Reasons why Hollywood is unraveling

160  2017-11-11 by loveandpeace28

The reason Hollywood is unraveling is simple. The hush money has dried up. All these years, people in Hollywood kept their mouth shut because the money was good for everyone.

You keep quiet, and I'll pay you an absurd amount of money on behalf of my client. This is all unraveling because the money is no longer there. The actors aren't getting jobs. There's no money to pay people for spying, PR plants, or character assassinations.

As everyone knows, people are no longer going to movies the way they use to, for the most part this Summer's Box office was a complete flop. And while network and streaming projects are becoming more popular the money isn't nearly as long.

Many of these victims aren't brave. They're exposing their "abusers" because of broken "contracts" and "agreements."


Haven't heard this theory yet. It's interesting.

I think there's some elements of truth in this theory. Thanks.

To me, this makes so much sense. I was thinking, ‘why now?’ Why expose them now after the Cosby saga. Now I get it. Its for the same reason.

The Cosby women exposed him when their dreams of stardom were folded-no money. These women are exposing these men for the same reason, the money has dried up.

Thats overly simplistic, and a very negative attitude to the accusers.

Many people have made accusations for decades. Not all of them took hush money. Harvey Weinstein hired ex-Mossad agents to spy on accusers, to harass and intimidate them.

Yes, some, probably quite a few made their accusations when "their dreams of stardom were folded-no money", but another way to phrase that is they were to afraid and intimidated of having the dreams and careers ruined to come forward, and for very good reason, if the story i linked to is true (or others like it).

You think there's nothing to theory that because of the liberal agenda Cosby was protected because he was a positive image for black America and that didn't want to taint the only one?

The Mauve Hand is running things now with a much gentler touch.

I like ghe average Joe's on YouTube exposing Hollywood better than I like anything Hollywood is creating.

Do you have a link?

Mark Dice and PJW

Thank you!

Not only that, but hollywood and all the fake forced culture of these media corporations is cliche and really just fake culture. I've disconnected from it 99% and left the plantation. Now I watch mostly videos being created by people on youtube talking about everything you don't get to see on the mainstream media. Plenty of content that is much more interesting.

It's primarily due to Chinese investment into the infrastructure of the "Hollywood" studio/industrial business. New eyes on Hollywood history and secrets. Yes, the money is dried up. Hollywood is dead. These are the final days of the old style studio ran by Jewish interests.

Hollywood undead is a great band.


yeah it's possible.either way tho

I believe this well enough. The majority of Reddit likes to pretend it's just business as usual when in reality people are absolutely sick and tired of rich perverted "liberals" shoehorning their agendas into literally everything they can

Kodi Covenant is badass. For those of you who enjoy seeing that money dry up.

Lol odd place for that reference. I got Exodus to work on my fire stick better than covenant so I still use exodus. Its nice watching walking dead 3 hours early for free.

Also, OP great theory. What with proven spy networks and shit it makes sense that maybe with all these indictments it may have to do with big big names. And who ever made the list I love how alefantis is on there.

I use PC, exodus stopped working a few months ago.

Maybe when it is all said and done, we can get an entertainment industry that is actually entertaining

The UG market behind DC and Hollywood is under a massive brush fire right now. Parts of the globe as well. People and networks have been burning for the past several months whether the public realizes it or not.

UG market



its almost like the leader of the free world is a real person and not a puppet now.

No, he's absolutely a puppet, all about making the rich richer.. over time we will likely see the contributions from all the Goldman Sachs people he's appointed and what not. They simply bought their positions of power.

lol oh yea? making the rich richer? you saw them say that on the TV? must be true

I cut the cable years ago, I only stream what I watch. And clearly you missed the part of my comment where I mentioned the issue of him appointing a bunch of Goldman Sachs people to positions of power..

Then there's all the deregulating he's doing, most of which just makes the rich, richer.. while harming the people the regulations are intended to protect.

I've seen plenty of articles that did deep analysis of the proposed tax cuts, and they seem to say that no one making under 100k a year will see any actual benefit. That's by financial analysts and people working in economics, not the mainstream media.

But sure, go ahead and make assumptions and blame the media. That really doesn't work well in this sub that rarely believes the media.

lol no, you are a complete retard, google trumps tax reform plan, and make sure you go to the source and not an article summarizing it for your pea brain

Lol, I'm the retard? You're the one that made it about the tax plan, that wasn't even what I was talking about.. but go ahead and ignore everything else I said, even though that's what I was actually talking about.

read the tax plan its not long really, 72million families will no longer pay fed income tax, the poorest 72mil, and the other brackets are being lowered aswell, to make up for that the rich will no longer be able to escape paying taxes using alternative methods of holding their money, like charities or swiss bank accounts.

Explain how hes somehow helping the rich, and why would he exactly?

Removed. Rule 4. Final warning.

Time will tell. Not a fan of Trump but I said I was going to give some time & see what happens.

I am progressive & ready to take a chance & not pile on.

to me as an european it feels like it does not matter who is president of the US...

seems to me it's about the people who whisper in their ears... they are all puppets but some of them think they are independent.

Also, expect major political figures to be exposed next The public has a very short attention span, and the MSM knows this. Notice when the early allegations came out, there was extreme outrage. Not so much anymore. Its called desensitizing. When the major players are exposed, we will barely pay attention.

I think that's why there's so many people being accused right now.

After a few came out the hush money stopped because the alleged subjects were tired of paying hush money and said screw it......we got 13 cases pending of bigger fish than me.....hopefully I will slip thru the cracks and few will notice.

When some of the biggest names break, people will be shocked. Trust me.

Nobody was shocked when George W was accused.

I was talking Hollywood. If George W. goes down (and not in the way he prefers), people will be shocked.

I'll believe it when I see it. Who do you think is going to go down?

George H. W. Is what you mean right? I haven't seen anything about Shrub

Jeff Gannon

No I just heard him say it and thought it was funny af

That’s where you’re wrong kiddo. Hugh Hefner’s creepy old man life-force was protecting the pedophiles, until he died

Hollywood, please stop raping each other.

Burn the cabal strongholds down.

Great fucking post!

This really got me thinking. Because Hollywood felt like a coordinated effort but I couldn't figure out how someone coughCIAcough could pull this off. "Under New Management" "Follow the Money" is what happened

Things that that are losing their strength. ISIS. When was the last time you saw another "hero" photo shoot of the Oscar award winning branch of ISIS/CIA in the news?

Antifa. They lost all of the wind in their sails on the 4th. It was so bad that they resorted to "it was a prank bro"

Hollywood is falling faster than WTC 7. And it seems to coincide with Soros dumping everything into Open Society.

Reddit even seems to slowly be awakening with the recent posts in showerthoughts about not idolizing Hollywood and the other I forget where about dark secrets no one talks about that was loaded with red pills the MSM will not cover. Hell, the top post in pics right now is a virtue signal about deported Mexican US vets saluting the US flag in mexico today. Thing is, OP swiped the pic from an article about them being deported for felonies like shooting into a car full of people. And the most upvoted posts are pointing this out.

Thanks OP! You really just tied a lot of shit together for me!!!

Hate to break it to you, but as far as antifa goes, it really looks like a fabricated enemy created by the right. Multiple groups on Facebook confirmed to be run by conservative trolls.

That's the thing, it's fucking obvious, just like it's manufactured that there's a ton of alt right people. Wasn't the group in Charlottesville actually being led by some liberal?

Divide and distract, that's all it was. It doesn't help us that so many just accepted actual propaganda because it opposes their ideology. The powers that be are far too successful with this kind of bullshit.

Umm the paid antifa "protestestors" who were arrested for assaulting trump supporters were definitely real, even if their story wasn't.


imo it's twitter that's changed the dynamic. While Jewish media was the only way to get the word out there was no way to expose the Jewish rapists. Only people like Mel Gibson got their dirty laundry exposed.

Oh yeah I forgot to add this. Before, the studios, actors, proucers etc used to bribe news sources to not print stuff but with social media and a million online news websites they can't afford to bribe everyone and the news sources have to stay ahead of their competition.

I really hate how much of these conspiracies involve Jews. I was raised Jewish and come from a long line of really amazing Jews who started businesses, worked in government, they made insane wealth during the depression from starting metal forging businesses which BOOMED during the war. My father's side was even involved in Jewish mafias - so I guess we'd be prime targets for being involved in these sorts of nasty things. But we aren't. We don't even practice anymore and my father works at a Christian church to aid the homeless. My grandfather spent his retirement aiding the homeless as well through Habitat for Humanity. They're deeply spiritual, smart, moral people. They're not complete Zionists and I've even heard my question Israel as potentially engaging in genocide against the Palestinians and simply wants peace.

They are solid 100% American men who believe deeply in American values, democracy, and question official narratives just like people here. My father has been privately very open to the conspiracies I've shown him even though he works for a major Government agency. He voted for H but said he felt really bad about it because she simply seemed to be the "lesser of two evils". Crazy shit. Sometimes I wonder if some of this is just in our genetics? We're all very intelligent, professional, powerful people who have made major changes in our communities for the better. I know that is a really dangerous thought these days. I just hope when the hammer drops it's not another tribalist based race war. Some of us are very good people who are on the good side. We should be very careful of blaming an entire religion.

starting metal forging businesses which BOOMED during the war

And Jews started ww2 ...

There is definitely a different cult of Jews doing this shit. It's not the same thing. We're their useful idiots.

Definitely many Goy are the useful idiots of the criminal Jewish elite. For example, the Evangelicals sending BILLIONS every year to Israel even though it has more perversion per capita than Bangkok.

I just wish we had some language to separate "criminal Jewish elite" and average Jews. It's like the difference between the Saudi Arabian royalty and some regular farmers who are also Muslim. Criminal Jewish Elite works for me. CJE or something. IDK. But the line is getting blurry and we need to make sure we don't become bastards over this.

we need to make sure we don't become bastards over this.

We're fighting a war. "Being nice" is the losing strategy.

It's not about being nice or not. It's about civilian casualties.

Well the Jews who did 911 gave no fucks about civilian casualties. We're all just animals to them.

If it was proven to actually be Muslims (hypothetical, I've seen the Mossad stuff) then would you feel the same way about ALL Muslims?

Yes. Btw Saudi Arabia was involved in 911 and yes I do think Arabs are dangerous and should not be allowed in Western countries.

We should be very careful of blaming an entire religion.

Allegedly woke people in [CURRENT YEAR] America call them Khazars or Khazarians, to differentiate from the 99% of Jews who are good people.

I just hope when the hammer drops it's not another tribalist based race war.

It's always a "tribalist based race war." That's the nature of shit hitting the fan.

I really is. We're still such animals. I hate it. I want this world to live up to its potential but we have so many animal instincts, primarily within us the masses, that allow us to be controlled out of fear of our own truths. If only we could all dive into our selves and face the music, we'd all be in a much better state.

Many of these victims aren't brave. They're exposing their "abusers" because of broken "contracts" and "agreements."

It doesn't matter if they are or are not looked at as "brave". Doesn't matter even if they have ulterior motives that make anyone think less of them for saying what they're saying.

If what they're saying is true, then they and everyone like them should still continue outing criminals and rapists.

Many of these victims aren't brave. They're exposing their "abusers" because of broken "contracts" and "agreements."

Sure they're brave. They going against powerful men in a powerful industry but explaining how something humiliating happened to them.

Note, they may be going up against some "weakened" men whose influence has fallen, as Weinstein's has since the 90s.

The underlying market changes have spread the wealth and power more broadly breaking an empowered cartel. This is, in short due to the disruptive technology of: internet, Wi-Fi, smart phones, and streaming.

We don't need Hollywood big shots anymore, so their relative power is waning.

Trump is the reason. You think this would be happening with Hillary as President? Fuck no. It'd all be a "vast right wing Conspiracy"

You need to step out of the left-right bubble and realize America has one political party.

Everytime a script is floated, they need financing for working capital as well. If your previous revenues flop the lender will be less interested to fund you.

They realize now that they don't need any more help to become famous and rich.

Bullshit, Hollywood is breaking money records every year. Try again op

Box office revenue is flat but they make additional money in streaming.

Netflix paid $100M for one year of Seinfeld. The entertainment industry is not going broke.

Yes streaming, but physical media is dying. Going to the movies, buying albums etc

True but China has opened up and is a huge new revenue source.

Overall revenues are up.

Netflix paid $100M for one year of Seinfeld. The entertainment industry is not going broke.

Not going broke, but the money is definitely going to new & different players than the old tribes sucking it all up.

Netflix is also in billon dollar debt. They are skating on thin ice

OP.....interesting idea. I never thought of that but it's true.

Everyone with a HD video camera is producing content now. Makes the money pretty thin.

They're exposing their "abusers" because of broken "contracts" and "agreements."

That would explain it.

for the most part this Summer's Box office was a complete flop.

It sure seems that way. I don't track the numbers for this, but I've seen several summer films quickly move to DVD.

I know for some time they were courting Chinese investors; I have to wonder if that funding source dried up at some point.

Unraveling because they had to sacrifice a few of them... thats the only reason as of right now

Do you have a link?

Hate to break it to you, but as far as antifa goes, it really looks like a fabricated enemy created by the right. Multiple groups on Facebook confirmed to be run by conservative trolls.

That's the thing, it's fucking obvious, just like it's manufactured that there's a ton of alt right people. Wasn't the group in Charlottesville actually being led by some liberal?

Divide and distract, that's all it was. It doesn't help us that so many just accepted actual propaganda because it opposes their ideology. The powers that be are far too successful with this kind of bullshit.

read the tax plan its not long really, 72million families will no longer pay fed income tax, the poorest 72mil, and the other brackets are being lowered aswell, to make up for that the rich will no longer be able to escape paying taxes using alternative methods of holding their money, like charities or swiss bank accounts.

Explain how hes somehow helping the rich, and why would he exactly?

Not only that, but hollywood and all the fake forced culture of these media corporations is cliche and really just fake culture. I've disconnected from it 99% and left the plantation. Now I watch mostly videos being created by people on youtube talking about everything you don't get to see on the mainstream media. Plenty of content that is much more interesting.