MSM going nuts trying to bury the Uranium One scandal

37  2017-11-14 by Tunderbar1

It hasn't actually been investigated yet, but the MSM seems to have "debunked" it all already and it's just another crazy right wing conspiracy theory. Apparently.



It's a fake, manufactured "scandal" by right wing kooks and the moronic Trump administration, his lackeys, and his pea brained supporters. All a ruse to try and take the heat off the real scandal, that Trump personally colluded with Russia and Putin to win the election and directed his entire campaign staff to do so.

Far more evidence directly linking Trump to going out of his way to collude with Russia/Putin to win the election than anything Uranium One.


According to what investigation?

The one Sessions just said he isn't starting due to lack of evidence.

Yeah. Kinda hard to find evidence when you're looking everywhere but where the evidence is.

Yeah now go look at the update where he says it's wrong to use the DoJ against political opponents and right now he's not starting one...

It is wrong to make shit up and have fake investigations and fake news and fake dossiers against political opponents. Absolutely. Agree 100%.

But.... If the people, like the Clintons, are in fact criminals, they still need to be prosecuted. Same with the Podesta's. And Wiener. And Abadin. And the rest of the Dems. And criminal Republicans too. Of course. Like McCain and McConnell.

Drain the swamp. Lock them up.

Yeah I like politicians getting investigated so this isn't good news to me either. Investigating Clinton was trumps only policy I supported.

Wiener is in prison now

What do you call Anthony Wiener being given a prison sentence?

A good start.

A slow start* FIFY

hes in 1% Club Fed basically relaxing and doing health fitness farm stuff, three months and a new man.

Username and account age checks out.

I think the community should vote on whether or not you're allowed to make comments like that.

Happy 2nd month on Reddit!

Happy year and a half to you. Right before the elections. Good time for conspiracies.

There is some degree of a Uranium one scandal. For instance, if Obama knew about the bribery and extortion connected to that deal and allowed it to happen anyways that's at least scandalous. It does seem like there was a cover-up.

omg I didn't vote for Trump and don't like him and am a leftie but even I can see there's more evidence of Clinton corruption than there is of Trump corruption. Assuming everything negative about 'your team' is a lie a priori and that everything negative about the 'other side' must be de facto true is just a really dumb way to go through life.

Except that Bill and Hill took $140 million in bribes...

There is no evidence of Trump Russia collusion. Don't lie just because you supported a cheating corporate whore.

Urainium must be refined to a certain percentage to be considered a national resource, this was mining dirt that was not yet processed if there is anything.

/as the Trumpsters would say about Trump giving Putin a BJ; "it's a nothing burger".

Ore is ore. Call it dirt all you want, but if it contains uranium, should we allow Russians access to it?

if trump did that, he'd be colluding. Wouldn't he?

Not really. It's a uranium mine. American workers extract the ore and process it then it is presumably sold in the nuclear energy market. Uranium must be enriched in order to make it usable as fuel for nuclear reactors. It must be highly enriched in order to be used in nuclear weapons. It would be a stretch to think that Russia purchased Uranium One (for about 1.3 billion) for the sole purpose of obtaining the rights to the Willow Creek mine just so they could ship it off for some dark, nefarious purpose. It's ridiculous because; 1. Russia has around 600 tons of Highly Enriched Uranium stockpiled already... and 2. Willow Creek ran an operating deficit of about $10 million last year. I don't really think Russia gives a rip about our uranium.

Okay then. Trump talking to Putin is high treason, the Clintons and Obama selling out a significant amount of uranium to him is okay. Got it.

Trump talking to Putin is not high treason.

The Clintons and Obama didn't sell anything. If you want to get into influence peddling... have at it. Unseemly, yes... Illegal, no. Uranium One was a Canadian-owned company. The owners of that company are the ones that did the selling. CFIUS reviewed the sale and did not block it. The sale transferred the mining rights for the Willow Creek operation to Rosatom. It was a full two years before Willow Creek became operational. They are not producing significant amounts of uranium today... in fact in 2016 they ran a $10 million operating deficit.

The goal of the Rosatom purchase of Uranium One was their Kazakhstan operation... not Willow Creek.

Bottom line.

Hillary is head of State Dept, likely next POTUS. Clinton Foundation gets nearly $150 mil from Russian sources. Podesta a director of a Russian connected company, and given thousands of shares. Bill gets a half mil "speaking fee" from Russians. Obama's govt approves a deal that gives Russians control of 20% of US uranium.

That's all just fine. Nothing to see here. Move along.

But Trump talks to Putin, all hell breaks loose.


The problem is not the sale of uranium to Russia, the problem is that the Clintons took $140 million in bribes to help the deal.

and the first $30M was in 2005 during the Bushco years, so theres likely some duplicity by certain GOP people too.

notice the MSM is using thirty million earned in 2016 to obscure the Russian thirty million from ten years earlier, people googling will get the 2016 news stories and walk way happy the U1 stuff is fake.

It's a good thing that the donation it was to the Clinton foundation, the most transparent political foundation due to constant Republican allegations since it's inception, also, why pay Clintons when there were about 20 other people who would have also needed to be paid off if it wasn't a routine purchase of one foreign company to another foreign company.

There was no enriched or even base refined uranium, much less a weapon grade uranium. The GOP wants to claim there's no difference between U-235 and U-238.

Russia controls more uranium enrichment plants than any nation in the world. They have them all across the globe, including places like China and Iran.

Perhaps source your claim dude. NPR just had a segment on the Sessions segment today and discussed the likelihood of a legit Clinton investigation with special council (Sessions himself today just said they need more than allegations and suspicions to launch something like that). It's being covered, sans the THIS IS IT FOLKS! tone and depth conservative MSM is providing, as one would expect.

They have more than "allegations and suspicions". they have Podesta on a Russian controlled companies Board of Directors and given thousands of shares. Nearly $150 mil in Russian donations to the Clinton Foundation. The process to approve the Uranium One deal was done by two or three dept heads appointed by Obama. Bill Clinton got a half mil to speak to Russians in Russia, right before the deal was done. Hillary was head of State and likely the next POTUS.

It stinks. Real bad. More than enough evidence to investigate.

If there's nothing to it, The Dems and their MSM would be screaming for a quick, open and transparent investigation.

If there something to it, the Dems and the MSM would be doing all it can to desperately bury it.

Guess which it is that they're doing?

I think they should investigate personally. But you need to tell all this to Jeff.

tell all this to Jeff.

hes a big enough boy to know this already.

Sessions is testifying live on CNN as we speak, i saw him squash any investgation into U1/HRC due to a lack of evidence.

Deep state.

Draining the swamp isn't going to be easy.

Write a letter to the sitting A.G. with your concerns.

I'll just wait patiently as the swamp gets drained. These slime balls will be forced out of the muck and into the glare of daylight.

Didn’t the guy who was supposed to do that nominate this guy?

Wasn't Hillary supposed to win?

no, the person who got the most electoral votes was. Trump did. He appointed Sessions, who is apparently “the swamp”, despite all that stuff about draining it

Add it to other meaningless rhetoric like “we’re gonna build a wall and make Mexico pay for it” and “lock her up”

So Sessions turned out to be a globalist swamp monster. Who knew? That can be fixed easily enough.

Remember when trumpiees lorded sessions as the best man for the job?

LOL there it is

Serious question, I've posted this same question in another thread, looking to see if anyone knows the answer. I've researched and can't find anything definitive. Can Trump and/or Mnuchin reverse the Council of Foreign Investment (I think that's the 9 person panel name) decision on Uranium One? For example, can they reverse it and require Uranium One to divest their interest in the US mines to a company/companies cleared as a non-national security threat? I'm not sure, but I think Obama or Bush did that with some Chinese companies. Seems that if it is questionable, not in the US interest, etc... the admi should push to reverse it...

I'm sure that if national security is invoked pretty much anything is possible.

I would assume the same. Prior examples against China called out that their access to mines or factories were in close proximity to military bases. Seems the same could be used in this U1 situation, if not just a blanket that we know determine that uranium is a resource that is in out best interest to maintain at home.