What are some good documentaries on YouTube? Deep state, Rothschild, Nazis, Antarctica sort of stuff.

88  2017-11-11 by MrWhippie

I just finished watching "Everything is a rich man's trick" and it was awesome.

I'd like to see more like this. Really on any subject remotely close to this but wading through YouTube, you can end up watching lots of shit.

Thanks guys.

Edit: like no doesn't seem to be working.


If that doesn't work, search YouTube for the title.


Some of the best videos I have ever seen that I have kept over the years [click here for truth] (So You Want The Truth?: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrfYnEFijRuHpauLn7aHMbFkoQfJ2eca4)

Fuck yeah man. Cheers.

If you really want your eyes wide open watch THIS

Keep in mind this supposed to be a North Korea propaganda video, but if you watch it you will be like wtf?

Love that shit. You're a legend.

Wow never seen this before

I havent either

This guy is my favorite researcher/conspiracy theorist and has many great documentaries out this one is very informative about wall street/CIA connections in our history


A timeless, must watch which is posted all the time would be Conspiracy of Silence, detailing the Franklin scandal and its associated Drug and Sexual abuse, the cover up, and the fact that its tendrils reach to the highest levels of our government.

Link- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBSIDQt5Dwc


Youtube : How Big Oil Conquered the World, Dark Legacy 1 and 2, and Charlotte Iserbyt's stuff.

I'm not monetized, but maybe you'd like to check out our video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaZRcA1Xut0

Heres two good ones

Room 237


Zero Days


Your gonna have to look for the torrents or rent it, but they are worth the rent.

Looking forward to watching some of these vids! Awesome stuff on here.

Hypernormalization (2016) was quite something. Recommended.

ORIGIN OF AIDS Channel 4 documentary. How AIDS was spread via Polio vaccine

Catherine Austin Fitts: The Black Budget how the trillions of dollars lost by the department of defense is laundered to fund the development of high technology

Check out THIS absolutely epic list of documentaries a Redditor composed

Aaaaaannnd..........THREAD!! Thanks man that's gonna keep me busy for a long time. Champion.

Not sure what covers "Nazis" for you, but I can suggest this: Questioning the Holocaust

Check out ‘All Wars are Bankers Wars ‘ on YouTube