant to highlight the non-partisanship of Pedogate.

If you'd like to amend the original post to include people from both sides of the aisle, that'd show good faith in the original non-partisan message, rather than the division that this is currently promoting.

So you want me to delete this as to not hurt your sensibilities of naming a bunch of pedophiles because of party affiliation.

Thanks for clearing that up!

Nah I don't mind that you mentioned the people you did. I just think you're a hypocrite.

Still trying to influence post because of semantics.

Interesting that you'd consider your non-partisan message "semantics". You're still a hypocrite.

He actually clearly stated he would prefer you add more names and make it directly non-partisan, per your own words. Can you read?

another one

I don't know what you're quoting.

He's been caught, and his BS has been called out so he's got nothing but projection and deflecting.

I believe OPs intention was to shine light on a hyopcrisy that already existed, i.e. the selective focusing on some pedos and the ignoring or defense of others.

So he does that by selectively focusing on some pedos and ignores the others?

He seems open to listing others. A noted difference to others who don't want to hear it but instead deny/defend/ignore.

If that was trust then why I was attacked when I said he should name people on both side of the aisle instead of strictly focusing on one group?

Maybe a hostile approach? I only saw the thread where someone calls out some dems and he welcomes it, then they kind of digitally high five about shining a light on these sick fucks.

If he was open to listing others he shouldn't rebuke my request to add the guilty Democrats alongside the guilty Republicans he's already listed, but he's not here in good faith.

Ahh okay, I see your point. But again here we are devolving into a tangential convo about that instead of focusing on how disgusting it is overall.

Bro you're the one that just named all Republicans I didn't name shit. And you don't know what I have or haven't downvoted. Quit deflecting. Your words are right there.

Bro you're the one that just named all Republicans

Quit focusing on their party affiliation. Spread the word or be complicit with your silence!

Dude YOURE THE ONE that named only republicans on your post. Hypocrite much?

It's hard not to focus on their party when it's the most common word in YOUR post.

Ignore the proven cases of Pedophilia then please because I hurt your feelings.

My feelings are not hurt, friend WarSanchez!

I truly believe you have found a lot of pedophiles in your list!

I am just surprised you think your 'non-partisan' post would work on anyone with over 25 IQ.

Then share it or don't. I don't care. You guys already downvoted this thread trying to suppress it.

Who is 'you guys'?

I am just an individual confused as to why you are intentionally deceiving masses of people!

I am just an individual confused as to why you are intentionally deceiving masses of people!

Posting a list of pedophiles is all of a sudden fake news and lies!

Posting a partisan list of pedophiles and claiming non-partisan has always been a lie!

Are you going to help fight pedos or are you going to not help because of their party affiliation?

This is fucking classic. Are you suppressing Democratic pedophilia because of their party affiliation, /r/WarSanchez??

Because this sub only pushes the democrats who get caught in it, and accuse countless others who by all indications are perfectly innocent. As long as its a democrat being called out this sub generally just goes with it ans adds more unfounded shit about that person, or how they're connected in 7 separations to some well known convicted pedophile. Yet when a republicans name gets brought up, theres always a horde of "people" who defend them, or calling out the source, or the accuser, or that they were framed bc they're such flawless good ol boys.

Its fucked up, someones finally saying "its not just democrats, lets hold everyone to the same standards," goes on to post a list and a handful of people come to shift the goalposts to make it seem like they're only bashing republicans.


He's not holding everyone to the same standards when he posts a list that's comprised exclusively of one political party is he?

If that's what you're getting from this than I'm going to assume you're either blinded by your beliefs, or your reading comprehension isn't allowing you to grasp the point.

Pedogate isn't partisan, but you are.

Why all the liberals obsessed with pedo's today; what are you trying to push?

Pedogate isn't a big deal anymore honestly. Why should we care? Especially today.

Are you having a psychotic break? You ever look at your post history btw? It's rather disturbing.

I find it rich that in the same day you manage to accuse someone of "just flooding posts about PG" and then follow up with this gem.

I can already say you're a degenerate even without your post history that bounces back between your racial slurs and calling out "nazis".

Read the comment again. i said he doesn't comment, just floodd posts.

I am HERE commenting. Having a discussion with you. Am I not? This back and forth is what we need for a stronger r/conspiracy community.

Nope, I don't talk to race baiting trolls. Later...

It becomes partisan the moment a user makes a generalized claim about a specific group being the ONLY ones to do it.

I work with abuse victims and it can be anybody! But money, power, stereotyping, victim blaming certainly protects these sociopaths.

I don't believe there is a difference between most Reps and Dems anyway. Most are part of the Cabal.

Smart man!

They are two ends of the same turd!

Bohemian Grove is mainly republicans. Fuck both sides.

Pedophiles deserve to be locked up. Doesn't matter your social/financial/political/career status. You're a disgusting human being and you should pay for ruining a child's life. Fuck pedos.

Chemical castration for one and all at a minimum.

The most underrated comment. Fuck criminals, fuck pedophiles.. fuck anyone who commits an evil fucking act, regardless of the side they land on. Let's declare they're evil as fuck, no matter which side of the line they land on.

A childfucker is a childfucker no matter what his station in life

and yet whenever PG/pedogate is brought up here or in t_d this list is never included, it's always a big fat list of dems. PG was originally intended as a partisan issue.

Spread the word!

They don't seem to delete any references to pedos by Republicans. As a matter of fact I don't think you understand what exactly the_donald is. It's markedly NOT a Republican subreddit. It's a non partisan America first, nationalist sub. They don't care who you are or what party you hail from, if you aren't on board with Donald Trump, they will shit all over you. That's why the sub is named after Donald and not Regan or "Republicans".

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Pretty sure you got most of this from a dailykos article from 2008 here:

Actually some other redditor posted it, I went searched every name and case till all were confirmed then shared it.

I will add dems when I find a list. Help me if you can please.

The list is verbatim from the dailykos article I linked. However, a lot of them cannot be verified from an internet search, likely because it was a local thing that didn't make headlines that got put on the web.

Also, some of their party affiliations are not mentioned when you do find an article on them. The dailykos article also didn't cite any sources, so I'm not sure how you "searched every name and case till all were confirmed then shared it".

You can pull up peoples records online for free.

Also, I told you I found it from another user.

What's the issue here?

Probably the fact that you're blatantly lying about your purpose here.

You may want to cite your source is what I'm saying.

I got it from a copypasta I saw on r/drama

again, contribute or fuck off.

I did contribute. I exposed you as someone who didn't actually do research but stole someone else's work.

I forgot to use MLA format LOL gtfo.

And keep downvoting, just proves you wanna suppress this lol

What an Apologist.

That's reddit's 'karma'.

Maybe if you treat the world more fairly, it will treat you more fairly.

Treat pedos fairly

which is exactly what you are not doing

Treat users who are here in bad faith poorly.

Why do you keep jumping in EVERY conversation and downvoting it? You are in three threads at least jist downvoting and being an apologist.

I haven't downvoted anything. I'm just here to point out your bad faith.

If you spent half the time you've spent defending Democratic pedophilia instead making a non-partisan post, you would be getting upvoted.

The only thing this post is meant to supress is Democratic involvement regarding sexual abuse against children.

Thanks for your contribution in pointing out this guy's bullshit and bad faith.

Two sides of the same coin..all of them will continue to worship satan whilst we bicker over bullshit dems/reps

Yet all of the Hillshills in/conspiracy are pedoshill defenders

Pedogate isnt partisan but lets not act like pizzagate isnt.

Pizzagate has been and still is a partisan psyops mission. It is still being used today (see top) as a way to associate other pedo stories with PG in order to make the real cases seem like conspiracies

Thank you!

It seems the new strategy to squash this is label it was a republican attack on democrats. From very early on we've known this is both D and R establishment members.

I would have upvoted this post if you included all politicians in your post, not just from one party. Doesn't that defeat the purpose of it not being a partisan issue?

Let's go lion party

It is partisan tho.

Republicans want to hang their criminals asap.

Democrats rally around their criminals.
Unfortunatly they own the media too so it doesn't work out well for us.

Da comrade good point you makes.

Oh look, another r/The_Donald user acting like Republicans are saints and heroes while Democrats are slimy scum. You're part of the reason why this subreddit has turned into another pro-Trump shithole.

"r/conspiracy has become r/the_donald 2.0!"

Same talking point for over a year. And yet we can all look at the front page and see a post about a Republican accused of sexual impropriety with a minor.

In other words, you're verifiably full of shit and you're using a talking point that has been exposed and refuted hundreds of times.

Oh look another r/politics user come here to defend his corporate masters to earn his two cents defending democrats who should be in jail already.

You're part of the reason why this subreddit has turned into another anti-trump shithole.

And the horse you rode in on... ;)

Right now, Republicans are doing everything they can to defend Roy Moore's molestation of a teenage girl.

Democrats roundly said "Fuck you, Anthony Weiner." And that was only for photos and texts he sent. He never even made contact.

Trump bragged about sexual assault, and Republicans made him President.

Do you live in opposite land, or something?

he said / she said from 38 years ago is totally the same as weiner and hey we have his entire conversation logged.


I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything.

Which Party voted for this guy after they heard him say this?

You're clearly projecting.

Thank you thank you thank you.

You are such a fucking hero.

"You're just talking about this because it's Democrats" is a well-known shill talking point about pedogate.

Do not allow, I repeat, do not allow poison like this to linger in the air without being downvoted and confronted with facts.They also love to use logical fallacies and other shilling tactics that can be seen in the sidebar link "The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies."

Even if you see blatant shilling, don't just make sarcastic comments back. Always make a factual explanation, or demonstrate that someone is using a known shilling tactic.

Shills win by lying. But they also win by dividing us, lowering the quality of content, frustrating everyone, and demoralization. The thing that demoralizes shills is when you expose them with facts.

Lol it's not partisan but you only listed Republican's?? It appears as if you're certainly trying to make it partisan.

I know right

Most politicians don't even believe in the platforms they run on. They are just opportunistic people who are forced to run in whatever state they have the most ties to.

pedos are pedos, anyone who defends a pedo with credible evidence against them is a clown

I'm hoping a new generation of decent men will soon be replacing the scum vampires.

Yes and we don’t tolerate it. Republicans oust their own.

Democrats circle the wagons.

Except many repubs are defending Roy Moore using Mary and Joseph analogy and the rest are quiet.

The fact that McCain and Flake are virtue signaling against Moore makes me question this story.

Regardless of whatever actually happened, pedos are NOT ok, non consenting sex is NOT okay either.

Political affiliation be damned.

Where does it say in that article she was offered 1k?

Sorry it was in a related tweet. DA has a voice recording of the reporter offering money to another woman to accuse Moore.

So you don't have a source for your claim?


Tell you what. If just ONE of his accusers is a DNC plant, I’ll just bet the entire story is a shitty political hit job.

Don’t be a gullible Normie.

Don't hold your breath. Dems never were trying to take this seat. The fact that he will still win says more about your Republicans than anything else.

Serial Pedophiles don’t quit.

If the most recent accusation is decades old and well beyond the statute of limitations, then it’s a political hit piece.

Remember all of the Trump accusers?

Where did they scamper off to?



That’s all the MSM has done is unsubstantiated hit pieces.

Oh sure, just in time to become relevant again. Perfectly coincides with the primaries now doesn’t it?

Why do they feel forgotten? Did their lawyers just suddenly up and leave?

Nice work, the sooner people get over the idea of trying to defend their "party" from the accusations, the sooner it can all be brought to light.

Drain the swamp

I agree with you that it's not a partisan issue...but, do you have any links to support any of this because it just looks unsupported right now

They rape kids. They kill our own people on 9ll. They hijack our government.
What are you gonna do about it?

I find it odd that mainly on the pedogate posts do you see rampant brigadeing and downvoting and nay saying.

Never really see that in the 9/11 threads. Maybe a little, but no where near how much as I see it on these ones. Just an interesting observation.

Sean hannity was just defending that Moore dude saying it was consensual. Pedos are on both sides.

A lot of gullibles here.

The only people who claim it's a partisan issue are those who try to detract from pizzagate. Usually Hillary supporters/leftists.

If pizzagate is real, Trump is involved.

I hope it all comes tumbling down!! Fuck all these monsters!!

The problem with this conspiracy is all the work being done on it is partisan bullshit. Maybe there have been useful recent findings but personally I haven't found them through the garbage.

As a steadfast Republican, and father, I hope every one of them go down. As long as the evidence supports the accusations, they all need to burn.

And it's not a ((((((Jew)))))) thing either. It's actually sick that people are ignoring the main problem by turning it into just a problem with a group you happen to hate

The republicans apparently don't care. At least the one's from Alabama.

Reporter offering $1k to people to accuse Moore of sexual assault.

Defamation suit incoming

Yep. I want a full on change in society. Once all people realize they can't do shit like this because of social media, cameras, etc..the sooner it ends.

Nope, I don't talk to race baiting trolls. Later...

Why haven't you amended your post to add guilty Democrats alongside the guilty Republicans? If you were here in good faith you'd do that.

OP wasn't disputing that Democrats do this, and you guys already know many of the Democrats involved. Is it that hard to believe that people of power, R or D, are despicable people?

Thank you for the post btw.. I'm a conservative, I've never thought this was a partisan issue, but I've not really seen many posts hit the front page like the Republican guy who molested the kid back in the 80s.

I understand the spirit of your post, that people need to be against these crimes all the time, it absolutely isn't a team sport. As far as my opinion is concerned, lock up anyone, anywhere, that broke the law regardless of the side they are on..

My comments are being attacked, one commented saying you "stole" someone else's work.. I'm of the opinion that the truth is more important than the karma anyone gets by trying to point it out..

I never would have seen the post they're trying to argue against unless you shared it.. but if you are building off of someone else's work, please give them credit so that their argument can be more easily beat down.

They can't attack your post directly, so they're attacking the comments that agree with you. Fuck politics, and fuck this being limited to pedophiles.. If anyone commits an act of evil, let's call them out because their act is evil. This isn't a team sport, we only win if the evil people lose.

Bring them ALL down!

Totally agree. They all need to hang and soon.

I honestly don't give a fuck what their party affiliation is.

Here here. Now, where's your Democrat and non-affiliated lists?

Sorry it was in a related tweet. DA has a voice recording of the reporter offering money to another woman to accuse Moore.

I'm not the one talking about glowing ones, I'm not the one who just responded to nothing I said, while I've attempted to respond to what you've said and you reply that I didn't.

Again, you've wasted enough of my time, go waste someone else's.