Theory: Cryptocurrency is the beginning of the world currency created by the new world order. The owner of bitcoin is not one individual but a group of people.

38  2017-11-13 by zewoldi3500


Naw. Bitcoin is free and peer to peer. The fedcoin hasnt been created yet.

what do you mean by free and peer to peer?

Any decent computer can run it. Your money is distributed on the network, not held on any 1 pc.


or its an economic warfare cyberweapon created by a foreign actor to disrupt western strangleholds on finance

Bitcoin is paid outsourcing of computer power to assist agencies in decryption.

Would you mind explaining why you believe that? I don't see any way that the bitcoin proof of work algorithm could be used to the end you describe.

This is essentially the plot of the tv show Mr Robot

Bitcoin isn't owned by anybody.

Been saying this since Bitcoin became a thing, that it seemed like a good way to get the anti-federal reserve crowd on board to usher in a one-world currency.

Full disclosure: I still don't get the appeal of cryptocurrencies.

But it's decentralised, so "they" have no power over it - besides pushing and pulling the markets... Banks as they stand give more power over the general public - so why would The Evil NWO want to decentralize currency..?

Decentralized only as far as non-dedicated computing power is able to keep up with transaction velocity, something BTC is already having trouble with.

Just seems to me that if a group was trying to implement a one-world currency, it would be far easier to have a digital currency system unaffiliated with any one nation and promote it as an fiat-alternative, rather than take one nation's currency and try to get all other nations to adopt it.

I don't think you have a very solid understanding of how cryprocurrencies work

you want to explain how cryprocurrencies work?

You aren't wrong.

So bitcoin is essentially mined, I'm not going into the details, it would take forever (I highly suggest you look it up if you are not aware). With computing power being the prime ingredient in mining, those with the most economic resources IRL, will have the ability to generate more computing power than the rest of the population.

So in reality, it is only illustrating a hyper inflated market of over valued, non-existent, digital objects. It's fiat currency on the next level.

Just look at the history of bitcoin, there's plenty of examples of criminal behavior. MTGOX was hacked for some 240 mil and was only hoping to stay afloat long enough to mine it's way back to the black.

I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I'm just saying it is not what it seems.

wow, that's pretty fucked up.

You're not making any sense. Mt Gox was hacked and was hoping to stay afloat to mine its way back?

Mt Gox was an exchange with shitty leadership and oversight. They were hacked. Mining has got nothing to do at all with the exchange called Mt Gox.

i don't trust bitcoin at all. i think currency should be based and tangible resources.

like gold?
