Never Take the Opinions Regarding Gender From "Transsexuals" This Would be the Exact Same Thing as Taking the Opinion of the Age of Consent Laws From Pedophiles

0  2017-11-12 by Yogurt__BOY

There are only two genders, this is a biological fact.

Do not allow the far-left to brainwash our children into thinking otherwise by the people who are shouting loudest about it, the mentally ill.

Pedophiles are mentally ill and want to fuck children.

Transsexuals are mentally ill and play make believe and think they can change their sex via "sex reassignment surgery" and then literally pretend they are a different gender, worse is they then force this mental illness on the rest of us.

Reject this nonsense.



Wow what? This is all true. The conspiracy is trying to make you go along with 22 genders.

It's not a conspiracy to document the many different ways gender is expressed. Humans are not genetically homogenous, and that's a good thing.

There are two. Document done.

Is someone with two X chromosomes and a penis a man?

There are two genders.

I asked a question that you didn’t answer.

I did the percentage of people that have the situation you describe is do small that it's not an issue. This is a made up controversy to cause. The statement is and always will enjoy, there are two genders. That's it. Sorry no controversy. No BS.

It’s not an issue for who? You? Maybe not, for them it’s a huge issue.

I only asked about one type of intersex person. There are a full spectrum of intersex people, thus making it impossible to say there is only one gender.

All it takes is one example of someone being XXY to disprove the statement that there is only one gender. Yet, there are millions of such examples and the more we learn about human genetics the more diversity we find.

Science is not marching backward.

If you met someone with two X chromosomes and a penis would you call them a man or a woman?

There are two genders. They can then but the tiny percentage of natural accidents aren't what you set public policy off. So or for genetic mistakes. But there are two genders. That's it. Sorry.

Public policy isn't part of our discussion here. That said, we don't set public policy for the majority or to exclude a minority no matter how "statistically insignificant". We set public policy for all citizens. Same sex marriage is a great example of this.

Science is very helpful for us to discern fact from fiction.

Your hypothesis is that there are only two genders. This can easily be tested by looking at our genetic makeup. If we find even one example of someone that is gender ambiguous, this disproves the hypothesis. Since we know there are millions of such examples, we must move on and create a new hypothesis to test.

Sorry there are still just two genders. The rest are generic accidents not whole new categories.

We are all "genetic accidents". We all have about the same number of mutations, roughly 60. Some are just more physically visible than others.

Intersex people are not sub-human. You don't get to say they are not human or don't qualify to your standard of categorization somehow.

If you try to put everything in two categories and then something shows up that doesn't fit in either, you make a third. It's really that simple.

I never said anything about them being sub human you did. There are two sexes that’s it end of story. Sorry you are wrong.

I get what you're saying but what does it matter to you if someone wants to change their gender by means of surgery?

I think the concern is for children

Do you think your children would opt for gender change surgery on a whim? What kind of children are you raising?

The idea that children can decide they want to change their gender is already being pushed onto society by "lgbt rights" community. Are you not paying attention?

The next step is that they can consent to sex with adults.

Ok I see the concern -- allowing children under the age of consent to make decisions about gender is not rational.

So to constrain the question, do you think your children, once they have reached the age of consent, would make that decision? And if they did, would you have the right to prevent that? Even if you felt it was bad for them?

If they do it once they reach the age of consent, i have no right to prevent them.

I highly doubt my (and hope) my future children would do this, tho.

Do you think your children would opt for gender change surgery on a whim?

I would have opted for grafting huge bat-wings to my body on a whim when I was a kid. There's a reason we don't allow kids to drive, drink, smoke or have sex.

Do you not think it is concerning that we as a society are allowing especially invasive surgery to mutilate a persons body, a person who is mentally ill?

Do you know for instance, that a male having "sex change surgery" ends up with a gaping wound where their penis once was? The human body literally permanently fights against it.

These mentally ill people then end up taking there own life because instead of getting help for there mental heath, some other mentally ill person convinced them to get invasive surgery, only to realize after the fact they can not change there sex or gender.

The far-left are forcing this utter bullshit on the rest of us pretending this utter nonsense is normal, it isn't, it is fucked up beyond belief.

Humans have free will and can choose to have this invasive surgery if they'd like and it seems like not allowing them to do so it's taking away that right. Do you think that gay people are mentally ill as well?

Saying that anyone that gets this surgery will end up killing themselves is a strange and most likely very much opinionated idea as opposed to a real statistic or trend.

You're making the claim is super fucked up but, it's just different than what you're used to. How do you think people felt when African Americans were granted freedom in this country after them having been slaves for so long?

Humans have free will

Mentally ill people should be cared for and not allowed (as is the case in every other situation) to be making such drastic body destruction

Do you think that gay people are mentally ill as well?

No, why would I think that?

Pedophiles are mentally ill

Saying that anyone that gets this surgery will end up killing themselves is a strange and most likely very much opinionated idea as opposed to a real statistic or trend.

That is where you are wrong, the Rate of suicide and attempted suicides on average in the US is 4.6 percent of the overall U.S. population, in comparison to 41 percent of "transsexuals"

I am on my phone, but if you google The Williams Institute it will bring the PDF up that backs my claim.

You seem to use the term mentally ill very freely and yeah obviously pedophiles are mentally ill which is why I didn't say anything about that.

2 issues I have with that statistic, 1.) The population difference between those two groups of people are drastically different 2.) People who change genders are certainly seen as having issues by the vast majority of people which will cause serious self esteem issues which only adds to whatever that have dealt with in their life to make them take that step to change gender.

Maybe the suicide rate wouldn't be so high if people like you stopped calling them mentally ill and allowed them to live their life how they want to. I'm sure they don't care what decisions you make in life so why should you care about theirs? If you weren't so quick to think that they're totally insane maybe you could find that at least some of them are just people, just like you and I.

Maybe the suicide rate wouldn't be so high if people like you stopped calling them mentally ill

More projection, it isn't society's fault at all.

The World Health Organization states that "transgendered" people are mentally ill.

The world health organization has a lot of great stuff including that apparently half of all drug seizures are caused by marijuana; seems like a credible source of information.

I'm not saying it's societies fault entirely but it certainly isn't helping the cause either. If a transgender person read this and saw how many times you called them mentally ill, it probably doesn't make them a happy individual. Your defining a large amount of people as mentally ill and I'm gonna guess that you've only ever met a handful of them. Is it so crazy to consider that not all of them are crazy but just wanted to make this change in their life or is your opinion too set in stone to think otherwise?

If a transgender person read this and saw how many times you called them mentally ill, it probably doesn't make them a happy individual.

How is this my fault? It is an actual fact.

Pretending you are a different gender is a mental illness.

Based on the amount of responses in this thread debating your ideas of mental illness, I'd say it's more so of an opinion. Have you ever talked to a transgender individual and bothered to listen to their side of the argument before making these arguments? It seems to me like you're ridiculing a population of people with an uninformed view of the perspective of those you are defining, simply because they're different than you are.

They have to do extensive counseling before even getting hormones, and continue w therapy while they wait for a surgery.

Here's the real conspiracy. My state's health insurance will give a FtM hysterectomy easier than a cis hysterectomy. I've had 4 surgeries and still can't get this ticking time bomb out of me, at 36 years old. Yet a 24 year old will get it voluntarily removed for mental health wellness, while I worry about bleeding to death.

The problem is they are mutilating their bodies over a mental health issue and then a majority seemingly regret this decision, which should be obvious to anyone, all they are doing is creating an open wound.

The same could be said of cis women seeking IVF.

This again is false. The majority of trans people do not regret the process.

How many trans people do you know and regularly spend time with?

Except they didnt have a choice in being slaves.. these people are choosing to mutilate themselves, go look at suicide rates of trans people after surgery.. itll suprise you how many commit suicide

The slave thing was more so an analogy for the drastic changes that sometimes appear within society before some people are ready for it which causes adverse reactions such as the ones represented in this thread.

Okay well thats resonable carry on

The far-left are forcing this utter bullshit on the rest of us

Funny because after reading your post and comments here it seems you are being the opposite side of that same coin, here's an idea how about you stop being so obsessed about what people do with their crotch's, you live your life and they'll live theirs, you don't have to like it but you obviously don't want anyone else to respect it either..... stop trying to Force your utter bullshit on the rest of us

you live your life and they'll live theirs

That is good advice, the problem is they are forcing this nonsense on the rest of us.

....this is the most useless emotional reply. why even bother replying just to get upset and not contribute.

Sorry, what did your response contribute? Seems even more emotional and reactionary than the comment you replied to.

and how do you feel about circumcision in babies?

Pretty sure they also called homosexuality a mental disorder at one time until it was more understood.

Yes there are only biologically two genders. What's wrong with a person born a guy who feels like he should have been born a women but still likes women? It's society that forces that guy to feel like he needs to actually look like a women to be one

How is having sex with someone of the same sex in any way shape or form the same as literally denying reality and playing make believe, even worse taking body altering drugs and have massively invasive surgery that leaves a permanent open wound?

There are not and every gay person I know rejects the LGBT community, they don't and shouldn't be associated with the mentally ill "transgender" community.

How do you know they are denying reality? What if they are XX males or XY females, what if they have AIS?

They then have a birth defect, nothing more than that.

I think there is more too it if you have both male and female DNA, but to each is their own..

I think there is more too it if you have both male and female DNA

Basic genetics my friend.

Humans normally have 46 chromosomes, which come in 23 pairs, as well as some mitochondrial DNA. From the mitochondrial DNA, and 22 of the 23 other chromosome pairs, there is nothing to tell you whether the DNA came from a male or a female. The genetic difference between males and females resides in that last chromosome pair, the sex chromosomes. At the sex chromosomes, women have two X chromosomes, while men have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome.

They are birth defects/syndromes.

Not new genders, there are only two and will only ever be only two.

So what sex/gender do you classify anyone with those mentioned afflictions? Is a hermaphrodite a male or female?

Intersex is rare but does happen. If there is ever going to be a possibility of more than two genders, intersex would be the third. Everything else is mental illness.

Yeahh ..... those aren't normal.

And are people who mistake belief for fact and who lack all reasoning skills and empathy, because of belief, defective?

So what's your birth defect, a terminal lack of empathy? Or were you just dropped on your head as a baby? Or are you just a troll? In any case, can you go back under your bridge please.

Completely missed my point. I'm saying society forces them to feel like they need to do those things to their body to fit the image of what a women is. If it was okay to be a women in a mans body the people that feel that way would just be that way if society didn't care instead of labeling them mentalling disordered

I'm saying society forces them to feel like they need to do those things to their body to fit the image of what a women is

This is what "transsexuals" claim, but we should obviously reject this statement as it is being said by someone who is mentally ill.

If it was okay to be a women in a mans body...

It is perfectly fine, put on a dress and a wig and play make believe, the problem is they are projecting their mental illness on the rest of society and trying to blame normal people for what they are thinking.


It's not your reality, but it's their's. Either you strongly lack empathy, or the lady doth protest too much, umkay?

Dude you dont even know how to spell check or how to use proper grammar. Why should we take your troll opinion about anything?

You’re mentally ill.

What's wrong with a person born a guy who feels like he should have been born a women but still likes women?

It's called gender dysphoria disorder

They had a cute little clinical term for homosexuality too until every came to thier senses and realized it wasn't an abomination of god and they didn't suffer from any mental disorder.

Homosexuality is different to trans. Gay guys generally don't want to turn their dicks inside out.

True trans is a birth defect just like any other. Though a percentage is just people using the idea of trans to try to fix a deeper depression in their lives.

Yea except people werent mutilating their bodies and cutting off genitals sooo....

Let's just force them to undergo trans conversion therapy. Gay conversion therapy was a thing it hat worked wonders. /s

Trans is a completely different ball game to gay. What's funny is that many trans people actually voluntarily go under trans conversion therapy.

Except being transgendered or transexual is not a crime, and even it was, it would be a "victimless" crime at that.

But taking the advice from a mentally ill "transsexual" about gender issues is exactly like taking the advice from pedophiles about the age of consent laws

But taking political advice from a unapologetic pious 'right winger' is exactly like taking advice from a drug dealer about drug laws. That is literally the equivalent of what you are trying to say.

Do you see any problem with your analogy?

No it's perfect.

We shouldn't take advice about mental health issues from mentally ill people.

Your analogy isn't even in the same ballpark.

What happens when someone is born with a penis but also ovaries and a uterus? They shouldn’t be able to choose? What about someone born without ovaries or a uterus but has a vagina and undescended testicles?

You sound like a religious, sheltered 15 year old that has never once researched how genetic mutations work.


Your examples try to justify the argument with a datapoint of less than 2% of total population.

Fantasy land is fun but here on earth your facts are irrelevant and reinforce the squeaky minority gets the grease.

Delusional logic.

Yeah we live in a world where extreme situations happen. Ignoring that these people exist and that they have emotions just like you and I is whats illogical...

Wow. Typical black and white comprehension level.

I said those things exist and we should change the bulk of society for the perverted desires of a very small few.

People born with defects have the option.

All this arguing over sex sets up a more difficult environment for them to acclimate.

So congratulations. You are making it more difficult by angrily trying to justify for others that have a physical dysmorphia by using people with actual defects.

Your logic is sloppy and careless and will result in a destruction of morals of society.

Sorry. You're wrong and will always be wrong because you want to break physical objective reality with your mind.

Dude you’re talking shit on people that you have nothing to do with... why do you care if someone wants to change genders? Why do you care if someone wants to replace their penis with a vagina and call themselves a girl... seriously it has no effect on your life unless you let it.

Btw we live in a society where the richest people steal from us on a daily basis and literally pay for people to go out and incite arguments that are meant to divide us over issues like this that you have nothing to do with...

You honestly seem like a paid shill. How selfish can you be that you would go out of your way to shame these people? How have they affected you so personally? Why do you hold the opinion that its immoral to wear girls clothes and pretend to be a chick?! You realize all the celebrities and politicians out there are fucking little boys right?! Actual, real, physical abuse...

And you’re over here talking about how two consenting adult trannys are perverse?!

You are the distraction. You are the shill here.

It has a huge effect on my life. How dare you imply that I should sit back and do nothing while people are protesting for rights that they argue they don't have because they bring up arguments with people that don't want them to be catered to.

Screw you and your complete unawareness.

They are changing a lot of things about society and stand as victims by phrasing and interacting with everything AS A VICTIM.

Funny how that works out. I'm not going to let people have conversations and push people around because they want "acceptance" by being as decisive as possible.

Screw that energy and the deception needed to logically convince someone that any of it is okay is astonishing.

Your failure to join the many mechanisms of society is no fault of mine. You laid out assumptions that I didn't even make. Seems like you are building me into your opponent.

The transgender funded movement is going to have devastating effects on this country for everyone. It's the same slow sick confusion that has been occurring to take away confidence in the gender than isn't afraid to stand up to tyranny that you mention so tangentially.

If you want to discuss trans then let's do it. It's hard to maintain a conversation if you're all over the place in attempting to flame me.

You are so blind to the effects of the trans movement if you aren't seeing children with identity crisis, post op depression, sexual deviancy from women, feminized men.

Love your culture or hate it, it exists and grows much to the detriment of society due to infighting and bickering caused from emotional instability.

I'm on the outside watching in and watching the entire cancerous inverted fascist socialist creation blowing up in the face of everyone thinking they understand it.

Good luck to you.

You’re distracting from the actual raping, mutilation, and murder of underage helpless children all across the world.

Sounds like you’re a boy fucker that is trying to say “BUT BUT BUT LOOK AT THE TRANNY MOVEMENT”

I'm really not. You're trying to divert and anyone reading will see.

Simpleton. Slow braindes simple minded fool.

Great, logical response.

How much do you get paid per hour? You’ve switched accounts three times now.

Lol. You're in your own reality. I've been on this account for years.

If you wanna play games, let's hop of call of duty bro. This is way above your intellect.

You know honestly; seeing your responses is a dreary reminder of the effects of ADHD on this society.

You can't even stay on task to debate a topic without dragging other things in to try to seem more morally just.

I don't know how to help you with this problem since it is not only yours.

What gleetspeek dood is doing is called 'gish gallop'

just in case you were wondering.

It worked. Dude pissed me off...

It's often their MO. "they" (seemingly most sT_D'ers) thrive of hating on others for being different than them, for asking for a place in society that is not scorned.

When one comes from a place of hate, it's impossible to justify reasonably, so they go to all the 'technically right' and invincible ignorance positions to back them up. And they'll throw as many out as possible, since tiring you (or me) out is winning for them.

Removed. Rule 10.

And it is you that needs to learn to live in a majority setting.

We can't have a system that takes care of everyone individually when there are much more important needs for the many.

This world works in mass majority and there is a huge attempt at giving power and law making abilities to the underdogs that want to enslave the majority rule that has been occurring.

Now with technology available people can isolate and single out anyone opposed to their view and we are seeing a pooling of ideologies that wants t available before and it is attacking the status quo.

You people all see the status quo as something that needs to be attacked instead of turning your focus onto what you've been doing wrong with your perspective that gives you a never ending enemy.

The answer lies in the people with the problem. Society is tough. It it's because life doesn't cater to every aspect of personality and it's a part of the growth.

Asking the world to. End over for every nuance is ridiculous and a person like that should have a safe space where they can create their own reality.

Reality is the intersection of believes and your entire preposition is based on taking out others beliefs because of your own erroneous views that trans are entitled to something.

When you play with your biology you're entitled to problems and that's what they are bringing into society.

No sympathy from me. They are overly sensitive and have a runaway depression effect that gender change won't fix. That data exists too. A ton of it.

You’re so damn ignorant and unhealthy. You need to eat an organic meal and smoke a joint bro.

we most definitely can live in a system where we are all taken care of and take care of each other. The thing is the richest people in the world dont want the general population to understand that... they want us to keep arguing over issues that we have nothing to do with... havent you ever seen a bugs life dude?

Why don’t we look into the fact that all these celebrities and politicians are allowed to fuck little boys and get away with it, while im not even allowed to grow a fucking cannabis plant in my backyard and apparantly i’m not allowed to have a fetish for trannys?

There are so many issues to focus on. This one is not one of them.

We need to actually focus on the real issues like that ACTUAL ABUSE that is happening to UNDERAGE HUMANS.

You are simple.

You seem to be distracting from the major pedophilia issue happening by pointing out transexuals, which a large percentage were abused and mutilated by their abusers.

You’re picking on a group of victims. I don’t give a fuck if im simple.

Where are you pulling this pedo data from? In what way am I detracting from it by responding to transsexual posts in a transsexual thread?

Check your awareness level. If anything you can't handle what I say so you are bringing in the straw man.

You are such a transparent fool. Try again blowhard.

Um go on google and search “official Hollywood Lolita Pre-Teen Studios”.

And tell me there isn’t a HUGE problem with child abuse material right now. Let alone the amount of abuse materiel on the dark net.


Are you obsessed with pedos? Why are you trying to drag me into a conversation about pedos like I have nothing to say about them?

I'm addressing trannies and their impact on society.

Don't assume my stance on pedophilia based on what I say about transexuals.

Again. Go take an aptitude test. Your IQ is plummeting.

lol because this entire post is made so that people will associate transexuals with pedophiles. Pedophiles are attracted to children and acting on that is abuse %100 of the time.

Transexuals are attracted to OTHER ADULTS...

I just don’t understand why two consenting adults cant live their own lives and have their own perversions...

Transexuals in my opinion do not deserve to be compared to pedophiles... i am and would be friends with transexuals. I will not be friends with a pedophile and i wont compare my trans friends with pedophiles... thats fuckin mean bro...

Because trannies aren't as. It and dry as you'd like.

They are creeping into childhood development.

This is child abuse.

You won't win. Their entire movement is about converting.

Doesn't that remind you of anything?

All practicing pedo’s are abusers.

Two consenting transexual adults fucking in the privacy of their home isn’t abusive to anybody...

They should not be compared.

I don’t think I’ve deserved all of the insults you’ve thrown my way simply because I got frustrated trying to communicate that opinion to you.

The OP separated the two. Any inclusion of them is happening in your mind and shows your corrupt perspective as defensive to. Oh for some reason.

No, he didn’t separate the two. He was directly comparing the mental health of transexuals to the mental health of pedophiles.

Pedophiles are inherently mentally ill. Transexuals are not.

Their mental health in my opinion should not be compared at all and I honestly dont think you put any effort into understanding what I was trying to communicate. In fact, you seemed to be extremely eager to insult and make jabs at my intelligence instead of attempting to understand my view point.

TRANSEXUALS does not equal gay. There is a mental illness if they want to disfigure their physical self.

Sorry but just because you and a bunch of others like to move the lines of acceptability back more and more doesn't mean it's not a mental illness.

Biology says objectively there is a man and a woman. They procreate to create a child.

Any other combination doesn't work for creation of life and is this a subjective belief being forced into an objective reality.

Game. Set. Match. You'll never win against science and biology despite other areas of science widening the margins for you.

It's all bullshit and your arguing bullshit with bullshit points made up by bullshit social scientists to ruin civilization.

Wait what did you win exactly?

My point was that transexuals should not be compared to pedophiles...

Its like comparing someones PTSD(a mental illness) to pedophilia... wouldn’t that be a bit shitty if you had PTSD and someone tried to say “listening to the opinion about PTSD from someone who has PTSD is like listening to a pedophiles opinion about pedophilia”??

The end goal of these conversations shouldn’t be to “win” or “lose”. It should be sharing ideas, sharing experiences, listening, empathizing, and letting each other have our own opinions as long as they aren’t directly harming anyone.

I’m not trying to have the debate about whether or not transexuals are mentally ill or not or whether or not they are a harm to society or cause physical abuse and harm to others... if you are, you can have that discussion with someone else.

Again, my point was that transexuals should not be compared to pedophiles...

I feel like thats a valid and fair opinion to have especially when I’m not pushing it on anybody.... all I was doing was trying to defend the transexual community that has been nothing but kind to me, from an unfair comparison.

He did separate the two descriptions even if he attributed a similarity between them.

Good luck to you.

Speaking of child abuse.

This isn't normal or acceptable.

Pedofilia happens as a result of this dysmorphia is sex identity and relations.

Removed. Rule 4.

Argument from emotion is a commonly appealed to logical fallacy. Feeling sorry for someone is no justification for over-turning the truth.

Yea except the fact people like BRUCE jenner are purposely changing genders without any of these things, a genetically born male, with just a regular penis and testicles feels like a girl so he chops off his cock, turns it into a vagina and demands we call him a normal human being that is a female, or they dont have a gender... no gender is not a cultural norm its the same thing as sex (male or female) only 2 options, minus the fact that people are actually born with 2 sets of genitals because it is such a small percentage, if you want to change sex i really dont give a shit its your body, you do you but dont expect me to change to try and make you feel more comfortable in society you shouldve thought that through before you had the surgery

lol did bruce jenner knock on your door and beg you to accept him?

Yea at like 3 in the morning shit was wild hahahahaha hes a big name for his surgery so he was the example i used

Also nice username

Hell yeah, you too :)

Soooo you're telling me that there's never a case where a victim or rehabilitated transgressor might be able to contribute their knowledge from their experience and perspective that might elevate the understanding of all society?

I guess that means no on be should listen to this lovely woman either.

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So people with PTSD, a mental illness, should not have any opinions/sway relating to mental health issues?!

I also don't agree that gender dysphoria is a mental illness. There is scientific research suggesting it is related to the physical brain (not giving sources, as easy enough to find online).

I don't understand how people can't deal with a subject without bringing in another completely separate issue.

There is like one similarity in the face of tons of dissimilarities.

Let's stay on task.

"Victimless" when then person changes and demands the entire world to do things their way, for their selfish benefit.

Yeah victimless.

Oh you poor ❄, does someone get a micro-aggression when a transgendered male walks into the bathroom?

Assumptive stock term insult thrower.

Your lack of creativity triggers me more than any trans person.

You attack when you don't like something? Do you project your own adjectives to blend in? Is what I said too challenging to respond to on it's own merit?

Leave and try again. Maybe you'll make me laugh next time.

"Victimless" when then person changes and demands the entire world to do things their way, for their selfish benefit.

What exactly are they forcing onto people? Merely existing, choosing to go to the restroom instead of on the floor?

They want to turn everyone else's world around to cater to their deranged idea of normal.


"Triggered" and "snowflake" are two things that instantly make you sound like a moron if you have to resort to using them.

Nice dog whistle moron.

You sound triggered! Are you mad?

Does it bother you that your shit posting isn't taken seriously? Boo hoo.


Hm. Having fun?

Exactly among consenting adults there is no problem, and whatever ones opinions, respect is still due.

There are only two genders, this is a biological fact.

No, no it is not. /u/Yogurt__Boy, how about AIS, hermphadites, and folks with chromosomal abnormalities?

The are medically known as birth defects and/or syndromes.

They are not new genders

But how can you be male or female when you are genetically both? You know what that means, there are more than 2 genders my friend.

Basic genetics.

Humans normally have 46 chromosomes, which come in 23 pairs, as well as some mitochondrial DNA. From the mitochondrial DNA, and 22 of the 23 other chromosome pairs, there is nothing to tell you whether the DNA came from a male or a female. The genetic difference between males and females resides in that last chromosome pair, the sex chromosomes. At the sex chromosomes, women have two X chromosomes, while men have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome.

You already replied this to me, something fishy is definitely going on here.

You didn't read it the first time or you still wouldn't be trying to claim there are more than two genders.

Unless an individual is XY but has androgen insensitivity, and thus biologically develops all the female secondary characteristics while having internal testes, and no one might even notice until they look into why the girl never got her period.

Or you can easily have chimerism or mosaicism which means you have some organs or cells of a different set of genes in you. Like the man who had an ovary inside him.

This is like saying "Do not take opinions about space travel from an astronaut." And it is NOT exactly the same as taking an opinion from a predator pedophile which has succumbed to a different set of dysfunction entirely.

Transsexuals are people who may or may not have good rational capabilities. Some of them may have more informed opinions about gender than that fish who's only swam in his own native sea. Rather than a blanket statement requiring us to close our ears, should we rather not judge the ideas on their merit and outcome?

To be fair, the astronaut is essentially smart ballast. The planning, construction and execution of space travel is not really done by the astronaut himself.

Yes, to be fair. The opinions of gender from a transsexual, also is about their journey, and not about the genetic or developmental machinery that made them that way.

Insightful! They may also have better information about those things too, though, having such heavy incentives to learn all they can about them.

This is like saying "Do not take opinions about space travel from an astronaut."

No it isn't.

We shouldn't take advice about mental health issues from mentally ill people, how is that even remotely the same as taking advice from a professional in his field of expertise?

It isn't.

We shouldn't take advice about mental health issues from mentally ill people

Ok, well, you're original statement was that we shouldn't listen to their opinions. Taking advice is different. For example, I would be interested in hearing from an intelligent schizophrenic about what that is like in order to understand the basal nature of consciousness, although I wouldn't necessarily take their advice as how to respond to voices in ones head.

So too with a transgender person, I would not be interested in their fashion advice, but would certainly be interested in hearing how they view the distinction between genders.

Hes right. The analogy would work better if we were asking the gender reassignment surgeon about trans.


We shouldn't take advice about mental health issues from mentally ill people

Your main (flawed) argument aside, this is a profoundly incorrect statement. The people struggling with mental illness are the best source of advice about what they're dealing with

There are only two genders, this is a biological fact.

Not really. There are critical periods during fetal development where genital and neurological sexual differentiation is governed by hormones released by the mother. If such is interrupted the fetus will not properly develop into one or the other sex. The result is usually a male with defective genitalia and a brain that is more female than male. There is also the reverse case where a genetic female is subjected to masculinizing hormones which may result in a sterile female with male characteristics.

But you do have a point. While the number of cases of incomplete sexual dimorphism is on the rise due to industrial chemicals mimicking hormones, the sheer number of supposed cases is hard to swallow. Boys have always played with dolls for instance, but that is usually temporary. Early on, sex-specific toy preferences take hold. We can talk about "action-figures" being doll-play, but boys tend to use those dolls to mimic aggression, not nurturing. That being said, a tendency towards opposite-sex preferences is not, and should never be, a diagnostic for being in the wrong body.

According to the Kinsey report, the majority of people are neither exclusively homo or hetero sexual. Most of us are in that grey area and show preferences for typical same-sex versus opposite-sex behaviours to varying degrees. Once again, not a diagnostic for incomplete dimorphism.

Not really. There are critical periods during fetal development....

You are literally just describing a birth defect/syndrome.

Humans have only got to where we are today because of two genders, natural selection.

We have many genders, but we can break them down to 5 main groups - male, nearly male, hermaphrodite, nearly female, female. Hermaphrodites are the least common with the "nearly" people being more common. Google "incomplete sexual dimorphism" for articles and studies.

We have many genders

We don't, we have two, male and female.

To deny this is to deny reality.

You're utterly wrong. Look up "incomplete sexual dimorphism".

Hermaphrodites = birth defect.

There are still only two genders, male or female

So what is a hermaphrodite's gender then?

Obviously it’s whatever genitals the parents don’t remove.

You're wrong. Look it up.

Uhh... what?

Everyone is bi, damnit. Even the asexuals. I've been saying this for years. Sexuality is fluid.

Nope. 20% of males and 10% of females are exclusively hetero or homo sexual. The rest make choices one way or the other which are as much cultural as innate.

I'm going to agree to disagree. At some point, everyone feels attractions to people that don't fit their socially acceptable molds or their sense of self identity. Europeans know this. They're not so puritanical about what is a normal biological response to visual or even pheromone stimulation.

Absolutely. North America was infected early on by Puritans longing to escape freedom.

I believe the main reason for all of this is to sell people into a new life style and make more revenue. Think about how much more money clothing, media company's will make and can target the individuals and sell them a life style they want. But also I think it's a social experiment that blew up

The medical and drug conglomerates sure do profit from this.

True also. Forgot that one. Once they have you as a customer they have you for life. Glad you said that because just at the hospital I work at this year alone we have already done 15 kidney transplants, 2 liver transplants and several AVR/MVR surgurys on patients between the ages of 17 to 32 for people who are on hormone replacement therapy

Holy shit. Is there a study or report about the need to repair these organs for trans people?

1 you can look at what it does to the body if you start taking meds before the person is fully mature. 2 these are the patients that come to the operating rooms I work at. 3 i would rather not have children and or teens go on hormone replacement until the age of 24 to 25. Other than that I really don't care.

But if you are asking for if there is a study online. Not yet, prob next year or so. We are just 1 of a few hospital that several pharmaceutical companies are paying us to see the side effects that this does on the human body under the age of 24.

Oh ok. It's interesting as no one seems to discuss side effects of hormones or transition surgeries. These things are so important to the conversation.

Thats why i will always mention something in regards of this touchy subject. It's what I actually do for a living

This how I see it.

There are Two genders and Three orientations. The orientations are male, female, and 'other.' I'm sure everyone will agree in male and female. But other is different than what we would think of as an orientation. Other is identifying and orienting yourself through the Other sex. So a person born male can be orientated through a female perspective. Vice versa. It's an actual part of the scheme of this world. People aren't mentally ill because they are Other. Identifying with the other gender has deeper reasons and it has to do with the psyche and the soul.

As far as what kind of sexual interaction you like that is preference, not orientation.

Pedophiles have a sexual hangup on their own exposure to being abused or having exposure to sex at a very early age in some capacity with an adult. So it's no different when a doctor is doing this to a child to mess with their sexuality . It's still abuse in my eyes. A child can express themselves as other without having to have their physiology restructured. I think that is terribly abusive and parents who love their kids and thinks it's the best for them need to think of long term. That's the child's whole life. Let the child grow into themselves without that and let them make these choices later in life because what's en vogue now won't even be necessary in a world where the child can be other without being forced into that appearance to be accepted.

Why care though? If it makes them happy, y'know. From my point of view they'll still be either pretty enough to fuck or not. This anti-transgender stuff seems to come from emotional conservatism, like fear and stuff.

I think it's pretty obvious that this fucked up shit comes from the USA and it's getting out of control. It's scary how women in particular fall for this crap, a lot of women argue for anything they think had to do with letting people freely express themselves. To me this transgender shit has just developed organically in America, they've been dolling their kids up in pagents and loading them with drugs and snipping their cocks in half, teaching them racism and violence and making them so fat they can't think properly - those people defending the right for someone to pick their gender when they get bored with it just makes sense when you look at the big picture.

To be fair, I don't agree with your whole argument, and I know "true" trans folks, but yes, this new wave vogue trans shit is people with personality disorders who think being trans will fix it, while simultaneously getting them victim/hero status. It's not popular to say in the queer community, but there's some new young things who have no sense of history, respect or the spiritual side of the two-spirits. In some cultures, they were the shamans.

I've watched a friend allow his son to appear feminine for years, no hormones, and now the kid is definitely hitting puberty (and wants to use his penis) and identify as male. I've found it repulsive that he has used it for attention and a badge to show how open-minded he is. That's completely different from another friend's experience of her son coming out to her at 3 and having to immerse herself in the queer scene to find information and support. She's not convinced about hormones and I sure as fuck never will be. For anyone.

I knew this post would bring out the SJWs arguing that sex and gender aren't the same. Gender isn't a social construct. You are either a male or female, nothing more nothing less (unless you are intersex - rare) The LGBTQSGDTDJ community have been infiltrated by those with a sick agenda. The agenda is to warp our kids minds from an early age about sexuality and gender. Kids have no reason to learn about this shit - yet it is pushed really hard. Transgender kids are part of their plan to destroy traditional values and strip everyone of their true identity. They want people to be feeling confused and deluded about what sex they are. I'll repeat it just to be an arse: there are two genders. Male and female. Penis and vagina. XX and XY. that's biology and there's no arguing with it.

Hopefully in a few years this gender politics will be over.

Since you seem to respect science here is a quick read put out by Harvard on transexuality. It is backed up by actual scietific studies done by neuroscientists.

Great You can be transgender or transsexual if you want, my issue is when people start policing language because it offends a small group of people, can’t stand that shit Like I said you CAN be transgender, personally I think it’s wrong and deluded and not a real thing like being non binary and all the other crap people pretend to be


Your statements are not accurate.

It is entirely possible to have two X chromosomes and have a penis. It is also entirely possible to have X and Y chromosomes and have a vagina.

A full spectrum of intersex people exist, this is a fact you cannot dismiss. Which is why it is false to say there are only two genders.

You do not have the right to tell someone else what their gender is. You do not know their genetic makeup, nor do you know if they have a mental disorder.

There is nothing wrong with being trans. Just like there is nothing wrong with being gay, cross dressing, or being gender fluid.

Wish people knew this. Just like there is more than five senses, there is also more than two genders on the scientific level. But even doctors have bullshit ideas that they help perpetuate just like the two gender generality bullshit.


But to people like OP nope it is a biological fact only 2 genders. So much ignorance.

I feel bad for you OP. So much hate in your heart.

/u/Yogurt__BOY is so obsessed with transexuals it's comical. Go back to t_d where you can yell in your echo chamber about the liberal conspiracy to take away your dick.

Even if it is a mental illness, it's not going to go away by wishing it away. There have been other treatments, with little success. By making it possible for them to live in their desired gender, be it "real" or not, has one outcome. We have people that won't kill themselves but will live on and help contribute to society. By letting people be what they feel like they are, reduces the need for antidepressants and therapists and whatnot. Even if you don't believe it is right, you should see that it's best for society in general to let people choose how they wish to live their lives.

The culture and moral compass of society are so rotten that we now have to restate the obvious.

Pedos are mentally ill. Transsexuals are mentally ill. Homosexuals are mentally ill.

If we still studied classical philosophy in school or had even a tiny dose of common sense we might not have this issue of accepting mental illness as acceptable behaviors. Reality is not created in the mind ("i'm really a woman in a man's body bc I feel / think so") but reality is in the res, i.e. thing, itself (you are objectively/genetically a man and not a woman). So simple.

This submission should have way more upvotes in a subreddit concerned with search for the truth.

Biology says humans have three sexes.

How so?

Men, woman, and intersexed. I'm going to take a leap and guess intersex is the confusing part.

There's different types of intersexed, from mixed/ambiguous genitalia to mixed sex chromosomes, but they are currently all placed into one category. Intersex people make up about 1.7% of the population, which is about as common as having natural red hair.

There are only two biological sexes. Gender is different than sex. You’re an idiot

There’s more than two biological sexes, too. Intersexism is way more common than you’d think. Enough to not call it some rare anomaly.

There are two sexes, not two genders. I think you are getting the two terms confused.

Not even close. Science proves that all there is men and women and then hermaphrodites. And hermaphrodites only are more or less more male or more female. Pedophilia is morality. Some nations think 14 is legal for sex while most of the United States thinks its 18.

In most of the united states it's 16 or 17.

Gender is not the same thing as sex.

How does someone going from male to female even contradict the idea of there only being two genders?

You can go male to female or vise versa. The DNA does not change. Changing hair, changing the way you walk and talk , changing the way you dress and choping off body parts doesnt make you actually change. Its only an ulillusion.

And how does that contradict the idea that there are only two genders?

This is why I sort by controversial in the front page

Where can I see this far left? I read about them from time to time online, but I can't say I've ever run into them in real life. They sound like shills tbh.

What about intersexism?

Turner syndrome? Klinefelter’s syndrome? X and XXY respectively.

What about androgen insensitivity syndrome, where you have undescended testes, no uterus, but a vagina and female external genitals and develop female, but have XY chromosomes?

This isn’t so simple. You sound like you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.

How is this a conspiracy?

The worst part of all this bullshit and pandering is that some of these cooks do have kids and are raising them as non binary (what every the fuck that means) and let them choose their own gender... i wont tell a person how to raise kids but that seems too messed up for me, youre screwing that child up for the rest of HIS/HER life

You already replied this to me, something fishy is definitely going on here.

It's not a conspiracy to document the many different ways gender is expressed. Humans are not genetically homogenous, and that's a good thing.

Unless an individual is XY but has androgen insensitivity, and thus biologically develops all the female secondary characteristics while having internal testes, and no one might even notice until they look into why the girl never got her period.

Or you can easily have chimerism or mosaicism which means you have some organs or cells of a different set of genes in you. Like the man who had an ovary inside him.

"Triggered" and "snowflake" are two things that instantly make you sound like a moron if you have to resort to using them.

Nice dog whistle moron.

Wait what did you win exactly?

My point was that transexuals should not be compared to pedophiles...

Its like comparing someones PTSD(a mental illness) to pedophilia... wouldn’t that be a bit shitty if you had PTSD and someone tried to say “listening to the opinion about PTSD from someone who has PTSD is like listening to a pedophiles opinion about pedophilia”??

The end goal of these conversations shouldn’t be to “win” or “lose”. It should be sharing ideas, sharing experiences, listening, empathizing, and letting each other have our own opinions as long as they aren’t directly harming anyone.

I’m not trying to have the debate about whether or not transexuals are mentally ill or not or whether or not they are a harm to society or cause physical abuse and harm to others... if you are, you can have that discussion with someone else.

Again, my point was that transexuals should not be compared to pedophiles...

I feel like thats a valid and fair opinion to have especially when I’m not pushing it on anybody.... all I was doing was trying to defend the transexual community that has been nothing but kind to me, from an unfair comparison.

They had a cute little clinical term for homosexuality too until every came to thier senses and realized it wasn't an abomination of god and they didn't suffer from any mental disorder.

Let's just force them to undergo trans conversion therapy. Gay conversion therapy was a thing it hat worked wonders. /s