Wonder if the Internet Research Agency runs most of the vote brigaders on this sub, who consistently push pro-Trump, pro-Putin articles

0  2017-11-10 by Serpicho

The whole troll operation is coming down. We now know that fake alt right personality "Jenna Abrams" was nothing but COINTELPRO operative running out of St. Petersburg, Russia. You can bet that they are the ones that have hijacked all the conspiracy forums, including this sub. They have made it too obvious: their game is to talk constantly about Democrat-related conspiracies, real or invented, and ignore legitimate conspiracies that are non-partisan. Anyone who hasn't figured this out better wake up. It's pretty darn obvious.


I like putin, trump not so much comrads.

The left thinks anyone who criticizes them is Russian.

it's actually a bit psychotic

I think it’s funny how the left is pro 23,000 genders, pro Muslim, pro trans, pro all the colors of the rainbow, except for Russians. Fuck them. They are sub human scum. Lol

most bonafide "leftists" don't put much by claims of "Russian election interference" but centrist liberals/democrats have lost their goddamn minds. As annoying as it is, they seem to honestly think they're doing the right thing.

Beep* boop* I love America AND hate Hillary Bzzzt*

I'm not defending any side of the political spectrum when I say this, but what confuses me the most is all this talk about Trump and Russia. I hear it all the time but I never hear the end goal of the conspiracy. What is Russia accomplishing? I think more people would be on board with you about Trump if the theories made sense. What does Russia get for colluding with Trump?

They'd get to weaken a global power.

... Or would they?

What gets me is that people like Hillary have a big reputation of political corruption. I think people generally don't mind it if Russia is working with Trump because together they are trying to destroy the cancer we are familiar with that is Hillary. Yes they might have an agenda of their own but we don't know it. We know Hillary's, and it's globalization NWO style.

It goes much deeper than Hillary or any of these people, my friend.

I think people generally don't mind it if Russia is working with Trump

I don't mind because whatever they could possibly be up to, and I'm not convinced they're "up to" anything or that their connections are particularly deep, it's one or more orders of magnitude less than whatever Hillary had already promised to dole out after her victory, let alone all the corruption she would have engaged in after repaying all the big money donors who supported her.

This is exactly how I fell. Her claws were deep. Trumps probably up to something but I think we have a better chance of dealing with him once the old cabal is dethroned. During the election, I was honestly terrified thinking that Hillary could be president.

This is exactly how I fell. Her claws were deep.

To me, they're all corrupt, but he really is/was the lesser of two evils.

I'm not happy about it, but I personally have no agency to make real change, and understand that lasting change is more likely to come by slowly walking back the corruption than it is likely to come by some sort of definitive "revolution," not in the least because revolutions are relatively easy to hijack.

Look at the division it has caused in this country.

Any attempts to hide collusion were for show. It was always meant to be revealed.

Cause Americans to doubt the system. The media. Sow discontent.

But the conspiracy community has always doubted the system. We've been trying to wake the world up to this fact for a long time. I'm not saying I think Trump is a trustworthy president but I don't understand what the plan is if we remove him. Hillary needs to be exposed. The second that happens, I'll hop right on board with removing the rest of the scum. I trust seems like we need to focus on the big fish that's catchable right now so this community can gain credibility. I would love to tell my mother in law that the shit I said about Hillary is true and that she can watch her go to jail on tv. It would bring the country together because people would take us more serious.

The organized crime syndicate that runs out of Moscow is Zionist. Putin does not represent Russia; he represents this crime syndicate.

The Russian (Zionist) goal of getting Trump elected was to put an Israel-friendly, war-mongering leader in power. Trump is a lot closer to Israel than Hillary is, so they went with Trump.

All of the Russian mobsters tied to Trump: Felix Sater, Semion Mogilevich, Alex Sapir are Jewish Zionists. Russia, in other words, is an Israeli proxy.

This is what the left gets wrong (deliberately). They know Russia is involved with Jewish organized crime, but they won't talk about it. Instead, they just talk about Putin as an oppressive white male, the usual Cultural Marxist narrative. The truth gets lost in this fog. The alt right then steps in and fuels the false opposition left. It's just a big mess. That's why we should stay non-partisan and see through all the BS.

To sum it up: the key to understanding what's going on with Putin, Trump, and the world in general, is organized crime, on an international level.

It's just hard to believe that Trump is closer to Zionism then Hillary. Zionist have ran the US for a long time and some of the families that work with them are the Clintons and the Bushes. That's one of the reasons I want to see Hillary in jail. It's the reason I want to see the Bush's in jail. We've know the Zionist have owned the US media including Hollywood. We know they conspired with Bush to commit 9/11. If people see Hillary go to jail, they will take the Zionist threat more serious.

I used to not believe it other until I researched his father's (Fred) history with the Jewish community in New York. Then, of course, his Son in Law, Jared Kushner, whose bed Israel PM Netanyahu admitted to sleeping in (not sexually). This is just a drop in the bucket. It gets deeper and deeper from here.

I'm not doubting you. I just think our only chance to do anything about it is after Hillary is exposed. If she is exposed we can rally the former sheep that trusted Hillary. Without that happening, were just a bunch of antisemites going on about how Jews run the world.

Hillary is pretty low in the power structure. Even Bill was. Bill was run by the Octopus—of which a lot of the same people are tied to Trump, like Saudi arms dealers like Adnan Khashoggi (died last year) and the Lansky crime syndicate. It's a lot of the old Iran-contra boys and their CIA drugs and arms running. Same criminals in power today.

I'm not doubting you there either. I just know a shit ton of people who supported the shit out Hillary, Bill, and Obama. If their golden gods would fall, I think it would be a huge wakeup call. I gave a lot of people information about the Clintons. They chose to ignore it. If they were to be exposed, they might not ignore me when I'm telling them about the rest.

Anyone who supports politicians, on whichever side, is suspect. All politicians are corrupt, doesn't matter which party. The key is not to get swept up in the crowd mentality. I, myself, was getting caught up in the Trump hysteria in the early stages of his campaign, but then snapped out of my daze.

True that. I've said it the entire election. Even the Berne crowd. I told them it's all a joke and we're the punchline. It's a crazy world. Me might never overcome. I've researched the beast for so many years and it's very discouraging. What else can we do besides fighting the battles we have a chance in winning. That imo, is with the people around you. I know Trump isn't the answer, but he's the only card I have.

Btw, the Chabad Lubavitch Jewish movement originated in Russia. Just search Trump and Chabad Lubavitch. You won't be disappointed.

I think you mean I will be disappointed. Lol. It's a disappointing time to live in.

people keep saying Trump's more Israel friendly than Obama was or Hillary would've been. i don't get it, because Hillary and Obama invaded country after country at the behest of the Zionist war agenda. i can't see either of them as being any less Israel friendly than Trump.

They have made it too obvious: their game is to talk constantly about Democrat-related conspiracies, real or invented, and ignore legitimate conspiracies that are non-partisan.

Out of curiosity; which non-partisan conspiracy are you referring to?

thanks for the insight, 18-day account that does nothing but bash Trump on /conspiracy

There's probably real and fake accounts on both far left and right sides. Anything that prevents discussion its not just one side.

I seem to find articles that don't push Trump or Putin, but do factually discredit a lot of anti-Trump stories. Is that the same thing in your mind?

i wonder if shareblue runs most of the brigaders on this sub, who consistently push anti-trump, anti-russia articles.

you've been shit posting this stuff enough recently that i recognize your username for it.