I have 100% proof we have caught Jesus Campos lying on Ellen. He's definitely lied and i can prove it

478  2017-11-12 by mediocrityisevident

Ok so there is going to be 2 videos for this proof.

The first is Jesus Campos on Ellen describing exactly which door in the stairwell was barricaded- the door Ellen points to on the board and Campos confirms was the heavy fire door that was barricaded with the metal brackets and unable to be opened. BUT Mr Campos clearly says in the interview that when he came back into the hallway it was the hallway door that "was so heavy ya' know - it will just slam shut" but this is INCORRECT, it's the door he said was barricaded that is the heavy fire door. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7gj1FoRIfE&t=130s - Go to 2min 30sec

The evidence for my claims come from this video from Jason Goodman on the 33rd floor stairwell of Mandalay Bay showing the firedoor does indeed slam shut heavily but that was the barricaded door. You will see the door Jesus Campos claims is 'SO HEAVY IT WLL JUST SLAM SHUT' is in fact just a regular weighted door that closes normally. Jason Goodmans friend doesn't even attempt to shut this door quietly and just lets it close behind him and it just clicks closed, not slam like the fire door did https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B10W1JaJpMw - Go to 3min 10sec.

Edit: Does anyone have a link to the Officers describing storming the room, everything i find says need to register and not in the correct country etc.?

Because the 3rd thing i'd like to point out as another user did was that SWAT make it sound like it was the external door closest to the hallway that was barricaded, whilst Jesus is definitely saying it was the internal door nearest the stairway.


Good work!

Nice. I believe he is a liar. And that he isn't even the same Campos from the pics released before Ellen's heavily handled script-o-view.

Biggest trick this Halloween was Vegas.

Yeah, Vegas was another in the growing stack of events, where I don't know exactly what I believe did happen, but I 1000% don't believe the official story and can't see how anyone else does.

It's like they're testing to see how many people are paying attention.

Yep. The Vegas attacks brought me here and my god I’ve fallen, down a, rabbit hole.

Me too, my friend. Me too.

Me three

Me four

The Pulse shooting did it for me. It’s been a long year and half...

Me five

Me six

Man I started that rabbit hole since around 2000. If only you knew what use to be available.. the net has ben scrubbed. Sandy hook was the start of "you can't say that online" and mass thread pulls for Doxing... not that i bleieve most of it..

A little advice.. take it all with a grain of salt. Your being played by both sides here. Instead, see it as entertainment and a larp, and you'll keep yourself sane.

Most things on this sub have been nothing but bullshit so make sure you do your own research. This is more of a pro trump sub than a sub that actually cares about truth

Username checks out

People online are thinking it might have been an assassination attempt on the top floors.

Let me stress eat for 2 weeks or diet for two weeks, and i'll look drastically different in the face.

That isn't 100% proof he is lying; it suggests the scriptwriter didn't do their homework.

Still a lie regardless

Well, using that logic, we know the whole thing is a lie. So, there's that.

I think this is the main point. Of course he specifically is a liar as is all the


100% proof

I can prove it

Well, this will definitely be disappointing.

I dont think it was disappointing. I think the evidence provided proves his story is not accurate. Do you not?

Just a troll. Move along

See my comment history and tell me that I'm a troll.

The truth is I'm tired of seeing titles that over-promise and under-deliver. But I guess it's easier for you to label me a troll and downvote. So be it.

You got it troll

Tell me how this under-delivered, it promised to show evidence that Jesus Campos lied about the version of events that night. Those 2 simple quick videos do that without doubt.

The first door was loud. The first guy even got scared and said it was loud.

Yeah that first door was the one that was barricaded as pointed out by Jesus Campos in the interview so it can't have been loud on the night of the shooting as it wasnt able to be opened.

Jesus is claiming the 2nd door was loud which the video link i posted clearly shows it is not

I see. My bad.

I think it might be possible to hear that second, outside door from the suite. It wasn't nearly as loud as the first door, but perhaps loud enough for people in the rooms right next to it to hear it.

Possible to hear it yes, but strange he would describe that door as "so heavy ya know" when you can clearly see its a regular door.

Vegas is the "jump the shark" of false flags.

Excellent way to put it

All the best shit is on Ellen these days bro, she had a bit about facial cleansers and plastic micro beads wake up they're killing the fish man

what is it flagging for

I also do believe that this whole thing was a hoax, just like any other terror attack, but I wonder... did people actually die in Las Vegas? I hope I am not offending anybody, I am just genuinely curious. Cheers

First you must know what exactly a "false flag" attack is. A false flag attack can actually happen and people can die. It is the process of how it actually happened that would be misleading. Like who did it and why.

I still don't see how either of those doors could've been barricaded by Paddock.

Drills, decent drill pieces and metal brackets.. you would be approaching from the stairway side and wouldn't be able to see them. Wouldn't take more than 5-10mins to drill and bracket it shut, it's right down the end of the hotel and i'd suggest all the guests dont walk down 31 flights of stairs - they'd use the elevator so it would be easy to do this and not be noticed.

SWAT team says explicitly that they see a barricade, how do you explain that? Misspoke?

It's not me who has to explain it. It's the SWAT team that has to explain how they saw a barricade on the side of the door they couldnt see. It's Jesus Campos the eyewitness that says he could see the metal brackets on the side that SWAT couldn't see - Not me.....

SWAT also says the door broken was the one directly leading into the hallway next to Paddock's door. How did Campos see the barricade after opening the outer door then? That was the door barricaded.

Not according to Campos. According to Campos the door that was barricaded was the internal door closest to the stairs.

That's why this post is important as it illustrates the direct contradiction between Campos story and the Breach teams story.. It also contradicts Campos's own story as he is claiming the outer quiet door is the door the slammed behind him due to being so heavy. We now know for a fact this is false.

Yes that's what I'm saying. There's a discrepancy because the SWAT team says the barricade is leading out into the hallway next to Paddock's room. Whether or not you "lump" that into being either door is objective opinion but it's surely a discrepancy. Also they talk about the barricade on the door as if they saw it and immediately resorted to a crowbar to enter. They do not say "we encountered a locked door, so we used a crowbar and afterwards we found out it was barricaded", they instead say along the lines of "we encountered a barricaded door, and popped the door open with a pry bar". That to me indicates they saw something that alerted them immediately to thinking it was barricaded(i.e. a barricade).

A cordless impact driver from any Home Depot or Lowe's and some self tapping screws would barricade that door in no time. Especially if one had predrilled the plate used to block the door, leaving just the door frame to be tapped for fastening the plate. They make impact drivers small enough to conceal and you only need a few screws in your pocket.

Yeah an L bracket, a cordless drill, a couple of screws and a few minutes and the door would be sealed.

I still think the OP raises a very good point as I wouldn't expect the doors on different levels would vary greatly.

Hotel doors can often be both quiet and loud depending on whether windows are open or if air is funnelling from anywhere. It most likely would have slammed on that night given the windows were supposedly already shot out, depending on which narrative you go with (not the one Campos gave on Ellen).

Did you watch the videos AT ALL? Paddocks hotel doors were shut, his window being blown out wouldn't have affected the stairwell door slamming or not, it also looks like it's on a hydraulic arm that closes the door consistently every time.

This is why Ellen was recruited to be the terror storytime leader. She was supposed to study this shit and nail it, but only cared about going through the motions to save her video machines.

Interesting that even with a heavily scripted interview they still managed to contradict themselves on the most basic of facts

It isn't proof he's lying. What makes the door close like that is a hydraulic pump, that can easily differ floor to floor based on wear over time from being used. If this was done weeks ago on the correct floor, you'd have a much more solid case of "proof".

We don't know, he could have sabotaged the pump that makes the door close slowly/quietly..

Don't get me wrong, he's definitely lying, but I think you're looking at it the wrong way. Earlier, I want to say around the minute mark on the Ellen clip, he began to say how he rerouted, but she interrupted him (I believe intentionally). He completely skipped saying how he came back to the floor, or should I say glossed over it, he was just suddenly talking about being on the other side of the door.

Or what about this audio clip of the maintenance guy calling it in https://youtu.be/U7gXBbbIEbE why no mention about Campos or the fact that he was shot.. why is he even calling it in when Campos already did?

There's plenty of stuff that's questionable at the least, most surrounding Campos.. but using the door of another floor as proof is weak evidence. He could have just remembered it being louder than it was, the door could have been sabotaged..

Don't get me wrong, I think he's full of shit, but I think what he didn't say is more important. I have a high effort post I made probably about 3 weeks ago that really goes over how fucked up his story is, how plausible it is that he's involved somehow.. maybe I'll repost it, see if anyone has anything to add.

You make some fair points although i'd argue im right about the door due to the fact Jesus does mention how heavy it is and that it will slam because its a heavy door...

It's pretty obvious that he was talking about the heavy fire door, forgetting that he had previously said it was barricaded, it's easy to tell the truth when your just recalling events that have happened, it becomes a lot hard when you have to remember previous lies or mistruths that you've told.

'Saudi Prince shoots hundreds of innocent concert goers from windows of his 32nd floor hotel suite; FBI covers it up.' - Possible Truth

Saudi prince owns the top floor so why bother being below it???

Don't shit where you eat?

I think there was an assassination attempt because I believe he was in Vegas that day

Explain the assassination attempt theory?

Vegas shooting was a panic move by an assassination team there to murder the Saudi Crown Prince, who was rumored to be in Vegas that weekend and somebody booked an entire floor to themselves in the Saudi-owned portion of the Hotel as well. The assassination team met with Paddock, but the barricaded doors got Campos' attention and the first firefight ensued. The assassins then realized the Crown Prince was not in his room and that Campos had alerted police, and so they needed to create some diversion in order to get out cleanly. So they kill Paddock and shoot on the crowd below to create pandemonium and create their escape window.

That's a bad version of it. you should check out the full thread if you want a much better version of it.

Please gtfo of this thread with the Saudi nonsense. I'd like to keep this evidence and fact based not get all Alex Jones on it. Thanks.

Exactly. Total hoax. Why have crisis actors that night and the next day? I mean Mike Cronk???

I'd like to see a list of serious questions that journalists should have been able to ask about the shooting and investigation.

  1. What time did Jesus Campos radio in the shots fired?

  2. What time did Stephen Schuck radio in the report of shots fired?

  3. Which transmission occurred first?

  4. Were they both on the same channel?

  5. What caused LVMPD to report that Jesus Campos was shot at 9:59pm? What was that information was that based on?

  6. What information is the change back to 10:05pm based on?

  7. Was SWAT member Levi Hancock on duty at the time of the shooting?

  8. If so, why was he on his own?

I'm not expecting we are going to see responses to these questions but I think they raise some legitimate questions that need answers.

This story has effectively been shut down. No doubt some reporters are still working on it.

Hoax. I'm glad there are no real people that died. How Billions were * FOOLED * by the Vegas shooting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cndOsUE8yi4&

Holy shit. I never bought the no victims theory until watching that.


You guys have fun with this, I'm going to start building my bunker now.

Stop relying on YouTube!

Numerous extremely graphic videos of the dead and dying are out there, liveleak, 4Chan etc. Of course you won't find anything on youtube...

This wasn't Sandy Hoax, whatever the motive was, they killed real people viciously.

You're an idiot. My coworker died in Vegas

The stairwell door sounds louder because 1) the recording device is closer and 2) the acoustics of the space between the doors amplifies it in that space.

The hallway door is less quiet because the recording device is futher away and the sound is dampened by the material in the hallway; the carpeting, the walls, etc, but it's clear that the second door makes a distinct and audible sound when it closes. It's possible that the hallway door on the 32nd floor is louder than the one on the 33rd.

Either way, Campos probably spent enough time going through stairwell doors during his regular duties that he associated loud closing noises with both doors in general. This is hardly proof of deception in his interview.

Even if the door on the 32nd floor behaves similarly to the door on the 33rd, you might describe the sound it makes as it shuts "normal" while Campos might describe it as "slamming shut". It's fairly subjective. He doesn't even say for certain that the hallway door shutting is what alerted Paddock to his presence; he thinks it might have been.

You can see from the reaction of the guys in the video that they were clearly startled by how loud that fire door closed and when they let the other door close behind him without assistance they didn't even bat an eyelid.

And it was a genuine reaction because they weren't even smart enough to be looking for those kind of things, they were just wandering aimlessly to get views i guess.

Campos isn't lying, he just mixed up which of the two doors made the sound. Seems like an odd thing to fixate on and say it's proof of a bigger lie...

He didn't just mix up which door made the sound.

He described how the door he opened/closed was 'so heavy ya know' , but the only door that fits that description was the door that was barricaded..

I find it odd he felt the need to even comment on how heavy or not the door was. Especially after explaining that the fire door was barricaded shut.

You can see from the reaction of the guys in the video that they were clearly startled by how loud that fire door closed and when they let the other door close behind him without assistance they didn't even bat an eyelid.

Why would they be startled twice? They were already prepared for the second door to make noise.

Jesus said the door was "SO HEAVY" , that could certainly ONLY being referring to the fire door

The hallway door is heavy enough to shut itself, and it makes a distinct and audible sound when it closes. The inner door is probably louder due to the space, but this doesn't contradict what he says in the interview enough to be "100% proof" that he was lying.

Im absolutely open to alternative points of view, i've taken on board your last comment and can see where your point of reasoning is coming from.

I think your arguing semantics over the 33rd/32nd floor doors being different as one is a fire door, one is a usual wooden door whether your on the 33rd or the 32nd that's what im trying to allude to.. Doesn't matter which floor your on it's the same design, heavy reinforced fire door, leading out to a regular wooden door attached to a hydraulic swing-arm.

I completely agree that both doors click and make noise but feel the fact he mentions the weight of the door is the significant part imo.

I don't claim it's a smoking gun that proves anything other than SWAT says the hallway door was the one barricaded, Jesus Campos says it was the Fire door that was barricaded, but also recalls a heavy door closing behind him....

I think your arguing semantics over the 33rd/32nd floor doors being different as one is a fire door, one is a usual wooden door whether your on the 33rd or the 32nd that's what im trying to allude to.. Doesn't matter which floor your on it's the same design, heavy reinforced fire door, leading out to a regular wooden door attached to a hydraulic swing-arm.

Untrue. It's conceivable that the door on the 32nd floor has a fault in the arm and slams harder. The only way to know for sure that the door on the 32nd floor doesn't make a loud noise when it shuts is to film the door on the 32nd floor closing shut.

I don't claim it's a smoking gun that proves anything other than SWAT says the hallway door was the one barricaded, Jesus Campos says it was the Fire door that was barricaded, but also recalls a heavy door closing behind him...

Where do they specifically say it was the hallway door and not the inner door? You also realize that details like this are really easy to confuse through various channels of communication?

Holding each report completely accountable to perfect accuracy is an unreasonable expectation, and to use minor discrepancies as proof that anyone is lying is irresponsible. In an actual investigation, these would be nothing more than leads (and for the most part they would be leads that never pan out).

LoL... 100% on reddit is like saying maybe, maybe not.

I did a little bit of comparison of facial proportions, and concluded they are definitely two dudes. Thick glasses Campos has a bigger forehead, a bigger space between the eye-line and the hairline. And other slight differences others have noted.

Did you know Paul McCartney is dead and they replaced him with Faul? You can tell because photos of him under different lighting conditions in different locations with different lenses look slightly different than each other.

I am well aware of the effects of lens-induced geometric distortion. All the photos compared were take from far enough away that it was a non-issue, and I used fairly closely matching face angles. And of course made minor adjustments to compensate for what difference there was.

The difference in forehead size is simply undeniable.

You know that's not how it works, right?

Yes I don't. Now kindly don't make me raise my voice with you boy.

I live in Nevada.

There's a lot of iffiness about the Vegas shootings. For example, I don't believe that the suspect didn't tell anyone about it, or didn't get advice from someone.

Up north, people are keeping their mouth shut until the heat dies down.

What do you/they think was the motive?

Living in Nevada, obviously.

Can someone explain this to me, and adult with apparently a 5th grade comprehension level?

If you're going to post something and quote Jesus Campos, at least quote it right.

Still Mexican hunting are ya?

I live in New Zealand, i couldn't give a fuck if he was Mexican or Irish, i just want to get some honest answers.

Good catch!

~50' down a hallway and he can feel the pressure from the bullets?
This whole interview is bullshit.

why would elen need to retell the official story like this with schematics and everything?

why are they going step after step analyzing what happend on ellen? why would they feel the need to do so?

campos definetly is reciting a script he learned beforehand

why the fuck would ellens audince want to know the exact floorplan and which door is which?

wouldnt you think that campos on ellen would be her asking dozens of stupid questions like were you scared? how did your family react? how has life changed for you?

but no we get a presentation that you would expect from the police investigators

Thats actually a really obvious point but something i hadn't given much thought too. Why did she feel the need to pull out that board, why wasn't it a typical heart to heart. Interesting indeed

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all i know for sure about vegas is that lots of youtube channels have been deleted or suspended for calling it a hoax. mine included. it was a 100% hoax in my mind zero deaths.

I just don't get WHY. It's like everyone is lying, except maybe the FBI oddly, and fucking nothing makes sense. But wtf would they be covering up?!?

I believe it was either multiple ISIS shooters in multiple locations


It was a false flag like Boston, and the whole thing is a drill for Bluebeam. They do these little events to see how quickly they can control the narrative and the content, in real time. Scrubbing Twitter, fb and YouTube. Digitally editing video as it uploads. Etc.

This video is probably one of the best available comparisons.


At around 15 seconds she gently closes the first door and then the second door. Not much discernible difference but it does not seem like they were let go.

At around 9:00 minutes they exit the staircase again. The fire door is much louder than the hallway door.

To some degree reinforces the OPs assumption on the other video.

Any other footage out there?

Campos said he "believes" the door shutting is what caught the shooters attention. It's been reported that Paddock had cameras on the service cart outside his room to monitor the hallway. It's highly possible Paddock saw Campos on his surveillance camera, either coming down the hallway to check the stairwell door or moving away from the stairwell after checking the door, and then opened fire through the door.

The guy is just trying to maximise his involvement for possible gains of money/fame that's all. Not EVERYTHING is a conspiracy

Supposedly door slams. Supposedly alerts shooter. Walking down hall away from shooter. Gets shot in leg. "feel something hot, i look down at the blood", He does not indicate avoidance. Seems to indicate shock. Meanwhile, Mr. Maintenance is casually witnessing bullets wizz by his face ... but for how long?
Supposedly camera on cart to alert presence / position in hallway.

On separate avenues of info, we are told that a shooter lit that hallway up, dumping a full clip from an extended mag through the door, down the center of the hallway. Only 1 of a possible 100-200? bullets hits Campos in the leg?

Despite proximity (10-40 feet?) and equipment to signal position, a/the shooter misses hitting Campos, down the center of a hallway. Alternatively, shooting in the other direction, our shooter/s hit/s hundreds of moving people that are several hundred yards away, down, at night, and despite atmospheric disturbances.

Lies are everywhere in this mess.

See my comment history and tell me that I'm a troll.

The truth is I'm tired of seeing titles that over-promise and under-deliver. But I guess it's easier for you to label me a troll and downvote. So be it.

SWAT team says explicitly that they see a barricade, how do you explain that? Misspoke?

A cordless impact driver from any Home Depot or Lowe's and some self tapping screws would barricade that door in no time. Especially if one had predrilled the plate used to block the door, leaving just the door frame to be tapped for fastening the plate. They make impact drivers small enough to conceal and you only need a few screws in your pocket.

The Pulse shooting did it for me. It’s been a long year and half...

Me five