Insider update on the Khazarian Mafia takedown, Las Vegas false flag, and more.

11  2017-11-13 by LightBringerFlex

The great purge of Khazarian mobsters continues as hundreds of arrests of Saudi princes, generals, and politicians is now being followed up with the 842 sealed indictments against senior Khazarian gangsters in the U.S., confirmed by Pentagon, CIA, and other sources.

Pentagon sources sent the photos below showing Hillary Clinton and U.S. Senator John “Daesh” McCain “in custody wearing orthopedic boots to hide GPS ankle bracelet on their right leg.”

The fact is that most politicians in Washington, D.C. have become very rich since joining politics, in ways that cannot be remotely justified by their salaries. This means most have been bribed, and that is why most of them are going to go to jail. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has been deliberately acting senile in public recently in order to have a medical excuse to avoid arrest, NSA sources say.

These same NSA sources are now saying the mass shooting that took place in Las Vegas on October 1 was an attempt by mercenaries working for the G4S security company ( hired by George Bush Sr. to create a distraction in order to kill U.S. President Donald Trump and Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Sultan (MBS). Trump and MBS were meeting in secret at the suites in the Mandalay Bay Hotel, owned by MBS, to discuss the mass arrest of the perpetrators of the 9/11 terror attacks, these sources say.

Both Trump and MBS were evacuated safely and the arrests have now begun in a way that can no longer be denied by the corporate propaganda media, multiple sources confirm. As the arrests were taking place, Trump had a secret meeting in Vietnam with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping. Here is what a CIA source, who had eyes and ears at the meeting, had to say.

“There is a lot more than the ‘the sideline meetings and brief handshakes’ that the media has portrayed. The three world leaders (Trump, Putin, and Xi Jinping) met off the record. President Jokowi [of Indonesia] was there as well (as a representative of the Soekarno M1 gold holdings). Trump was informed that next month, Putin and/or the Russian Central Bank will officially announce the new gold-backed currency. It is backed by Russia, China, and India along with their gold holdings. Indonesia will use the Collateral Accounts gold to back the new currency. This move will put a lot of pressure on the U.S. dollar and the global Rothschild banking system. It was also agreed between the attendees that it was time to de-escalate the North Korean situation.”

It is not yet clear how well the Russian gambit will succeed, but there can be no doubt that some alternative to the current U.S. petrodollar system is needed. The U.S. Corporate government in the Washington, D.C. special district (not a part of the Republic of the United States) is definitely bankrupt. This can be seen in the fact that U.S. government debt has ballooned by $640 billion since September 30th. In addition, the U.S. ran a $539 billion trade deficit and a satanic $666 billion government deficit in the fiscal year that ended on that date.

It is probably no coincidence then that the U.S. corporate government is saying that it will get $800 billion from arrested Saudi princes and $250 billion from new sales of products to China. That would bring in $1.05 trillion, almost enough to pay for the $1.205 trillion in new debt accumulated in fiscal 2017. The rest, presumably, they hope to extort from client states like Japan, South Korea, and Qatar (hence the big arms sales announcements). However, these numbers are almost certainly based in large part on wishful thinking.

A member of Japanese slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s cabinet, for example, contacted the White Dragon Society last week to complain about all the American demands for money that took place when Trump visited Japan last week and said “Japan does not have any more money to give.”

The Japanese government instituted a “my number system” that gives a unique number to each citizen recently to force out money that was hidden in multiple bank accounts under different names. This managed to weasel out 1 trillion yen or $8.8 billion which was handed over to the Americans when Trump visited, this source says. This is big money by ordinary people’s (or government’s) standards, but a far cry from what the U.S. Corporation needs to carry on as usual.

The Saudi Arabians, obeying their Khazarian masters, apparently tried to use war scares against Iran last week in a vain attempt to save the petrodollar by starting the apocalyptic World War 3 delusion still envisioned by Khazarian fanatics.

Pentagon sources say the Saudis flew some F15’s to Cyprus in a “desperate move that scares no one, since Saudi pilots suck and Pakistani and Israeli pilots won’t risk being jammed or shot down by Russia.”

Instead, Saudi Arabia is “under pressure to return kidnapped [Lebanese] Prime Minister [Saad] Hariri,” the sources say. Furthermore, the November 13th quake on the Iran-Iraq border “appears to show Iran may already have nukes,” the source says. This may also have been a secret Israeli attack on Iran, Egyptian sources speculate.

In any case, the Saudi purge has now taken in former Saudi Arabian Ambassador to the U.S. and close Bush family ally Bandar Bin Sultan. Bandar and Crown Prince MBS “may be star witnesses that Israel did 9/11,” the Pentagon sources say. Of course, the trail to Israel will then lead to the Rothschilds hiding in their complex in Zug, Switzerland.

For now, it is their U.S. operations that are being shut down. On that front, NSA sources are saying that top Clinton/Bush bagman (and satan-worshipping child torturer) John Podesta was stopped from fleeing the U.S. by U.S. fighter planes and arrested. The meltdown of the Bush/Clinton cabal is now publicly visible in even the corporate media in the form of news that the Podesta’s companies have shut down. Furthermore, Trump released another 13,213 of un-redacted files on the Kennedy assassination last week.

The Khazarians and their corporate media slaves are still clinging to the illusion that special counsel Robert Mueller will eventually have Trump arrested as part of the ongoing “Russian election interference” investigation. However, Pentagon sources say that even though Mueller was involved in the 9/11 cover-up, he “is still a Marine who takes orders from Marine Generals [John] Kelly, and [James] Mattis, as the perfect snitch to take down the Bush-Israel cabal.”

Also, if you think President Trump is really in charge, please read the article in the link below where White House Chief of Staff General John Kelly says he does not read Trump tweets and that his job is to “make sure the president is briefed up on what he’s about to do.”

The Pentagon sources say tests of the U.S. emergency broadcast system (EBS) have been done so that citizens can be informed even if the Khazarian-controlled Google and the corporate media continue to lie to them. Hopefully the list of people to be arrested includes the top management of Google, Facebook, etc. so that the Internet can become a true source of information once again.

On a final note, there appears to be something ominous about to take place in China. Last week the Chinese government announced that foreigners would be allowed to take majority (51%) ownership of Chinese financial firms.

While on the surface that looks like a good move, Japan, South Korea, and other Asian countries recall how Khazarian carpetbaggers caused devastation by sweeping up local financial companies in the wake of the engineered 1997 Asian financial crisis. China’s housing market is now in a bubble that is far worse than Japan’s was. If the housing bubble pops as the laws of financial gravity say it must, then we may see Khazarian firms swooping in to grab up bankrupt Chinese lenders at cents on the dollar. This announcement makes one wonder if the NSA was right when they said Chinese President Xi Jinping was a Rothschild agent.

We must not forget the Khazarian ruling class has been responsible for tens of millions of deaths since the end of World War 2. Various authorities, including the U.S. military, have been given irrefutable evidence the Khazarians were actively planning to kill 90% of the world’s population, or 6.3 billion people.

We need to stop them permanently this time. This means taking away the main source of their power—their control over the financial system. This means the BIS, the World Bank, the IMF, the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve Board, the Bank of Japan, etc. must be taken out of their control. They are not going to just hand over the keys, so at the end of the day, it will require men with guns to do the job. That is why U.S., Chinese, and Russian military forces are humanity’s best hope.



The Trump/Saudi/Vegas connection is REALLY interesting. Might be true.

Ya it was. They are basically saying that Trump and that Prince were meeting up to discuss the Saudi takedown so Don HW Bush sent over his hit team to take them both out.

Thank God Trump 4D chessed their asses and came out OK plus took down the whole Khazarian hierarchy of Saudi Arabia.

Also, its funny how he mentioned Nanci Pelosi is pretending to be senile in hopes that the cops give her a pass. Now that I think of it, Bush Sr pretends to be senile but apparently he is still able to put out hits on standing Presidents.

Trump has spiritual protection. If you don't believe me, try psychically attacking him. You'll have instant karma. It's not like that with anybody else.

Thank God Trump 4D chessed their asses and came out OK plus took down the whole Khazarian hierarchy of Saudi Arabia.

Are you still you?

Ya, don't you agree that Trump been a few steps ahead of the cabal and took down Saudi Arabian cabal hierarchy the other day?

I haven't kept up with the Saud developments, but all evidence aside from that maybe point to Trump being another Rothschild pawn. 20 years of history and 1 year of a failed presidency have not been overturned.

Everyone has a right to their own opinion but I definitely don't think Trump is a Rothschild pawn. I will admit I did for a few weeks this year but after more developments, I changed my mind. I hope I am right but I think we will find out soon.

I see. Well there's certainly nowhere to go but up, fingers crossed.

Actually, I'm seeing these new George "David Coppafeel" Bush allegations in a new light. They may not even be true, but are being brought out so that everyone just thinks of him as some dirty old man, and not a mastermind behind everything from JFK to your OP. I actually think it's quite telling that he hasnt been accused of actually fucking any of these women, just dirty jokes and an ass grab or two, relaitively minor shit on the sex offense scale...interesting

I had to do a lot of scrolling, but I knew I'd see it in here. The whole thing reeked of Fulford lies. And sure enough... There it is, right at the bottom.

He's a multiple times proven liar and fraud, and you keep pushing this horsheshit at us. It's not naievity, or stupidity, so what is it? Why do you knowingly and willingly peddle lies? Victory of the larp. Benjamin FulofLies. Fake Assange accounts. Any Soros mention that crosses your path. Divisive partisan spin larps. Why do you do it?

CIA is that you? Are you just butt-hurt because we foiled your plans?

You're welcome to keep playing stupid as long as you like.

Why do you knowingly spread lies and misdirection? Hmm? You know exactly what I'm talking about.

Actually you are misdirecting the readers with this post you just made hoping to God that they don't real the Khazarian takedown report. God forbid the masses wake up right? It's too late. The dam is bursting wide open.

No, you constantly post misleading or plain false bullshit.

In your opinion maybe, but not in my opinion.

What difference would it make? If this silly little "report" existed, it wouldn't make two bits of difference what we say.

But it's Fulford. The same guy whose ninja's assassinated Bush in 2007. The same one who keeps saying Soros died. That he's fighting off the evil Rockefellers, while sheepishly trying to get an interview with him.

But you already know this, and still spread his (and others') lies. Why?

I didn't read those articles. I read his most recent ones over the past few months and all of them make perfect sense so far.

You've seen them. I (and others) have even linked them directly, in your other Fulford posts. So now you're lying again.


Well, first, I know you are here to spread disinformation but I will answer you for the other readers.

Kabamur, another high level insider claims Fulford, who works with the White Dragon Society who was neither good or bad back in the day, would post some misinformation as the White Dragon Society told him to. Eventually the WDS went after the Rothschilds and so the WDS joined the worldwide takedown of this mob. Kabamur claims that Fulford is mostly printing the truth over this past year but to always remain cautious in case.

Further, Fulford and another high level trusted white hat named Cobra are doing radio interviews together but from separate parts of the world. They aren’t friends but both are allied against the Rothschilds along with trump and thousands of others. If Fulford was lying, Cobra would call him out. The only place they really disagreed a few weeks ago was when Fulford accused trump of bending the knee to Netanyahu when trump spoke against Iran but cobra claims this can’t be what it seems meaning he claims it’s all theatrics.

I just REALLY hope this is true. I guess we'll find out when those indictments get unsealed.

You are gullible AF.

How do you like Reddit now that you have been here for 2 months?


You think new account = new user?

Yeah, most of us aren't hiding under new user accounts.

This is pretty much my primary account at this point. I stopped using my other account (and Reddit altogether) for a while after a couple of users started stalking me. Basically, no matter where I commented on Reddit, I'd get a PM from one or both of them within an hour, psychoanalysizing what I'd said in my comments. One of them was trying to determine my offline identity (he'd be like, "Okay, so based on this, now I know that you X, Y and Z, so I'm getting closer to figuring out who you are") and the other one, in fairly certain was trying to recruit me to a cult. He'd send me links to webpages and at the bottom of the pages would be some critic message like "I'm watching you [insert my other user name here]." I didn't take them too seriously but it got to the point where I knew I was being watched constantly, which destroyed my enjoyment of Reddit, so I stopped signing on. Then I created this account to conduct research for a project I was working on, but ended up giving up on that after the LV shooting happened and began monopolizing my attention. And now to go back to my other account is pointless, because all of my activity from the past 2 months is on this account. I haven't logged into the other one since August, and maybe never will again.

I was invited and experienced r/private_panopticon. I was harassed by top minds, or a couple dozen of their cohorts, I'm not sure which but I know I had the last word. I've been PMed a couple of images that would only make sense in a threatening sense.

My point is, stand by your words, or your words meant nothing.

These theories, has any from this source in the past, later occurred? Any evidence of you saying stuff, then later it happened?

I think so. I have followed him for a few months now and most everything he says seems to match up with reality.

FYI it's the Muhammad Bin Salman, not Sultan. Secondly, he does not own the Mandalay Bay Hotel. Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal owns (owned? As he was arrested in King Salman's recent "night of long knives") the top few floors of the Mandalay which are an independently run Four Seasons. Interesting side note Talal owns that Four Seasons with a mister Bill Gates, make of that what you will.

You're welcome to keep playing stupid as long as you like.

Why do you knowingly spread lies and misdirection? Hmm? You know exactly what I'm talking about.