MegaAnon today: "I promise, it really does only get better from here. The FBI, CIA and FED will be epically gutted and reset and as if it couldn’t get ANY BETTER?! They’re going to end up PUBLICLY investigating, purging and draining THEMSELVES."

130  2017-11-13 by ToddWhiskey

Link to 4 plebs archive 3 posts in CBTS #303

Very well could be valid, y’all. There’s some big shit coming down the pipe for the CIA’s breach of power and overreach since GWB admin., that not only continued, but accelerated right on through the Obama admin... and candidly, was planned to continue right on through Hillary’s, too. This IS fact.

So knowing that and knowing how leaks of info good AND bad, provide intentional forewarning of what’s to come, this isn’t completely unbelievable, or unironic in timing to me.

Like I mentioned last week, Binney’s testimony was alarming, critical and extremely important, in outlining the covert, festering corruption that’s illegally been going on right under our noses, for the last 15 years. Trump directly and personally mandating (publicly too, remember) Pompeo, to investigate Binney’s devastating claims and accusations in testimony, should only serve as further proof to you of where this is headed... and it definitely won’t be good for the CIA as you’ve known them.

Again, I cannot stress this enough, NOTHING will be the same for the FBI, CIA and eventually, the FED, when all is said and done. Knowing this, “catastrophic leaks” illustrating of the “old days” of the last 15+ years of corruption, isn’t a BAD thing. We will never need to rely on those methods, operations, protocols or procedures again because they are ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL... so, “outing” or “leaking” what’s considered today to be catastrophically detrimental information between the CIA and NSA is a GOOD IDEA, when your goal is to PROVE to the oblivious public, just how fucking CORRUPT the REALITY of what will soon be considered “old days”, REALLY ARE, today... and have been.

Keep your eyes peeled, y’all! I promise, it really does only get better from here. The FBI, CIA and FED will be epically gutted and reset and as if it couldn’t get ANY BETTER?! They’re going to end up PUBLICLY investigating, purging and draining THEMSELVES.

RELAX, boss! This is why dares shouldn’t be given or timeframes of expectations shouldn’t be established ever, in reality. If y’all are always hyped up, waiting for things like this with such personal conviction due to the extreme and sensitive nature of what’s being discussed, then sadly you’ll STOP seeing/recognizing ALL THE REALLY IMPORTANT THINGS that are happening around you, right now.

In reality, you shouldn’t want (let alone wait on pins and needles for), a “happening”, to the extent of what’s being discussed in these, or any threads. Regardless how how bad y’all think it is today, or has been for a while, if a happening actually happened in the ways your thinking or even hoping, your life and the lives of everyone you know and love, your families, children, friends, neighbors, coworkers, etc. would be COMPLETELY FUCKED. Not for hours, days, weeks, a month or two... they’d be fucked forever. Lights out?! Hahaha, guess what?! The electrical and telecommunications grids and infrastructures are so completely fucked you’d spend the next 50 years trying to get them back on. Remember, in today’s world, there’s pretty much nothing anyone can’t do without power. We certainly aren’t restoring or repairing infrastructure without it. We’re not splicing or trenching new copper, coax, cable, fiber, paths back to dead SWC’s or CO’s filled with millions of dollars worth of dead hardware. You aren’t flipping a switch back on at your municipal power station, right?

You don’t need a happening like you’re thinking or expecting will happen, to ACTUALLY MAKE THE SHIT YOU WANT TO SEE HAPPEN, happen. Diffusing and dismantling their networks of corruption in the Middle East, North Africa, N.Korea, MS-13, pizzagate, draining our biparisanly dirty swamp and allowing justice to prevail against the guilty, etc. DOESN’T HAVE to require nuclear war w/ NK, Russia, the entire ME/N. Africa, etc. it doesn’t require lights out...

... via an EMP. It doesn’t have to require a National or global catastrophe, don’t you see?!?

THEY wanted YOU to WANT and EXPECT a HAPPENING, because they’ve spent EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY, SINCE THE LAST “HAPPENING” THEY GAVE YOU (9/11/01), successfully convincing YOU that shit only gets done, moves forward, unites us as a nation, secures us better via bullshit, right/freedom infringing, removing and repealing bills like the PATRIOT ACT, that they can exploit and utilize against us, thanks to the FEAR they’ve instilled in you, as you constantly expect and wait for THE NEXT HAPPENING.

Sorry for the rant, but for the love of fucking God y’all, please realize that even a “happening” is nothing more than a psyop, used to manipulate and control YOU, the masses.

If you’re really following Q’s completely and purposefully, blatantly obvious question sequences, then try for just a second to step back and realize what’s actually happened over the last 18 months, when trying to answer. He’s obvious and very LEADING on purpose. He’s showing you that you don’t have to RECREATE the fucking wheel. Boards like /pol/, who’ve already been openly researching, discussing, documenting, archiving, etc. IN MASSES for the last 18 months alone, ALREADY KNOW a LARGE majority the answers to many of the questions, being posed. Don’t y’all realize it yet?! Don’t you understand WHY people like Q, choose to come here?! They come because they expect you to already know for yourselves what’s being discussed. Hence he wanted YOU, to take what YOU ALREADY KNOW about the things he’s stating that YOUR MASSES have ALREADY openly researched, discussed, documented, archived and have PROVEN you already understand and can factually validate/justify with proof, to specifically connect OLD NEWS, to what will be, NEW NEWS.

Dots of today = dots of tomorrow. Draw the lines for the sleepy. ONLY “happening” threat, is threat WE pose to ourselves.

EDIT: some more posts

Link to 4 plebs archive 2 posts in CBTS #308

And guess who funded it all, y’all?!? Who might have had a vested interest for the last 15+ years and due to that interest and agreed upon extensive, unprecedented access, might have funded such covert, NSA/FBI/DHS circumventing, CIA intel operations like Angelfire/Keystone, specifically?!

Maybe a US stakeholding Rothschild, named Lynn? See how it all comes full circle y’all?!

It’s true y’all. CIA’s intel operation was designed and built, amongst lots of other scariervthings, to siphon intel off NSA, FBI, DHS, etc. internal intel systems programs, and aggregate it back to CIA.

I mean, you can read this for yourself on wikileaks. You can read through the source code for fucks sake. Wikileaks even wrote y’all a nice cover letter explaining what Vault 7 was, that even most non-tech people could comprehend on a high-level. This shouldn’t be posed as question anymore. It’s been a fucking publicly available fact, for 6 months now.

It’s why Trump is publicly forcing Pompeo to investors hate Binney’s testimony officially. It’s why Rogers pretty much controls every intel arm of CIA right now and has, it’s why the CIA and FBI are falling all over each other to testify against each other, it’s just another reasonwhy Comey is pissed at Obama and ultimately GWB for initiating it, it’s why Clapper, Brennan and Rice went after Flynn so hard, I mean, this is factual.

If you’re still questioning this, no wonder y’all have a hard time believing people like Mueller and Comey could have flipped to save their asses and worked out a plea deal. You’re missing one of the biggest factually proven “WHY” they’d do it, which answers the incentive you can’t imagine, for doing so.

Link to 4 plebs archive 2 posts in CBTS #309

You’re getting them... you just got Binney’s intel testimony a week and a half ago. You’re going to get Rice’s, Power’s and Flynn’s (this will be one of the most amazing trifecta’s of justice, BTW. Flynn has the capacity to decimate this entire clusterfuck and everyone knows it. Y’all better HOPE he’s one of the next indicted. He will be vindicated and in many ways, Comey too).

Sessions and the DOJ will charge them because by the time he’s charging them, Russia won’t be a thing. It was never a thing, hence he recused, Trump knew he would, let him, then pretended to be disappointed so you wouldn’t get all jacked up against Trump, thinking he ignorantly seated an AG he knew would recuse, before YOU could know what’s actually going on, all while keeping Session on board, who’s epically crushing child trafficking and pedo rings, MS-13, their networks, channels, drugs, finances, etc. all until it’s time to re-engage and drop the fucking hammer.

Know when it’s ok to recuse yourself over what the swamp considered the biggest crime, “Russian muh”?! When you ALREADY KNOW, who “Russia” is... and can prove it. ;o)

Actually, brah... you’re kinda right, but if you’re only hellbent on naming (((them))) then you’ll miss the real “them” happlily willing to step up in line and take their place.

Did WWII not serve as enough proof to you, EXACTLY how far (((they’ll))) go and how many of their own (((they’ll))) sacrifice, for their own control, wealth, profits, political power grabs and dominance?

Zionism is non-denominational, brah. It doesn’t discriminate. The pope would giggle at this cap. He knows.

Link to 4 plebs archive posts in CBTS #310

Y’all, I posted this in the Don Jr./Assange/Atlantic thread, but iI just HAVE to post it here, too!

149286083 (OP) # HAHAHAHA! Well, we knew it’d surface soon, after Rohrabacher was named in Flynn probe last week, so The Atlantic must’ve won the leak (I pushed for NYT just to stick it right up their asses), but alas... I digress.

If after ALL I’ve told y’all about Assange since May for fucks sake, still seems like a LARP after this, I give up. Like I said, a LONG TIME AGO, no one “BAD” got Assange. Disinfo is good, like Q guy says though, right?! Maybe we just needed y’all to think he was “got”, for the “get”, until we didn’t need it any more. Might not have needed the “get” anymore, after right around May 2017, no? Unironic... of course. ;o)

May, brah. Since May. And I’m the same, one single person as I was in May, then in July, then again more routinely since October. This is my longest consistent stint and between us, y’all, it’s been really fun. I actually get how this place full of nameless, faceless “anons”, can still give you the feels, like a community.

I’m not a LARP, I’ve never tried to steer y’all wrong. I tell you as much as I can, when I can, the best way I think I know how and I do it all without begging for followers, subs, RT’s, or donations.

So if any of those airplane radio people are here, and without diverting from the topic too much because it may relate, is there anyone here now, who listens to the weird channels in those threads, who might be able to help me out?! I have a question I need to ask...

No, it doesn’t and just like vague tweets about “wiretapping” that played the fucking media like a fiddle on purpose and then made them all look like assholes later, so do purposeful, intentional leaks, covering purposeful and intentional docs, that only seem vague, NOW.

Let this bake, brah. Let the media pick it up, chew it, spin it and spit it out. Then, re-read the cap you should personally make of THIS POST and archive it, as soon as you’re finished reading... because WHEN today’s “VAGUE”, becomes tomorrow’s “MADMAN”, you can pull this right back up and say you were in the cap! Trust me, it’s a keeper. ;o)

Ahhh!!! That’s it, thanks, boss! SKYKANGS!! I could picture it in all caps telling us to get comply and listen in the threads I’ve scrolled past, but I couldn’t think of the exact word! It was killing me!!

I need one of those SKYKANG dudes. One that’s been consistently listening from about 6:00-11:00 p.m. EST for the last 5 months but more importantly, over the last 4 days, Friday -Sunday.

To make sure I’m clear, these people are listening to AF radio communications transmitted, is this right?! I’m not trying to waste anyone’s time or energy if they’re willing to help me.

He is and he will, but he’s sold them out to save his ass, for the very same reasons he worked with the swamp, too. He’s an asshole trying to save his own ass now that his friends aren’t in charge. Just like most of them resigning from seats or not running for re-re-elections.

TRUST ME... YOU WANT FLYNN INDICTED! He’s been waiting 5 months for it. HE WANTS IT. He’s DYING to go on the record, under oath, and tell YOU EXACTLY HOW HE GOT THERE!!! Manafort was excited too, y’all!

No. Not implying that. I’m not exactly sure what I’m asking, I’m relaying something asked to me, that I found interesting.

They thought I might know because no one really knows what exactly I do, but I don’t know... I’m just curious now, like the cat, I guess, haha!

Link to 4 plebs archive posts in CBTS #311

Yes but as to not distract or deter from this thread, think someone could do me a solid and whip up a separate thread for to catch more of the skykang guys attentions, to get more feedback?

It’s regarding a significant uptick of B-2/F-35 activity, noticed sporadically over the last 5 months, but specifically heightened Friday - Sunday nights, roughly 6:00 - 11:00 pm EST.

I’m not trying to be vague if that’s how this is coming across. I’m just relaying a question that was relayed to me. So I’ve been trying to piece together what was “normie” described, simply because I’m now just interested and want to know, if that makes sense?

I just don’t wanna shit up this board if it’s irrelevant. If it’s relevant to this, we can link it back, but I think a separate thread might be better. I was gonna wait for a skykang thread, but I don’t wanna shit up their comfy threads either.

Link to 4 plebs archive posts in CBTS #312

Haha, it’s good but want breadcrumbs?! Watch Risk if you haven’t. Woman who produced Snowden, did Assange’s Risk. When youre done, let us know what you picked up. I’d watch it twice, pay attention to the VERY end, then go back and compare to INTERESTING timeframes.


Pay attention to what’s coming out today about Don Jr. and Assange’s communication. If you’ve read any of my posts made in May or July, specifically the Seth Rich ones and the Assange dump ones and what he’s sitting on, note what I said in detail about the Rohrabacher meetings and timeframes, in comparison to the timelines of the Don Jr. communications. Then, note that Dianne Feinstein requested the release of all of Assange’s twitter DM messages from Twitter directly, right before Rohrabacher was named in probe earlier last week.

I hate the nickname, so maybe it is, haha!

Sorry, but realizing I’ll probably get made fun of for this, what does “RN” mean?

Look, let me try to simplify this for you brah... “proof” is a relative concept anymore, isn’t it? I mean, did ALL the “proof” the MSM fed you, claiming Hillary would “win the election”, actually prove she won? No, because she didn’t win. The proof was wrong. Did all of the statistical “proof”, based on the solid, accurate, confirmed reports that all of the most reputable polls in the country “backed up” and “proved”, price the MSM reports were right? No, because they weren’t right. The numbers and statistics were as wrong, too. I mean, you and I could dedicate 300+ threads on all of the bullshit “facts” and “confirmations”, our once normally trusted channels and sources for “proof”, have been disproved and discredited on, countless times, right? Therefore, “proof” is relative.

If you’re already here, then you already realize this. I’m never asking any of y’all to believe me. I’m asking you to use your own brains and simply consider what I’m saying. PROVE it to yourself because in the end, we both know only YOU can “redpill” yourself, especially when learning and proving the truth to yourself, only becomes more important after you’ve learned you’ve been lied to.

Forget me, forget “Q”, forget any nicknamed anon on here. We are ALL any n. We are equals, we have to be. It’s WHY here is important. That said, do you think any of the info you’ve read, researched, posted and contributed to in these threads or any threads for that matter, hasn’t felt good? Do you feel YOU’VE learned a lot more about shit you already assumed, because YOU put the time in YOU needed to, to justify and prove to YOURSELF, what you believe is, or isn’t? If you’ve learned more, that’s not in vein, right?! Con’t...

If you’ve proactively taken it upon yourself to research, absorb, communicate and source, well documented and supported, thoughts opinions, perceptions, etc. in and effort to “prove” your observations and then continue the open conversation and communication of the flow of ideas based on educated, thoughtful processes, is that time or effort spent in vein? Is that not positive and good?!

If I’m wrong, then what the fuck is /pol/ here for, boss? The continuance of openly, free flowing information and discussion, especially online, which allows the masses to engage, is one of the ONLY things we all still have working in our favor - Sorry Brits, I know it’s getting rough over there. :o(

All the proof you should ever need... is here. It’s one of the only places left. Don’t take it for granted. Decide for yourself, brah. It’s ok to be led to water, but don’t let ANYONE FORCE YOU TO DRINK!!! It’s YOUR job to prove anything you wanna know, to yourself.

IT’S WHAT MAKES YOU FOREVER BETTER THAN ANY AI!!!! WATSON ISN’T LOGICAL, RATIONAL, OR EMOTIONAL. Watson isn’t and will never be, HUMAN. It’s only as good as it’s last fucking update. You’re good, brah! I sleep comfy every single night and if I ever can’t because of something I know, y’all would be the first to know (right after my senpai and still sleepy, oblivious friends, of course)!

MegaAnon's posts (May - present) compiled here.


Purging themselves... kinda like the house of saud?

Purging themselves.

She used this expression many times in her previous posts...


She claimed to be a chick several times. No idea whether it's true, or a cover.

i'm saying that allowing an ongoing criminal enterprise to self-police is a retarded idea. the phrasing doesn't matter so much.

purge.. self-police.. drain... it's not real

I want to believe. But I won't, until I see something SUBSTANTIAL jump from the internet to real life. This does not include saying "there will be a false flag this week."

I appreciate your rational approach.

The closest thing we have to dots connected is Trump confirming that "they recently shot down a missile in KSA", when talking about US missile shields - Something I assume to be US bought equipment, not US forces.

I see something SUBSTANTIAL jump from the internet to real life

Not arguing, genuinely curious: What would that look like?

What event or reporting would you accept as successfully making the jump to "real life"?

An indictment of a person not in the mainstream Russian collusion narrative.

Oh awesome the entire U.S. security apparatus will be gutted and reformed by an administration that doesn't give two shits about norms or oversight and cares only about personal loyalty, under a president who admires brutal dictators who wield an iron fist against their people. No way that turns out poorly for Americans.

They’re going to end up PUBLICLY investigating, purging and draining THEMSELVES.

That last sentence is hilarious, and shows just how out of touch this larp is.

The system will not fix itself. It's gonna take some starvation and blackouts to make people uncomfortable enough to mass riot, and by then it'll probably be too late.

It will if the stakes get high enough. Once blood is in the water, the feeding frenzy begins. Survival mode kicks in and and leverage start getting used. The Dominoes start to fall, and more finger pointing ensues. The feeding frenzy intensifies.

I just dont believe it. Everyone in power, for thousands of years, have never been on the good guy side and caring for the common man, so why now?

I think its just another part of a carefully put in place plan, maybe it will get slightly better but thats only part of the plan to make everyone go along with it. I'm going to be extrimely sceptical about the whole thing.

so why now?

Perhaps it's now or never?

Big things and events have always happened, and to my knowledge every time those big events have happened, it was for an agenda against the common man. Thats why im skeptical about this time being something different.

Quiet possible that although Trump is flawed, he has a real fear of the Lord inside of him. I doubt it, but possibility.

Everyone in power, for thousands of years, have never been on the good guy side and caring for the common man, so why now?

History is replete with idealistic reformers - however, their relative levels of success vary dramatically.

I want to believe its truely getting better but theres no way were getting rid of all the scum....the world has changed quickly past 20 yrs. In the next 20 we may find ourselves in a world like the fifth element and other sci fi movies...flying cars, meals that are like a pill that expands w water and all kinds of crazy tech tptb finally declassify. In order to keep public happy they want to make people think theres a new ruling class in charge as they continue to rule the masses, and the gap in class distinction continues to increase

Tesla's free energy!

Wondering if Q /pol dump was to demonstrate to MI how red-pilled (or pre-red-pilled) the world actually is. In other words, to demonstrate that we're (globally) ready to take those next steps into the light.

I've actually been wondering that, too. While nudging us along, as well.

An interesting idea indeed. I wouldn't mind this kind of PSYOP.

Kind of confusing. Let me try to paraphrase:

"I'm too big and important and know too much to reveal things. But you ... you already know what's going on ... mostly. So, go ahead and wake people up. Yes, the very ones that would refuse to listen to you simply describe how to heat-up a can of soup on the stove."

The happening we want, is some kind of indication of decency and forthrightness and respect of law at/in/from an elevated position. That's not so weird is it?

I recommend reading other posts of her. MegaLady is very prolific and there is a 4000 character limit for OP, I couldn't copy paste all I would have liked.

I have a happening in six months.

Yeah if some major crackdown does end up happening, it won't be like a movie. It will be over long periods of time with indictments and ironclad court cases, not night time raids and perp walks. Nobody will get arrested for pizza unless there is 100% provable photo and video footage of them in the act. Everything else will be tax evasion, corruption, money laundering and other white collar-type crimes.

You forgot treason.

I'm sure there's enough to put together a RICO case against these scummy politicians.

I so want them to go down for pizza. Plus all the other wicked stuff they get up to.

I take the whole Q thing as quite possible. There are definitely some interesting concidences that make it more believable and the info the posts contain are plausible. It also fits with much of what Trump does and says... If you take what he has said and done and put it in the context of what Qanon says, it makes Trump's supposedly erratic comments make much more sense.

I don't depend on it happening for my happiness though, and I'm not letting it affect my life... I will fully believe it when I see it. Will also get the luxury of not being surprised by it. I will be able to redpill people who are questioning it if it happens. I will be able to show them the information in qanons posts and explain why those people are being arrested and that this information was released before it ever happened.

it does give me hope that it could happen and that everything in Washington will get cleaned up a bit... It gives me hope that information will be released to the public regarding hundreds or thousands of unsolved crimes (committed covertly by corrupted individuals or agencies) and possibly what has really been the cause of certain conflicts and financial disasters.

Overall, it just gives me hope. It actually helps me relax to believe that we could finally have an administration that is working for the citizens of this country again. It takes some pressure off of me having to sound like a crazy person by trying to redpill people with theories that seem outlandish to them...

interesting concidences

Seems like everything specific has not come true...

Outing themselves. Sounds like a trustworthy investigation.

Let's say that's what all these indictments are, and that is actually what happens.

Hordes of second place corrupted career government officials, representatives etc. will be ready and waiting to replace them, and many of them will be courted by the current administration, vetted for allegiance.

That's no better than our current predicament. The enemy of my enemy is not my friend, if the enemy of my enemy is also just as fucked up as my enemy.

Always opportunists. Depends on how many heads roll. Even opportunists are cautious when danger is in the winds

Might just be me but the "brah" and "boss" shit is quite annoying.

Thanks again Whiskey! You're doing God's work.

MegaAnon is still a thing? I thought he's been superceded by Q at this point.

The more sources, the better, don't you think?

thnak you for posting. love pol!

You are welcome!

If only.

Great post and discussion.