Is the World Worse/Getting Worse Today?

11  2017-11-14 by DereIzNoPoint

I'm 28 now, nearly 29. I can somewhat remember the days before the global financial crash in 2008. It seems to me every year since then the world has been getting worse and worse. Maybe it's just because I was young then, and didn't pay much attention to such things.

Yes I knew the world was messed up before that, with 9/11 and the 'War on Terror'. But now it seems to me a lot worse. Globally, inequality and poverty are off the charts; and I don't care what the 'experts say', it gets worse and worse every year, ordinary people can feel this, despite what the 'experts' say.

Suicides are going up all over the world, and we don't talk about it, until it's some celebrity. Something is up with Wikileaks, that shed a light on war crimes, and the dark underbelly of mass surveillance; something new is bubbling in the Middle East and the KSA; there seems to be a war within cryptocurrencies, that were supposed to be our financial saviours.

Surprisingly, the revolts against the elite seem pretty tame at the moment, compare to, say, the French Revolution.

I don't know, maybe the internet and alternative journalism have just cast a light on all these things, maybe I'm just older and paying more attention, but it seems to me like things definitely are getting worse and worse every year. What do you guys think?


No. The world is just getting smaller because of communication.

Things have been apocalyptic forever

That's hilarious! I recall my dad and uncles saying the same as your's about Perot and then about Nadar. Dumb populist messages, etc... Same as yours, they all voted Trump (but not in the primary, voted Trump in election)

Haha yo- I remember Perot, too. Without him, we wouldn’t have Clinton. I was too young to have voted in that election. I was super hyped to vote Nader in the election. I even have a bumper sticker on my car. I’m a glutton for punishment!

Same thing here, but with Ron Paul instead of Nader.

The elections have always been a 3-ring-circus.

Yep. I pushed Paul a little bit. Never voted for Obama, but i loves his message during the primary. Turned out to be a corporate shit show as well.

I totally agree with you. It seems like with advancement of technology more people have power and influence and I think people just use their power to make more money.

Every year or three is worse than the last year or three, until you reach a difference of e.g. the fifties to now. 100 years is not a long time, and the further humans remain around documenting their history, the less relevant time differences are. I think look closely at the true facts going on, but always take time to step back and 'blur your eyes' a bit to notice the larger trends. Fuck all you can do but to unearth the detail that in some way affects the trends.

The world is always going to be shit where humans are in heavy concentration. Just find your spot and don't worry about trying to change the world. Ego will never go away, so might as well party.

This is still the best time tk be alive in human history. Death from wars are tiny in number, deaths while giving birth are tiny, infant mortality rates are down hugely, there's a lot to be happy about.

World isn't perfect no but it's certainly not worse than it has been numerous times over the last 100 years


People just seem to have an obsession with wanting everything to seem awful, guess it maybe helps some feel that their theory is more impactful or something?

Its just believing the propaganda, the truth is very optimistic really

True, though it's interesting to wonder why so many here so happily accept it

people buying the globalist propaganda, that is all,

And since the financial crash in '08? I'm talking about a relatively short-term trend here, not like over centuries with medical advancements and what not.

I would need to look at the exact stats but I wouldn't be surprised if overall the trends I've pointed out have remained improving

Also millions arr being lifted out of poverty in the developing world

Actually, that is not the case. That's real globalist propaganda.

And that source clearly also has an agenda.

And let's not act as if globalisation is this big evil which has never done anything good

The article sources things like Credit Suisse, the UN, the World Bank, etc.

better every day, look up hans roslin if you wish to get some optimism

The world is what you want it to be. You can be cynical of everything you see and hear and be miserable most of the time like some of my friends.. OR you could take less notice of all the doom and gloom and focus on a hobby and have an enriched and fulfilling life like my other friends. My escape is currently gardening and it's looking badass.

I don't know if ignoring the world around you is really justified.

Well what are you going to change by being aware of what's happening around you?

I feel the same way but I am much older than you. Morality has declined greatly in my lifetime.

This is the most peaceful time in humanity and crimes are actually going down. It's just the world is getting smaller and the media want you to be scared

Is the World Worse/Getting Worse Today?

Not markedly. But, sufficiently enough to recognize that the unyielding march of progressivism over the last two decades is only going to lead to some form of totalinarianism in the future.

Suicides are going up all over the world

Is there evidence of this? And if so, is it controlled for increased reporting?

I want to say that there was a time when a suicide would not be labelled as such due to the social stigma attached to it.