Come to this sub after being away 1 hour and it looks like "the Storm is upon us?"

124  2017-11-14 by RocketSurgeon22

I've never seen such drama. You would think someone found out Russia paid the Clinton Foundation $100 million dollars. Oh wait that did happen. But no, it's an email from Don Jr. to Assange and it's a big deal. From 100 to 3000 upvotes in 1 hour. Its YUGE because Assange lied to liars and that is collusion and treason according to Media Matters (the truth for the blind).

EDIT: Sorry I was just informed this is their offense. Yeah, who knew? We must all bow down to Nazi Satan, Rothschild and the NWO.



Fuck off troll.

That means "touch" in hebrew, meat sack.

Don't worry. It's mostly just paid actors upvoting other paid actors.

Seriously who has that job? I feel like it's prisons or some institutionalized group.

:) rofl! You're probably right.

Eglin air force. Just following orders!

Great. \s

If it is Eglin, they are taking their orders from their Orangemander in Chief.

Right. I want that job. I read and post on reddit all the time. Pay me to do it!!

I could just imagine the shop talk.

Hey, wow, I actually recognise your username, and you're saying things that belong here! :/

This will unravel just like the other desperate attempts.

It's always when news comes out against them. I bet half don't know what just happened in the Russia investigation.

Oh? Fill me in!

They all deep throat the giant Zio-cock in DC.

No offense to anyone, but this sub is toast.

Reddit is toast.

Well put.

So leave

No way. You would miss me too much anyway.

Be careful now! Anyone who dissents gets taken to the firing wall. Bang, bang, banned!

I've already been banned twice, third times the charm.

Your username makes so much more sense now. I feel you brotha or sista. Carry on!

I mean I was banned under this username.

Still. I sense the jadedness. Same boat pass the hooch!

Yes because I've been here for over 7 years now and I've seen this sub, along with the rest of reddit, turn into an artificially man made lake of kool-aid.

Six years for me. Amazing how much this sub and website has changed.

13 years for me. You really have no idea. Back in my day, subs didn't even exist. That was the first attack on reddit.

So don't come here

It's all bullshit.


People coming to /r/conspiracy to discuss breaking conspiracies is insanity?

No, what's insane is the mods won't enforce brigading rules.


Enforce the rules. Ban the politics, tmor, and other trolls.

A rule change may be necessary, as things are definitely getting out of hand.

I don't understand what rules need to change. There is already a site wide rule against brigading.

You aren't a part of the community, you don't get to come here, harass usual users and break the community. We have a thread sitting at around 50x the points as other threads on the front page, full of users just trolling.

There is already a site wide rule against brigading.

Unfortunately, it's rarely enforced.

I've lost count of the times we've appealed to the admins over blatant brigading/witch hunts.

TMOR even literally made up a quote from me, got it to the front page of /r/all, and I received about a dozen or so death threats (and hundreds of hate mail). This was months ago and despite passionately reaching out to the admins, they have yet to respond.

You don't need to prove anything to the admins. You don't need them to act.

Mods of a community have wide ranging powers in their sub. You guys could ban these people but you don't. Why?

No, people coming to /r/conspiracy just to shit on regular users here is.

Is that why there are multiple posts calling everyone shills for posting about the Trump jr/Wikileaks?

Did you get permission to be away from us for 1 hour?

Ha-ha no. But I must say 1 hour felt like a week.

I know what you mean. It seems like whenever I have errands to run and I'm away from home (and not checking the internet) for a few hours, then something big happens! It never fails that when I walk in the door my husband will say, "You are not going to believe what is happening!" LOL!

Especially now. I hope not forever though. It's getting old.

It seems like every day something happens. Yes, I hope it doesn't go on like this for much longer either.

The cabal is fighting back with whatever they got. They don’t have much... but I guess they have to try while they still control our media.

I only checked one thread on this so far and the comments looked like it was 100% artificial.

yeah my check from George soros finally cleared so I'm here shilling away

Brand new accounts with 3-5 posts getting to the top instantly with hundreds of upvotes in mere minutes, accounts that exclusively post on r/politics and other Democrat subs suddenly posting here. Guilded comments left, right and centre. The same lines parroted that are always parroted when Muh Russia gets brought up on this subreddit, mainly "This is the biggest conspiracy of our age why is this not being supported here????"

They are so obvious it is painful.

It really is

This sub is toast. They're making a big deal out of nothing.

You people hate losing so badly that everytime anything negative about your cult leader comes out half the new posts are "DAE think media matters is going to assassinate dear leader today?!"

This isn't going to be a snowflake safe space for you. Deal with it.

What part of your comment warrants a respectful reply? Your choice of words is tiresome will not facilitate any normal, human dialogue.

Having said that, what reaction are you expecting from your comment?

This entire post is nothing but a whiney shit fest. It deserves no real reply, it doesn't even deserve to remain undeleted.

It serves no purpose but to complain that people with who see through the corrupt piece of shit in office are allowed to post here. Literally nothing else.

Your comments are just anger. There is nothing here to work with. It's very obvious that you've picked 'a side' and want to fight over it. Your comment history is incredibly confrontational.

Sorry but whatever point you're trying to get across is not working.

Your comment history is incredibly confrontational.

Your comments in this thread are incredibly confrontational. It's like you saw a person being mad and decided to try poking at them. Do you lack self-awareness or are you intentionally trolling?

Someone who posts in /r/theorangepeel thinks I've picked a side because my comment history consists of calling you people out for being retards.

I'm shocked. Shocked I say.

Straight to name calling again. Once again, your comments provide nothing of value.

Removed. Rule 10. First warning.

Sir, you've been dismissed already. Good day sir.

What part of your comment warrants a respectful reply?

If you feel personally attacked by their comment, you're probably in the wrong subreddit.

Nice to see those 18 billion dollars at work. Good game, Soros!


My question is why is that obviously brigaded shit still up?

Are you asking how come the mods aren't censoring? What are they supposed to do, ban every useful idiot who wanders in from r/all? I mean, yeah, there's astroturfers in there too, but what do you want them to do? Just ban anyone who says something that goes against what most of the legitimate people here think?

My question is why is that obviously brigaded shit still up?

Because this isn't t_D 2.0.

No its because the normal bots and t_d posters are not as many as they think they are. So when a post his /r/all it breaks their careful crafted safe space.

The Assange story (a huge "nothing-burger") was obviously placed at the top of this reddit. 6000+ upvotes MY ASS.

The funny thing is that you cannot fool the real members of this community that way.

Yeah it's pretty sad. I think the elite are stagnating in their intelligence. Or maybe their wisdom has been frustrated somehow? All I know is the 40 and under crowd is actually becoming woke af while our old handlers are left using old tactics against a whole new mind. Basically they're fucked.


They're waking up a bunch of the old folks by being so obvious coming after us, then their tactics don't work on the old folk coz they trust us now.

It's over.

Digital democracy revolution. Don't let us centralise again.

You can’t fool any human being who applies critical thinking skills rather than accepting every smear at face value with that “story”

I don’t think they’re trying to fool the community, they’re trying to ensure that their narrative is the only one anyone sees if people venture over from other subs to see what the conspiracy folk make of it.

I really dont understand how this sub can be so out of touch. Wikileaks is regarded as an enemy of the US, they meddled in an election purposefully releasing illegally obtained info on their opponent and they had contact with Trumps campaign team.

When would this interest the conspiracy regulars? If Wikileaks was proven to be working with Russia? If Jr had encouraged WL? If Trump himself was hacking in some seedy basement in Moscow? I just wanna know when it stops being a nothingburger.

Right? What makes this a "nothing burger"? Wikileaks clearly said they wanted to release donalds tax returns to make them look impartial, as if they weren't leaking shit completely in favor of Donald to smear Hilary. I wouldn't call it a bombshell by any means, but it's definitely not a "nothing burger".

Stop with your fake shit. Wikileaks is regarded as an enemy of the Clinton's, MSM and the Establishment. That doesn't represent the US. Wikileaks let us know who our enemy really is by sharing info regarding DNC corruption, U1, Podesta Scams, Slush Funds, MSM collusion, so much more.

When the FBI, DNC, Senate Republicans, Clinton, FBI and Obama Admin paid for a political smear intelligence report that becomes an investigation - that is MASSIVE MASSIVE collusion and meddling.

Enemy of the State then, and whether you like the or not, doing illegal shit.

My question still stands, at what point will r/conspircay be intersted in the Trump campaign cooperating with foreign entities? Or will that never happen because he's your godemperor? Or is cooperating with Russia to destabelise the US just not news-worthy

Cooperating with what enemy? Russia was not an enemy. Their status was raised. Seriously Clinton does not dictate our enemies. Remember when Romney mentioned Russia as an enemy in a debate against Obama? Media and left response...muh Russia. Now it's a big deal. Get out of here with your stupid weak shit.

Can the Hillary and trump supporters stay away? Fuck!

The challenge is the confusion. People here are against the Establishment and are not Trump loyalist. They support his actions against the Establishment. Therefore people view that as being Anti-Hillary and Pro Trump. Then you have Left/Right mixed in making it seem like a lot of partisan posts.

I’m new to this Reddit thing, but i thought this place would be a haven for people that question the msm narrative and tonight all I️ see is comments regurgitating some msm BS. Bad for WL? Yes, but clearly leaked to distract.

This sub isn't immune to manipulation. Sometimes it feels like The_Donald (Trump echo chamber) for a day here, and sometimes the world news subreddit (MSM stand-in), but it tends to find equilibrium again before too long. It's also frequently recommended to browse here in the controversial or new queues rather than top or hot, so I would say give that a try before deciding this place isn't for you.

Anyone remember when criticizing the president was encouraged in /r/conspiracy ? Now days you question one thing and a war breaks out.

Yes, just keep parroting the same opinions that ALL of the MSM screams, ALL establishment politicians scream and almost all Hollywood celebrities scream. Boy do you have a great, organic, totally not made up conspiracy there.

Ever stop to think that maybe the reason you opinion is in the minority is because it is wrong?

For real. I’ve had so many conversations like this lately. They really don’t think Trump has done anything wrong. Like nothing at all ever in his whole life. If any past president was caught doing half the shit he was this sub would have torn them to the ground in a heart beat.

Since when has Establishment and MSM opinion ever benefited the people?

Man say what you want about the MSM but they statistically more accurate than anonymous sources on 4 chan. Yes they have plenty of issues but they do report actual news, tehy just report biased news. Fox news, talk radio, and breaitbart all support Trump but somehow those aren't MSM.

4chan doesn't stage situations and have multiple biased fact checkers supporting them. Media has 0 track record. Which puts them at the bottom with 4Chan.


Haha I agree. Wow long time ago. Really sad.

r/politics regular


You must be pretending to be Canadian because you didnt apologize.

Man you must not have looked at my history before making a comment like yours.

When you have 80% (MSM and Establishment) screaming negativity about the President, it does not make sense to have the remaining 20% doing the same thing.

So basically because he is a Republican we are going to ignore everything he has said or done? Fox news and every right wing media source is defending him. Why isn't conspiracy trying to look at both sides anymore? As soon as one bad thing about Trump is posted 3 or 4 posts about how Trump is going to take down the elite follow it, and their is zero proof of that. Look at his cabinet He filled the swamp with more swmap creatures, he didnt drain it. It looks incredibly suspicious when you have a super controlled sub like t_d brigading this sub every chance it gets.

I'm not even going to bother. You claim zero proof which shows your willingness to have a mature conversation about it.

I'm completely willing to look at proof if you provide it. Look I want society to change, bankers to be locked up, the elite brought down but Trump was born into the elite and has this cult following that doesn't allow any critic. It's hard for me to believe a billionaire president isn't just part of a different team of the elite.

The sub goes against popular opinion right

ITT: Echo chamber.

Clinton isn't the president. You can't pin this on her in any way so you're resorting to deflection. It's so painfully obvious.

"Something big is going to happen very soon!!!!!"

i so ignore threads with this in headline. and over last days this is spammed so much. useless fearmongering

The shill leader of media matters is dead. It's share blue now.

Blue for the depressing color of their life. And they try to share that depression.

I'm the person who commented on this post yesterday that whenever I run errands, when I get home it always seems as if something has happened (major news).

Well today all I did was go upstairs and take a shower. When I went back downstairs my husband said, "A bunch of people have been shot in California!"

It is getting ridiculous now that I can't even take a shower without something happening!

Ha. It is unbelievable. I heard the news on TV in a terminal after landing from a 45 min flight. The world changes in an instant. We have so many layers of distraction being invented or revisited with a spin while the tactical is being silently executed.

Thank god we finally are hearing the truth. Take more showers lol