Has there ever been a time where something big broke on this sub and was removed? Has anyone ever posted something too controversial and had it removed?

30  2017-11-10 by showmeurboobsplznthx

My buddy said in 2009 or 10, anonymous was posting top secret stuff to reddit and Reddit was deleting it all.

I think stuxnet kicked it off.



There are a few pictures if posted to reddit the will not appear or be heavily delayed via shadow banning. Also on imgur, immediate removal and a cookie-block preventing any further posts until cache is wiped. Plenty cases of censorship over the years.

The more subversive method of simply controlling or astroturfing (pushing discussion into a singular or superficial topic) does more damage - if one is gauging it simply by organic discussion development.

What kind of pix? People, places, or things?

This is very vague what sorta photo

Yeah... we found out the identity of a high profile person that was wanted for child porn charges... He was from a rich and influential family overseas... and reddit admins made the mods clear the boards of all mention of it until the media finally caught up and made it okay to post his info.

I remember that not to long ago.

And that name was?


I don't recall... I'm on mobile or else I'd snag it for ya... I'm sure the mods remember the name though... We almost got in trouble for that.

Curious to hear more.

My buddy said in the early days these analyst/ moral hackers found the stuxnet virus linked America and Israel but reddit and other sites were deleting and attacking anyone who posted evidence. They said it was a national security risk and people got in big trouble.

I saw something on here about 9/11. Where when it was built and other building to in that location were built with explosives inside already. The reason why is because the twin towers are 184 miles from a fault line. If a big enough earthquake did happen, it would trigger the building to come down instead of sway and knocking the other buildings down and causing further harm to surrounding buildings. I saw it up twice and quickly taken down

I always thought that made sense for big buildings because of the Domino effect and the hell the liability would cost.

Same as soon as I saw that I thought the same. I have never seen anyone else bring that theory up again

I remember reading that once

I'd say it's happened multiple times in the last year but "too controversial" is, of course, never the sited reason.

I wonder if some posted a comment on this threAd and its gone...

SLC day care



Stuxnet was likely Israeli and made to overspin the centrifuges in the Iranian nuclear program. The added chaos was caused by the virus releasing in the wild, self-replicating and causing A LOT of hardware failures from overheating. FYI.

It was so old too.I wonder what nitty future shit happens now. I'm surprised north Korea can even function...

It specifically targeted the centrifuges used in Iran and from what I know lay dormant on any other system.

the salt lake city day care saga. i was thinking this myself...

Fucking chills every time it's brought up.

My uncle called it... legitimately shopping around for a daycare in his area. Needless to say they didn't end up going there. He said that some lady picked up that couldn't speak English. He sends me photos when he drives by the building.

Embassies in Art program voat post info that was posted here. Some mods were temporarily suspended over it.

If you post anything regarding the Holocaust, you can expect the post to always remain just under 50% upvoted with a score of 0 so that it never hits the front page and gains traction. Its not removing it, but it has more or less the same effect.

I get that when pointing out that Israel is a nation and not a religion so holding them accoubtable has nothing to do with attacking the Jewish faith or the holocaust.

Yea, and any questioning of the Holocaust is "Holocaust Denial," which is automatically anti-Semitic. You can't question it, you can hardly discuss it, and in some countries it is even illegal to question it. I think this is a topic that is actively suppressed very strongly, not just on Reddit, but all over the internet.

When they make something illegal to question you can rest assured that it's because what they're attempting to prevent to be discussed, is built completely off of lies.

Free Palestine.

You would think that holding onto the lie that 6 mil were killed is more anti Semitic than being happy that there really wasn't a holocaust.

Germany will pay reparations until the end of time. As well as they have the greatest race card of them all for the next 100 years. It was a win.

Everything related to Pedogate including the sub itself.

Speculation that mods keep lists of users for purposes of doxxing or are encouraging the creation of honeypot links to capture your IP address

Speculation that the Admins removed the mods and replaced them with loyal puppets.

These kinds of insinuations can get you permabanned.

Yes. There was a pinned round table about Nibiru on r/conspiracy that disappeared yesterday after I mentioned the purpose of geoengineering and chemtrails was to hide it from the public. Thread is gone today!!

R/conspiracy loves to distract people from the real conspiracies that truly matter?

I was wondering what happened to that!


I wonder if some posted a comment on this threAd and its gone...